Those Awakened who did not belong to the patrol team, after being amazed, started a new mercenary... Now it should be called the adventurer experience.

On the other side, in the small square in front of the villa area, many survivors were waiting while chatting and blowing water.

A large truck came from the ramp below. Lin Deyun opened the door, got off the passenger seat, and waved to the survivors in the distance, "Everyone has started."

There are boxes of supplies in the carriage, some are packaged, some are not packaged, and they look a bit messy. After the survivors of the transportation team came over, they cooperated in pairs to remove the boxes from the truck first.

Lin De carried down a half-human-height box and could not help wiping the sweat from his forehead.

When people are middle-aged, they are somewhat powerless to engage in these things.

After carrying all these goods, the big truck drove away quickly. He did not sit back in the passenger seat, but was replaced by another survivor, ready to go to the other side and carry the next truck of supplies.

These transport teams, and now the scope of their activities has gradually expanded beyond the resort, and the things they transport include building materials and other supplies.

However, compared to the speed at which the patrol team cleans up the demonized beasts, they are much slower to carry them. Many times, the patrol team needs to wait for them to carry it several times before they can leave after cleaning up a place.

On the one hand, the handling team was understaffed, and many of the goods in the wild were carried by members of the patrol team. On the other hand, the shelter lacked such large trucks and even lacked diesel fuel.

Lin Deyun heard that the top of the patrol was trying to solve the problem.

He shook his head, this is not what he should care about, and turned to look at the other survivors, pointing to the goods, "The large boxes here are construction materials, the two boxes over there are daily necessities, and there is a small box that contains Medicines, be careful when you take them..."

After classifying the goods, Lin Deyun and the other survivors transported the goods to various storage points in the warehouse. After finishing their work, the survivors walked to the side of the tree to rest.

Someone handed him a bottle of water. After Lin Deyun thanked him, he opened the cap and gulped down half of the bottle.

"It feels so comfortable..."

He has water to drink, enough to eat, and even though he has to do a lot of physical work every day, he considers himself lucky.

Suddenly he heard someone ask.

"Lao Lin, do you remember you said that you were a chef before?"

Lin Deyun was stunned for a moment, then shook his head slightly, "I have been a chef in a hotel, how can I be considered a chef."

Even so, Lin Deyun has been in the chef industry for 20 to 30 years. I dare not say that he is a chef, at least he is a chef with superb cooking skills. He has a passion for a profession like a chef. Some people think that Working hard in this line of work, some people feel that they have to endure loneliness.

And he felt that as long as he stood in the kitchen every day and watched those ingredients turn into delicious dishes in his hands, it was a joy from the heart.

It's a pity that after the end of the world, it's good to be able to eat enough. Who is qualified to pick and choose? At best, based on their own experience, under limited conditions, simple processing of food.

He was already quite content.

The survivor who spoke patted him on the shoulder, "That's okay, you've all been a chef in a hotel, so hurry up and apply for a canteen chef."

"Canteen chef? Apply for a job?"

Lin Deyun was stunned.

"Don't you know? It's on the notice board at the gate of the city, with recruitment information posted, so hurry up and take a look. The treatment is much better than our porters. When we become chefs, don't forget us. These old brothers."

His head was a little foggy, and he involuntarily walked to the gate of the city, in front of the notice board.

[The first canteen of the shelter is recruiting chefs, kitchen workers, handymen and other positions. Interested survivors can apply to participate in the assessment. 】

Lin Deyun couldn't believe it at first, but after seeing this recruitment information, he had to believe it if he didn't.

But no one dared to disseminate false information posing as shelter officials, and it was useless.

"That is to say, the shelter is really going to recruit chefs and plan to build a canteen?"

According to the above information, to sign up to go to the employment center, where he knows, the third villa in the east area of ​​the villa area is.

Lin Deyun walked into the city wall and walked inside along the path. There are two buildings in one building...

He suddenly rubbed his eyes, "I must have read it wrong."

Continuing to walk forward again, walking past a villa with a villa, I felt that something was wrong.

The employment center is still easy to recognize. A simple shed is attached to the outside of a villa, but he has not seen any buildings that meet the shape requirements.

He looked at the house number of the nearby villa. Sixteen—the house numbers are in the reverse row. Villa No. 1 is on the innermost side, and Villa No. 16, counting from the entrance, is the sixth building. .

"Sure enough, something is wrong."

Lin Deyun retreated and came to the third building, which should be said to be the original third villa, and rubbed his eyes again, "It seems that this is not an illusion."

Remaining in his memory, he did not see the white and blue employment center, but there was a beautiful building in front of him. The doors, walls, and pillars were all exquisitely carved, which made people dazzled.

Finally, his eyes subconsciously fell on the plaque directly above the gate.

It is engraved with a few big characters of dragon flying and phoenix dancing.

Adventurer's Guild!

"Probably this is the new employment center?"

He remembered the legend about Director Tang in the shelter, rubbed his eyes again, and after confirming that it was not an illusion, he finally stepped into it.

The trade union hall is very large, but there are not many people at the moment. Most of the awakened people have finished their tasks early in the morning and set off.

He walked to one of the consultation offices, and after consulting the staff, the staff asked him to fill out a form, and then asked him to wait in the room next to him to be notified.

When Lin Deyun came to the room, he was surprised to find that there were more than a dozen survivors waiting here.

Most people glanced at him, bowed their heads, and said nothing.

There was an uneasy atmosphere in the whole room.

"These people should be survivors who participated in the application, and most of them may have come for the position of chef, that is, competitors."

The treatment of cooks is obviously much better than that of cooks and handymen, and there are only a few hundred survivors in the shelter. There are definitely not many positions for chefs. There are two or three positions, which are considered too many. configuration compared to the present.

Lin Deyun thought to himself.

Suddenly a young guy walked in, holding a form in his hand, counted the number of people in the room and said, "Fifteen people, it's almost the same, you all come with me, prepare to take the assessment."

Thanks for the 1,000-coin reward of "The Illusion of the Sky", the 1,000-coin reward of "Yiyin King", the 600-coin reward of "Schrödinger's Soft Cat", and the reward of "Sit and Watch"...

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