With a bitter look on his face, Zhao Ming followed the Hammer brothers to the training camp.

After all, Hammer is a big brother, and it is hard to refuse, but his dream is obviously to be a salted fish... a salted fish with strength, the kind that can become stronger without training.

Zhao Ming felt that the next few minutes would be gloomy.

The three of them came to the door on the third floor, where the door was locked. In the past, they had to go to the employment center to exchange a one-time permission card, which was very troublesome, but now it is convenient. to the third floor of the training camp.

Naturally, Zhao Ming had also been to this place. After joining the patrol, under the leadership of Captain Luo, he visited once. At that time, he tried a training facility called a rapid track, which left an indelible shadow on his fragile heart.

While speaking, Ma Jiafeng, the boss of the Iron Hammer, had already stepped forward and came to the training facility in the strain space.

This facility is a hemispherical space with a relatively large area. After the Awakened enters it, they need to avoid attacks from all directions.

This is a facility that tests reflexes.

Ma Jiafeng patted Zhao Ming on the shoulder, "I'll go into the demonstration first, you can be optimistic about it."

He entered, the facility door closed, and the entire space was sealed.

The space is closed, but a part of the outer wall of the facility is transparent, from the outside, you can clearly see the inside.

I saw Ma Jiafeng took a deep breath and started talking softly.

In an instant, the red light flashed in the entire strain space. That part of the inner wall of the facility, which was not transparent, protruded out of a muzzle, and the energy ball in the muzzle suddenly shot out.

Ma Jiafeng's expression remained unchanged, he turned slightly sideways, and avoided the energy ball.

This is the strain space, within the specified time, try to make yourself less hurt.

This energy ball was just the beginning. Soon more and more muzzles were protruding from the inner wall, and each energy ball hit the Majiafeng in the center.

Ma Jiafeng looked focused, his eyes swept around, and his body quickly flashed back and forth, left and right, constantly dodging the flying energy balls.


With a bang, a purple-red laser beam shot onto the inner wall on the other side, and moved slowly, approaching Ma Jiafeng.

His activity space is gradually limited!

Ma Jiafeng's forehead gradually dripped with cold sweat.

Suddenly another purplish-red laser shot out and landed on his side. He was instantly shocked. The originally scheduled dodging position was already occupied by the laser. He could only twist his body, but was accidentally hit by an energy ball. hit.

Suddenly, Ma Jiafeng looked tense.

It hurts.

This kind of energy ball is not very lethal, far from fatal, but it has a special effect. Those who are hit by the energy ball will feel pain and paralysis. In this strain space, once lost, not only Losing points is as simple as losing points, and sometimes the end of the game is almost the end of the game.

Ma Jiafeng doesn't have GG, so with his strong willpower, he can overcome the paralysis and avoid it dangerously and dangerously before the next attack.

Finally, at the end of one minute, the dazzling red light disappeared and turned into a soft green light.

"At the end of the training, the trainer Ma Jiafeng, easy difficulty, was hit once, the body movement radius was 2.5 meters, and the evaluation was B-."

On the screen next to the strain space, the assessment results are displayed immediately.

Ma Jiafeng was full of disappointment, "Hey, I can't even reach a B. When will I get an A-level evaluation, this is just a simple difficulty."

Zhao Ming stood aside, the corners of his mouth twitching.

It is true that this is easy and difficult, but there are not many other patrol team members who can obtain a D-level qualified evaluation, let alone a B-!

The training in the strain space is not necessarily strong, but it has advantages. What is trained here is everyone's reaction ability, including the ejection speed of energy balls, the number of energy balls, etc., which will change according to the strength of the trainer.

Awakening the third level does not have an advantage over the first level of awakening.

However, Ma Jiafeng left the other patrol members far away.

Zhao Ming looked at Ma Jiafeng and could only twitch the corner of his mouth to show respect. Of course, it is said that the high-level powerhouse in the shelter has a higher rating. He has heard of Captain Luo's record, and he can get a B+ score in difficult difficulty.

Director Tang is even more difficult to imagine.

Probably the higher levels of the shelter are monsters, he is used to it.

After Ma Jiafeng walked out of the emergency room, he was sweating profusely, but his expression was very happy.

"Zhao Ming, it's your turn. Now you have the best training and reaction ability. Fighting against demonized beasts is mainly based on your quick reaction. After all, it is difficult for manpower to withstand the impact of demonized beasts. Right." He pushed Zhao Ming's back.

This was so powerful that Zhao Ming stumbled and was pushed into the strain space.

The door of the facility closed, and finally he heard Ma Jiafeng's laughter, "Go ahead, after you get used to the training, you will find that this is a very cool thing."

The red light gradually turned on, Zhao Ming swallowed.

An energy ball blasted out, and he jerked his spirits and strode to avoid it. However, as soon as he stood still, his eyes caught an energy ball flying towards him.

"Is it so fast..."

The energy ball gradually enlarged in his pupils, Zhao Ming leaned back, and the energy ball flew past his cheek.

His heart was pounding, "It's okay, it's okay, the young master can avoid—"

Suddenly he screamed. I don't know when, an energy ball fell on his back. Zhao Ming only felt that half of his body was numb. Seeing more and more energy balls flying towards him, his pupils opened. It's big, but it's hard to move the body.

Soreness, tingling, coming from all parts of the body.

Zhao Ming's face was distorted, and he couldn't help but let out a hoarse scream.

This voice, I am afraid the entire training camp three floors, can be heard clearly.

Fortunately, besides himself, there were only two Hammer brothers present, and those two were masters after all, so it wasn't a shame for him to do so.

"Well, no shame!"

Thinking like this, his eyes suddenly caught sight of a few people walking up to the third floor—this was another member of the patrol team. Every night, the training camp became very lively, even if the third floor required contribution points. , and many people will come up for training.

At this moment, there are only a few female awakeners in the patrol team, all of them are quite young.

They were hearing screams and looked over curiously.

Zhao Ming's eyes met, his face collapsed, suffering from double damage to his body and mind.

I just feel that my reputation will be ruined in one go.

One after another, members of the patrol team came to the third floor for training, and some of the more popular training facilities also needed to line up.

Zhao Ming stared at the dead fish with a look of despair.

There was a sudden noise not far away.

"Director Tang is here."

He raised his head in amazement, and saw Director Tang, Captain Luo, and Deputy Captain Xie coming up from below.

This lineup is said to be very rare.

In particular, Director Tang had never been to the third floor before.

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