In the wilderness, among the tall weeds, several demonized beasts suddenly sprang out.

"It's a rot-clawed wolf, a one-eyed beast, and a ghost face. The ghost face has good long-range lethality. Get rid of the ghost face first!"

An experienced member of the patrol team immediately judged the situation.

On the side, several other members of the patrol team, holding swords and shields, quickly drew the rotclaw wolf and the one-eyed beast away, and then an Awakener who was good at speed walked in a snake-like pace, while avoiding the grimace's aim, while quickly approaching. , in a short while, this threatening ghost-faced demonized beast was quickly killed.

The remaining demonized beasts did not turn up any waves.

This was a very standard encounter in the wild, and the members of the patrol team responded very well. Using the characteristics of demonized beasts, they separated melee and long-range demonized beasts, and then killed the most threatening demon first. Beast.

It's a pretty standard response.

Roger nodded.

During this period of time, he saw the progress of the patrol team members. Of course, this time, the response was appropriate, and it was also because the various demonized beasts encountered were recorded in detail in the illustrations collected by the shelter. , Patrol members can attack in a targeted manner according to the characteristics of the demonized beasts.

If the encounter is a brand-new demonized beast, and it happens to have a rather strange ability, with the current experience of these patrol team members, it is still more difficult to deal with.

Just like meeting a ghost face for the first time, this kind of demonized beast floating in mid-air like a ghost face, the patrol team members suffered a big loss.

The member of the patrol team who killed the ghost face was also relieved. When he looked up again, he looked over the grass and saw a building in the distance.

It was a high-speed rail station, and the four red characters above were vaguely visible, facing the Northeast Station.

"Is that the Northeast Shelter? Shelter built on the high-speed rail station?"

"That's right." Luo Zhe nodded. "The scale of this shelter is quite large. There are thousands of survivors. It should be able to come up with something worth trading. Let's go and have a look."


Near the Northeast Shelter, the survivors here mainly live in the main building of the high-speed rail station. Relying on the building of the high-speed rail station and the surrounding wilderness, the station has a wide field of vision and is often in danger. Survivors here can immediately Noticed.

At this moment, an awakened person in charge of vigilance looked into the distance, his eyes widened.

Suddenly he shouted, "Alert, someone is coming!"

Several other awakened people who were in charge of vigilance, or combatants, heard the words, and their faces were indifferent, "Isn't it a survivor, what's so strange."

"No, no, there are a lot of people, and a big truck!" The man's tone was a little surprised.

The others were also stunned and picked up binoculars to observe the distance.

After a while, an awakened person who looked like a team leader looked at the other people and said, "You guys continue to guard here, I will report to the director."

He glanced at the team in the distance and hurried away.


The large truck moved forward slowly, and the members of the patrol team in front cleared the obstacles and pushed away some blocking vehicles and rocks.

The team gradually approached the high-speed rail station, and when they got here, they could clearly see some simple traps arranged around the high-speed rail station, some of which were stained with the blood of demonized beasts.

"Let's stop here." Luo Zhe said.

In the team, Ma Jiaze wondered, "Aren't you going to continue?"

"Stupid!" The elder brother Ma Jiafeng slapped it, "Obviously, we have been discovered by the people in this shelter, and the other party will definitely not welcome us in."

"Why not welcome, is it easy for us to come all the way?"

The chunky Ma Jiaze obviously didn't understand.

Ma Jiafeng shook his head, looking like his IQ could no longer save him, "Think about it, our team is quite large, well-equipped, and guarding a large truck. At first glance, we are not ordinary survivors, as long as they are A normal and vigilant shelter would not allow us to enter like this."

"So that's how it is." Ma Jiaze nodded as if suddenly realized, but his expression was still stunned.

At this time, in the Northeast Station, many survivors also came out.

Most of these people are awakened people, and some still have firearms in their hands, but the types are not uniform, some are pistols, some are rifles, and some are shotguns.

The leader is a middle-aged awakened person, quite majestic.

Yan Tao walked at the front of the team, looking at the people on the opposite side, uniformly dressed and uniformed with firearms. In terms of momentum, he was far superior to the combatants in his shelter.

Where did these people come from?

He thought about it, but he didn't stop, and came not far from the patrol team, "I don't know if you came to our northeast, what's the matter?"

Yan Tao lowered his body slightly and was on guard at the same time.

Soon he saw that the big man in the iron tower on the opposite side raised his hand, and a few awakened people immediately moved a few boxes from the carriage of the large truck.

"The purpose of our coming here is very simple. It is to conduct a transaction with you, and this box contains our goods."


Yan Tao was stunned for a while, then quickly reacted, "What are you going to trade, and what do you want to get?"

"Let's take a look at our trading items first." Luo Zhe said, motioning others to open the box.

Soon the items in the box appeared in front of everyone.

"This is... a gun?!"

Behind Yan Tao, a survivor's eyes widened, "Are these real guns?"

At first glance, this box contained at least a dozen firearms, all of which seemed to be brand new. Even Yan Tao was a little surprised.

"Of course." A member of the patrol team wearing a black combat uniform got a signal from Luo Zhe, picked up one of the assault rifles, pointed the muzzle at the ground in the distance, and fired several shots.

"You can also try." Luo Zhe said.

Yan Tao hesitated for a while, then picked up an automatic rifle from the box, looked at it, and tried to fire another shot.

"It's a real gun," he said. "So what do you want?"

After some conversation, the negotiator of the patrol team proposed a price that had already been prepared.

"Pistols are worth two units of source crystals, automatic rifles are worth five units of source crystals, and light machine guns are worth twelve units of source crystals. Of course, compared to source crystals, we prefer some strange things, such as exotic metals, Minerals, herbs, etc., these can be converted into source crystals."

Yan Tao was silent, thinking about the price.

Behind him, someone suddenly spoke with a bad tone, "A pistol requires two source crystals! Are you trying to rob! Two source crystals, at least twenty demonized beasts must be killed to obtain them! And a pistol can be obtained! , plus two magazines, can kill so many demonized beasts? I think you don't want to do business at all!"

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