In the wilderness, Lin Wei's team didn't move very fast, but they didn't need to avoid the attacks of demonized beasts.

In the team, many survivors had their hands tied and walked with the team.

He Anping was the first survivor to be captured. When he saw this well-equipped and orderly team, he was very happy for a while, thinking that he had met the official search and rescue team, but he didn't expect that in the blink of an eye, they would be gone. got caught.

"Daughter, I hurt you."

Beside him, followed by a young girl with ragged clothes and a gray face, this is his daughter, He Qingqing.

If he hadn't mistaken the team for the military's search and rescue team, their father and daughter might not have been caught here.

Thinking of this, He Anping's body became even more rickety.

"Dad, it's not your fault. These people have been catching survivors everywhere. Even if we don't come, they won't let us go."

He Qingqing comforted her father, but she was too scared in her heart.

Although there is no threat to life for the time being, the people in this team don't seem to intend to make them cannon fodder to lure demonized beasts, but He Qingqing is still uneasy, especially the eyes of some people around her, always staring at some of her body. The location made He Qingqing even more ashamed and fearful.

At this time, the marching team stopped. He Qingqing saw that those people in the distance seemed to be discussing something. Even the Awakened people who were watching them around were excitedly looking at the distance, rather absent-minded.

"Uncle Tong, Uncle Tong." She whispered to a survivor who was also tied by her hands.

Tong Xiangrong glanced at the guards around, and whispered back, "What's the matter?"

"Uncle Tong, I think these people must have some purpose in coming here. Now there are so many people on the other side, we don't have a chance to escape, but if they want to do something and spread out their hands, we have a chance."

A glimmer of hope flashed in Tong Xiangrong's eyes, but he quickly sighed, "No chance, even if most of them leave, as long as a small number of people are left to guard, we can't escape."

"Uncle Tong, you are an awakened person, and there should be some awakened people among us."

At this time, there were only a few people wearing bulletproof vests and holding firearms guarding them. These people were talking and laughing, and they didn't seem to be very vigilant.

As for the captured survivors, He Qingqing roughly calculated that there are at least twenty or thirty people. As long as they can seize the opportunity and rise up to resist, it is not impossible for them to escape.

It's just that when she looked at other people, it seemed that because there was no life-threatening danger for the time being, many people had put out their thoughts of resistance. After all, they didn't resist, and they are still alive now, but once they resisted, they might be shot into a hornet's nest by the muzzle of the surrounding black holes.

He Qingqing was also afraid, but she knew that if there was a chance to escape, it would be when most of the team left.

She had to seize that opportunity.

Planning in the bottom of my heart, Uncle Tong didn't speak, but someone next to her squinted at her, "Little girl, you are still too young, do you really think that with the strength of us, there is a chance to escape? Let me tell you, those of us who are being Among the people caught, there are eight awakened ones, do you think there are many? Oh, even if it is ten times more, it is useless."

The Awakened shook his head, staring blankly at the sky.

He Qingqing had an impression of this man. When he was just caught, he seemed to want to resist, but he was frightened for some reason. He didn't do anything until his weapon was confiscated.

Seemingly seeing her doubts, the Awakened continued, "You are not an Awakened, so you don't know the power of those people at all, so to put it bluntly, even if the eight Awakeneds on our side make a move together , they only need to separate two people, they can easily clean up us..."

"This is still with the same equipment, and now, those people are holding firearms, but our hands are tied. The ropes are still made of special materials, no matter how hard we try, we can't break free. Let me see, since they didn't kill us. , then let's just be honest and don't lose our lives instead."

He Qingqing bit her lip and looked around, suddenly her eyes lit up, "I think of this place, and a distance ahead is the Green Tree Resort, Uncle Tong, didn't you say that the Green Shelter is a very special place? A powerful sanctuary?"

Tong Xiangrong's eyes lit up, "Yes, the Green Shelter is very powerful, and it is said that there is a lot of equipment, there is no shortage of guns and ammunition, and there are also many powerful awakeners. The most important thing is that I heard that the Green Shelter is very good for survivors. Very friendly, and this team can never be the same person, I plan to go to the shade shelter this time, but I didn't expect..."

He Qingqing was also happy when he heard it.

However, the next moment, she called the survivor who had just spoken and shook her head again, "The Green Shade Shelter is indeed powerful, much stronger than the ordinary shelters in this area, but the strength of this team, Even more terrifying!"

Tong Xiangrong frowned, "Isn't it? Like the awakened guards who guard us, their strength is generally at the second level of awakening. Such strength is naturally very powerful for us, but there are more strong people in the shade shelter. It is said that there are also super masters who have awakened to the fourth and even fifth layers, and it is possible for such masters to defeat ten with one, or even a hundred with one."

The pale-faced Awakened did not answer, but instead asked, "You know I was caught before, why didn't you resist? Maybe you thought I was frightened. Indeed, I was frightened, but not by the guns around me. terrified."

"I was about to escape when I saw an elegant man looking at me, you don't understand how terrifying that look is, as if the whole person fell into the darkness, only those eyes were left in sight. Looking down at you coldly, at that time, I couldn't even move, and I was even told that I ran away."

He recalled the previous situation with fear in his eyes.

Just his eyes and breath completely suppressed him. This awakened person could not imagine what kind of strength that elegant man had.

Tong Xiangrong was a little startled, "Is there really such a terrifying Awakener?"

The pale-faced Awakener nodded.

"Not only that, in this huge team, every Awakened person is very powerful, I even guess that these people guarding us are only the most ordinary among them, such a number, such strength, even if It's more than enough to sweep through all the shelters in this area!"

"What's more." He looked up and looked into the distance, "The direction of this team seems to be the shade shelter, don't say you want to take the opportunity to escape and seek shelter, in my opinion, the fate of this shade shelter , I'm afraid it will be worse than us."

He Qingqing heard the words, looked at the guards around and the direction they were looking at frequently, her face suddenly turned pale.

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