My Doomsday Territory (My Apocalypse Domain)

Chapter 137: Ordinary People's Vision to Break Through the Limits

The patrol team members had some guesses when they saw Wang Zhou's muscles.

"How many kilograms do you think Wang Zhou can hit?"

An awakened person analyzed it, "If it was Wang Zhou, who used to have a beer belly, the maximum punching force would be less than 100 kilograms, but now, I guess it can reach 130 or 40."

"I think this statistic is about the same, and it may be lowered a little bit. After all, Wang Zhou has never learned the power-generating skills of the system."

"This is also very impressive. If Wang Zhou could only punch 80 kilograms before, but now he can punch 120, it is equivalent to increasing his punching power by 40 kilograms in a short period of time... 40 Kilograms, even for us awakened ones, being able to add 40 kilograms of punching power is a significant improvement."

These people communicated, and their eyes fell on Wang Zhou, staring closely.

Standing in front of the boxing test machine, Wang Zhou first did a few warm-up exercises, then took a deep breath, imitating the two people who had just stepped forward to demonstrate, his body was tense, his legs and feet exerted strength, and the bearer punched with surging strength, ruthless. Smashed hard on the target of the test machine.


The target swayed.

The awakened person next to him opened his mouth wide, and the shaking momentum was even more violent than the effect of the bombardment caused by the ordinary person who had just played.

"This... the punching power is not going to break two hundred, right?"

"How is it possible, I don't know about Wang Zhou, even if he grows some muscles, he can't be so fierce!"

Soon a number popped up on the display of the boxing test machine, "386kg!"

The members of the patrol who had followed just out of curiosity had their eyes wide open.

If it wasn't for Wang Zhou who often dealt with their patrol team, the two sides were very familiar, and they would all think that it was someone who pretended to be Wang Zhou to tease them.

But the punching power of more than 300 kilograms still makes them unbelievable.

"Impossible! Wang Zhou actually punched more than 300 kilograms, and that movement is not standard. If he can master some power skills, doesn't it mean that he can punch more than 400 kilograms?"

"Isn't the boxing test machine malfunctioning?" An Awakened person didn't believe it. After approaching, he punched out, and after the target shook with a bang, the numbers that appeared were the same as those he had tested not long ago. , not far off.

"That is to say, is the power of Wang Zhou's punch real?" he said, his eyes swept back and forth on Wang Zhou, "Won't it be Wang Zhou, you awakened? The boxing power is higher, and you don't have the aura of an awakened person, what's going on?"

They couldn't help looking at Director Tang with suspicious eyes.

Tang Yu did not immediately tell the reason, but just motioned Wang Zhou to continue the test.

Next, Wang Zhou stopped accumulating power, but quickly swung his fists, bang bang bang, hitting the target with a series of dull sounds.

A series of numbers also flashed on the display of the test machine. Although it is not as high as 386 kilograms after charging, it can stably maintain above 300 kilograms of punching power.

It can be seen that Wang Zhou's strength has indeed greatly improved.

"Then measure the speed."

Tang Yu turned on the speed tester on the edge of the runway, and the green light was on on the tester.

The test track is 50 meters long, and there is a 20-meter run-up area ahead.

Wang Zhou stood at the starting point of the run-up area, leaning forward, posing for a 100-meter sprint.


With a sudden force, his entire figure flew out like an arrow from the string, his feet stepped on the ground quickly and forcefully, bringing a gust of wind, and in just a while, Wang Zhou crossed the finish line.


The speed tester lights up red.

The members of the patrol were surrounded.

Tang Yu also walked over to take a look. The number displayed on it was "12.16m/s".

Equivalent to a little over eight seconds in a 100-meter sprint.

This speed is also far beyond the level that ordinary people can reach, even if it is not comparable to the awakened, it is not far behind.

"Okay, Old Wang, you used to be as tired as a dead dog after running 100 meters, but now it's better. You can run this result without panting."

Wang Zhou grinned like a chrysanthemum.

The members of the patrol team became more and more curious about the reason why Wang Zhou became stronger.

Originally, they guessed that it was very rare to increase the boxing power by 40 kilograms in a short period of time, not to mention that Wang Zhou's strength has increased inexplicably.

They all looked at Director Tang eagerly, especially the ordinary person who had just demonstrated on the field, his eyes were even more fiery.

Tang Yu didn't give a shit anymore, and said slowly, "Wang Zhou became stronger because he was soaked in the body-quenching liquid newly developed by the Sanctuary..."

He explained the effect of the body quenching liquid, and said that he would add the body quenching liquid to the exchange list soon.

The eyes of these people became even hotter.

One by one clamoring to pre-order.

The Tang lord who successfully launched a product and carried out effective publicity will also feel very happy.

Wang Zhou's test was basically as good as he expected, and the effect was even better.

It is probably the first time to use it, and the foundation itself is too poor, which makes the growth rate extremely high.

Generally, a newly awakened Awakened person can have a boxing power of over 500 kilograms, and the speed is about 100 meters and seven seconds. With Wang Zhou's physical fitness, if he learns some power skills and sprinting skills, this data can still be used. A little higher, almost approaching the level of an awakened person.

However, this is only physical quality, Wang Zhou's life level is still at the level of ordinary people.

In other words, the lifespan of the awakened will be longer than that of ordinary people, and even if Wang Zhou has a physical quality comparable to that of the awakened, his lifespan is only the level of ordinary people.

"However...Wang Zhou's potential has not yet been fully tapped. If he can fully tap his potential and reach the limit of ordinary people, his physical quality will be higher than that of ordinary awakened people."

This conclusion was not drawn by Tang Yu himself, but the conclusion he came to after analyzing the research data obtained from Lin Wei's residence.

If the body of ordinary people is strengthened to the limit, the punching power can reach 800 kilograms, and the speed can reach about 100 meters and five seconds.

This data is much stronger than those who have just awakened, but Tang Yu fully understands it.

Ordinary people can have this data because they have strengthened their bodies to the limit, but the awakened ones have only tapped a small part of their potential... This is why he needs to tap his potential first and then make breakthroughs.

After soaking in the body quenching liquid for a few days, Tang Yu was also quite sure of himself now. Before facing him, it was totally fine to fight one against three.

At this time, Wang Zhou tried all kinds of training equipment, but Tang Yu was lost in thought.

"Awakened people first jump to the level of life, and then drive the improvement of physical quality, while the world in which Luo Zhe and others live is to tap the potential of the body through cultivation, and then use it to impact a higher level of life."

Ordinary people cannot learn the cultivation method, and it is almost impossible to reach the physical limit through exercise, but it is possible to pass the body quenching liquid.

Tang Yu was curious whether ordinary people could go further after reaching their physical limit.

After the two changes are over, there is still a testimonial behind it. . . . . .

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