After pouring out the chariot and testing it several times, Tang Yu determined that the performance of the floating chariot is very good, especially the impact ability, "Xie Yi, try the power of the micro-energy cannon."


At the front end of the floating chariot, a muzzle stretched out, the light condensed, and with a swish, a white beam of light shot out from the muzzle and submerged into the surface, leaving only a deep hole.

"It's gone? What about the promised explosion?"

Shay also got out of the car on purpose, ran to the hole where the beam of light penetrated, and observed it. As a result, it was a very small hole.

Kevin brushed his long beard and swept away the dust on it, "This is a condensed attack. Unless high-intensity resistance is encountered, the beam of light will directly penetrate the target, which will form a more deadly attack. lethality."

"That's it..." Shay muttered with a disappointed face, "No explosion, no romance at all, bad review!"

After recording all the data, Kevin looked at Tang Yu with a smile, "Lord Lord, remember you said yesterday that besides the floating chariot, there is a new type of puppet for the weapons and equipment to be tested today?"

He didn't know where Tang Yu got so many brilliant blueprints, but when he thought that the lord could summon him from another world, no matter how brilliant the blueprints were, they were nothing compared to him.

What is even more valuable are these drawings, these materials are completely open to him.

The last book of runes, although it only described the basic knowledge of runes, it also made him gain a lot. Kevin was even surprised to find that as a senior rune master, he had such a weak foundation in runes. , In some places, the understanding has deviated from the qualitative meaning of the rune. In this case, he can still be promoted to a senior rune master, and even Kevin himself is surprised.

This is not a problem of his learning ability, but in his original world, rune knowledge is high-end knowledge, and it is very scarce.

Many books were recorded by seniors who had read the Book of Runes based on their own understanding.

Not to mention that there are very few books of runes, many inheritances are incomplete, and the rune masters who write the books may not fully comprehend the contents of the book of runes, and some recorded materials are understood and revised by themselves and later people. ,Change……

A book of knowledge about rune literature has been handed down to Kevin, and he has no idea how many times it has been revised, let alone some of the knowledge comes from the manuscripts of the ancestors. The paper is pitch-black, exuding a strange smell.

The ghost knows what those so-called ancestors did with these manuscripts!

The scarcity of knowledge also made it impossible for him to study. For some things he didn't understand, he could only make guesses, and if he couldn't, he would experiment more.

Kevin didn't know how many labs he blew up in order to test some rune structures, so that later, no one was willing to provide him with funds for experiments, which made Kevin very depressed.

Failure is obviously success, his grandmother, why don't these people believe it!

In this case, he looked forward to the books in the library, the indescribable blueprints, and the actual equipment manufactured according to the blueprints.

Kevin rubbed his hands, his old face smiled like a chrysanthemum.

Tang Yu took out a ball, which was larger than the ball compressed by the basic puppet, about the size of a fist.

These once-molded equipment are in a compressed state when they are released, and of course they cannot be recovered after they are unfolded... This is mainly due to the large size of the equipment itself, similar to a floating chariot. Even if it is made of parts, it will be in a compressed state when it is released from the furnace. .

The black box of the entire workshop is just that small. If it is not compressed, he can't imagine how to spit out the equipment. Could it be like a dimensional bag that slowly grows in size during the process of spitting it out? However, this is not enough. The gate of the workshop is only so long and wide. If the floating chariot wants to drive out of the workshop, it is estimated that it has to hit the wall and pass.

The premise is to be able to knock down the walls of the workshop.

I held this gray compression ball in my hand and weighed it, and it felt pretty good.

Tang Yu threw the ball, compressed the ball in the air and transformed into a human-shaped puppet more than two meters high.

With a bang, the puppet landed on both feet and landed firmly on the ground.

This is the warrior puppet naked form.

With a height of more than two meters and a human-like shape, it looks like a small mecha. The fuselage is covered with gray armor. Whether it is arms or legs, it looks very powerful. Standing on the ground, its own The weight of several hundred kilograms caused the soft soil to sag.

This blueprint was a high-end product that he spent 50,000 units of source crystals to buy.

This kind of puppet imitates the human combat mode, and its combat intelligence is much higher than that of the basic warrior puppet. What is even more commendable is that this kind of puppet can be loaded with a variety of weapon pendants, including melee weapons, including long-range weapons.

This means that it can be either a Gladiator puppet, a Shield Fighter puppet, or even a Gunfighter puppet.

"It's a pity that to create the most powerful, naked fighter puppet that can rival the awakening of the ninth-level fighter puppet, the materials required are far from what can be gathered now."

It has three grades, the highest grade is the awakening ninth level strength.

The next level has the power to awaken the fifth layer.

And the lowest level, that is, the puppet in front of him, only has the strength of the awakening second level, and it is made of the most common iron material.

This is the limitation of puppets. In theory, Kevin can still create a puppet army with his bare hands. However, theories are always skinny. Theories that can be realized have long since become reality, and they need to be called theory!

"First test the strength of the lowest-grade fighter puppets. If possible, with the current materials, you can still put together a few second-grade fighter puppets, and this kind of strength is only naked, as long as the fighter puppets are loaded with weapon pendants, And with a reasonable lineup, its strength should be able to reach a relatively high level.”

Tang Yusi is paying here.

Over there, Kevin has already rushed up impatiently.

Just like when he first saw the floating chariot, Kevin's hands were constantly stroking the fighter puppet. However, the chariot was replaced by the puppet, which was still humanoid. Tang Yu couldn't bear to look directly at this scene.

Fortunately, this time, Kevin suppressed the burning research soul in his heart, and controlled his hands to prevent himself from taking apart the puppet for research... He had taken apart a lot of those basic warrior puppets, but he just looked at the Next to Tang Yu, Kevin estimated that if he removed the puppet, the lord would have to turn his face immediately.

Can't be bothered.

With Tang Yu's authorization, Kevin voice controlled the puppet to do some simple actions, and recorded data on the side.

At the end, Kevin thought for a while, "Lord Lord, fighter puppets are puppets used for fighting after all. It is best to collect first-hand data of the puppets through battles. The old man also wants to see the fighting intelligence of this kind of fighter puppets. …”

Tang Yu felt right, thinking about it.

Does he end up on his own? That would be a loser, of course not.

Shay, the strength is too strong, pass it.

Kevin? Although the strength is stronger than the fighter puppet, he still feels that he should respect the old and love the young.

His eyes swept around and saw the members of the patrol team who were cultivating a few front-end moves in the distance, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

Here comes the guinea pig.

Thanks to "Little zzg Killing God" for the reward of 500 coins, and thanks to "Silasroger", "Let's Go" and "Book Friend 140423114435937" for the reward. . . Code finished, broken sleep!

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