My Doomsday Territory (My Apocalypse Domain)

Chapter 160 What's the point of not being jealous?

This twin-rotor tandem helicopter is spacious and the seats inside are soft and comfortable.

This is of course his deliberate design.

The territory has Kevin, a master of equipment manufacturing. Due to time constraints, it is naturally difficult to design advanced vehicle blueprints. Kevin also has a lot of blueprints stored in his memory. However, perhaps because of the difference in the world, most of his blueprints In , there are many specialty materials that cannot be found in this world.

At least I can't find it yet.

But if it is just to design and manufacture an ordinary helicopter, for Kevin, it is very simple.

And this one is the product of Kevin's combination of rune knowledge and some current mechanical design theories.

Simple travel is still possible.

But it's limited to that. If it wasn't for this time, he wouldn't have come by helicopter.

The mercenaries are right, riding a helicopter in the wild is courting death... He didn't know how many demonized beasts he met along the way, that is, the lineup was strong this time, except for Luo Zhe, who was responsible for guarding the territory, and the elderly. Kevin, everyone else followed, so that they could kill all the way.

But encountering demonized beasts like the giant eagle just now requires some special means.

It's not that Xie Yi and the others are not opponents, but that this helicopter is too agile. Staying on it, the followers can't use it, so the journey from the territory to here is not dangerous. If you want to take such a ride The helicopter went to Luoxia, and the word "death" was not written like that.

Tang Yu glanced down.

This area is on the periphery of the mountains, the terrain is uneven, and there are dense trees everywhere, some of which even grow wildly to 20 to 30 meters high.

It's not easy to clear an open space enough for a helicopter to land, especially when the helicopter is large.

Shay frowned. "Too slow, too slow."

He walked to the cabin door, opened the cabin door, the howling wind blew his neat hair, and then just jumped down.

jumped down...

Jump down from a height of tens of meters!


on the ground.

Ordinary mercenaries are also watching the excitement, but many captain-level leaders are frowning and thinking deeply.

"Which force do these people belong to? That battle suit seems to be different from the one worn by any high-level subordinate in Lindong."

"Is it different, and I always have an illusion that their combat uniforms seem to be better than the military uniforms? This must be an illusion."

Some people also saw the Awakened who got off the helicopter, and the people from the Wangyou mercenary group seemed to know each other.

As top experts, these people are naturally aware of the Wangyou mercenary group. Perhaps, the head of the group, Huiren, has something to do with this force?

Wang Wu, the captain of the Fire Squad, looked even more ugly at this meeting.

A crowd of thinking thinking, eating melons eating melons.


"Fog grass—"

With a scream, the man pointed to the sky and saw a figure jumping down from the helicopter.


Shay landed successfully.

Like a dropped cannonball, the ground shook, and dense cracks spread.

Shay, on the other hand, was unscathed, just arranging his clothes and hairstyle as if nothing had happened.

This scene,

It was simply eye-popping!

Xie Yi jumped down like this, let alone other people, the dozen or so big men who were close, and the members of the patrol team were even more frightened to death. Without him, what if they were hit by Xie Yi?

Vice-Captain Xie is naturally fine, but if they were hit, it would have been adult meat sauce.

After Shay landed, he waved his hand, "You are all too slow, let me do it, let me do it!"

He said, sticking one hand on the trunk of a twenty-meter tall tree.

next moment,

With a bang, the whole big tree exploded into fireworks, bark debris, leaves and other things, like raindrops, and they fell one after another.

Except for Ash Blade to avoid in time, the others were all covered with debris.

All ordinary mercenaries: "..."

Captain-level powerhouses: "..."

Silver Wolf and Head Xiao also had expressions of "what are you kidding me".

On the helicopter, Tang Yu covered his face.

What a shame!

Sky couldn't even watch it, and it also flew down from the cabin door.

His appearance was much more dashing than Shay's, and he fell lightly in the air until his feet touched the ground, and no cracks were seen on the ground.

After landing in the air, he pulled out his long sword and swung it out, the blade rolled up in a gust of wind, and all of a sudden the debris was blown away, and a few more sword lights flashed, and each tree was cut off by its roots.

After a lot of tossing, a large piece of open space was finally cleared.


The helicopter landed slowly, the rotors spun, blowing the surrounding leaves all over the place.

The aircraft door opened slowly.

At this moment, many mercenaries looked towards this side, and in their hearts, there was an inexplicable expectation.

Who is the big guy in the helicopter?

Neither the gray blade nor the two masters who just jumped out of the plane seem to be the leaders of this force. So, who is the person who can hold so many masters?

Could it be a big boss in Lindong?

The hatch finally opened.

Tang Yu, who was fully armed, appeared in the eyes of everyone. At this time, he was wearing a higher silver battle suit, or a battle armor that was more appropriate.

Under the sun, the armor was glowing with silver. Rao was wearing the combat uniforms of those patrol team members before, but if compared with this armor, it was like the difference between white and purple-purple All outfits come with light effects!

The armor is specially customized. It is different from Luo Zhe's armor. It does not look bulky when worn on the body, and does not affect the flexibility at all. On the two shoulders of the armor, there are also two fist-sized crystals, like It's the same as a pure white gem... This is a force, this grade is instantly different.

An air of local tyrants rushed to his face.

Behind Tang Yu, followed by Elaine and Winnie.

Elaine was wearing a light blue robe, her blue hair had been hidden in a hood, and she was holding a staff with a sapphire top inlaid in her hand.

On the other hand, Winnie, with flaxen curly hair draped over her shoulders, couldn't hide her turbulent connotation even though she was wearing a looser white robe.

"I'll be darling, it's different when the big man comes on stage, and he hugs him from side to side."

"Yeah, there are strong men in front of us, and beautiful women in the back, it's obvious that in such a dangerous place in the wild, we sometimes have to get ourselves dirty in order to survive, but looking at people, it's like going out to play! "

"It's really maddening to compare people, ah ah ah, I also want a beautiful young lady and a big big sister of waves!"

After Tang Yu got off the helicopter, he felt the envious and jealous eyes of the people around him, and was very satisfied in his heart.

What is there to say? Not being envied is... not compelling!

One more chapter. . . . . . . . .

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