My Doomsday Territory (My Apocalypse Domain)

Chapter 164: A Failed Demon Enchantment

In the passage, Tang Yu was squeezing his brain cells, analyzing the situation in the secret realm.

After several thoughts and speculations, he finally... still found nothing.

At this time, I saw a group of people hurriedly running past him.

"What's wrong? In a hurry to reincarnate?"

Tang Yu said that he couldn't understand it, so wouldn't he worry about the danger of going to the front? He would throw a few puppets in front of him to explore the way.


When the short young man saw that he succeeded in overtaking, he was overjoyed.

They were very fast, and after a while, they ran out of the passage and saw the situation in the hall clearly.

"This is... a handle, hemp, use?"

The short young man widened his eyes and spat out some broken Chinese.

In front of him, in this hall, there are densely packed gray stone carvings. These stone carvings are wearing armor and holding weapons, which are very similar to the Terracotta Warriors and Horses he heard about.

As the son of a warlord leader, the short young man also has his own dreams. He especially hopes to build terracotta warriors and horses as his funeral objects after his death, just like Qin Shi Huang. Can't recognize a few Chinese, but it does not hinder his determination to realize his dream.


He knew his own situation, and it was unrealistic to build a tomb with thousands of pottery figurines, but as long as there were dozens of pottery figurines as a burial, the short young man felt very satisfied.

However, now that the end of the world is coming, he has become an Awakener, and their power has grown stronger. Maybe in the future, there will be a chance to build a real Terracotta Warriors.

The short young man thought so, and even opened his eyes wide, his eyes slowly swept over these stone carvings, and wanted to remember this scene deeply in his mind, so that he could learn from the experience when building the Terracotta Warriors in the future.

He couldn't help stepping forward, wanting to see more clearly.

A click.

The short young man was so frightened that he could not help but take two steps back, but saw the two stone sculptures closest to him, with cracks spreading out on them.

"Is this about to break?"

The short young man still felt a pity in his heart, this should also be a tomb, what a good layout, he hasn't finished writing it down yet.

There were more and more cracks on the stone carvings, and finally, with a bang, the stones shattered and scattered all over the place. However, unlike the short young man's imagination, these stone carvings were not completely broken, but only the skin. The rock layer, after the rock layer was broken, finally revealed the true face of the stone carving!

This is no longer a stone sculpture, but a puppet in heavy black armor.

The heavily-armored puppet was at the same height as an ordinary person, leaning on a two-handed sword. At this time, the eyes of the puppet's helmet lit up with red light, and the sword slowly lifted up...

It seems that because of the recent recovery, this movement is still a bit uneven.

However, the short young man was already terrified. Isn't the resurrection of the Terracotta Warriors only in movies!

"Shoot! Quick, shoot!"

The warlord awakened in the front row immediately aimed the muzzle at the heavily armored puppet and pulled the trigger.


Bullets fly.

However, it was completely unable to wear heavy armor, and I saw that the two heavy armor puppets could only leave a little dent on the black heavy armor at most.

Sparks scattered, and countless bullets were sputtered and bounced around.




"You guys, have you heard anything?" The short young man suddenly had an ominous premonition in his heart.

I saw that many of the stray bullets that bounced around hit other stone sculptures, and cracks appeared on the stone sculptures that were hit.

"I drop Fake!"

More than a dozen gunmen shot for so long, and they only beat these two heavily armored puppets into potholes, but they definitely didn't hurt the root.

Now, more and more stone carvings are broken, the stone layers on the puppets are falling off, and the heavily armored puppets are recovering.

When Tang Yu walked to the entrance, what he saw were hundreds of pairs of red eyes, slowly lighting up.

Looking at the group of guys in colorful military uniforms, facing those heavily armored puppets, they chose to shoot with firearms, and the stray bullets were still flying around, and I understood what was going on.

This is simply a shame in the history of attracting blame!

These heavily armored puppets obviously have to be close to a certain range before they can be activated. If a small number of puppets are drawn at one time, it is not difficult to solve them one by one. However, now, those puppets have been alerted by stray bullets, and hundreds of them have recovered together. Rao is Tang Yu looked at it, and his scalp was numb.

As soon as these puppets recovered, they naturally found the group of people who woke them up from their sweet dreams.

The bullet couldn't penetrate, and the short young man was also a little panicked. Fortunately, he was not stupid to the end, and immediately shouted, "Use cold weapons! Attack the joints of these puppets!"

A group of elite awakened people drew their weapons and slashed with their swords, causing a whistling sound of wind.

Some of the puppets had a large gap cut in their legs, but those puppets were not slow, wielding heavy swords and fighting with the awakened ones.

And in the distance, more heavily armored puppets were banging forward, getting faster and faster, and turned into running, like a charging pickup!

An Awakened tried to intercept it, but was knocked back and vomited blood.

Tang Yu's eyes narrowed. After the blood that was spitting out was sprinkled on the stone slab, it slowly melted into it, and disappeared quickly. There was no trace of blood.

Can't this tomb have its own cleaning function?

It's possible that there's something odd about it.

The short young man and the others were under increasing pressure, chattering a lot of bird language that Tang Yu couldn't understand.

"Boss, I can't hold it anymore."

"Withdraw, withdraw!"

A group of people retreated towards the passage, and the awakened ones who heard the gunshots and stepped forward to check the situation were also stunned when they saw this scene.

If it weren't for the dangerous situation, I couldn't help but want to fight these scumbags first!

Look what's been done? When the big guy walked in the front, nothing happened. It was less than a minute before you overtaken the car, and the car has already overturned. Do you want to be so pitted!

The heavily-armored puppet charged with a mighty aura, and immediately many awakened ones turned around and fled.

Tang Yusi paid.

With the configuration of his team, plus the large number of compressed puppets stored in the backpack, if he really wants to fight, it is not worth the hundreds of heavily armored puppets in front of him.

The question is...why did he fight?

Iron-headed baby has no future, only Gou can... ah, only a strategic retreat is the most suitable for the current situation.

These heavily armored puppets were originally meat shields, so they weren't very easy to kill. Most importantly, they couldn't explode their equipment if they were killed. It was a waste of energy. In an unknown environment like the Secret Realm, Tang Yu preferred to keep his strength.

He glanced at the Awakened who turned back and fled, and shook his head secretly in his heart.

This passage is connected to the square, and there is a dead end at the back. Although there are three other passages to go through, who knows if the other beast mouth avenues have similar situations.

Tang Yu's eyes narrowed.

Originally, the puppets were evenly distributed in the hall, and no matter how they walked, they would enter the activation range of the puppets. However, now, the puppets were charging in the direction of the short young man, and a part of the hall had been vacated.

Take a chance!

"Go over there, rush!"

Thanks to "Interstellar ~ Flying Fish", "Book Friend 20180424002508948", "Cool Neighbor", "When the Moon Returns" and "Find a 123" for the tips. . .

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