My Doomsday Territory (My Apocalypse Domain)

Chapter 165: Bear's Mouth Channel Track Group

In the team, the weakest person has the triple strength of awakening.

Tang Yu had already noticed that although the heavy armored puppet had a high defense, its black armor was even stronger than that of the awakened third-level demonized beast. However, its charging speed was only comparable to that of the second-level awakened.

That's the crux of his strategic plan.

Gou... There is no reason for his retreat!

A group of people whizzed past the charging puppet.

Even though the heavily armored puppets were aware of it, they had already charged forward. It was not easy to turn around. Tang Yu and the others were ahead by a long distance.

The Awakened at the back also shines.

"Quick, follow in the footsteps of those people!"

They also seized the opportunity and ran with all their horsepower. However, at this time, many heavily armored puppets had already turned successfully, stepping on the stiff stone slab with their legs and making a fatal charge.




Tang Yu didn't look back and knew what was going on.

This is the reality. The apocalyptic world has always been cruel. In the wild, you may encounter dangers that are enough to kill you at any time. In this unknown secret realm, the danger is even worse. Prepare, and at this time, many people still die.

'It's just a pity, those high-quality leeks... ah, I mean high-quality talents, I don't know how many can go out alive, it can be regarded as a screening process, can live out of the secret realm, it must be more high-quality talents. ’

I bypassed the heavily armored puppet from the side of the hall, and I saw another passage entrance. I don't know how far the tomb is before it can reach the end.

Most of the rich and prostitutes are like this, and they don't think it's big enough, so they work hard on the channel.

"Boss, there is something wrong with this passage."

The gray blade glanced around.

This passage is a little different from the one just now. It was a straight passage just now. Apart from the few rune words on both sides of the passage, there is nothing else, but now...

When rounding a corner, Ash Blade's professionalism made him keenly discover that there were some processed traces on the stone walls on both sides of the passage.

It's not the rough process of hollowing out a large piece of the stone wall and filling it with wooden boards. It's more like a trap that was originally designed!

Tang Yu heard the words and threw out a few basic puppets—the basic puppets had already been abandoned because they couldn't keep up with the speed of the attack, and at this time, counting the time, they should have also been dismantled by the heavy armored puppets.

Puppet why suffering is a puppet.

After the small ball was unfolded, the basic puppet fell to the ground, and the round body stepped forward with short short legs.


click -

Tang Yu was concentrating, as if he had touched some kind of mechanism. On the stone walls on both sides of the passage, rows of holes suddenly appeared, and countless arrows rained from the holes.

The few basic puppets were shot into the hornet's nest at once, and the arrows completely penetrated from one side of the body to the other side, and the resistance seems to have not decreased a bit. At the sixth level, there is still no small threat to the Awakened whose body is already extremely powerful.

Tang Yu felt a little distressed. He knew that he would have thrown a puppet out, but how could he throw so much out of it.

It is shameful to waste.

The hole opened, and at the same time as the rain of arrows shot out, the gray blade dodged and came to the hole on the edge. He took out an unknown tool from his trousers pocket, inserted it into the hole, and fiddled a few times.

"Okay, this kind of mechanism is a linkage type. I got stuck on some nodes in it, but I guess it won't last for a long time. Let's go quickly."

Elaine condensed two ice shields and protected them on both sides of the team, just in case, the group quickly passed.

Along the way, all kinds of traps emerge one after another.

For example, while walking, suddenly the ground collapses, and the bottom is already covered with poisonous spikes, or two stone walls fall from the front and back of the passage, blocking the passage, and poisonous smoke suddenly emerges from the inside, etc.

Similar traps are not a threat to Tang Yu and others, but they are really troublesome enough, and it is not clear what the owner of the tomb is thinking.

Some of these traps are one-time use, while others can be recycled. This design concept is quite advanced, but I don’t know how many of the awakened people who follow can get through these traps. He doesn’t care about others, but if Lindong His mercenaries were destroyed, and he would be a little embarrassed.

Doesn't this mean that his advertisement was written in vain!

Suddenly, once again, I saw the rune language inscribed on the stone wall.

"Only the bravest adventurers can obtain my treasure, and move on."

Tang Yu: "???"

Can't write something nutritious!

Could it be that these trap puppets are just to screen out the bravest adventurers? What the hell!

Even so, Tang Yu didn't let go of these rune words. This time, the time was tight. He didn't have any ink marks, so he let his followers start the work directly, and the efficiency would be greatly improved. It didn't take long for the stone slab inscribed with the rune words to be dismantled. down.

Experts do things, the efficiency is different, and the quality is also improved a lot. After this slate is hollowed out, the appearance is much better than before, and it looks neat and comfortable.

"Engrave more braille? No... let's forget it, don't waste your time."

Without stopping, he rushed out of the passage, but Tang Yu stopped again.

In front of me is a large hall, and it is the same as the one I passed by before.

That means, before this...

Tang Yu looked around and saw hundreds of heavily armored puppets, still in the state of stone carvings, neatly arranged in the hall.

Normally, he should perform a regular monster draw, and slowly annihilate this group of puppets.

However, the sound of footsteps came from behind, and dozens of Awakeneds were running with all their strength. This was the second group of the Xiongkou Channel Track Group, and at this time they had caught up with Tang Yu and the others.

Who let them in the first group, there are also many awakened triples, not much faster than the awakened ones in the back.

In the same way, although the charging speed of those heavy armored puppets is only the awakening double, the awakening double cannot keep bursting at full speed all the time, while the speed of the puppet's charge is constant.

In the second group behind them, they are basically all third-level awakeners, and there are very few second-level awakeners who are also good at speed, and they are also led by their companions all the way, so they can barely escape.

In the future, there will be no third group, or, in other words, the third group is those heavily armored puppets.

Tang Yu had already heard the sound of the heavy armored puppet charging and trampling.

It is estimated that nearly half of the puppets are chasing in this direction.

It is obviously too late to annihilate this group of puppets that have not yet recovered.

There is another chapter

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