No one would have thought that in the legend, the black stone gate that stood in front of everyone at the last level of the tomb was pushed open like that? !

God knows how many difficulties they went through before they came here. According to the routine, each level is more difficult than the next. Isn't this the Basic Law?

However, many awakened people have no time to think about this, and when they saw the golden light emerging from the crack of the door, they all rushed forward.

It seems that as long as you take a step slower, those treasures and those opportunities will all be robbed by others.

The black stone door has been pushed open, or in other words, opened it by himself.

What appeared in front of many awakened people was a wide hall.

The hall is very bright, and there are regular golden boxes in it, and those dazzling golden lights come out from the boxes.

And behind those golden boxes, against the wall, stood three black coffins. The coffin in the center looked more luxurious, and it should be the coffin where the owner of the tomb, Zuo Ai, was buried.

Many Awakeneds thought so.

But after they glanced at the coffin, they stopped paying attention, and instead rushed towards the golden chests one by one.


Outside the gate, Brother Hammer, Peng Bo, and Yan Dazhuang also had red eyes and couldn't help but want to rush up.

"There's something wrong with these golden lights!" Winnie groaned, holding a small pure white holy hammer, "Purge!"

A white halo spread out from the holy hammer.

Immediately, the redness in the eyes of the Hammer brothers gradually faded, and the steps they were about to take stopped, and they were all a little scared.

Unconsciously, it was affected.

Elaine and the others also noticed that this area was shrouded in a strange force that affected people's emotions, but this force had little effect on them and could easily be restrained.

Only Tang Yu himself, looking left and right, didn't feel that it had any effect. Probably because he was bound to the territory, he was not affected by these negative states.

In this case, several of them naturally did not step forward.

Looking around again, in addition to them, there are a few awakened people who also sensed something wrong and tried their best to restrain them, not rushing into the black stone gate like most people.

at this time,

in the hall.

An awakened person reached out and grabbed the golden treasure chest. Suddenly, a long sword came out from behind him. The awakened person widened his eyes and slowly fell down.

But the man holding the long sword in the back, before he had time to take a step forward, was shot into the hornet's nest by a burst of bullets.

There was a bloody storm in the entire Blackstone Hall.


A powerful awakener, after tearing the people around him in two with his bare hands, came to the golden treasure chest and laughed loudly.

He stretched out his hand against the box, and with a click, the man was stunned for a moment. The treasure box was not opened. Instead, the moment he touched it, the entire box dimmed, and the golden light disappeared.

Look again, what kind of treasure chest is there, but it is just a rotten wooden box.

Where did the sound of the box opening just now come from?

"Is the coffin open?"

"Who opened it?"

"No, no...the coffin opened by itself!"

Many awakened people were shocked.

The fighting had stopped, and there were only a few people with red eyes, who were still holding weapons and screaming, but they were quickly killed by people focusing on fire.

At this moment,

The luxurious coffin in the center, the coffin board fell with a bang.

Many awakened people looked at it at once. In their imagination, there was a rotting corpse in the coffin, but it did not appear. They only saw a black one-eye mask, gray hair, and a slightly wrinkled man in the coffin. .

After the coffin board fell, the man's eye without the blindfold suddenly opened.

"This is..." The one-eyed man looked around a little blankly, "I'm... I'm Zuo Ai, the thief Wang Zuo Ai! It turns out that the time of the prophecy has come, and the backhand I laid out succeeded, hahaha... "

After sleeping for a long time, even his body has become old, but Zuo Ni's heart is hot.

He felt the Origin Qi in the air, which was much more intense than his era, and the whole world seemed to be excited.

I understand that the bet he made by spending all the materials, the bet won!

In such an era, he has every opportunity to break through the realm he dreamed of.

Even, go further!

"Then..." Zuo Ni licked his lips, and his entire figure disappeared from the eyes of the awakened ones. The next moment, he appeared beside a person, his slender fingers as sharp as knives, poking directly into the person's chest.

Blood splattered.

He licked his lips with a look of pleasure.


Awakened people who enter the secret realm will not lack courage, and it is even less likely that they will be directly frightened by Zuo Ai.

They are not idiots, they understand that this man who suddenly appeared is an enemy or a friend, and many Awakened people have been beaten to death before, but at this time, many people attacked Zuo at the same time.

The bullets shot suddenly, and those who had the ability sent out fire, ice and other attacks, and slammed towards Zuo.

Frost spread, bullets splashed around, sparks rubbed off, but in the eyes of everyone, Sao Ni was once again lost...

"Over there, quick, quick attack!"

"Don't panic, he's the only one!"

Judging from the scene, although Zuoyao has a speed advantage, he is also struggling to cope with so many awakened people. Some people show a smile of victory. They feel that after killing Zuoyao, they can find the real treasure and find their way out of here. Methods.

At this moment,

With two bangs, the other two coffin boards fell off, the smoke and dust dispersed, and two warriors wearing full-body armor and helmets appeared in the eyes of everyone.

After the two warriors appeared, they didn't speak, they rushed into the crowd, neither dodging nor dodging, allowing the Awakened to attack, but they couldn't leave any scratches on their armor.

On the contrary, their attack was like chopping vegetables, and the Awakeneds had no resistance, they were just a knife and a child.

Not only that, but several walls of the hall suddenly opened, revealing pitch-black holes. With a bang, a group of puppets in heavy black armor and holding two-handed swords walked out of the hole.

No matter which country's Awakened, seeing this scene, they are a little desperate.

Those puppets, can they not recognize it? Most of the people present were chased and chased by these puppets. Before, they wondered why these heavily armored puppets disappeared. It turned out that they were waiting here.

"It's a trap! We've all been lied to!"

Someone shouted, but it was useless. Now they don't even have a chance to attack Zuo, they can only deal with those puppets constantly.

All these changes seem to be very fast, but in fact it takes less than half a minute.

The Awakeneds who were still outside the black stone gate were all stunned.

Some people are thankful that they didn't have a hot head and rushed in, otherwise the puppets in heavy armor would make dumplings, and they wouldn't even be able to escape.

But immediately thought that they were in this space and had nowhere to escape, and their faces turned pale in an instant.

Not going in, not going back.

Tang Yu looked around.

Now he has obviously reached the end of the secret realm, but he still hasn't been prompted by the system, and he can't find the location of the cracking crystal.

At this time, Elaine frowned and whispered in his ear, "Lord Lord, something is wrong, that Zuoyao's breath is slowly increasing."

When Elaine said this, the others also turned their attention to Zuo Ai, and soon realized that something was wrong.

"Boss, look at the ground!"

Tang Yu followed the direction and saw that many Awakeneds who were cut down by the puppets spurted out blood, but those scarlet blood fell to the ground, but they all quickly merged into the slate on the ground and disappeared.

His eyes narrowed, and he could vaguely see that at the moment when the blood merged into the slate, there were mysterious rune patterns on the slate, and they disappeared in a flash.

Looking at Zuo Ni again, his gray hair was gradually turning black and shiny, and the wrinkles on his face were slowly being smoothed out.

Could it be that, through this blood-absorbing formation, Sao's vitality is recovering?

Tang Yu doesn't know, but...

"I can't wait any longer! Besides, since the fissure crystal is related to this secret realm, it must be impossible to bypass Zuoyao."

This is the most likely chance to get the Sky Splitting Crystal. Losing this opportunity, Tang Yu is not sure how long the territory will be stuck in the third-level card.

He stretched out his hand and tore open the two scrolls, two halos shrouded the surrounding people.

This is the most common booster scroll, speed booster and strength booster.

At his signal, the followers entered a state of battle.

"Unfortunately, although it is a five-person team, this configuration is a bit unreasonable."

Sora is an attack speed fighter.

Ashblade is an assassin.

Elaine and Winnie are undoubtedly crispy French animal husbandry, and even the seemingly burly Shay is actually a back row output.

The followers headed straight for Zuo.

Several other people rushed to deal with the puppet and shared some pressure.

And he himself, um, as the boss, should sit in the center and command the overall situation at this time.


Outside the hall, the other awakened people looked at the few people who rushed into the black stone gate, but they were a little surprised.

Rao is that they understand that if they come forward to help and kill Zuoyao, everyone will be able to survive. Once the awakened ones are slaughtered, they will be the next ones.

However, many things are not understood and can be done. When it comes to their own safety, many people still choose to retreat.

Maybe someone else can get rid of Zuoyao?

Then why should you rush to kill yourself?

But when they were hesitating, someone had already rushed up without thinking. This comparison made them feel ashamed immediately. Someone hesitated for a while, gritted their teeth, and rushed up.

The long-lost blood actually poured out from the bottom of my heart!


Inside the Blackrock Hall.

Many of the mercenaries in Lindong formed battle formations, trying their best to resist the surging offensive of the heavily armored puppets.

However, looking around, there are black armor puppets all around, and one by one the team members fell one after another, and a feeling of despair has emerged in the hearts of many people.

"Look over there, it seems that there are several masters under the boss! They are here too!"

There was joy in the voice of the speaker.

But someone beside him quickly poured cold water, "Those masters are indeed powerful, but don't forget Sao, and those two unmatched super warriors!"

"Maybe those masters can deal with it?"

"Don't be naive, I just saw that the head of the Warhammer Mercenary Group was seriously injured by one of the super warriors with a sword. Even if the strength of the boss's subordinates is stronger, what's the use? This is not a level opponent at all!"

This is very disturbing.

Others heard that even the mercenary, who had been looking forward to it, gradually became depressed.

Thanks: Bitten Lemon, Book Friends 150115131855355, H. C. A reward for L... . .

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