My Doomsday Territory (My Apocalypse Domain)

Chapter 173: The Cracked Crystals Actually Look Like This? (two in one chapter)

The golden gauze on his body, as well as the rotating blue shield, are all blessed on his body, a one-time defense scroll.

There are many, are made through the magic factory.

There, in addition to developing large-scale spells, it is not difficult to develop and make small spell scrolls that are easy to carry, as long as there are enough rune bases and spell templates.

Although a lot of source crystals need to be spent, the most important thing for him, the great lord of Tang, is source crystals!

Including the halo on his head.

Aura of Strength, Aura of Speed, and, Aura of Courage!

In an instant, in the entire hall, the battle strength of those Awakened who were struggling to support them increased a lot. Although they were still struggling to support the attack of the heavily armored puppets.

Tang Yu walked into the Black Stone Hall, and several puppets that charged up were smashed to pieces by a fireball scroll that he tore apart.

This feeling of smashing people with money is very comfortable.

Of course, he wouldn't be naive enough to think that these scrolls alone would be able to get rid of Zuo Dai. If it was a large-scale spell launched by the spell factory, it would be able to directly smash Zuo Dai into scum.

Including those two statues, who were mistaken by others as puppets of super-powerful people.

In the face of these three, Tang Yu still has self-knowledge. Aside from many props, if he really fights, he has to play GG in one face-to-face, even if he has many kryptonite items on his body, but this is like a first-class trumpet, no matter how kryptonite, It is not an opponent of others in the 20s or 30s.

It's almost the same as hanging.

More and more heavily armored puppets charged towards him, and even one of the super puppets, under the command of Zuo Dai, came to kill Tang Yu.

For a time, the pressure on the followers' side was greatly reduced, but Tang Yu's side seemed to be in danger.

Many awakened people are nervous, especially those mercenaries in Lindong, all their hopes are pinned on the big guy!

Facing the surging puppets, Tang Yu stopped instead.

He grabbed the backpack behind him and shook his hand, as if laying eggs, egg-sized balls rolled out from the backpack.

The ball rolled on the floor several times, and when it reached a little far away, it immediately unfolded and turned into a humanoid puppet more than two meters high.

The fighter puppet standing in the front, holding a large two-meter-high shield in both hands, lined up in a row, a shield wall was formed, and behind the shield fighter puppet, there were countless guns with cold weapons and hot weapons. Fighter puppet.

In an instant, with Tang Yu as the center, a large formation of puppets formed three layers inside and three layers outside.

"what is this?"

"It seems to be a puppet too, but it seems that it is much more majestic than those heavy armored puppets!"

A mercenary from Lindong suddenly said, "Do you remember, the boss released some round puppets before. Does the boss have the ability to release puppets?"

In their view, Tang Yu's puppet and the tomb's puppet are obviously different.

The puppets of the tomb have always existed, but their arrival activated these puppets, and the puppet of the big brother Tang was different. A small ball could unfold in an instant and become a statue more than two meters high. A humanoid puppet, can you believe it?

Before the end of the world, people believed in science, but after the end of the world, everyone believed in ability.

Rather than saying that this is a puppet created by black technology, they believe that this is some kind of ability that can release the puppet.

Anyway, the inexplicable things are pushed to the special ability.

"However, the chubby puppet in the past was dismantled by the heavy-armor puppet in three or two strokes in the bear's mouth passage. Is this possible now?" blow.

At this time, the puppet holding a hot weapon fired first.

These hot weapons are all giant firearms with a length of more than one meter, and the model cannot be seen. They are held by a fighter puppet more than two meters high, which seems to be just right.


The muzzle spewed flames.

"I'm afraid it's difficult for bullets to penetrate those heavy armored puppets..."

Many people were fighting while observing the situation on Tang Yu's side.

Some people remember that they used hot weapons to fight the heavy armored puppet before. Unfortunately, the penetration of the bullet is not enough to penetrate the armor of the puppet. Even if it is a sniper rifle, it is useless to punch a small hole in the heavy armored puppet. .

For puppets, unless the energy core is blasted, such a small wound cannot even affect the action of the puppet, and the energy core of these puppets is not fixed, and the use of firearms and weapons is completely useless. , it is better that they use cold weapons, remove the hands and feet of the puppet, and let the puppet lose its combat effectiveness.

At this moment,

The first bullet, spinning, hit the heavy-armored puppet at the front.

In an instant, the mysterious rune on the bullet disappeared in a flash, and the sturdy armor on the puppet was penetrated instantly like a piece of paper.

However, the next moment, the bullet did not penetrate from the back of the heavy armored puppet. On the contrary, with a bang, a blazing red fire exploded from the heavy armored puppet's body. fly.


The person who just spoke, stared blankly at this scene, his mouth opened unknowingly, if it wasn't for his companions pulling a hand, I'm afraid he would have become the first unlucky person present to die under the hands of the heavily armored puppet because he was dazed. Awakened.

Rune bullets shot into the heavy armored puppet, and then exploded.

In the eyes of many elite awakeners, the puppets that require a lot of effort to kill exploded in batches, and they couldn't even get close to the puppet formation.

"Gather fire, shoot!"

Tang Yu stared at the super puppet that was approaching rapidly, and controlled half of the gun puppets to turn the muzzle.

Countless rune bullets flew out like a rain of bullets. It was not the bullets that were shot out, but the source crystals.

Tang Yu felt a little heartache.

It is like having 100 million on the book, but it is decreasing at the rate of one dollar per second. Although it is not fast, it is very worrying.

But this is the case, the big sword in the super puppet's hand waving, forcibly blocked most of the bullets, and the few that flew into the armor could only leave a shallow trace on the armor.


This super puppet, which is comparable to the tenth level of awakening, stepped on the ground, and even these hard floors cracked many cracks.

It swung out with a sword.


The air is rolling!

The Awakeneds who were fighting with the heavy armored puppets in the distance felt a strong wind blowing across their faces and almost couldn't open their eyes.

Feeling this unparalleled power, they finally understood why those super experts who were unattainable in their eyes were so vulnerable to this knight who came out of the coffin.

It's not that the masters are too weak, it is true that the two knights are too strong. If the distance is a little closer, they are not sure whether the wind and waves rolled up by the big sword are enough to blow them away.

It's terrifying.

The great sword fell on the shield.

The shield fighter puppets lined up in the shield wall, in an instant, the shields shattered, only the center, the two shield fighter puppets with slightly different colors, after taking a few steps back, finally stabilized their pace.

However, once again, these two high-end version of the fighter puppets were determined to be unable to hold up.

Tang Yu reached out and tore apart a purple scroll in his hand.

In the next instant, the scroll in his hand turned into powder, and in the Blackstone Hall, there was a thunderous explosion, and a thunderous light with a thick bucket crashed down and hit the puppet.

On the puppet's body, the silver-white armor has turned black and gray, and there is still smoke coming out of the body.

this power,

Zoe was taken aback.

A few more times, his puppet, which is regarded as a treasure, will probably be scrapped.

"Your strength is very strong." He pushed Kong back with a single claw, and easily avoided the gray blade that came out from below to sneak attack, looked at Tang Yu and said, "Unfortunately, you should never, never should, in me Use puppets in front of you."

"I think back then, in addition to the title of King of Thieves, I was also called "Master of Puppets". With my skills, as long as I am willing, I can easily seize control of the puppets in your hands."

Although Zuo's language is an unknown ancient language, for some reason, although every word does not understand, the meaning of the entire sentence is completely understandable by the Awakened present.

depending on the situation,

It seems that Zuo Ni's achievements in puppets are completely superior to Tang Yu's.

Zuo Ni said, wearing a ring with gemstones on his finger, a red light, like an infrared light, swept across many fighter puppets.

He showed a win-win smile, and the ruby ​​red light on the ring flashed, flashed, flashed, and flashed...

It just kept flashing.

Zuo Ni was stunned, why didn't the red light turn green?

"Impossible, your puppet is good, but it is much worse than the super knight I carefully developed. My control center is far above your puppets. How can it be effective at all? No?!"

If it takes a long time to seize control, Sao can still accept it, but the red light is flashing right now, it is clear that the progress of the seizure is stuck at 0%!

He has never encountered such a situation in his life!

Obviously he is the puppet master, how could he even be inferior to the weak scumbag ants on the opposite side?

Tang Yu was also stunned for a moment.

The main reason is that Zuo Dai moved too fast, and the red light shot out, and he realized what Zuo Dai was going to do.

In terms of puppet technology, Zuo Dai naturally wanted to dump him for hundreds of streets, but the problem is, these puppets were not made by him!

It was a fine puppet produced by the system, and it was branded with the territory.

Zoe wants to take control, so let's go to sleep.


The flames of war roared.

Tang Yu took advantage of the situation and smashed two scrolls of ice and fire on the super puppet. It is said that ice and fire are more compatible.

The respect armour puppet was already smoking white smoke, and his movements had become a lot slower.

Zuo Ai's face, which had always seemed like a smile, gradually became serious.

He glanced at the people who were entangled in him, and then looked at Tang Yu in the distance.

His eyes narrowed.

He can see that Tang Yu's strength is not strong, and more, relying on various props in his hand, as well as those puppets with good strength, instead caused him a greater threat.

"You must get rid of that person first!"

Zuo Ai secretly paid.

In just a few dozen seconds, his strength returned to the eleventh level of awakening.

He folded his hands, a puff of black smoke emerged from Zuo's body, and in the blink of an eye, another Zuo's took shape.

This newly formed Zodiac entangled Elaine and the others, and his body activated a special technique and disappeared in a flash. In less than a breath, he had already crossed a distance of hundreds of meters and passed through the heavy guards of the puppets. , came to Tang Yu.

This speed is too fast, and even the fastest gray blade among the followers can't catch up at all.

At this moment, time seemed to stand still.

Tang Yu didn't seem to react at all, and Zuo Di's palm sharper than the blade shattered the outermost ice shield, pierced through the golden gauze and battle armor, and pierced his chest directly.

It's like changing from a black and white silent picture back to a normal picture.

The few Awakeneds who discovered the change in the situation looked at this scene in a daze, and the whole person seemed to freeze.

Zoe smiled.

Just as I was about to pull out my palm, I suddenly felt that my hand felt a little wrong.

"No, how is that possible!"

Looking at it again, what he penetrated, where is Tang Yu, but a human-shaped airbag that was punctured and was leaking.

This is fake!

But he was able to hide it from the past!

Zuo Ni searched around, and saw a sneaky figure standing beside his coffin.

Isn't that Tang Yu or who?


Tang Yu's primary purpose has never been to deal with Zuo Ni.

How could Zuo Ni be so easy to kill, to set up such a big situation, just to sleep until today, he didn't believe that Zuo Ai would have no trump cards.

Every time the Great Lord Tang went out, he had to prepare more than ten cards to save his life. Even if Zuo Yi was not as rich as him, he would save his life and even escape quickly. Zuo Yi must have mastered it.

After all, the entire secret realm was arranged by Zuo Ai, and if he wanted to leave, it was probably just a matter of thought for Zuo Ai.

With Zuo Dai's strength, it would be too difficult to keep him. Therefore, Tang Yu adopted a Buddhist strategy, slaughtering if he could;

To deal with Zuo Ai, from the very beginning, it was to find a space cracking crystal.

After several tests, Tang Yu determined that the most likely place where there is a fissure crystal is Zuo Ni's sleeping coffin. According to the information he has learned, since the cracking crystal is related to the existence of the secret realm, the biggest possibility is to be fixed in a certain position in the secret realm.

And Zuo Ai Shenmian's coffin was attached to the last wall of the hall, and the crystals were cracked, and it was very likely that it was fixed there.

Unfortunately, the strength of a few followers was not enough to force Zuo Tai away from the coffin position, and he didn't want to take risks to get close to Zuo Tai, so he could only use the battle to lead Zuo Ai away.

Tang Yu glanced around.

Zuo Ai's avatar is weaker, and has been firmly suppressed by several followers.

In the distance, Ash Blade, who pretended to be unable to react at first, would also do his best, clinging to Sao.

Tang Yu was looking into the coffin to observe, and he couldn't help but put one hand on the side of the coffin.


"Ding dong! If you come into contact with the cracking crystal, will you charge it?"

"Ding dong! If you come into contact with the cracking crystal, will you charge it?"


Tang Yu looked at the empty coffin, but did not find the crystals in his imagination at all.

But... get in touch? ? ?

He stared blankly at the side of the coffin on his right hand and nodded.


Thanks to "Ly, Zheji", "Lishuitian", "Schrödinger's Soft Cat", "Diaosi and Spare Tire", "Small Soldiers Are Crazy 32", "It's not easy to become a demon, it's harder to become an elite", and "the moon seems to return" for the rewards. . .

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