"What new announcement, frizzy, can't be as steady as me."

He Yuanhang snorted.

Didn't you see Brother Qiang here! With this kind of performance, in Brother Qiang's eyes, their adventure group is about to drop another level, and the hope of turning Brother Qiang into the group has dropped again.

The head of the pot has grievances painted on his face, and his eyes are full of resentment. "The new notice issued by the Adventurers Guild said that it is necessary to assign stars to adventurers and adventure groups. If you increase the star, you can buy more items, as well as discounts and other offers. , I glanced at it for the first time, and even a puppet like a shelter is on the purchase list."

"What! Can puppets be bought?"

He Yuanhang was taken aback, "There are such good things, so what are you waiting for, hurry up, hurry up! It's not good if it's too late to be preempted by others."

He grabbed the head of the pot and ran for a while.

I completely forgot who said not to be frizzy before.

The head of the pot became more resentful.



The temporary notice issued by the Adventurer's Guild has aroused the curiosity of many registered adventurers. These are people who are in the rest period and have not taken up the quest to go out.

Even those who were on the sidelines, hesitating whether to settle down in the green shade, or to cross the dangerous wilderness to the safer Lindong, gathered here after hearing the news.

No matter if you stay or not, see if you have nothing to lose.

When He Yuanhang arrived, he saw the crowded scene here.

A face of heartache.

I am afraid that the good things will not be robbed.

In the guild hall, several light curtains are scrolling the subtitles of the new announcement.

He Yuanhang stood in front of a light curtain and watched for a while, and gradually understood.

On the original basis, after the registered adventurer completes the task, the reward points can be used to exchange equipment and materials. When the total amount of these points accumulates to a certain level, the adventurer's star upgrade can be completed.

The points that have been consumed have no effect on the total points promotion.

Adventurers with a higher star rating have the priority to receive tasks, and some advanced tasks need to reach a certain star rating before they can be accepted.

Similarly, after the star is upgraded, more equipment and materials can be exchanged.

He Yuanhang took a general look. Adventurers are divided into one to nine stars, but it seems that only the first five stars are open. The items that can be exchanged for one-star adventurers are the same as before, and once they reach two stars, they can be exchanged. Much more than before.

That kind of standard warrior puppet is on the exchange list of the two-star adventurer.

There are not many points required, only 20 points, which are cheaper than standard swords!

He Yuanhang's eyes lit up.

Other people around were also talking about it.

"I feel that the shelter has released a lot of good things this time. Not only puppets, but even the enhanced version of the standard swords, we can also exchange them. You must know that those were originally limited editions of the patrol team."

"This is only a two-star adventurer. Three-star adventurers can exchange more items, many of which are incomprehensible items, and even have the right to use the training camp. Two-star can exchange for the use of intermediate training equipment, while three-star , can be exchanged for high-level, we haven’t even seen intermediate-level ones.”

"Isn't anyone paying attention to the price? There are already discounts for 2-star adventurers to exchange items, 9.5% off 2-star, 10% off 3-star... All the way to 9-star, this is 40% off, which is very cheap! Although 9-star is still It’s not open yet, but since the shelter said so, it’s only a matter of time, I’m very excited to think about it!”

"Don't say it, I originally saved dozens of points, and I just wanted to exchange for a sword. Now, there are so many equipment items that can be exchanged, I don't know what to exchange. This is a choice to be forced to death Obsessive-compulsive disorder!"

The shelter suddenly released so many new items this time, which they did not expect at all.

Some of these people are unwilling to be restrained. Although they are greedy for the benefits of the patrol team, they still choose to be a free adventurer, while others just want to join the patrol team but cannot.

It has been many days since I heard the news of the patrol recruiting new ones.

He Yuanhang took the hand of the head of the pot, "Quick, let's go to the queue. Now I have more than 30 points on my account, enough to exchange for a soldier puppet."

"Uh, the head of the regiment..." The crew members of the pot cover stopped.

"If you have something to say, how long will it take!"

The head of the pot finally said, "Captain, your points are probably not enough to be promoted to two-star adventurers, including our adventure group, which can't be exchanged for that kind of puppet."

He Yuanhang: "..."

The adventure group is also divided into stars. In fact, most of the Awakened people are in the wild, and they act in teams. When accepting tasks, they are often accepted by the adventure group as a whole. The rewards may be based on the members. Contribution distribution, or alternatively, there is a specific distribution method on tasks.

The sum of the accumulated points of all members of the team is the highest points the adventure group has, which is equivalent to the "experience value" used for star promotion. When a certain level is reached, the star rating of the adventure group can be improved.

Team members automatically enjoy the benefits brought by the mercenary group after the star is upgraded.

The members of Guojiatou glanced at their head and said weakly, "Individuals need 100 points to upgrade to two stars, and a small adventure group like ours needs 400 points to upgrade to stars. I have just checked, our voyage adventure group, The current highest score is 386 points, which is a little short of being promoted to a star.”

A small adventure group is a group of five. From the point of view of points, as long as the five people in the team are of similar strength, the speed of the adventure group will be faster than that of an individual. Some.

If their voyage adventure group can be expanded into a medium-sized adventure group, with a quota of 25 people, after recruiting full members, it will be much faster than the small adventure group in terms of completion of tasks and efficiency of star promotion.

It's a pity that there is a charge for expanding the size of the team... Guojiatou quietly glanced at the head of the group and bought wine every day. I'm afraid that the adventure group will be small in this life.

"Is it just a few points away? Then what are you waiting for, let's hurry up and pick up the task!"

He Yuanhang immediately said, "You go to inform others, forget it, we should take the task first, lest there will be no task later."

There are not a few people who have the same idea as him. These people who still kept the shelter are in the rest period between tasks. Now, I look at it, well, take a rest, hurry up and earn points by taking the task, late. One second is a huge loss!

Thinking that other people have been promoted to two stars, Mei Zizi exchanged points for those eye-catching items, and he is still at one star, so he can only watch it dryly, and he can't even connect to the task to upgrade the star...

He Yuanhang shuddered, and hurriedly squeezed in front of the window. After seeing it, he finally breathed a sigh of relief. In addition to releasing more exchangeable items, the shelter also added many new tasks today, otherwise it would be impossible to drink soup.

There is another chapter

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