The magma flowed down from the top of the mountain, and wherever it passed, there was a burst of smoke.

The rumbling sound was still blasting, the sky was covered with lead-grey volcanic ash, and orange-red fireworks continued to erupt in the crater.

Tang Yu was leaning against the window, holding a high-powered telescope in his hand, staring at the crater in the distance.

The figure is not big, and it is only a small point to the naked eye. Even if there are fireworks in the field of view of the telescope, it is still not clear. He only vaguely recognizes that the figure is somewhat similar to a human being. Wandering in.

Obviously he couldn't see clearly, but for some reason, Tang Yu felt this way, the figure at the crater, facing the hot pillar of fire, facing the scalding magma, was like a person washing with suitable warm water.

It's scary to think about!

"Is it a demonized beast, an alienated beast, or something else? For example, like Zuo, a human from an old era, or some creature that I don't know about?"

He was very curious, but it's fine to observe closely, just mark this location on the map. If you master some kind of security investigation method in the future, you can come and take a look.

The floating chariot restarted, and after a while, it flew out of Yucheng.

Hurry during the day, stop at night to rest, and three days pass in the blink of an eye.

After the end of the world, the landscape has changed a lot. There are whole areas of rock that look like thorny stone forests, and trees that are dotted with purple-blue light, forming a dreamy forest area, whether it is dangerous or strange, along the way, Tang Yu I saw a lot of scenery that I didn't think of before. If we put aside the danger, the scenery in some areas, before the end of the world, must be an excellent tourist attraction.

"According to the distance, you should be able to reach the Luoxia Shelter tomorrow." Tang Yu tapped the preset route with his finger and zoomed in on the area ahead, "This area is mostly mountains and hills. Before the end of the world, it was a sparsely populated place, and now there is no establishment here. For any large shelter, the dangerous star rating displayed on the map is basically unknown, so be careful during this time."

He chose to avoid the six-star, ten-dead region that lies between the two provinces. However, other places are not necessarily safe. Tang Yu even slowed down the speed of the floating chariot, so as not to be one. The breath hits certain high-risk areas.

This morning, because of speeding, I accidentally crashed into the lair of a powerful alienated beast, and by the way crushed a few of the alienated beast eggs that were larger than the human body... This completely angered the flying alien beast. Holding on to the convoy, in order to escape, the floating chariot opened its kinetic energy and crashed into the territory of several powerful alienated beasts, including two floating chariots and external rotating machine guns. The destruction made Tang Yu feel distressed for several seconds.

Speeding is really bad.



In the mountains, the degree of danger is even greater. Except for the demonized beasts gushing out of the abyss, most of the pre-apocalyptic animals will be demonized by the red fog factor dispersed from the cracks. Stronger, faster, with sharper claws, and possibly awakening special abilities just like humans.

It is as if the awakened human beings are similar to the capable ones and the alienated beasts. They are strong and have intelligence, and sometimes they are more difficult than demonized beasts.

In such an area, the pre-apocalyptic villages have either moved out long ago and are included in various shelters, or they can't support it and collapse into the dangerous mountains.


In an area surrounded by peaks and mountains and densely covered with jungles, there is a curling smoke rising.

This is a small mountain village. Most of the villages are brick buildings with two or three storeys in height. They are scattered around. Looking down from the air, you can see a few broad roads in the village, like rutted roads.

There are hundreds of villagers who survive in the village. They have lived here from generation to generation since before the end of the world, hundreds of years ago, or even longer, and have never left.

Even with the development of science and technology, even later this small village located in the deep mountains was discovered by outsiders, and the circuit was connected, and there was a signal to learn about the colorful world outside. Most of the villagers still stayed here.

As if it is a paradise, the villagers rely on the gifts of nature to live a quiet and ordinary secluded life.

Even after the end of the world, they did not leave. Relying on their own methods, they have survived in this dangerous area, and even the entire small mountain village has not suffered much damage, and still retains the original style.

However, at this moment, the hundreds of villagers living here looked nervous, all looking up at the sky.

A flying demonic beast with brown-red wings and a curved beak like a barb, with wings spread over thirty meters, is hovering in the air.

Its wings blew a hurricane sharper than a blade, leaving mottled traces on the ground, and the brick buildings were all tossed away, and the peaceful village suddenly became messy.

"Quick, stop it!"

In the center of the village, an old man with gray hair spoke.

In an instant, accompanied by a few loud whistles, from all over the village, several figures flapped their wings and flew into the sky.

Behind the gray-haired old man, a strange beast that looked similar to a white crane, but was much larger, flew up.

The alien beast, the white crane, has a pointed beak, and its wings are harder than steel, with a surging and angry aura, like a rocket, flying straight towards the demonized beast.

The villagers all watched nervously at the several figures staggering back and forth in the sky.


With a shrill cry, a flying beast fell from the sky, and the bright red blood flowers scattered all over the sky, staining the ground red.

This was just the beginning. One after another flying beast was shot down, and the villagers' faces became more and more ugly.


The alien beast, the white crane, fell, crushing a house, and the white crane struggled, flapping its wings, trying to fly into the sky, but at the part where the wings were attached to the chest, a huge wound was tearing it, unable to return to the sky.

At the moment when the white crane fell, the gray-haired old man also flushed red, spurting out a mouthful of blood, and his body suddenly became hunched and very sluggish.

"village head!"

People exclaimed, and some villagers quickly came over with the herbal medicine, "Quick, give this herbal medicine to the village chief to relieve some of the backlash."

The powerful demonized beasts with brown wings are still raging.

In the village, powerful awakened people tried their best to resist, and there were many alien beasts, roaring at the flying demonized beast.

But even the strongest alien beast, Baihe, has been seriously injured. Most of the other alien beasts can't fly. Under the ravages of demonized beasts, this struggle seems powerless.

Every now and then, villagers would cover their mouths and spit out red blood.

The village chief coughed up blood again, his face remorseful, "It's my fault, I proposed to let everyone stay in the village, otherwise, it would not be in crisis now."

(PS: There is another chapter emmmmmmm...)

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