My Doomsday Territory (My Apocalypse Domain)

Chapter 203 The development path suitable for the awakened (two-in-one chapter)

There seemed to be a lot to say, but nothing to say.

Tang Yu felt very warm, the big stone in his heart that he had been worried about for a long time was finally put down at this moment.

"Your dad works in a flour mill, and I work in a textile mill. Fortunately, something happened in the factory today. I'll be back early..."

Tang's mother kept talking.

Tang Yu listened quietly, replying a sentence or two from time to time.

This is a room of 20 to 30 square meters. There is not much furniture. There is only a bed, a round wooden table, two chairs, and some simple daily necessities are placed on the table.

Despite this, the whole room still seemed cramped, and he couldn't bear to let his parents live in such a place, "Mom, when Dad comes back, let's move out and live in a big house..."

"What kind of big house do you live in? I know you think it's small when you look at it, but you can't take the environment before the end of the world. Compared with now, your dad and I live in this house, and it's not narrow at all. You live in, plus One bed is enough, don't be a fearless waste."

Mother Tang said again and again, "You haven't seen those dozens of people crowded into one room, that's the crowd. Fortunately, your cousin has some status in the army, and that's why we won this room..."

Anyway, Tang Yu gave a lot of examples to prove that he was really rich, so he reluctantly persuaded Tang's mother and agreed to change to a bigger house. During this period, he was also asked questions, such as whether the road was dangerous or not, and how did he get there. Are there any injuries here...

Fortunately, Mama Tang was just an ordinary person. She had never been out of a shelter, and she didn't know much about the wild. Otherwise, his feat of rushing from Lindong to Luoxia would not have been possible in a few words.

During this period, Mama Tang hurriedly went downstairs and purchased a manpower delivery service to deliver the news that he had come to Luoxia to Dad Tang who was still in the factory.

Not long after, the family was finally reunited.

Father Tang is the same, with silver in his black hair, and his face is wrinkled by time...

Tang Yu's memory was still stuck in the faded photo. The two of them were still so young, and he realized at this moment that time... I don't know where they all went.

"Fortunately, there is still time, and there are no regrets in life..."

After a while,

Mother Tang said with a smile, "I'll go out to buy more food, and then invite your uncle and aunt to come over for dinner, tell them the news of your safety, and be sure to celebrate."



Outside Building No. 29, Elaine and the others waited boredly.

At this time, Winnie suggested, "Leader... The captain shouldn't come out so soon. Instead of waiting here, we might as well do something serious."

Playing cards with the three brothers Carmen, and under their tacit cooperation and cooperation, Xie, who lost a large vote of Yuanjing, suddenly came to the spirit, "If you don't play, don't play, it's important to do business... Oh right, what business is it? "

Winnie paced back and forth a few steps, wrapping her arms around her chest and propping up her chest slightly.

"Although we may not stay here for a long time, we will return to the shelter, but according to the captain's character, we will definitely keep some people here to carry out the situation or other work, anyway, it will be done sooner or later, it is better to take advantage of Now that we have free time, let’s first investigate the situation in Luoxia Sanctuary, including the distribution of various forces, food, equipment, etc.”

"Sounds good, where do we start."

Winnie ruffled her hair, lost in thought, "This question, uh..."

Elaine, who had been to Lindong, put forward a reliable suggestion, "Generally speaking, the mercenary union and the trading market are mixed together, and it is easier to find out the news."

"I'll go to the mercenary union." Xie said, "I'm familiar with that kind of place. The mercenaries are all talented, and they talk nicely. I like them very much."

"What about the trading market? Who will go? But we have to keep at least half of our staff here to protect the captain's safety."

"I'm me, I'm going to squeak."

A certain bamboo rat spirit raised his hand, but no one saw it, so he could only jump up to make himself appear in the sight of others.

Winnie turned her head to look at it and shook her head.

"You can't do it. How can you inquire about the news with your body? I think it's better for Xingling Xingyue to go, or let Brother Carmen go, or I go."

The division of labor is complete.

Xie Yi hummed a little tune and walked away slowly. Suddenly, he turned around and said, "By the way, go to the mercenary union, do you want to register a mercenary group by the way?"

"Registration? It doesn't cost any money anyway. How much to get it."



The afterglow of the sunset gradually fell, taking away the last light.

The houses in the West No. 5 community do not have electricity. Only in the fixed area of ​​each building, some services such as hot water are provided. When the sun goes down, the entire residential community seems to be enveloped in darkness. Only the kerosene lamps are orange. The light of the fire flickered, bringing a little light.

Building 29, Room 0327.

At this time, there was a lively atmosphere, and even the neighbors had heard that the son of the old Tang family had arrived at the Luoxia Shelter from another city.

This is really amazing.

Most people don’t know how dangerous the wild is, but after listening to the sound of artillery fire from time to time in the distance, as well as some news from hearsay on weekdays, the wild is really a place to eat people…

It seems that the son of the old Tang family is very remarkable.

The standard of living of their family may be able to go up one... or even two steps.

The words of these neighbors' conversations are full of envy.


In the room, the only round wooden table was serving dishes one after another.

Because of the lack of kitchen utensils and home appliances, many dishes are relatively simple. However, this table is also very rich, and there is no shortage of meat dishes. The most distinctive dish is steamed mutant Pipi shrimp, which is the special product here. Sea beasts, ordinary survivors have a chance to eat a lot. Even so, this table is also expensive. If he just took out a large amount of source crystals, Tang Mama would be reluctant and would not be able to buy so many ingredients.

Soon, the aunt's family and the uncle's family came here.

The cramped room was packed with people and seemed crowded, but there were smiles on their faces.

My aunt's family also lived in the West No. 5 community. There were four members of the family. Except for the two elders, they were of the same age as him. There was also a short cousin, and a cousin who was only five or six years old and was still a bear child.

The uncle's family, because the cousin was in the army, was assigned a suite of 100 meters square, and life was better.

He knew that it was the three families who helped each other, especially the cousin who had a certain status in the army, who was able to live a somewhat decent life in this difficult apocalypse.

Tang Yu turned to look at his cousin who was sitting beside him.

His face is resolute, he has long hair, and his body is straight. This is his cousin Tang Yu, whose names are relatively similar. When he was a child, his parents called the two by their names. He often made a lot of jokes because of mishearing.

However, as they grew up, the contact became less and less, and when they met again, both of them grew up a lot.

While eating and chatting, Tang Yu was inevitably asked how he came to Luoxia Sanctuary.

He could only give a vague response.

Cousin has a lot of knowledge and understanding, but he didn't break it. He just asked, "I don't know, what are you going to do in the future?"

"doing what?"

"You can come to Luoxia from Lindong, of course, needless to say your strength, but you also need to plan your future route and what kind of career you plan to do. Your brother and I know enough about Luoxia, so I can give you advice. "

Cousin put down his chopsticks and continued, "Awakened people don't have to worry about finding a job, especially powerful Awakened people, who will be recruited by many parties. Let me introduce you first, some general places."

"The first is the mercenary trade union. Become a mercenary and join a certain mercenary group. You should know this. The advantage of being a mercenary is freedom. It is up to you to earn more and less, but the disadvantages are also obvious. It's dangerous."

"Second, the military, the military has recently established the Zulong Awakener Special Forces, and is preparing to expand the recruitment of the Awakened. Ah Yu, you have enough strength. If you join Zulong, you will definitely be reused. I am also the ancestor now. A member of the dragon, I personally hope that you can join Zulong, but I feel that it depends on the meaning of the aunt..."

Sure enough, Mother Tang raised her brows, "What are you going to do when you join Zulong, is it dangerous?"

The cousin pondered for a while and said:

"Zulong is a battle group composed entirely of awakened people. As long as it performs tasks such as exploration, beheading, protection, etc., what to do after joining Zulong, I can't say for sure. The tasks of each team are different. Yes, there are dangers, but the military operates meticulously, the level of danger is much lower than that of mercenaries, the benefits are good, and they can be equipped with the latest equipment as soon as possible. The disadvantage is that they need to obey discipline, and it is impossible to want freedom...

Before my cousin finished speaking, he was rejected by Tang's mother.

Tang Yu didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He hadn't expressed his opinion yet. He even swallowed the things he wanted to take away from his parents, and couldn't find the right time to say it.

In fact, parents are like this. They do not want their children to achieve a great career, but safety and health are essential.

The cousin continued:

"Awakened people have great strength, and they can also make a good income by doing some physical work, but of course... With your strength, you will definitely not look down on it. In addition, there are two ways of martial arts and special employment. ."

"The so-called special hires are usually the guards of rich people, which are long-term hires. There is no shortage of people in Luoxia who have a lot of source crystals on hand, but their own strength is not strong enough, but I don't recommend you to do this. I understand that this industry is especially chaotic, and there are plans to clean it up."

"The other is the martial arts hall. The martial arts hall belongs to a relatively special force. Unlike the mercenary group and Zulong, they do not need to be active in the wild. The martial arts hall is a place to teach kung fu or fighting skills. Occasionally, the martial arts hall will Hold out-of-the-way training activities to allow students to fight against demonized beasts. At this time, guards are needed to guard them to prevent accidents... This is also the reason why the martial arts hall recruits awakened people."

Judging from this description, the safety of the work of the martial arts hall is quite high.

Most of the students in the martial arts hall are not strong enough. The so-called field experience is also a game of catching and fighting with low-level demonized beasts.

Tang Yu shook his head, and suddenly found that he was being led into a ditch. He even compared the pros and cons of the various development directions of the Awakened.

No matter what he said, it's also Tang, not bad for money, masters like clouds, earning a million a month in minutes, great lord, Yu, what kind of work do you want!

However, he hadn't figured out how to explain these, so he could only keep smiling.

There was helplessness in the smile.

At this time, on the other side of the table, cousin Chen Xiaojia was chewing food, her mouth bulging, and she said in a vague voice, "Wu Guan, this is good, fat cut... cough cough," she swallowed the food, "table Brother, why don't you come to our Zhentian Martial Arts Hall, I am studying in Zhentian Martial Arts Hall now."

"Let's not mention this, but," Tang Yu looked confused, "Can you really learn something in the martial arts hall? The real Awakened should all come out of the wild, right?"

"Fighting in the wild is to gain combat experience, while in the martial arts hall, it is to learn combat skills. These martial arts halls are different from those before the end of the world. Many of them have real materials." My cousin fully turned into a commentator. "In fact, Zulong also has coaches teaching some real kung fu, but due to the principle of confidentiality, I can't say too much. In short, it's hard to say about the small martial arts halls, but those big martial arts halls are quite formal."

Cousin Chen Xiaojia nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

She took her cousin's words, "Not only that, but not everyone can go to the martial arts hall. You need to apply for a membership card and pay expensive membership fees before you can study and train in the martial arts hall. Of course, some talented students, the martial arts hall. It will reduce or even eliminate the cost of study, just like me.”

She showed a proud look like a white swan, "I am now enjoying the premium membership treatment, and it is completely free, but in the future, when I have the strength to awaken the third layer, I will need to work for the martial arts hall and serve as a guard..."

Well, this is equivalent to the company entrusting the university to train, and the student and the company have signed a post-graduation work contract.

Tang Yu secretly thought about paying.

This is the advance investment of the martial arts hall. It seems that this young cousin has outstanding talent.


The cousin stretched out the white and tender palm, and in the palm was a yellow-black seed. The next moment, the tender green sapling burst out and grew rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"This is my special ability. It can make plants grow quickly and can control these grown plants. Even Brother Yu has no special ability."

She stared at Tang Yu with wide eyes, "Brother Yu, you have awakened to the fourth level, do you have any special abilities?"

Chen Xiaojia's awakening time is not long, and it is only a level of strength, but he can clearly perceive the strength of other awakened people.

Just like at this moment, Tang Yu, who is sitting in front of her, has an aura like a bonfire in the dark night, the kind that burns very vigorously, stronger than Brother Yu next to him, and Brother Yu has only awakened to the third level.

——This is a breath simulation technique that Tang Yu developed for himself after accepting the inheritance of the magic swordsman profession, combined with the characteristics of his profession, and sometimes it can produce a lot of effects.

Just like now, if he doesn't have any awakened aura in his body, and he can't release it, he must have an explanation, which would be very troublesome.

Tang Yu touched his nose, "Yes, yes, but my abilities are rather special."

"Special? What type is it, elemental, transformation, spiritual, solidification, or special?"

"This... it should be a special department, maybe it can be called the Department of Architecture."

Tang Yu said in an uncertain tone.

Thanks to "Qiying" for the reward. . . So today is two chapters QAQ. . .

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