Kevin thought about it for a while, his eyes gradually brightened, and he felt feasible, "This is a good idea. Although the runes are complicated, they can indeed find the rules. In this way, to assist in fine-tuning the runes, there is no need for a rune master. Apprentices, even ordinary people, after a short period of training, can handle a specific rune."

The primary equipment only needs to be engraved with one rune, and the runes required for the primary equipment are nothing more than sharp runes, armor runes, and several primary runes.

This makes this method feasible. One group of people is responsible for the debugging of the A rune, and the other group is responsible for the debugging of the B rune.

"If you want to reach the output of 1,000 pieces per day, how many survivors does Master Kevin think, and how long does it take to train before they can take up their jobs?"

Tang Yu asked.

Kevin is a professional in this regard, and he certainly won't do it arbitrarily.

To produce a thousand pieces of rune equipment every day, Tang Yu felt that he could meet the market demand of the territory and Luoxia, but the production of one thousand pieces was just the beginning.

The equipment can’t be sold that much, even if the existing equipment will be gradually eliminated and replaced with more advanced equipment as the strength increases, but a set of equipment will be used for half a month or a month, and it is basically not a problem.

This limits the sale of equipment. In Tang Yu's mind, equipment has never been the most profitable commodity.

Consumables are!

He also has such commodities in his hands, such as rune scrolls, source bombs, and source crystals that can restore physical strength... These, even if they are only one-time items, can be at a critical juncture. Possibly saving his life.

Is life more important or money?

Tang Yu thought it was the latter of course... Cough, the former!

His goal is to empty the wallets of the Awakened. This is for their own good. If the money is not spent, how can there be any motivation to make money?

But selling props is not so urgent. When it is time to increase production, Tang Yu believes that more qualified workers have been trained in the territory.

"In the early stage, about 50 people are needed. After being proficient, only 20 debugging personnel are needed. During this period, a week of high-intensity training is required. If the lord is in a hurry, it can be done in three days. At most, the quality of inscribed runes can only reach 80%.”

Kevin took out a tool pen and drew a sketch on the paper, "And if you want to train enough competent personnel in a short period of time, you also need those people to have enough talent."

"Talent? The territory can't find so many talents with high rune talent." Tang Yu frowned.

"No, no, no." Kevin waved his hands again and again, "You don't need to be highly talented in runes, you just need to be sensitive to runes. This kind of person is easier to distinguish between runes and runes, and can be considered rune talent. One, but it is not that high, it is easier to find, and with the current number of territorial residents, it is still possible to gather fifty people."

Tang Yu nodded.

That's fine.

The quality of 80% of the runes is not low. The runes inscribed by the Lindong Academy of Sciences cannot even use 50% of their own power. Even the runes inscribed by him are close to 90% of the quality.

Those rune fine-tuning workers may be able to reach 90% of the quality after a week or two of training.

This is not because those people are of a higher level than him, but because the main body of the rune is engraved by the rune seal, and the difficulty is much lower. Even so, this is an industry that is exposed to runes. After working for a period of time, these rune fine-tuning workers may grow into rune apprentices. Some talents are good. If you focus on training, it is not impossible to produce one or two rune masters. .

Tang Yu pondered for a while and then said, "I will choose a suitable place to build the factory. At that time, the equipment will still need to be manufactured by you. In addition, regarding the selection of talents, I will let the Municipal Department fully cooperate."



Early the next day.

Yang Wei, as usual, came to the open space beside the central square after simply eating breakfast, waiting for the seventh group to gather.

During the construction of the business district, he has become accustomed to this kind of life, and has long been familiar with other people in the group.

Soon the seventh group of twenty handymen came to this open space to gather, waiting for the group leader to lead them to complete today's task.

"Strange, why hasn't the team leader come yet?" Time passed by, and someone looked around.

"What's the hurry, it's only five minutes before seven o'clock." Someone immediately pointed to the distance, the clock tower built a few days ago said.

It was ticking and turning, and there was still a little time before seven o'clock.

That's when they start working each day.

Yang Wei also looked into the distance and frowned, "That's not right, the team leader usually arrives here early. The latest time, he arrived ten minutes earlier. Like today, this is the first time."

"Maybe there is something wrong, such as diarrhea, eating a bad stomach, stomach pain, etc..."

"No." Yang Wei saw that there were also many group members gathered, "Usually at this time, many groups have already gone to the construction site, but they won't be waiting here."

Having said that, other people in the group looked around and found that it was true, it seemed that most of the group leaders did not appear...

It feels like something is going to happen in the future.

At seven o'clock, the bell tower made a sound of "dangdangdang", heralding the beginning of a new day.

The adventurers wore well-equipped equipment and walked out of the territory in the eyes of other survivors with envy or admiration.

‘If one day, he can earn several Origin Crystals a day like the Awakened, so he doesn’t have to drool over the delicious food in the cafeteria every time. ’

Yang Wei is looking forward to it, but he also knows that it is impossible to become an Awakened in this life.

It is said that the Sanctuary has a way to make ordinary people become Awakened, but that consumes huge resources, and it is many times more expensive than eating in the cafeteria.

At this time, he saw the leader of the seventh group and hurried over.

"This morning's work schedule has been cancelled," said the team leader.

"Cancel? Why?"

Yang Wei couldn't accept this cruel fact, even if it was only for half a day, it meant that his small income would have to be shrunk by half.

"Hey, don't worry." The team leader grinned, revealing the empty front teeth inside, "I know what you're worried about, the reason you canceled work in the morning was because the shelter was going to give us a test. The test is voluntary, but taking the test is equivalent to Participate with pay, and today's wages will not be less than a cent."

Yang Wei breathed a sigh of relief.

He didn't have to work, but he had no less money. He didn't have any resistance to taking the test. Instead, he became more and more curious.

"This test is said to be about screening for a new job. I don't know what the job is for, but as far as I know, the salary is very high. If you pass the test, your life will be turned upside down."

"What is the test? Can we pass it?"

Hearing this, everyone's eyes lit up.

Yang Wei also fantasized.

As a handyman, he is thin and thin, his work efficiency is very low, and his daily salary is not much.

Although not hungry, it is impossible to eat delicious food.

It would be nice to pass this test.

It's just that he is thin and doesn't know much knowledge. Facing that unknown test...

Yang Wei's eyes were a little sad.

It's past nine o'clock after the exam, and now I finally wrote a chapter, hahahaha, I almost thought it was going to be broken today. . .

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