Several buses slowly drove out of the resort, which surprised the survivors who were about to take part in the test.

Testing, neither in labor centers nor in shelters.

Some were even worried about the dangers in the wild, but were relieved at the thought that it was a convoy of shelters.

The car didn't drive too far. After leaving the resort, it slowly drove around the mountain behind it for two or three kilometers, and then stopped.

Yang Wei got out of the car with the others.

Although it was in the wild, the frightening howls of demonized beasts could not be heard here.

Looking around, there are reinforced concrete buildings built here, like a factory area. Behind the factory area, at the farthest end of the shelter, a towering city wall stretches across this area and encloses the second half of the factory area.

As soon as I saw it, I felt a great sense of security.

All around, black towers stood tall, looking far into the distance, and you could see the city walls, the artillery pieces, and the patrol members patrolling around.

High security.

This is their first feeling.

Unable to help, they all swallowed their saliva. It seemed that the only way to calm down a little, the nervousness.



In the factory area, Tang Yu stood by the high-rise window of a building, watching the survivors file in under the leadership of the staff.

"How many survivors have passed the first two levels?"

"There are... 197 people, including 136 males and 61 females." Standing beside, a clerk of the municipal department quickly replied.

this number,

a bit less.

Tang Yu was helpless, but there was nothing he could do. Who made the territory's population base too small? In fact, the development of the shelter has been very fast. It has been less than a month since he got the system. to the current size.

The speed is enough to surprise every shelter around.

He was not satisfied with this.

However, the population of the territory does not just go out casually, just kidnap from other shelters. Now many infrastructures of shelters are still under construction. After the first phase of the project is completed, they can enter a faster stage of development... right?

His eyes looked ahead, but he was not looking at the survivors below, but at the territory map in the panel.

Not far from where he was, among the nearly two hundred yellow-green dots, there were two or three very eye-catching red dots.

Tang Yu glanced to the side, looked at the municipal office clerk, and asked, "Do you have any information on those people?"

The clerk was stunned, "Yes, yes, do you need it? I'll go get it now?"

Even though Tang Yu's aura was subdued, like an ordinary person, the clerk who had only seen him a few times still had his heart beat faster because of his nervousness.

Running in a hurry, this man came with a stack of documents.


Tang Yu opened the pages one by one.

Every survivor who comes here has a registration. Although there is not much information, the name may not be accurate. The date of registration is not wrong.

He took a cursory look. The last survivor who came to the shelter was two days ago... The survivors who have arrived in the last few batches were all brought back by the patrol team. Tang Yu didn't believe the spy he had planted.

Normal spies are not just ordinary people, so it is difficult to steal important information.

Tang Yu recalled, before, there didn't seem to be any red spots in the territory. Those few, maybe they just changed?

Because of a certain incentive, the thinking has changed, from neutral to hostile.

‘Because of the confidentiality agreement, I feel that I have access to the secrets of the shelter, and want to use these secrets for my own benefit? ’

'But even if the interests of the shelter are sold, there must be a corresponding seller...'

Tang Yu guessed that it should be the personnel dispatched by some forces who had private contact with some survivors of the shelter.

He thought of the military for the first time, and then ruled it out.

Judging from the contact with the Lindong army these days, the other party will not do these small actions in private. More importantly, Tang Yu knows how many people there are in the Lindong army, so he pretends to be an ordinary adventurer and lives in a shelter. The small dots of light displayed by people are yellow.

Obviously other forces, such as the rest of the high-level Lindong, or others.

It's just that Tang Yu didn't notice it before.

People who enter the territory with malicious intent are marked as red dots, but there is a premise that they will only find out when they need to check the territory map.

As a busy man of Tang, Yu, how could he have so much time to check the map of the territory often, to put it bluntly, now that he is full of wings, he doesn't care about the secret investigation of other forces.

Anyway, I can't find the core secrets of the territory. As for have the ability to hit me!

'How many people are you going to arrest now? ’

Tang Yu thought about it.

Of course, he doesn't need a reason to arrest people, but those ordinary survivors probably won't know which force they are in contact with.

after all,

He doesn't care about the probes of other forces.

But, of course the outstretched hand is about to be chopped off!



in the workshop.

All the survivors who participated in the test were sitting in front of the weird-looking workbench. They didn't know the workbench and what the equipment on it did. Now it's just used as a table and chair for them.

Chen Haiping glanced around, saw these people sitting down, and said, "The last test, the test time is 30 minutes, you can see, there are papers and pencils on the table in front of you. What you need to do in the first level is to draw the corresponding content on the paper according to each of you's first feelings after the 'test questions' appear."

After a pause, Chen Haiping continued, "The test questions are abstract, and everyone feels different. Don't worry about failing your painting skills. This test has nothing to do with your painting skills, you just need to draw what you want to express in your heart. already."

"Finally, I would like to emphasize that communication is prohibited during the test, and it is prohibited to look around. Violators will be disqualified!"

Chen Haiping left immediately, leaving only a few clerks from the Municipal Department to look after him.

Yang Wei and other survivors all stared at the wall in front of them.

The exam questions will appear there.

What the content is, they are curious and puzzled.

More of a heartbreak.

They are not confident, can they really draw something when they see the test questions? Or, directly draw the test questions on the paper?



Workshop upstairs.

Kevin stood in front of a special metal the size of a blackboard, holding a rune pen that was at least two meters long.

He waved the rune pen in a smooth motion.

This is drawing an extra-large rune, and by increasing the input of source power and special guidance, the power of the rune is continuously distributed.

Such a rune, the person who sees it for the first time, will be affected, and the corresponding content will appear in his mind unconsciously.

The higher the perception of the rune, the clearer the effect.

Seeing the rune taking shape, a certain picture immediately appeared in Tang Yu's mind, and he could even clearly feel the surging energy on the rune.

A power unique to this rune.

‘Sure enough, I am on the rune one, and the talent is fat! ’

Over there, Kevin has finished writing.

Tang Yu admired it very much. He was worthy of being a senior rune master. If he was asked to draw such an extra-large rune, he couldn't do it.

On the other hand, Kevin looked relaxed.

It seems he still has a long way to go.

Suddenly, Kevin stumbled, holding his back with his hands, his face twisted, "Oh, my waist is flashing..."

Tang Yu: "..."

(One more chapter to come)

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