My Doomsday Territory (My Apocalypse Domain)

Chapter 237 News from the Newspaper


The weeds were pushed aside, and three figures came out.

It was like a siege, blocking the two of them.

The only remaining light red sunset, through the treetops, fell down, reflecting the flustered face of the figure.

Huang Yuli was wearing army green short sleeves and trousers, wrapped in a simple animal skin, and hung a blood-stained battle knife around his waist.

His animal skins and clothes were also stained with dried brown blood, and he looked like an Awakener with some fighting experience.

However, he looked at the three people in uniform in front of him.

The head was a ponytail, a girl in her early twenties who looked pretty.

In normal times, in their shelter, if he can find such a girl, he must be very happy, no matter what means he uses, he will get it.

But now, looking at this young woman who said nothing, he didn't dare to think too much.


The opponent has the strength to awaken the fourth layer, and the other two Awakeners of Green Shade also have the strength to awaken the third layer.

He himself has only awakened to the third level!

The situation was very unfavorable for him.

A young man standing on the left looked at Pan Tu, who was already frightened, and said, "Pan Tu, you are suspected of... oh no, you have sold out important information about the shelter, so please come with us. Well, before you, we also arrested two other people, presumably, you should have a common language."

When Pan Tu heard this, his eyes lost expression, and his feet slumped on the ground, his face as gray as death.

At this time, Huang Yuli narrowed his eyes.

In the blink of an eye, two grenades flew out, and the flames exploded. Taking this opportunity, he stomped on the ground with his right foot, and his entire body flew out to the side, scurrying into the grass, cat on his waist, and his toes tapped the ground to fly.

I want to use the complex environment to get rid of the pursuit of powerful enemies.

With the help of the explosion, Huang Yuli swept the corner of his eyes behind him, and saw the two members of the green-shaded patrol team, they were pushed back by his unexpected blow.

The distance has been widened, the jungle environment is complicated, and the sky is already dim.

He has every chance to escape.

More importantly, even in extremely critical situations, he still carries that precious information.

Huang Yuli simply admired his adaptability at this moment.

he thought to himself.

Suddenly, a thunder light flashed in my mind.

Patrol... two people... where's the last one? !

The idea just came up,


There was a heavy blow to the abdomen.

The body arched, and Huang Yuli spit out the bitter water.

Stiffly bowed his head, saw an arm that was not strong, and even seemed a little white, clenched his fist and smashed it on his body.

Looking at Huang Yuli who was almost out of combat power, Lan Qingya retracted her fist.

One punch, KO.

Even with this punch, she kept her strength.

She was also worried that the person above asked to be caught alive, unable to control her strength, and directly beat the other party to death.

Even at the level of life, she is only one level higher than the other party.

But Lan Qingya knew in her heart that the difference in strength between the two sides alone would have to be five or six times greater.

'The method taught by Luo Corps can effectively tap the potential. The body quenching liquid is even more amazing. After soaking for half an hour, the muscles have been greatly quenched, and the physical strength has been greatly improved. Control, a little weak...'

'The most surprising thing is that using the body quenching liquid to quickly increase strength, not only does it have no side effects, but also does not produce exaggerated muscles, even...'

Lan Qingya looked at her arm.

Due to the long-term exercise, the skin that was a little dark from the sun turned white after soaking in the body quenching liquid.

Rao is a girl like her who doesn't pay much attention to her appearance. Seeing such a change, she is also happy in her heart.

No matter how you don't pay attention, who can ignore it.

Standing there and waiting for a while, the other two patrol team members, escorting Pan Tu, rushed here.

Seeing Huang Yuli clutching his stomach and struggling on the ground, both of them breathed a sigh of relief.

"As expected of the captain, if it were us, we might not be able to chase... Captain be careful!"

Huang Yuli, who seemed to have lost his fighting power, turned over and jumped up from the ground.

His movements were somewhat deformed, and the bulging blue veins on his forehead were faintly visible.

At this time, Huang Yuli, who stood firm, pulled out a pistol from somewhere on his body, and the black muzzle reached Lan Qingya.

"Die!" With a grim expression on his face, he was about to pull the trigger.


Sparks spewed from the muzzle.

Lan Qingya dodged, and the bullet flew past the ponytail that had been left in place due to inertia.

The next moment, Lan Qingya had appeared beside Huang Yuli.

Lift the right foot, and the calf pops out.


There was a faint sound of something breaking.

The pistol fell to the ground.

Huang Yuli covered a certain part and kept rolling on the ground.

The screams are chilling.

The other two young patrol members looked at each other, only to feel a cold wind blowing.

Seeing Lan Qingya's casual appearance, she couldn't help but took a few steps back.




Tang Yu stretched and walked out of the room.

Now going back and forth between the territory and Luoxia, for him, it is already a regular meal.

Since getting the system, everything he has done is not to protect himself, but to be able to rush from Lindong to the distant sunset.

Now that my parents are safe, the clockwork that was twisted behind my back seems to have loosened at once.

"Finally, I can spend a few days leisurely."

Tang Yu felt it.

However, if someone else heard this and didn't say it, it would definitely be met with a few squinting expressions of contempt.


He didn't have the slightest aura of the Awakened, just like an ordinary person, Tang Yu wandered the streets leisurely, from time to time, he bought a few small skewers at the street stalls and ate them while walking.

Feel the modern atmosphere of the sunset.

In more professional terms, this is an opportunity to experience life and seek breakthroughs.

At present, Tang Yu's short-term goal is to break through to the sixth level of awakening and begin to shape his body.

The long-term goal is undoubtedly to develop the territory and upgrade the system level.

Now that he has free time, sometimes he also thinks about the origin of the system and why he chose him.

It is difficult to find answers to these questions in a short period of time.

"But you can't rely too much on the system. Only knowledge and power can truly belong to yourself."

It's not that he is worried about any conspiracy in the system. Tang Yu is not a conspiracy theorist. From another perspective, if there is no system, he would have died in the tide of magic.

There is no reason to abandon it because it is unclear about the origin of the golden finger.

After all, I can drive with my ability, drive with pride, and drive with pride.

However, the system has limitations after all. For example, the workshop is limited when it produces a large amount of equipment. Although Tang Yu is now recruiting workers and training rune masters to meet the production requirements of low-level equipment, what he wants to do more is to Break through the limitations of the workshop itself.

Going even further, transforming the capabilities of the system into its own capabilities.

"It's still a little far away. I'll upgrade the system level for the time being. I have a hunch. If the territorial fit can be improved to 100%, maybe I'll be able to understand some of the system's secrets."

Glancing at the panel, the fit on it has increased to 12% after several days of hard work. However, this progress is still slow in the eyes of Lord Tang.

While thinking, holding a stack of newspapers in his hand, a child in his early ten years came to him, "Sir, do you want to buy a newspaper? The freshly released Luoxia Daily Times."

Tang Yu was taken aback.

Since the disappearance of Wi-Fi, cellphones have disappeared, and newspapers have re-emerged.

Except for a few people who have money in their pockets, such as him, whose residence is connected to a wired network, most of the news comes from newspapers.

Luoxia Daily Times.

Tang Yu has also heard of this name. Although it is not an official newspaper, it is unexpectedly popular. It is said that the sales are good.

"Give me one, no, more."

Without looking at the face value, Tang Yu handed over a food stamp, indicating that the other party did not need to give change.

Then, I picked up the newspaper and saw the big characters on the title at a glance.

[Shocked, the Sunset Cloud Sanctuary has recently...]

Thank you "Lele 1911" for the reward. . .

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