Shay looked at the villa in the distance and said in a deep voice, "Once I was hired to join an expedition... er, tomb robbers, we encountered a similar situation. At that time, we were walking in a cold and damp underground passage. Unexpectedly, some people suddenly went crazy, and more and more, less than one-fifth of the people who finally escaped from the tomb."

"Later I thought about it, this is a power of some kind of curse, and it can also be seen as being affected by some kind of invisible creature."

"I can understand the curse, but the creature..." Tang Yu raised his brows.

He didn't say it, but Shea knew it, "It's not an invisible creature, it's more like... a microbe, a bacteria, a parasite! There are so many of them, they can't be killed, and they are constantly spreading, covering the surrounding area. ."

Tang Yu was stunned. He looked at the distance again, formed a battle formation, and bombarded outwards with great effort, but failed to achieve results. I don't know if it was because of panic or too much consumption, and those Awakened masters who were sweating profusely.

For a while, I just felt chills.

He circulated the source power in his body and gathered it to the position of his eyes.

The eyes are closed, and after a second or two, they are opened again.

The pupil has been covered with a layer of dark red, in this state, his eyes can see more things.

Looking at the star spirit, the source power in her body is evenly distributed, and it is light blue, while the palms have more source power, and the color is darker, reaching the normal blue.

Looking back again to the distance, the sky is blue, light blue, and nearly white Origin Qi is everywhere, some places are darker, and some places are slightly lighter.

And near Villa No. 3, it stretched all the way to the area where he was, but there was a dazzling light red in sight.

The public security bureau and Zulong's awakeners in the distance seemed to be struggling in terrifying blood.

Their attacks are not completely useless, but the flames may be able to evaporate a small part of the sea water, but they cannot evaporate the entire sea into arid land.

One second, some of the 'bacteria' were blasted away, and the next second, the surrounding area was filled with rapidly spreading 'bacteria'.

At first, Tang Yu's source energy was able to disperse the chill around him because the 'bacteria' were very fragile. His source energy, like a roaring oven, killed the surrounding bacteria at once.

However, this kind of consumption is extremely high. Tang Yu recalled the experience he had learned from the inheritance of the magic swordsman, and flowed the source power all over the body, and then through the pores, it came out through the body, and covered himself with a layer of source power gauze.

The protection ability is very weak, but it can just eliminate the nearby 'bacteria', and the consumption is much lower than the pure source burst.

Xingling Xingyue also put away the high-consumption defense barrier. The two also used their source power to form gauze outside the body. Among them, the boss Carmen, who did not have special abilities and the total amount of source power was very scarce, mobilized the whole body. Blood, circulating at a high speed, makes it impossible for 'bacteria' to invade the body.

Shay continued, "This kind of curse poses little threat to high-level awakened people. Once the level of life reaches a high enough level, even if nothing is done, 'bacteria' cannot invade the body, but for ordinary awakened people, the threat is very high. Big, especially if the curse is still spreading."

"If you want to solve it, the most direct way is to cut off the source, or to eliminate the curse through restraint."

The source is undoubtedly in Villa No. 3.

Tang Yu looked at Xingling, and the pendant she was holding at this moment swayed greatly.

Protoss looked solemn and shook his head, "The divination results show that there is danger in the villa, and the degree of danger is not low."

It would be unwise to rush in hastily.

Tang Yu looked forward to the left.

at this time,

The masters of the Zulong special battle group in the distance also realized that their situation was getting worse and worse. They no longer attacked all around, but quickly moved away from Villa No. 3 while erupting their source power to protect themselves.

The few non-competents in the master group, the awakened ones who were unable to explode their source power, have been infected by 'bacteria' at this moment, and they were knocked unconscious by their guarded companions, carried on their shoulders, and evacuated with them.

The group of masters who gathered the top officials of the public security bureau and Zulong suffered little loss.

However, the ordinary members of the outer security bureau have already suffered heavy casualties. Even a few 'high-resistance' Awakened people who can maintain their rationality will not be able to withstand the frenzied attacks of their former colleagues around them.

The trauma weakened their mental defenses, and it didn't take long for them to resist the infection, their eyes turned red, and they stood up staggeringly.

In the picture that he could see with his dark red eyes, the strange cursed power no longer spread after it spread to a distance of about a thousand meters away from Villa No. 3.

However, within this range, there were not only the awakened people from the Public Security Bureau, but also many residents of the community, all of whom had red eyes, went crazy, and rushed out of the residential building, like a group of demons dancing wildly.

If Tang Yu hadn't understood that 'bacteria' was just a metaphor, and in essence these people were still affected by strange forces, he would have thought that a real biochemical crisis had broken out.

whirring whirring—

The experts from the Public Security Bureau and Zulong have already evacuated to their vicinity. This time Tang Yu did not discuss the price first, but directly told the people of the Public Security Bureau their analysis.

"Curse? Bacteria? Erosion?" Director Jin frowned and said, "The artillery team has been unresponsive and has not been able to get in touch. It must have been infected, or it would have directly razed the villa to the ground."

"Flaked to the ground? It would be nice if it was so easy to deal with." Shay sneered, and while speaking, he took out the long stick-shaped weapon behind him, and transformed it into a gun with a length of more than two meters, and the muzzle could be plugged. Shoulder-fired artillery for basketball.

The muzzle was tilted upwards, and a group of crimson lava fireballs shot out from it. When it flew to the highest point in mid-air, the fireballs exploded, and the fine particles fell from the air, streaking red arcs, like a meteor shower.


The fire blazed into the sky, and there was a loud explosion.

The entire villa was blown to smithereens, and half of the red shards flew around with gray-black smoke-like tails.

With this single blow, Villa No. 3 was bombed to the point where only the ruins were left.

Whether it was Director Jin, or other Zulong masters, they all stared at Xie Yi...and the smoke-emitting artillery in his hands.

It's not that the Zulong masters didn't think about blowing up the villa, but they didn't know how to break the strange curse, long-range bombing, and those who were capable were not so far away.

——If the source force is more than a certain distance away from the body, its strength will undoubtedly be weakened!

However, the Awakened of the Extreme Martial Arts Hall blew up the entire villa with one shot.

This power is stronger than the five artillery squads that Director Jin originally prepared.

They were dumbfounded, and looked at Tang Yu and the others, both excited and embarrassed... If it weren't for the dangerous situation, they just ran in this direction, and the awakened people of the extreme martial arts hall would have been forgotten long ago.

But now, it was the people in the extreme martial arts hall who told them how to break the game, and they also razed the villa to the ground.

An Ancestral Dragon capable person who was struggling to support heaved a sigh of relief, "Fortunately, the curse should be gone now, wait, why is the curse still there—"

As he spoke, the blood vessels on his forehead suddenly came out, and blood gradually appeared from the bottom of his eyes, but it was because of the lack of energy and relaxation, and he was cursed to invade all of a sudden.


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