Carrying a space backpack with several new equipment, Tang Yu looked up at the sky in dismay.

Unexpectedly, one day he will become, Tang, main lord, part-time courier, Yu...

Kevin's hobbies are making equipment, researching and developing equipment, and designing equipment. Every few days, the equipment department will have a batch of new equipment samples and send them to the logistics department.

There is no problem with the quality of the equipment. The reason why the first sample needs to be sent to the logistics department is mainly... for evaluation!

Equipment that does not meet the market is not good equipment.

These new types of equipment have various characteristics, such as the ability to give users a certain amount of power, such as their own special attributes, etc... Generally, they are double-rune, and occasionally there are intermediate-level equipment of three-rune level.

Power has nothing to say.

However, most of the gear in existence has only one mission, and that is... to sell.

If it is not a powerful equipment, there must be customers to buy it. You also need to consider practicability, cost performance, suitability, etc. Only the suitable equipment that has been evaluated by the logistics department will consider increasing the production batch. And make detailed records, sometimes, it can still come in handy.



Halfway up the mountain.

In the small square in front of the villa area, this is the office of the logistics department. A three-story office building is located next to the warehouse.

The warehouse has now been upgraded to the second level. From the outside, it is not much larger than the three-story office building. However, the space inside is larger than a football field.

From time to time, members of the handling brigade brought in a truckload of discarded materials, and under the leadership of the staff of the logistics department, they entered the warehouse.

There are also those in charge of construction. After reporting to the logistics department, they pulled a cart of construction materials and left.

Tang Yu walked into the office building.

There are not many staff in the logistics department, some are in the warehouse, some are running around outside, contacting various departments, and there are not many people on the entire first floor.

One is the reception desk at the entrance, there is also an office, and on the desks in the back, someone is staring at the computer on the desktop and processing some complex data.

When Tang Yu walked in, the little girl in the reception raised her head as if aware of it, "May I ask if you have anything to do? Please come to the office for personal business, and please go to the second floor for department handover. If you want to find our minister, you need to make an appointment in advance. Uh, Tang, Tang, Director Tang!"

"I don't need to make an appointment in advance." Tang Yu said with a smile.

"No, no, I'll take you there right away." The little girl raised her head and glanced at her secretly, her face blushing, and she stammered.

He hadn't been to the back office building before, mainly because the building wasn't built for a long time, but Tang Yu didn't expect that the little girl at the reception would actually recognize him.

...that's a lot more convenient.

On the other side of the hall, in front of the office window.

A man in his early thirties, looking a little spoiled, was sitting upright, a little nervous, and his eyes were vaguely looking at the young woman behind the window.

"Sorry, you did not meet our requirements and the application could not be approved."

The spoiled man was stunned, "Why didn't I meet the requirements?! I, I—"

He said it, but like a deflated ball, he couldn't go on.

The spoiled man got up and left lonely. When he was leaving, he seemed unwilling to look back. When his eyes swept this way, he paused for a moment on the little girl at the reception, then swept past Tang Yu without stopping, and walked out of the back office building. .

Tang Yu watched the other party leave, and asked in the direction of the office, "What business is going on there?"

"There is mainly personal loan business. Survivors who are interested in starting a business can apply for a certain loan from the logistics department. We will review the other party's situation to determine whether to grant a loan and the amount of the loan..."

The little girl replied that she also shrank when she saw the abused man, "Actually, we have clearly announced the loan standards, but there are still many people who are far from meeting the standards, and they apply here... and, moreover, I always feel a little bit. People have bad intentions and their eyes are disgusting."

She was young and relatively simple, and when she saw Tang Yu, she chirped and said it.

After speaking, his face turned pale again, and he secretly glanced at Director Tang. Seeing that the latter's face had not changed, he stuck out his tongue and breathed a sigh of relief.

Tang Yu held his forehead.

As soon as the little girl said it, he knew the reason.

The logistics department and the medical department can be said to be two departments with many 'beauties'. The staff here may not be all beautiful women, but at least they are young and have medium appearance.

The ratio of males to females in the territory is already very unbalanced, about 28%.

The veritable monks have more flesh and less flesh, and the male survivors are mostly young and strong men. It was enough to live a life without food before. Now, when they are full and warm, there is a strong hormonal smell in the air.

'Obviously, some people are applying for loans under the guise of hoping something subtle will happen. ’

Tang Yu thought about it.

This is not a big problem. Like the man who spoiled him just now, he only took a peek at it and did something with his hands. He was not so courageous.

Of course, although most of these girls in the logistics department are ordinary people, they are not without resistance. At least everyone has an unopened basic puppet to save their lives, not to mention that there are patrol team members around, three There is also Elaine sitting on the floor.

"In the future, a threshold will be set for applicants, and a certain amount of security deposit will be paid. If you fail to pass, you will not be returned. Survivors such as spoiled men should be able to reduce a lot."

Tang Yu said casually, turned his head and asked, "How many people have passed the application during this time?"

It was still his idea to borrow money, he had never thought of it before.

The commercial area is about to be built, but there are not enough shops to live in. Many survivors are not without ideas, but without conditions.

The rent of the shop is settled every Monday, and the weekly rent ranges from five to 30 Yuanjing. Each time the rent is at least one month. This is still the current weekly rent. With the prosperity of the commercial area, the rent will also increase. In addition, plus other necessary materials, equipment and other costs, not to mention ordinary survivors, even ordinary awakened ones, may not be able to get this money.

He Qingqing needed to obtain a batch of rune swords by leasing because of lack of funds.

Giving a certain entrepreneurial loan can solve the problem to a certain extent.

Tang Yu also thought about opening stores directly in the name of the territory, hiring survivors, or taking shares in the hands of these stores to continuously obtain income from these stores, but in this way, there is not enough competition, the entire business district, What about prosperity?

‘It is enough to collect rent and commercial income tax, and the loan interest rate is quite high, those survivors should be able to afford it? ’

It is precisely because they are worried that the survivors will not be able to repay the loan, so a certain level of review is required. As for those who still fail to start a business and cannot repay the loan...

Just sell yourself honestly┐(‘~`;)┌.

Orz's daily routine. . . .

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