My Doomsday Territory (My Apocalypse Domain)

Chapter 271 We need to be a silver lining for setting standards

After processing the batch of documents that had to be resolved in a short period of time, Tang Yu took out several new equipment in the space backpack.

A pitch-black dagger, a long sword that twists and turns like a snake, a broad-blade battle knife, a meteor hammer full of spikes, and a pair of bright silver armor.

"Most of these are two-rune equipment, and the sword is three-rune. How many source crystals can you sell?"

Tang Yu said, shook the space backpack upside down, and quickly shook out a note from it, "Well, and this, the production cost of the equipment."

Elaine took the pieces of equipment and put them in her hands to examine them.

Her source power injection, the blade of the battle knife, the outside of the armor, and some complex patterns appear on these equipment. This is the external appearance of the rune, but it is not a complete rune, just a partial outline of the rune.

People who know runes can distinguish the specific abilities of runes from these outlines. It is impossible to decipher or even reproduce complete runes according to this outline.

Elaine also understands runes, she just stared at it for a moment, then put down the first piece of equipment and turned her attention to the second piece.

"Intermediate sharp rune, primary power rune."

she murmured.

Tang Yu held his breath and didn't make a sound. He just thought that the identification speed...isn't it a bit fast?

He thought that there were only two rune masters in the territory, but now it seems that Elian's accomplishments have surpassed him.

A little worried.

In a short time, Elaine had already identified several pieces of equipment.

Her department is responsible for equipment sales, market conditions, and prices of various equipment, which she already knows by heart.

"Leave this one first." Elaine took the meteor hammer aside and explained, "This kind of partial weapon is used by very few Awakeners, occasionally one or two, and I hope to customize the most suitable one for me. The meteor hammer is not suitable for mass production, but it can still be put on the shelf and increase the variety of weapons we sell."

"The most popular weapon for the awakened is the sword, followed by the spear and the long sword. These three categories have the highest sales volume, accounting for more than 80% of the sales of weapons, while the armor, which the awakened buy mostly covers the whole body. 's combat uniform, and boots..."

Tang Yu nodded clearly, "Among these pieces of equipment, the most suitable for sale are long swords and war knives."

"No." Elaine shook her head unexpectedly, "The most profitable thing is that bright silver armor."

She continued, "Swords, combat uniforms and other equipment, although the most popular, we have too many of these types of equipment, such as war knives, there are fifteen kinds, one of which is a rune war knife and six kinds. There are eight types of two-rune swords, and one type of three-rune swords."

"This broad-blade sword with three runes inscribed on the shelves will be favored by many Awakeneds, but this kind of three-rune equipment is too expensive, and there are very few Awakeneds who can afford it. It’s also impossible to lower prices, and overall it’s not very profitable.”

"Other weapons, including long swords and daggers, because we have too many styles, sometimes the awakened people are confused, but they don't know which one to choose, so they can only keep trying. Now the equipment trial area in the supermarket is overcrowded every day."

"On the contrary, although the popularity of armor cannot be compared with that of battle suits, our existing armor styles are relatively few, and there are no heavy armor models at all... holding a shield and wearing heavy armor. , the action is not very convenient, but as long as teammates cooperate, the key battle situation can be decided, this two-rune armor should be produced by the equipment department first, so as to prepare a certain inventory..."

The evaluation of each piece of equipment came slowly from Elaine's mouth.

Armor, sword, dagger, Elaine has given the price range. Later, the staff of the logistics department will take away the equipment and analyze and determine the specific price.

Tang Yu also saw the report on the price and sales of equipment in the last week, and listened to what Elaine said again. There are many kinds of weapons, but it has caused the awakened person to have difficulty in choosing...

He supported his right elbow with his left hand and his chin with his right hand, keenly aware of the problem, "This seems to be trouble."

Elaine pondered, frowned, and said, "Most people don't understand equipment, they can't judge whether the equipment is good or bad, so they can only keep trying, but sometimes they can't make a decision just by simple trial. determination."

The former Demon Slayer Sword was famous for its sharpness, and there was no other choice at that time, and everyone rushed to buy it.

But now there are more equipment, and the price is more expensive. There is no clear comparison of sharpness, and the utility of the equipment is even more different.

Which one is right for them, these buyers really don't know, Yuanjing is not blown by the wind, and consumption must be cautious.

"In the end, in their hearts, there is no price benchmark for rune equipment, then... we will set a price benchmark for them."

Tang Yu thought about it, and suddenly his eyes became brighter and brighter.

It feels feasible!

"If we divide the equipment into types, and then divide them into three, six, nine, etc., at that time, even if the Awakened does not understand runes or equipment identification, just by looking at the level of the equipment, it is natural to think of the approximate specific price. When buying equipment, you won’t be tempted to try one by one.”

Why are there grades for medicinal pills and magic weapons in Xiuxian novels? Obviously it is for the formation of market norms!

Rune equipment should be the same.

In the past, there were titles such as primary equipment and advanced equipment, but in fact, there was no specific division.

One rune, two runes, and three rune equipment have obvious boundaries. However, the different runes inscribed also determine the difference in equipment value. Two rune equipment is not necessarily cheaper than three rune equipment.

After thinking for a while, Tang Yu said, "We may give a simple classification first, such as E-level basic rune equipment, D-level primary rune equipment, C-level intermediate, B-level advanced, A-level top, etc... …”

"For example, weapons can be based on sharpness, plus other special effects, to rate weapons."

"It can even be subdivided in each level. The ordinary Demon Slayer Sword is an E1-level weapon, then the Enhanced Demon Slayer Sword is E2, and the Enhanced Demon Slayer is E3."

"In this way, the equipment has a very intuitive level division, and we can even recommend a range to buyers, such as dealing with demonized beasts of the fourth and fifth levels of awakening, which is suitable for purchasing E3-D1 weapons."

This is just a preliminary idea and definitely needs to be refined.

Tang Yu became more and more excited as he thought about it. It wasn't just a matter of sales, but he had a longer-term view.

It is impossible for the territory to monopolize the sales of rune equipment all the time. Other large shelters are also stepping up their research on rune equipment, and some have obtained precious information from the secret realm.

In the future, there will be more and more forces capable of producing rune equipment.

Territory is now just ahead of the others, although he is confident that he will always be ahead.

However, once this equipment rating system is popularized, no matter how many competitors there are in the future, as long as the equipment rating is mentioned, the one that immediately comes to mind is the shade shelter.

This is the originator of rune equipment.

Thinking about the people who set the standards before the end of the world, Tang Yu understood that there were too many interests involved.

Thanks to "Pure Man" for the 2500 coin reward. . .

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