My Doomsday Territory (My Apocalypse Domain)

Chapter 277 The strength of strength

The square-faced men first returned to the hotel, put on the newly bought tight-fitting combat uniforms, and then put on the clothes they wore before.

There are two types of regular combat uniforms produced by the territory, one is tight-fitting and the other is not tight-fitting.

Non-tight combat suits have better defense, mainly in thickness and hardness, while tight-fitting combat suits are worn close to the body, just like underwear. Although the defense is slightly worse, they can be put on the outside. A layer of protective gear, which is better or worse, it is uncertain.

As for wearing a tight-fitting battle suit, and wearing an ordinary type of awakening from the heart... there are also, but they are relatively few. Even the ordinary type battle suit is more close-fitting, so wearing it has a certain impact on the sensitivity of the action. .

Unless the MT Awakened who is wearing armor and is responsible for resisting the attack of the demonized beast, will wear a tight-fitting battle suit inside.

The square-faced men, considering that they still have a long way to go, may pass through multiple shelters, and they are wearing black streamlined, sci-fi combat uniforms, which is really eye-catching.

The tight-fitting type is equivalent to the inner armor. When the outer clothing is put on, it will not be visible.



A few square-faced men who were fully equipped and dressed, followed the road signs and came to the Adventurers Guild.

The Adventurers Guild has also moved from the villa area to the commercial area. Compared with the surrounding two- or three-story shops, the building of the guild is even more majestic.

The spacious and atmospheric main entrance, finely carved stone pillars on both sides, several lifelike statues...

Especially the big characters written on the plaque above the main entrance, the Adventurers Guild, the square-faced big man looked at them, as if the fonts of the dragons and phoenixes had really come to life, becoming dragons and phoenixes, wanting to be like them pounce.

Several people could not help but take a step back, shocked.

After recovering, the square-faced man let out a sigh of relief and looked around.

When they came to the shade shelter before, they didn't see many Awakeners. They occasionally saw patrol members in black combat uniforms, but at this time, they found the open space in front of the Adventurer's Guild. , actually gathered a lot of Awakened.

Some people shouted, making them a little stunned.

"Anlin County is searching for supplies, is there a team to join?"

"To encircle and suppress the storm giant bear, there are already long-range gunners, abilities, and agility awakeners. Currently, there is a shortage of MT. The strength needs to be above the third level of awakening. The reward can be discussed."

"The European Emperor Adventure Group is recruiting. This adventure group is a two-star medium-sized adventure group. The points are full and can be promoted to a star at any time. There are still two vacancies. The ability is first, the beauty... The powerful beauty is first, and those who have the will. Hurry up to sign up, leave Africa and join the EU, just today!"

Awakened people shouting around here are mostly not weak. There are three and four levels of awakening. There are also businessmen who are buying rune weapons at high prices, but no one seems to care.

The square-faced men were a little stunned for a while, not knowing where to start.

At this time, there was a loud noise in the distance, and I vaguely heard voices such as 'it's going to start' and 'there is fun to watch'.

The square-faced man saw that even in front of the guild building, many Awakeneds who were shouting had also put down their work and ran in the direction of the noise.

A few of them hesitated and followed.

The Adventurer's Guild moved forward, and this was already the edge of the business district, which was closer to the entrance of the shelter.

At this time, there were a lot of people gathered in front of them, there were awakened people, and there were ordinary survivors. The square-faced man stood in the distance and watched for a while, and realized that there was a conflict between the two awakened people.

"It shouldn't be a fight, right?" he asked in a low voice, the other team members also looked puzzled, and it was unclear why so many people looked like they wanted to watch the fun.

"I guess there's still a fight."

A magnetic voice came from next to him, and the square-faced man turned his head to look, and saw a strong man in a black battle suit, standing beside him at some point.

It is also a fifth-level awakener, the other party's breath is more vigorous, and it seems to have reached the fifth-level peak.

Captain Fang Lian didn't dare to ignore it, and was very curious about the situation in front of him, "How to fight, Sanctuary shouldn't let the Awakened fight at will, right?"

Before he destroyed a tree, he was required to compensate ten units of source crystals. Two Awakeners who were not weak were fighting, and it was easy to cause damage to the surrounding environment and buildings.

The green shade is also a fairly orderly shelter. Just like a large shelter, fighting is generally prohibited within the shelter.

"Definitely, any fighting or sabotage is prohibited in the shelter, so these two are just scolding each other, not fighting, you see" the strong man pointed to the not far from the scolding both sides, "as long as they start fighting , it will be taken down immediately, ranging from compensation to Yuanjing, and in the worst case..."

He shook his head and said nothing.

A few people in the square-faced team followed the direction and looked at them, and their eyes almost didn't pop out, "That's, that's... a robot?"

Two guys with a height of more than two meters, like small mechas, are standing there, and there are a few round ones around, and they are also covered with iron.

"Almost." Zhou Jianhong, a strong and strong man said, "That thing is called a puppet. It is the work of the director of this shelter, and its strength should not be underestimated."

"The chubby kind is a basic puppet, which can be exchanged in the Adventurer's Guild, while the human-shaped one is called a warrior puppet. The warrior puppet is more powerful, and its combat power is about the same as the third level of awakening. Multiple puppets are more difficult to deal with."

"Although with the strength of you and me, one-on-one, or even one-on-three, you can win the fighter puppet, but it is not difficult to imagine what the result will be for one-on-ten, or even one-on-one hundred."

"It is said that there are more powerful puppets, and puppets are only part of Director Tang's strength."

This explanation made the square-faced team well understand the strength of the person in charge of the Green Shadow Shelter. When they thought of the overwhelming puppet charging towards them, their faces turned white.

Captain Fang face clasped his fists at Zhou Jianhong, chatted freely, and got to know each other a lot.

But the doubts in Captain Fang face's heart were still unsolved.

Knowing his doubts, Zhou Jianhong continued, "Here, they are unlikely to fight, but as long as they are on the competition stage, they can fight whatever they want."

"The competition platform?"

"That is the combat area specially established by the shelter. Only there can you be allowed to fight. Of course, you can't go to the competition stage. It's voluntary. If you don't want to go, no one can force it, so stay in the shelter, as long as there is no It's safe to do something wrong."

Captain Fang Lian nodded when he heard it, but then looked at both sides of the conflict and asked back, "Those two, one is triple and the other is quadruple, only the awakened ones of the third level are sensible, and they will never agree to the invitation to fight at the quadruple level. Right? After all, the strength gap between the two sides is clear at a glance."

Those two Awakened, no matter how strong or weak, have a sturdy aura, the weapons in their hands can still see the blood that has solidified, their experience, and their ferocity. White.

However, the difference in breath is very obvious.

Who knows, Zhou Jianhong shook his head, "Do you think that the Awakened of the fourth level will definitely win? I don't think so. In the green shade, the strength of the strength does not only depend on the level of awakening."

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