My Doomsday Territory (My Apocalypse Domain)

Chapter 280 Thank you for the contribution of a creature like a spy

Shelter, East End of Villa District.

In the distance, you can see the towering blue and white domed castle, the entire shelter, but very few survivors can get close to the majestic castle.

This is a forbidden area, except for the upper floors of the green shade, and only invited survivors are eligible to enter.

Many newly arrived Awakeners looked at the castle from a distance and were amazed. They asked the old Awakened who had been in the green shade for a while, but no one could tell.

It makes people feel more like a cat's paw, and become more curious.

However... they don't dare to step into the restricted area. Although most people have a heart to die, more often, rationality can restrain the desire to die.

For mere curiosity, it's not worth it.

In the villa area, several awakened people were talking, as if they were discussing the commission they received from the Adventurer's Guild, but their eyes, from time to time, looked vaguely at the castle in the distance, and quickly took it back.

The white high walls, the dark blue dome roof, and in front of the castle, there is a very large garden that can be seen vaguely, with all kinds of colorful flowers competing for beauty.

A few people did not wander, just like the adventurers passing by normally, they quickly returned to the house they rented.

They rented the most popular suite for adventurers, with a total of five rooms, just enough to meet the needs of a small adventure group.


After entering the room, the last person closed the door tightly and closed the lock.

The Awakened, who had a black snake tattooed on his arm, winked at the other four, and they searched each room carefully.

"Boss, it's fine."

"Well, no bugs, no pinhole cameras."

"We really are professional."

The black snake coughed dryly, and waved its fingers inward, signaling a few people to come over.

Five people approached and formed a circle.

Hei thought for a moment and whispered, "We have carefully observed the entire shelter, except for the restricted area of ​​the castle. Now it seems that the secret of the green shade is probably hidden in the castle."

A man with an open front and a unicorn tattoo on his chest said, "Boss Black Snake is right, but the restricted area is heavily guarded, how do we get in?"

"Strictly guarded? But I didn't see the guards." A younger brother was very puzzled.

The unicorn immediately slapped his head and said, "Stupid, we are so far away, how can we see the guards, and from the position we are observing, we can't even see the gate of the castle, unless there are guards standing on the roof."

"The unicorn is right." Black Snake said after pondering for a while, "This is the enemy's home field, even if we are the masters of Linshan City, it is impossible to fight against the power of the entire Sanctuary, only the It's fine to sneak in. But the castle is very big, and we don't know the internal structure, so if we plunge in like this, if we are not careful, it is very likely that the other party will find it."

He frowned, "Before the city lord sent someone to buy some nails here, I thought these nails would bring back some valuable information, but unfortunately, the guy can't be contacted anymore, it must have been exposed and was Shade caught or has been executed, otherwise, we can have more sources of intelligence."

"But in our recent investigation, there was no action in the shade shelter. Perhaps on the one hand, they were afraid of our Rinshan City... After all, the city owner is also a super master who has broken through that level. On the other hand, perhaps At this time, Luyin is facing pressure from Lindong."

The black snake sneered.

The man with the unicorn tattoo echoed, "The boss is right, but if Luyin can't stand the pressure and dedicate the secret to the Lindong official, we will have nothing to do with us, not to mention that if we continue to drag it on, the city lord will also dissatisfied with us."

Black Snake glanced at him, "I'm naturally aware of this, I plan to do it at night in two or three days."

"Why at this time?" A younger brother was puzzled.

"Two days later, the Green Shade Business District will open. At that time, there will be a lot of foreign awakened people in the business district. Green shade will definitely strengthen the entire business district, but the number of awakened people cannot be increased out of thin air. The biggest possibility is to transfer the castle. The defensive power of the castle, when the time comes, the defensive power of the castle will become empty."

"Not only that, according to the gossip we got from our investigation, after the business district opened, Luyin plans to hold a martial arts conference..."

Hei Snake looked at the others and saw that no one took his words, his eyes were full of doubts, he sighed in disappointment, paused and continued, "The Martial Arts Conference is just a gimmick for the shade, the rumors circulating It also mentioned that the Green Shadow Patrol is planning to recruit new recruits for the third time, and only awakened people who have won a certain ranking in the martial arts conference are eligible to join."

"This news just verifies that Luyin is facing enormous pressure, so it is necessary to recruit more Awakeneds, so that they will have more confidence when fighting against Lindong."

Black Snake picked up the teacup, put it to his mouth and sipped, and in his eyes, there was a brilliance called 'confidence'.

The other members suddenly realized that all kinds of words of admiration were constantly brushed like a barrage, which made Black Snake very useful.



In the castle known as the forbidden area, if any survivors are invited in, they will find that there are not many people to be seen here.

The entire castle seemed empty, with at most some complicated servant puppets serving tea and pouring water, the rollers on the soles of their feet turned, moving back and forth on the red carpet.

There are many red spots within the territory, Tang Yu is aware of it, but he has not dealt with these people.

As the population of the shelter increases, especially when the commercial area is built, the survivors are mixed, and many of them are spies sent by various forces.

Although these spies have the intention of stealing secrets and endangering the shelter, many people haven't actually done it, or they can't find the opportunity to do so. As the lord of Tang who intends to develop the territory into a commercial holy land, he is embarrassed to give these people to a nest and leave it for observation, and sometimes he can dig out even bigger secrets.

Moreover, in order to inquire about news, these spies are often very forthright and don't hesitate to spend money... Tang Yu estimates that these spies can find the forces behind them to reimburse them. made a great contribution.

Sometimes some spies who have a strong desire to kill can also give a lively negative lesson to the awakened outsiders in the territory at the right time.

Contribution is really big.

Right now, in the room.

Through the crystal ball, Tang Yu took the battle that just happened in the martial arts arena into his eyes.

He is different from ordinary people. His focus is not on the two Awakeneds who are fighting. This kind of low-level battle, Tang Yu is already a strong man, and now he doesn't like it. What he pays attention to is the audience watching the battle... number and interest.

"An ordinary battle has attracted so many people who eat melons. The future competition will definitely bring more traffic to the territory..."

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