The smell of demonized beasts is getting stronger and stronger.

As far as the eye can see, except for the direction of the hill against which it is backed, the rest are all black.

After all, this is the first positive hard anal magic tide. The previous time, standing on the city wall, the visual impact was far less than the present.

Tang Yu took a deep breath.

No fear, only excitement.

He is no longer weak.

Some demonized beasts ran straight towards the hill, Tang Yu frowned, the space ring on his finger flickered, and two warriors in silver-white full-body armor appeared in front of him.

"Stop them." Tang Yu ordered.

Two super soldier puppets charged forward.

They were wearing heavy armor, and in terms of tonnage, they were not inferior to Tyron the Stone Man, and the speed of the two puppets became faster and faster as they charged.


The puppet and the magic tide collided head-on, and the bodies of the demonized beasts at the front were smashed open. The super soldier puppet held a sword in both hands and swept out a half-moon straight ahead.

They face the bite of demonized beasts, pounce, and neither dodge nor evade. Most demonized beasts cannot leave the slightest scratch on their armor.

Without skill, with only tyrannical strength and defense capable of resisting most attacks, the two puppets ran rampant in the magic tide, attracting most of the firepower.

Tang Yu also started, and took the initiative to meet the demonized beast group.

A specially customized rune sword, divided according to the equipment level, enough to be rated B3, appeared in his hand.

A raging flame rose from the long sword.

Combat Skill: Sword of Blazing Fire.

The wrist flipped, and the long sword slashed across the jaws of a huge demonic beast. The sword edge easily broke through its defense. The demonic beast was in pain and screamed to fight back. The flames continued to spread from the wound. Wrapped around this huge demonized beast, it emitted a pungent burnt smell.

Tang Yu shuttled between the demonized beasts.

A sliding step passed under the body of an elephant-shaped demonized beast. With his left hand on the ground, he jumped up quickly, used a secret technique, and picked up the chrysanthemum.

Accompanied by a painful roar, the huge body of this pictographic demonized beast collapsed suddenly.


Tang Yu fell to the ground and rolled quickly without turning his head. There were a few spikes stuck in the place where he stood just now, and more than half of them were submerged into the ground.

His eyes swept around and locked on the demonized beast that looked like a long snake, but its back was covered with dense spikes.

Its trunk is more than ten meters long and half a meter wide, and the black spikes growing on its back are of different lengths, but they are all more than one meter long.

This thorny giant snake stood upright at this time, but its head was lowered forward, in a posture similar to 'rz', the muscles on its back bulged slightly, and those thorns just aimed at Tang Yu.

Whoosh whoosh—

Dark shadows flashed across the retina.

Tang Yu didn't have time to think about it, his fighting instinct drove him to roll and dodge continuously. When he looked at the place where he was standing, he could only see a few black holes as thick as thumbs - those spikes had completely submerged into the ground.

The demonized beast pounced on it, and the thorny snake also charged up again.

The situation was critical, but Tang Yu didn't panic at all, just focused on dealing with the demonized beasts around him.


Before the giant snake had finished charging, its entire body burst open and turned into a mess of flesh.

On the distant hill, Lorraine was expressionless, the muzzle adjusted slightly, aiming at the next target.

Next to it, the Ancestral Dragon warriors in the position, their eyes have been falling on several figures who are rushing to kill in the magic tide, their mouths are slightly open, and they almost forgot to pull the trigger.



Outside the Rinshan Sanctuary, there were shouts of killing and roars that shook the sky.

Inside the shelter, the survivors were also in a mess.

"Go, run away!" someone shouted.

Some people cried and said, "There are demonized beasts outside. Only the awakened adults can hope to escape. We ordinary people can't escape."

A squad of Awakeneds clad in animal skins hurried past.

"The second, the third and the fifth, wouldn't they be escaping!"

"I can't say for sure, but the second brother is not that kind of person. It should be delayed by something."

The captain listened to the roars one after another outside, and his face was heavy.

With a sigh, he said, "Let's go, the city lord still has his back, we can hold it."


in a house somewhere.

A bald man with a golden sword sat on a chair with a comatose Awakened lying in front of him.


The door opened, and another bald-headed man walked in with two unconscious Awakeneds. Upon closer inspection, one could see a slight difference between the two bald heads. The bald-headed man sitting on the chair had thick arms and long With thick fur.

The one who just entered the door has a scarlet scar from the neck up to the cheeks, looking terrifying.

"There are a lot of people." The bald man sitting on the chair got up and frowned, "So, please call No. 33, No. 35, No. 40, No. 48 together, and send this batch of materials first. Go out... um, ask the doctor for manpower support, there are too many awakened people in Linshan, we can't take all the materials with us alone."

The bald man with a blue neck nodded, turned and left the room.


Rin Mountain Sanctuary City Lord's Mansion.

The city lord of Linshan returned to the city lord's mansion with a few confidants and through the secret passage connecting the wilderness in the mansion.

In the hall, the middle-aged butler looked anxious, pacing back and forth, and finally relieved when he saw the appearance of City Lord Rinshan, "City Lord, you are finally back."

"How is the situation now?"

"There are circles and circles of demonized beasts outside, and that line of defense won't last long."

"We still have the city wall, and the elite army, can't even stop the magic tide?" Rinshan City Lord looked gloomy.

"That magic tide..." The middle-aged butler said after deliberation, "There are thousands of demonized beasts, among which there are many high-level demonized beasts, if it is not for the high-level demonized beasts already have some wisdom, they are not rushing to the top. Ahead, the sanctuary may have been breached long ago, but now...City Lord, let's leave quickly with the elites and supplies, as long as there are people and supplies, there is no chance of a comeback."

The City Lord of Rinshan is tangled.

With a secret passage, he can move valuable materials away, but he has been operating this shelter for so long. Once he leaves, it will be easier said than done.

His city, his kingdom, will be in vain.

I'm really unhappy!

He was reluctant, but his reason was still there. After hesitating for a while, he ordered a few confidants to start carrying supplies.

"Damn it! Damn it! If I run it for a while, I won't be attacked by the magic tide so easily!"

He was very irritable, and slapped the solid wood table beside him to pieces with a slap.

"What's inside, excuse me, can you not take my things?"

A voice suddenly came from outside the door.

City Lord Rinshan was stunned.


It is the City Lord's Mansion. There are not many people who are qualified to enter here. Even if the shelter is facing a crisis of survival at this time, there are still two elite awakeners standing guard outside the City Lord's Mansion.

Who is coming?

His eyes were sharp and he looked towards the door.

Thanks for the reward of "Demon Cat Shadow". . .

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