The floor is covered with black and bright floors, gorgeous crystal chandeliers hanging on the ceiling, fragrant pure wood tables and chairs, beautifully carved bookcases... There are even swimming pools, sky gardens, corridors, and you can stand by the rooftop. Overlooking the whole town... Whether it is layout or decoration, it is full of luxury.

Not worse than his castle!

Tang Yu opened the door and searched room by room... He guessed that the center that controls the entire secret realm, that is, the cracking crystal, is most likely to be in these five towers.

He has already entered the secret realm, and even if the entrance is closed, he can leave through the city return scroll, so he is not anxious. In addition to the cracking crystal, Tang Yu hopes to find valuable items.

Walked through the corridor, opened the door, and glanced around.

Maybe the various mechanisms in the tower are still working, even if the place has been abandoned for a long time, there is still not much dust.

"There is a situation here."

Hongyue's voice was like a gust of quiet wind, entering her ears.

Tang Yu ran quickly, only to see Hongyue wearing a black robe, standing in a room with an area of ​​more than 100 square meters, staring straight ahead.

"That is……"

A figure in a gorgeous robe sat on a chair.

Tang Yu was startled at first, but after careful perception, he realized that the man had lost his breath.

He went around to the front and saw clearly.

The corpse was a male, and the flesh was sunken, dry and lacking in color, but other than that, the corpse did not emit a foul odor, nor did it rot completely.

"It seems that he should be the owner of the tower. Living in such a big place alone is a bit extravagant."

The robe on the corpse should be a good piece of rune equipment. After thinking about it, Tang Yu still didn't take it off. He walked to the beautiful wardrobe, and when he opened it, he found several robes of similar styles.

"It's rune equipment, and it's also engraved with three kinds of runes..."

Tang Yu held one in his hand and looked at it, "Just, what kind of rune is this inscribed? Dust-removing rune? Constant temperature rune? Water-avoiding rune?"

None of the three runes have combat effects.

The rune of avoiding water does not allow people to dive into the water, at best, it can prevent the robes from getting wet on rainy days.

At first he thought it was just one of the daily clothes, but Tang Yu overestimated the owner of this tower, not only the other robes, but even the staff placed beside the corpse was inscribed with runes such as lighting and guiding.

So it's a helper?

After searching the room, Tang Yu was a bit dumbfounded, "Forget it, you can find so many things in one room, the value of this secret realm is far above the tomb, and it is engraved with a robe that removes dust and keeps constant temperature and water away, although it is not applicable. It is not suitable for combat, but as a daily high-end commodity, it should also sell well.”

On the table in front of the corpse, there was a beautiful sheepskin book, and Tang Yu finally picked up the sheepskin book.

Not surprisingly, he didn't understand the text above, and it wasn't a rune language that could tell the meaning at a glance.

"It's said that the entire universe speaks Chinese? The ancients deceived me!"

Tang Yu complained.

Not worried about the text barrier.

Opening the first page of the parchment book, he took out a detection crystal and photographed it against the dense text on the parchment.

"I woke up from my slumber, has the prophesied era arrived? I was overjoyed and looked at the mechanical calendar on the wall for the first time. Fortunately, the calendar was not damaged, and it showed that today is May 17th. , but unfortunately, the calendar is only a hundred years old, and now, I'm sure, it has turned more than one cycle."

"I guess I have slept for at least a few hundred years, which is unimaginable. I am only one hundred and eighty years old, very young. Fortunately, I didn't sleep like a fool."

"Merlin and the others are also awake, oh, I should get together with them first."

Tang Yu turned page by page, and every time he turned a page, he had to take a photo with a new detection crystal, which made him feel a little toothache.

"June 17th, a month has passed, and the gate to the secret realm has not yet been opened. We feel a little uneasy. This is set. As long as the concentration of the source gas in the outside world reaches a certain level, the secret realm will be separated from the orbit of the outer space stream. Fix it, and when the time comes, the door to the secret realm will open naturally."

"This is the best way. No one knows how far the Fifth Epoch is from us. The sleeping solution can't make us sleep for thousands of years. It should be said that the price is too high. Except for the three royal families, I am afraid that no one can afford it, but even the three major countries will not be so wasteful."

"The secret realm is closed and exiled, so that the time flow rate of the Origin Star is not equal, and we have the opportunity to wait for the Fifth Epoch... But now, the secret realm door has not been opened."

"On June 25th, the remaining components of Shenmian solution crystallized were finally analyzed by us. This is bad news. Our awakening... It's not that the 'opportunity' has come, but the solution has lost its effect... God , this is a three-hundred-year-old sleeping solution, and the branch next door prepared only two hundred and fifty."

"It may be that in our secret realm, the flow of time is not slow enough. After all, we cannot precisely control the direction of the secret realm, but there is also a possibility that the interval between the Fifth Epoch and the Fourth Epoch is too long."

"How long is it, 10,000 years, 20,000 years, 100,000 years? Obviously, the time interval between the Third Epoch and the Fourth Epoch is not even ten thousand years. I don't know what happened to the Third Epoch. The powerhouses of the gods have all fallen, and even the Origin Qi of heaven and earth has gradually dissipated. It is said that there were people who successfully broke through the extraordinary a thousand years ago, but it is impossible to wait until our generation. advent……"

Tang Yu's mouth gradually opened wide.

This diary contains a lot of information.

From just a few words, he summed up some key points.

The owners of the diary, including the Mage Merlin mentioned in it, have a total of five people, all of whom belong to an organization called the 'Mage Alliance of Truth', which is a world-class organization, but it is relatively loose, and the five of them belong to a certain Mage Alliance. the top of the branch.

There are only five of them in the entire secret realm.

But according to the owner of the diary, the three major countries, the Guling Dynasty, the Searle Empire, the Holy Radiance Empire...they are the masters of the world. Perhaps in those three countries, more people have successfully awakened in the Fifth Epoch. may have been mixed in human society.

Tang Yu was a little more vigilant.

Most of the people who have awakened from the fourth era are masters, and perhaps some have broken through the extraordinary... Such existence may be a good thing for today's human beings, but it may also bring disaster.

"However, why is the modern age called the Fifth Epoch? And they seem to have long known about the impending changes in the Fifth Epoch?"

"The first four eras, the first era and the second era are not mentioned, but the third era is called the fall of the gods, and in the fourth era, the supernatural is not obvious, and the source power recedes, which is also called the era of the end of the law."

"It is said that the modern age is the era of the end of the law? This is not scientific!"

However, Tang Yu still couldn't figure it out. The fourth era was only the era of the end of the law, not the end of the world.

He guessed that the Quaternary Epoch is similar to the ancient environment, but due to the existence of the source, it is much more prosperous than the Middle Ages and the ancient Daxia Kingdom. At least the common people can fill their stomachs, and the whole world is also in relative peace. in the environment.

It seems... no matter the country, big or small, or other forces, all focus on the prophecy of the Fifth Epoch.

But there is no record of such a prosperous era in history, and in terms of time, the interval is also very far away.

What happened during the period that caused the historical fault?

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