My Doomsday Territory (My Apocalypse Domain)

Chapter 337 What if the salary is not enough? online etc

Yan Dingtian actually still wanted to eat, but who made him seem so indifferent at first, now he is too embarrassed to speak.

Wang Zhou called the waiter to check out, handed out his personal identification card and swiped it, and finally took out another card.

"Old Yan, this is your card. It is used for daily consumption, and it is also a pass for entering and leaving some important places. The card has been charged with a thousand crystals. Oh, and the director said, your weekly salary It's five hundred source crystals..."

And salary?

Yan Dingtian felt that the treatment was not bad, and since he could taste delicious food at any time, he didn't seem to be so resistant to being captured.

next second,

Yan Dingtian quickly threw away this incredible thought.

How could he be a gold medal fighter all his life? As long as he finds a way to cancel the contract, he will leave this ghost place as soon as possible.


"How much is your salary?" Yan Dingtian asked casually.

"Only two hundred."

"What about this meal?"

"Two hundred and five."

Yan Dingtian's mouth twitched slightly, feeling that his salary can only be eaten twice a week?

I saw Wang Zhou very aggrieved and said, "If it weren't for the reimbursement for this meal today, I wouldn't dare to order so much, but still..."

Still can't eat much.

Wang Zhou didn't dare to say this, and quickly changed his words, "The main reason is that the meat of foreign animals is more expensive, but... this is only available in our shelter, and you can't buy meat from other places where you want to buy it. Occasionally there are a few restaurants. The price of meat dishes from exotic animals is really expensive, more than ten times that of ours.”

Wang Zhou knows a lot about food, so he is very proud to say this, and added:

"The price of ordinary ingredients is very cheap, and the taste is actually not bad. This time it is mainly due to reimbursement, so I will go for the more expensive ones." He patted his belly embarrassedly, "And you have Baiyuanjing every Friday. It only belongs to the basic salary, the director said, when you have a task, you can also get an additional source crystal."

The consumption power of Yuanjing is actually very large.

This point, Yan Dingtian has already understood in the follow-up visit.

The salary of Baiyuanjing every five weeks is quite a lot. After all, he is just a prisoner, and there is a garrison in the shelter. Under normal circumstances, he does not need to take action in person.

Yan Dingtian's only regret is that he can't often eat today's delicious food. However, he is an extraordinary powerhouse, and the pursuit of more is to cultivate and become stronger, not to crave food.

Five hundred source crystals per week was more than enough for him.

"When I need it, I will take action. If there is nothing else, I will go back to practice."

"Oh, wait, Mr. Yan, you want to go back to practice? Don't you go to the training camp?"

"Training camp?" Yan Dingtian paused, "What training camp?"

Cultivation is a very personal matter. It is best to find a house that is big enough and quiet enough. The small villa provided by the shelter, although not luxurious enough, has a good location and barely meets the requirements of Yandingtian.

However, listening to the little fat man, it seems that there are all public training places?

Can the training place still be shared?

Yan Dingtian felt that it was impossible, even if there was one, it could only satisfy low-level awakened ones, but he learned to be smart this time. Before he really understood it, he didn't dare to speak rashly, and just waited for Wang Zhou's explanation.

Wang Zhou did this work, and Balabala came all the way.

Primary training area, advanced training area, mental space...

Yan Dingtian opened his mouth slightly, but quickly closed it again, trying to keep himself calm.

"Cough, then what kind of gravity room can really have hundreds of times the gravity? The spiritual space can simulate the enemy, and you can fight without worry, without worrying about death? And a training room with a source gas concentration several times that of the outside world?"


Yan Dingtian was a little dizzy, he wanted to slow down.


In the shelter, several training camps have now been built. The training camp located on the edge of the business district and adjacent to the competition arena is the largest one.

When he came here, Yan Dingtian's first feeling was that there were too many people.

He frowned.

He didn't stay in the primary training area for a long time, he followed Wang Zhou to the advanced training area, his eyes swept over the surrounding training equipment from time to time.

Not bad, but basically nothing for him.

When we came to the advanced training area, there were a lot fewer awakened people here, and it was not so noisy. Most people were training silently in various facilities.

"The facilities here are limited, people use it most of the time, and you need to queue up." Wang Zhou introduced, paused and continued, "With your permission, all the facilities in the primary training area can be used for free, and those in the advanced area can also enjoy Five tier discounts..."

Hearing the charges, Yan Dingtian had an inexplicable premonition, and he carefully inquired about the prices of various training facilities in Wang Zhou, and finally heaved a sigh of relief.

It’s alright, with his salary of five hundred Origin Crystals per week, he can afford it, that kind of training room with high Origin Qi concentration is a bit expensive... But the little fat man also said that because the training room is in short supply, everyone has a usage time. Restricted, he can't spend too much source crystal on the training room.

Don't worry about Yuanjing, at most... It's two big meals a week that can be eaten originally. In order to cultivate, it must be reduced to three or five weeks to eat one meal.

'No problem. ’

'What is the appetite, cultivation is the most important thing. With the training room and the gravity room, my strength will be improved faster, and the contract will be released, and it will no longer be so slim! ’

'Anyway, five hundred source crystals are enough every week, and I can cultivate until the end of the world! ’

When Yan Dingtian was thinking, he didn't stop, and he came to the last spiritual space area.

Extraordinary level, there are few opponents. Most of the time, you can only improve your strength bit by bit through hard work. There is no experience at the same level... He has broken through the extraordinary for a while, except for one time when he faced disaster-level demonized beasts, a little bit Seriously, there is no combat experience at the same level at all.

Well, the time when I was bombarded with doubts about my life by the black-haired girl didn't count.

However, as long as he enters the spiritual space, he can quickly accumulate experience, and even try to perfect his combat skills.

"Wait, you said that the usage fee for each bell here is five times that of the gravity chamber?!"

Yan Dingtian made a simple calculation and found that his weekly salary was simply not enough for his cultivation!

It is said that there are various value-added services in the spiritual space...

A kind of pressure called insufficient salary, weighed heavily on his shoulders.

The mental space area is on the top floor of the training camp.

The position where they were standing at this time was the circular hall at the entrance, surrounded by several passages leading to the small room used to enter the space.

Yan Dingtian gave up thinking and decided to practice first and then:

"How to open the room, the old man wants to buy two clocks of usage time."

Wang Zhou pointed to the central area of ​​the ring hall, a huge cylindrical check-in counter:

"You can look for a free room over there, select the duration, pay with your card, and then open the selected room with your personal ID card..."

Yan Dingtian stepped forward and searched for the space room. At this time, the chatter of the awakened people around him entered his ears.

"The spiritual space has finally opened a new mode! It is said to be called the "Tower of Trials"! "

"It's still said?" Someone sneered, "It's 8:12 now, as early as 12 minutes ago, the "Tower of Trials" mode was officially launched, there should be many people trying it, but none of this matters , The important thing is that three days before the opening of the "Tower of Trials", if you clear a certain number of levels, you can get the high rewards officially given by the shelter..."

Hearing the word "reward", Yan Dingtian's eyes lit up.

He is short of source crystals, so it will be delivered to the door!

As for what kind of tower, Yan Dingtian is not clear, but as extraordinary, no matter what challenges he faces, he has enough confidence!

Thanks for the 1,000-coin reward of "Find a 123", the 1,000-coin reward of "Tian Yaohuiyi", the 1,000-coin reward of "Treasure Tofu Box", the reward of "Cold Disease" and "The Fox Who Doesn't Want to Roll". . . .

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