My Doomsday Territory (My Apocalypse Domain)

Chapter 343 Constructing a Combat System

Tang Yu was a little confused.

He also doesn't know much about 'Artistic Realm', and he has seen it in the materials of the Mage Alliance before.

The "Artistic Conception" of "Kong" should have been cultivated recently, and the result can only be rushed from the seventy-fifth floor to the eighty floor in one breath. If "Kong" can possess the power of Nancy's ghosts and gods, with the fighting ability of the mood level, I am afraid, he can really break into the 100th floor directly.

"Speaking of which, the environment of the "Tower of Trials" is indeed very helpful for the cultivation of "Artistic Conception". Old man Yan really has some truth in what he said, but he is not joking. "

However, with the confidence of the honey on the faces of the other awakened people, Tang Yu could only show his respect with a 'hehe'.

The "Tower of Trials" may only be helpful for the cultivation of "Artistic Conception", but if "Artic Conception" can be easily cultivated, it will not be a legend in the Fourth Epoch. No matter Yan Dingtian, or Ryan's few great mages, they have only heard of "Artistic Conception", but they have never seen it.

Cultivating the "Artistic Realm" requires several prerequisites, the level of awakening, sufficient understanding... and, most importantly, there are enough source crystals to enter the "Tower of Trials".

Why does krypton crystal become stronger?


The army of the Awakened began to invade the "Tower of Trials", and Tang Yu was no exception. Compared with others, he did not break the record of reaching the 70th floor, which should be very close to the "Artistic Conception Level".


Hanging on the 71st floor for the N+1st time, when he returned to the transfer space, Tang Yu sighed, "So, what should I do if I can't beat it?"

No, not right.

Before the artistic conception level, there are still two levels, the subtle level and the perfect level...

Tang Yu thought for a while and entered the practice space.

In the huge white, square-shaped space, flames ignited in his palm, turning into a flaming flaming long sword, and the long sword was disintegrated again, turning into pure flame, burning roaringly in the palm of his hand.


Tang Yu controlled the changes of the flame with his mental power, and the disordered flame instantly condensed into a huge fireball, two circles bigger than a basketball.

With a wave of his arm, the orange-red fireball flew out, turned suddenly in mid-air, made a circle, and returned to his hand.

The fireball did not explode, but turned into the purest source power and decomposed.

"The micro level, I have no doubt reached it, but the perfect level..."

"Wait, if the artistic conception is to treat the surroundings as a whole, then what about the realm?"

Tang Yu opened his personal domain, his senses expanded in an instant, and he could perceive the faint connections around him.

In the beginning, the radius of the personal realm was less than 100 meters. However, with the upgrade of the territory, the degree of territorial fit increased. Today's personal realm, with him as the center, has a radius of 500 meters.

He can perceive almost any change within the realm.

"In the past, the personal realm was only used as a construction vehicle for defensive buildings, but now it seems that the role is much more than that."

A thought moves.

Countless demonized beasts appear around, and their strength is generally in the 12th and 13th layers, much stronger than him. Without relying on defensive buildings, he usually has only one ending...


But today, Tang Yu didn't use a big killer. He just relied on the perception of the surrounding after the domain was deployed, and tried to use the environment and the enemy to achieve the best effect.


He was killed again, and the pain of his chest being torn apart by sharp claws seemed to still remain.

After Tang Yu was resurrected, his face was somewhat pale, but he was excited.

The time of support is longer than ever!

Shows that he is right!

In the personal realm, his perception is not weak at all. What he lacks is the overall layout and pre-judgment ability.


The 'mood level' is obviously not so easy to enter.

The predecessors did not have the road to the "artistic level", the "Tower of Trials" gave a clear path, and Tang Yu, who had a personal domain, seemed to have a real shortcut.

After fighting for a long time in the practice space, Tang Yu finally stopped and breathed a sigh of relief.

Even if you don't really die, hang up again and again, and resurrect again and again, mental fatigue and psychological pressure are no trivial matter.

He has also heard of some awakened beings who are frightened when they die once, and dare not enter the spiritual space again.

Basically obsolete.

"It's not suitable to break into the "Tower of Trials" now, it's better to wait until the "Artistic Realm Level" is at the door, and then pass the "Tower of Trials" in one fell swoop. "

"Now that the tenth level of awakening is reached, it is difficult to improve the level of awakening in a short period of time, not to mention that it is not easy to make mistakes in the mastery of one's own strength."

After learning about the micro level and the perfect level, Tang Yu was even more reluctant to rely on absorbing soul power to rush directly to the twelfth and thirteenth levels. The skyrocketing power in a short period of time would inevitably lower his level of mastery of power.

What's more, by now, the soul power of refining a standard bottle is not as good as that of him in No. 1 Holy Land, which has been improved in a short period of practice.

He seemed to have a feeling.

Soul power is like a gift that helps human beings to improve rapidly when they are weak, and when they reach a certain level, the effect of this gift will weaken, and they need to rely more on themselves.

At the extraordinary level, refining ordinary soul power has no effect at all. Killing demonized beasts at the awakening level will not release any soul power... This has been confirmed by Nancy and Old Man Yan.

Perhaps killing other extraordinary creatures will still have soul power escaping, but it is impossible to kill a monster of the same level, and the soul power obtained will be enough to break through. In the future, I am afraid that cultivation will be king.

"People who don't understand the cultivation method, even if they are extremely gifted and reckless to the level of awakening, they will not be able to break through the extraordinary."

As for cultivation, he pays attention to exercises, time, and efficiency... He has practiced for several hours today, and it is close to saturation. If he continues to practice, it is not impossible to improve, but the efficiency is too low, and it is not worth it.

"Either study the documentation of the Mage Alliance, or..."

As soon as he thought about it, Tang Yu suddenly thought that in the practice space, he was instantly killed by Yan Dingtian's mirror image. At that time, under the instinctive reaction, the erected city wall was smashed to smithereens without being supported for even a second.

Therefore, Tang Yu felt that even if he had the strength to successfully fight against the Thirteenth Major, but in the face of the extraordinary, there was still a gap like a gulf.


"My use of the personal field has always been too rough, and there is no flexibility at all!"

It was only today that he paid attention to the perception ability brought by the domain.

So in the personal field, is there more room for development in the use of temporary buildings?

Tang Yu raised his hand, not far away, a towering black arrow tower condensed inch by inch, and quickly took shape.

"Too slow."

Temporary buildings are composed of energy. When condensing, it is more than ten times faster than normal construction. However, at the high level of awakening and extraordinary, one second is enough to decide the victory or defeat. With such a construction speed, it is better when the enemy is contained. If Not being pinned down, it was enough to make the opponent stand out from the front.

Tang Yu waved his hand and dismissed the arrow tower, then raised his hand again to condense the arrow tower.

over and over again.

He observed the law. Defense buildings tend to condense from the bottom up. What if it was reversed, or even only the upper half?

With a thought, the lower half of the towering black arrow tower disappeared, as if the lower layer fell off when the building collapsed, and quickly collapsed without a trace.

Only the top of the arrow tower and some important parts including the shooting port are left.

(PS: There is one more chapter to follow.)

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