My Doomsday Territory (My Apocalypse Domain)

Chapter 350 The first flight of the floating airship (big chapter)

Territory, Institute.

Tang Yu held a tube of reddish, bubbling, soda-like medicine in his hand.

"The potion that can quickly treat injuries has finally been made... It looks delicious."

After looking at it for half a second, he took it to his mouth, and Gulu drank the 20 ml tube of small medicine in one gulp:

"It's a little pomegranate, it's delicious..."

"Wait, I seem to have forgotten to experiment with mice first??!"

Tang Yu's face froze, looking at the empty potion in his hand, and then looking at the cage next to him, the white fluffy chubby white mouse huddled in the corner with an innocent face.

I can only comfort myself, "Forget it, the medicinal ingredients for the recovery potion are all tonics, and they won't kill anyone. Besides, I've already passed the shape of the body, and the internal organs have been tempered. Generally...probably...probably won't poison me."

Fortunately, the potion was successfully made without any side effects.

Concentrating on perceiving the changes in the body, I only felt a gentle energy spread out quickly, infiltrating the internal organs and every cell.


Tang Yu put the four fingers of his right hand together, and released the source of energy, attached to it, the tips of his fingers glowing with a faint light, and he suddenly cut a wound about ten centimeters long on his left arm.

"Made is trying too hard, it hurts!"

At this time, the warm energy in the body quickly gathered towards the wound. In just ten seconds, the ten-centimeter-long wound had healed, and the scar left on it quickly fell off.

Tang Yu felt that only about one-fifth of the energy of the potion was consumed.

"For those who are below the sixth level of awakening, one tube of medicine is enough to heal serious injuries. Even for high-level awakened people, one tube is not enough, two tubes or three tubes can still work."

The therapeutic agents studied in the past were either not effective enough or acted too slowly.

Looking at the few tubes of finished medicine still remaining on the pharmaceutical table, Tang Yu thought for a while:

"It's called Recovery Potion Type 1."

He can already imagine the situation where the recovery potion will sell well, even if it is an adventure team with healing abilities, they will not be stingy with a little source crystal to buy a few tubes of potions that are enough to save their lives.

What's more, there are many types of healing systems. They are generally good at trauma, and heal the wounded with the healing energy of the healer.

There is also a life force gift type, which gives the injured a strong life energy, so that the injured can achieve the effect of rapid self-healing.

Another type of purification, which can remove the intrusion of external energy such as burns, freezing, etc., so that the injured can recover as before.

These three types of healing abilities are relatively common. After Winnie accepted the inheritance, she mainly focused on the first type of injury treatment, but she also knew a lot of purification spells.

"However, in addition to treating injuries, Type 1 Restorative Potion also has the effect of restoring physical strength and relieving fatigue. It can be said that it is quite comprehensive."

"In terms of disadvantages, liquid medicine is not very convenient to carry. If it can be made into pill form, it is more conducive to taking it in battle."


The simple communicator placed on the side of the table vibrated, the pale red liquid medicine rippled, and bubbles popped up.

Tang Yu picked it up and took a look:

"Lord, the airship is assembled and ready for test flight." - Kevin Sandridge de Patticia Traviskin

Tang Yu: "..."

Even if he didn't use the more convenient and efficient contract communication, he thought who it was.

Was Kevin really confused by the obstructing beard?


Tang Yu met Chen Haiping on the road, and the two rushed all the way to the equipment area.

As the core figure of the shelter, although Chen Haiping knew about the existence of the floating airship, he didn't know much about it. When he heard that he was about to take a test flight, his eyes were full of surprise.

"Director, can the air craft plan really come true? I heard that the air craft can carry 300 passengers?"

"Three hundred people, that's just the number of people that are rated to carry. In fact, the design of the floating craft, a large part of the space is used as a cargo hold, and the cargo capacity is extremely high."

"But... the sky is the site of flying demonized beasts. Helicopters only dare to fly at low altitudes, and fighter jets generally don't dare to fly too far from the shelter... Floating craft, this target is bigger than fighter jets. It has been said that Beiting tried to use the airship to cross the area, but failed."

Since the sky has changed again, the fighter jets have not been able to be seen, probably because it has not been repaired, and the sky has no place for humans to stand.

The flying demonized beasts could not be encircled and suppressed, and their numbers increased until they converged into a demonic tide and were annihilated by human air defense weapons.

Chen Haiping's worries are justified.

But it is mostly due to insufficient understanding of the floating craft.

Tang Yu smiled and said, "The airship is different from the airship. The airship needs to use the airbag to fill the air with low density to lift off. Destruction of beasts.

However, the floating airship is based on the bottom depiction. The huge floating array flies in the air and is faster. It has strong firepower and protection capabilities, enough to deal with the threat of most flying demonic beasts.

When the airship makes its first flight, you will know when you go up and take a look. "

Tang Yu was also excited.

The sales of rune equipment accounted for a large part of the territory's income, but limited by the apocalyptic environment, it was difficult to dump it everywhere. The construction of the teleportation array needs to rely on sub-territories, but the number of sub-territories that can be opened is limited, and the teleportation array technology is too high-end to be built by itself.

At present, the sales market is only the surrounding areas of radiating green shade and Luoxia, and the surrounding areas such as Hengcheng and Shuohu. Even if there are many caravans running back and forth, it is actually difficult for the goods to meet the needs of the local awakened people.

Because of transportation problems, it was not even possible to open a new sales area in Jingcheng.

Tang Yu also considered using a floating chariot for transportation, but even if the floating chariot was full of space backpacks, it would not be able to transport much cargo at a time, and large items could not be put into the space backpack.

The number of floating chariots is also very limited. The cost of each one is as high as 200,000 source crystals (converting the materials into cost prices). Some rare materials can only be accumulated slowly. There are only a dozen vehicles in the entire territory, and half of them are given to The Armed Forces Department and the Intelligence Department also need four or five cars, and he also has at least two cars in his own hands, and a few cars to be distributed to the followers who go out to perform tasks...

How can a floating chariot be free to transport goods.

"The floating airship is different. The cost is more than 2.3 million, but the carrying capacity is far more than that of the floating chariot. Just with the current family background, it is impossible to build a few."

Tang Yu frowned.

The treasury has been hovering between the warning line and the emergency line during this time. Even if he is a person with a mine at home, he is about to be unable to hold it.

The income of Yuanjing Mine is stable at tens of thousands of Yuanjing every day. The No. 1 resource point, after deducting the maintenance cost of defense buildings, can also have a small income of 20,000 to 30,000 yuan a day. The sales of rune equipment in various places, plus the income of spiritual space and martial arts hall, now It has become the largest income, ranging from tens of thousands of source crystals to hundreds of thousands of source crystals.


To build a defensive building will cost thousands of source crystals, which can cost tens of thousands or even 20,000 to 30,000 yuan. To set up a proposed defense line will cost millions of dollars. Followers and employees will also spend a lot of money, and it will cost 10 yuan every week. Several tens of thousands of source crystals, and even his newly constructed battle system, every time it is activated, it will cost tens of thousands of source crystals, and it can only last for less than a minute...

"Last time, I clearly felt that the combat system was perfect, and I might be able to fight against the extraordinary, but I really ignored the most important krypton crystal issue."

In contrast, upgrading the territory, summoning adventurers, and refreshing the market is nothing.

Floating chariots, floating airships and other expensive vehicles, if most of the materials were collected by the Survey Corps, which reduced the cost of construction, it may not be possible to build so many.

"Tang, there are mines at home, it's actually poor, Yu" smiled bitterly, "When the airship proves that it is enough to fly across regions, we must sell the goods all over the world... Listening to Lorraine, Jingcheng Awakeners are quite rich, Choose Jingcheng as your first stop!"

thinking room,

The black city walls of the equipment area are already in sight.


The equipment factory covers a large area. The first-level city wall built at the beginning has now become an inner city wall, with the battlements above and Sen Han's machine gun muzzle exposed, deterring anyone with bad intentions, and even the awakened guards of the corps. Twenty Patrol back and forth for four hours without interruption. Occasionally, spies sneak into the equipment factory area, and they will be quickly caught.

In the distance is an endless third-level city wall, tall and thick, standing on the wilderness, until the half-mountain at the end of the line of sight, wrapping the original road around the mountain, using the geographical advantage to block any invading demonized beasts.

Tang Yu saw a flying demonic beast approaching, and was immediately killed by the anti-aircraft artillery arranged on the city wall. , Tang Yu couldn't see clearly, but he could guess that it was to collect the source crystals and important materials from the demonized beasts.

During the defense of the city, the capture needs to be handed over to the Corps, but you can also get some contribution points, which is equivalent to 'extra money'.

"Director, you're finally here, let's hurry up and see the floating craft." Kevin walked over quickly, his long white beard fluttering in the wind, followed by a few people.

There are core members of the equipment department, as well as the logistics department.

Tang Yu saw a few familiar faces... seven or eight mature.

"The equipment department is in charge of this. You should have seen the floating craft many times."

"That's different." Kevin was very excited, "I've never seen an airship fly!"


A guy the size of an airship has a relatively high level of secrecy. The construction area is definitely not here, but on the mountain...

Everyone quickly came to the rear of the equipment department. The position of the backing mountain was at least seventy or eighty degrees. An alloy gate appeared in front of everyone.

Tang Yu's mental power moved forward, and the verification light quickly turned from red to green.

The alloy door opened, and Tang Yu stepped into it.


The two sides of the passage are made of metal walls, and the source crystal lamp is embedded in the top of the semi-circular passage, emitting soft light.

Yang Wei and other members of the equipment department and the core members of the logistics department followed behind the big bosses, slightly cautious.

He used to be a low-level handyman, and because of his small stature and malnutrition, he even earned less than others. However, now, he is the director of the Rune Workshop, and through the Awakening Loan, the Outstanding Employee Reward Fund, I bought a lot of auxiliary medicines, and now I have successfully awakened.

The weekly salary is as high as 280, the awakening is triple, and the rune attainment is close to that of the intermediate rune master.

However, Yang Wei was still very cautious, walking on tiptoes, not daring to make too much noise.

Go ahead, that's the real big shot.

Except for Minister Kevin, he was not familiar with the other two. Minister Chen was known as the chief housekeeper of the shelter, and the handsome and dignified young man was also Director Tang, whose head and tail were not seen.

The sky-high figures who built the green shade with one hand, are now taking them to the floating craft manufacturing area.

Yang Wei was aware of the existence of the airship, but it was the first time he walked into this place.

There is restraint, but also uncontrollable excitement.

What technology does the airship use?

How exactly are the rune arrays linked together?

What are the characteristics of the structure?

How spectacular is it?


Everyone is awakened, and their feet are not slow.

The passage went straight ahead for a while, and then turned into an upward slope, which was enough road for trucks to pass.

After a few minutes, they walked out of the passage, and the eyes suddenly opened up.

Yang Wei opened his mouth slightly.

They came to a platform in the middle of the mountain. The trees here have been pulled out, the ground has been dug flat, and a thick layer of cement has been poured on it. Looking around, the platform is huge, at least equivalent to a dozen footballs. field together.

The edge of the mountain wall, as if it was cut straight by a knife, is smooth like a mirror, and it is straight at ninety degrees.

However, the most eye-catching thing is that in front of them, a huge airship with a length of more than 50 meters is facing them, and the puppet standing at the bottom is as small as an ant.

At first glance, the floating airship looks like a long and narrow battleship. There are huge muzzles like aircraft engines on both sides, protruding from both sides. If you stand in front and look at it, the whole floating airship looks like a V-shaped letter. He stretched out his feet on the left and right sides and landed firmly on the ground.

Outside the floating boat is a dark blue and gray armor coating, which is not heavy. In addition to the main gun, it is also loaded with a lot of powerful weapons. The unique design style and magnificent appearance are breathtaking.

The person who saw the airship for the first time was already on the spot.

"Yang Wei, you go check the rune pattern at the link on the right, Huang Ming, you check the left..." Kevin gave them a few minutes to relax, and immediately assigned the task.

"Yes, Master!"

Yang Wei and the other three core members of the equipment department walked to the airship with a bit of a pilgrimage mood.

Kevin shook his white beard and quickly boarded the airship, smiling like an eighty-year-old child.

Tang Yu circled the airship a few times, and the more he looked, the more satisfied he became.

This is just a small airship, medium, large, it will definitely be more spectacular and incredible... Of course, it will wait until he can build it.

As expected of the precious blueprints left over from the incomparably glorious era before the Third Age.

The huge alliance of mages can't make it.

Thank you for the 500-coin reward of "Broken Dream Maple", the 500-coin reward of "Not Memories", and the reward of "Silent Hope". . . . . . . .

Today is still busy, so the two-in-one chapter can take a few minutes to think of a chapter name (manually funny). . . I'll have more time tomorrow to see if I can write more (probably). . .

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