My Doomsday Territory (My Apocalypse Domain)

Chapter 352 Air Force Selection

Shady Shelter.

A large playground, the size of two or three football fields, is located at the foot of the mountain, backed by the magnificent training camp building.

Awakeneds from the two corps, in twos and threes, are staying on the playground. Some people are learning from each other, some people are training their moves, and some people are resting after experiencing high-intensity training.

In one corner of the training playground, Lu Xiaopeng was holding a white long sword and was practicing his combat skills.

He focused his eyes, stared straight ahead, suddenly leaned forward, stepped forward with his right foot, and the muscles in his right hand holding the long sword tightened and stabbed forward.

This stab, first slow and then fast, when the arm is straightened, it is already like lightning.

Lu Xiaopeng gave a low drink.

The white long sword was attached to his arm, and half of his body, a faint white light spurted out, and he exerted force in an instant.

Stab again!

Triple stab!

Every time he stabbed out, his entire body moved several meters forward, his arms retracted slightly, and he stabbed again. After the combat technique "Stabbed in a Flash" was finished, the whole person appeared more than a dozen meters away.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

The sound of the long sword piercing the air followed.

Next to it, some members of the garrison corps onlookers exclaimed.

"Great! I can't see the action at all!"

"At the same time as the attack is accompanied by movement, there is no sound at all, magic skill."

"Congratulations to the captain for his amazing skills."

Lui sighed lightly and clenched the right arm of the custom weapon "Arc Sword", trembling slightly.

He put away the arc sword, and instead of being proud, he shook his head:

"Dacheng? It's still early. I can only be considered an entry-level at best, and it may not be able to be used in actual combat."

"Isn't it?" The Awakened beside him was surprised, "With this trick, three consecutive stabs can kill an Awakened of the same level in one hit."

"It's meaningless to kill those awakened people who have not undergone systematic training."

Lu Xiaopeng paused and said, "This move is not called three consecutive stabs, but "instant body stabs", which can reach the realm of five consecutive stabs. Out, not even the sword light can see a shadow.

Each thorn, the distance spanned is not only a few meters, but more than ten meters, twenty meters, and unlike me, I can only simply stab forward, but turn around and stab back and forth. called the highest state. "

The members of the garrison legion onlookers raised their heads slightly, imagining the scene.

Director Tang's sword light was intertwined into an airtight net, easily beheading the enemy, and until the enemy died, he couldn't figure it out, and he couldn't see Director Tang's figure.

You can assassinate, you can retreat, you can advance and retreat freely.

"Ahhh I really want to learn this trick!!"

""Stabbed in a flash" is Director Tang's combat skill. I am the only one in the entire corps. Even if you contribute points, you can't exchange them. "

Lu Xiaopeng finally showed his brilliance. When others learned their combat skills from Chief Instructor Luo and Colonel Kong, his combat skills came from Director Tang, and his face was different.

At this time,

The sound of dangdang spread throughout the training area of ​​the Corps.

Lu Xiaopeng and others stopped their training and came to the designated location to gather, and more people walked out of the training camp.

Instructor Luo, who was wearing a black battle uniform and looked like an iron tower, appeared in front of them and announced a message.

[Air Force Selection]!

"Air force? Sounds like an air force. Are we going to form a new regiment?"

"The problem is that we can't fly. It seems that only three of the two corps have the ability to fly?"

"I only care about how to select."



Luo Zhe spit out two words, and the members of the two major corps in the training area immediately stood up and did not dare to speak.

"You guessed right, the air force is the flying arm, as for how to fly..."

Lu Xiaopeng and others followed Luo Zhe's gaze and saw a few pieces of equipment not far away that were transported over at an unknown time.

A black vest with a black box the size of a normal backpack attached to the back.

"This is a flying backpack. The method of use is very simple. It is the same as the equipment you usually use with special effects or skills. The selection of airmen mainly evaluates your combat ability in the air when you use the flying backpack. Who wants to go? try?"

Lu Xiaopeng's eyes lit up and came out first:

"The air force is interesting, I want to join this recruit group."

The garrison corps is mainly responsible for the defense of the shelter, and it is not challenging. Lu Xiaopeng has always envied the people of the survey corps, who can run around in various regions.

I couldn't find the opportunity to change jobs before, but now it seems that the corps formed by the airmen may be more advanced than the garrison corps and the survey corps.

Luo Zhe clasped his hands, nodded irrefutably, looked at several flying backpacks, and showed a faint smile.


Lu Xiaopeng picked up the jetpack and weighed it.

A few kilograms are very light for him.

After putting on the vest, buttoning it up, and locking it, Lu Xiaopeng checked it back and forth several times—since it was a flight, the buttons loosened in mid-air, and the person and the backpack were separated, which was not a fun thing.

He tried waving his arms again, his legs out like springs.

feel good.

The existence of the flight pack does not hinder flexibility in the slightest.

"Next, I can try to ascend to the sky. I have always admired those who have the ability to grow wings. I thought I would never have the chance to fly like a bird in my life..."

Lu Xiaopeng kept talking.

Skilled in manipulating mental power, like a flying backpack.

In an instant, he touched the 'switch', and the rune on the backpack was activated.

"Oh, the jetpack is about to start, I feel the kinetic energy coming from seems a little violent, wait-"

The next moment, under the eyes of many corps members, Lu Xiaopeng rose into the sky.

Accompanied by exclamations of "Wahahahah".

Looking up, only a small black spot remained.


The strong wind blew across his face and howled, leaving clouds behind.

Still rising fast.

Keep going, and you'll be side by side with the sun.

Lu Xiaopeng was crying... The jetpack comes with Origin Crystal energy. He has used this kind of equipment a lot. Mental power is just an introduction to start. However, just now, the introduction seems to be a bit too much, and the built-in Origin Crystal is burning. .

He was worried that he would not be able to control and continue to go to the sky, but also worried that if the source crystal burned too fast, the energy would be exhausted.

Will it fall out of the sky?

From a few hundred meters, a few kilometers in the air?

Lu Xiaopeng didn't know whether his source power could afford the running consumption of the flying backpack.

He could only go up to the sky, while concentrating on perception, "Slow down, slow down, slow down quickly..."

It seemed to hear his prayer.

The speed of the sky dropped sharply, and soon, Lu Xiaopeng stayed in the air... For a short moment, he fell toward the ground again, and the speed continued to increase under the action of gravity.

"Wow ah ah ah-"

Through cloud after cloud, the large playground of the training area is faintly visible.

Lu Xiaopeng felt relieved, and began to speed up the flight pack again, but the stabilization or rise he imagined did not appear.

While descending, he slid out of an 'S'-shaped trajectory in the air, flew away from the training area for a while, and was adjusted back by him for a while. At the moment when his head was about to hit the ground, Lu Xiaopeng's eyes widened, his teeth clenched, and he did the last struggle...


Lu Xiaopeng, who fell like a rocket, stopped at a distance of one or two meters from the ground, and the layers of air waves were swayed. However, at this moment, he flew out and slammed into the wall of the training camp.

The members of the two regiments were stunned.

Luo Zhe was also a little stunned, "The flying backpack has a protection mechanism, so it won't hit the ground directly, but... how did you control it to hit the wall by yourself?"

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