My Doomsday Territory (My Apocalypse Domain)

Chapter 380 Psychic (big chapter)

Night, very quiet.

Except for the Awakened from the Hiraa Security Bureau who occasionally patrolled the streets, there were hardly any other people.

The street lights installed on both sides of the road are not Yuanli street lights, but ordinary electric street lights. The Pingliang Power Supply Bureau has increased the power supply voltage to make the electric street lights barely usable, but at a glance, eight of the ten street lights are still dimmed, and the rest One or two, dim yellow lights flickering brightly and dimly, it seems that they may go out at any time.

Such street lights need to be replaced every two or three days.

Only Yuanli street lights can last.

The full moon hanging high in the sky gradually disappeared behind the clouds, the bright moonlight was blocked, and the night became darker.

A few streets away from the orphanage where the accident happened.

Sun Yu, Cai Jiajia and several others have replaced the props prepared by Nian Chengwei.

The uniform black cloak hides the figure, and the male and female cannot be seen. Everyone wears a mask on the face, but the masks are different, but they are all very fancy...

"Why do I wear a pig face mask!"

A female apprentice touched the protruding nose of the big pig on the mask, and there was a deep melancholy in her voice.

Nian Chengwei touched the monk's face mask he was wearing, and coughed dryly, "I didn't find the props, and I'm also very tired."

Looking at the other apprentices, there are monkey faces, sand monk faces, and horse faces...

This is a set of Journey to the West masks. In order to gather five people, a horse face was specially added. The funny masks made him want to laugh.

However, as a liaison officer and examiner, and the head of the Pingliang Intelligence Department, Nian Chengwei couldn't laugh, and kept a serious look:

"It's just a tool to hide your identity. Anyway, no one knows who is under the mask... In short, hurry up and act!"

The action roadmap has already been drawn up, and you can go straight from the side of the orphanage... infiltrate.

Sun Yu and several others floated down from the high-rise building, stepped on the outer edge of the building to borrow strength, and advanced rapidly in mid-air, like a black swimming fish flashing between the buildings.

In the distance, you can see the teaching building on the side of the orphanage. There is bright light inside, and the patrolling Security Bureau Awakened, shadowy.

The surrounding area is empty, and there is still a gap of more than 30 meters between the teaching building and the nearest building.

Sun Yu grabbed the anti-theft net of the window with one hand, and his body was suspended in the air. With the other hand, he took out the hook rope that had already been prepared. With a flick of his wrist, the hook carried the rope and flew out steadily. on the roof of the teaching building.

On the other side of the hook, Sun Yu quickly threw it to his companions, who quickly tied it to the anti-theft net.

At this time, Sun Yu had already stepped on the dangling rope, like a ghost, and went straight to the rooftop of the opposite teaching building.

Nian Chengwei, who was wearing a Tang monk mask, nodded indiscernibly.

It seems immature when it comes to making plans, but the action is quick and neat, and it is worthy of being the focus of training in the martial arts hall.


The roof of the teaching building, as an important position overlooking the entire playground, is guarded by three Awakeners of the Security Bureau.

One of them yawned, "I don't know how many days I have to stay, obviously I'm not on the night shift, staying up late is a man's natural enemy!"

On the side, the Awakened with a flashlight gave him a "Oh, shemale" look. Suddenly he paused and looked at the other two: "Did you hear anything?"

"The playground is still busy, and the voices can be heard clearly."

"No, the sound seems to come from the other side... Forget it, I'll take a look. Standing for a long time is not good for blood circulation, so I'd better walk."

Holding a flashlight, he walked slowly to the other side of the rooftop.

Drowsiness made his brain a little sluggish.

The flickering light of the flashlight illuminated the distance, and a dark shadow flashed in his sight.

Like a basin of water poured down, the drowsiness dissipated instantly.

The Awakened from the Security Bureau stabbed the outside of the rooftop, there was no shadow... Only an empty rope, swaying constantly under the light of the flashlight.

'To suffer! ’

He secretly said, his mouth was open, and he was about to shout, but his throat was locked, and he was hit hard on the back, and the whole person passed out.


Putting down the soft Awakened in his hand, Sun Yu looked to the other side of the rooftop, and the other two stationed Awakened, with their backs to him, facing the direction of the playground, talking in a low voice.

Didn't notice the situation here at all.

He shook his head, walked behind the two of them, put his five fingers together to form a knife, bang bang twice...

Ten seconds later,

The three members of the Hiraang Security Bureau who fell unconscious were dragged to the side of the rooftop and leaned against the corner of the wall.

Cai Jiajia and the others also followed the ropes to the rooftop. The last person untied the rope buckle tied to the anti-theft net. With the help of the strength of the companions on the teaching building's rooftop, they flew to the rooftop and rolled to the ground silently.

"The first step is complete." Sun Yu walked to the edge of the rooftop and looked down, "Battles mostly happened in the playground, which is also the key area of ​​our investigation... At present, there are six people on the playground, but it is not the key. The playground is empty and not covered. It's easy to be discovered by the Awakened upstairs in the classroom—"

"So just knock it all out."

Cai Jiajia waved her pink fists, and she couldn't wait to see that Sun Yu had knocked out the three of them.

Infiltrating like this has made her excited.

Assassins who can't open unparalleled is not a good mage!


There are two teaching buildings, both with six floors. Not every floor has Awakeners stationed there, but there are a lot of people, a total of twenty or thirty people.

If so many people gather together or are relatively close together, it is almost impossible for Sun Yu and Cai Jiajia to solve the problem quietly. The awakened people of the Pingliang Security Bureau are not weak.

But now, these 20 or 30 people are divided into several teams. There are two or three less and four or five more. They are scattered on all floors and in all directions. Let alone five... four of them, even if there is only one person, it can be Easy fix.

Dive in without stress.

After just one minute, they had eliminated all the Awakened guards stationed in the teaching building, and several people on the playground were also attacked by them... Violently sneaked in, knocked unconscious without any resistance, and even the Xitian five-member group mask, could not see clearly.

Sun Yu and the others breathed a sigh of relief.

Looking around again, some corpses were taken away, but the traces were not cleaned up. There were several cracks in the ground on the playground, and the blood stains dyed the weeds maroon.

What happened on the night of the cult attack could be vaguely identified.

"It seems... a one-sided battle." Cai Jiajia said.

Nian Chengwei nodded, "Because of the overwhelming power of the cult, there were no traces left that night, which brought great difficulty to the investigation. Modern scientific and technological means could hardly find any clues."

"What about the capable ones? Hirao's tens of thousands of awakened ones must have special abilities that are good at tracking or investigation."

"There is indeed... Piraraga found a person with the ability to go back and recreate the scene of that night."

Nian Chengwei stared at the dark red bloodstains on the ground, swept from one end of the playground to the other, and shook his head after passing, "In the scene, it is no different from the analysis and judgment, a group of cult members in black robes will take less time. In one minute, the guards and instructors of the orphanage were dealt with, and there was no major disturbance, and when the members of the security bureau patrolling around found out after the incident, they had already left.”

"Backtracking is not a panacea. It consumes a lot of money. It is difficult to find the whereabouts due to the interference of the powerful strength of the cult members... Three days later, the cult members may have returned to their old nest."

Nian Chengwei shook his head and looked at the apprentice, "So, do you have any opinions?"

Several people shook their heads neatly.

After the meeting, Cai Jiajia walked to the playground near the teaching building, next to a corpse that had not been taken away.

A cordon was drawn around the corpse, and Cai Jiajia did not blindly approach it, but just stood nearby to observe.

The corpse was riddled with holes, as if it had been pierced by dense needles, and the original face could not be seen for a long time, and the state of death was very terrifying. Perhaps because of this, this corpse was preserved—the security bureau wanted to use the deceased to determine the identity of the person with the ability to kill—if the cult members were hidden in the shelter, they had a clear identity, a high-level awakened person, and a special The ability to easily lock each other.

But three days passed.

There is no news... Either the Pingliang Security Bureau hid the news too well, or the person with the ability to shoot is an unknown master who is hidden in the dark.

"Can you be psychic?" Sun Yu came over and asked.

Cai Jiajia shook her head, "It's dead. If the spirit hasn't completely dissipated within a few hours, I can still communicate some news, but now..."

She turned around the entire playground and stopped for a while beside all the corpses that were not taken away:

"Three days have passed, and all the corpses have lost their spirits... But this is also expected."

Cai Jiajia is not depressed.

Her ability is psychic, very special and extremely rare.

You can communicate with the "spirit", get information, and even use the "spirit" for your own use.

Humans have spirits.

Plants have spirit.

All things have spirit.

However, in the early days of the apocalypse, only a few minutes after a person died, the spiritual energy dissipated, and the spirit of the grass, trees, mountains and rivers was too weak to be seen.

With the increase in the concentration of Origin Qi between heaven and earth, Cai Jiajia was pleasantly surprised to find that the "spirit" of all things has increased a lot after the sky changed a while ago.

The ability to communicate with "spirit" can finally play a role.

Cai Jiajia looked around, and finally her eyes fell on a huge banyan tree near the flag-raising platform.

The trunk of the banyan tree is thick, and two or three people can only hug it by holding hands. The whole banyan tree is almost as tall as the teaching building, and the dense branches and leaves cover half of the playground.

——There is no doubt that after taking hormones after the end of the world, the banyan tree can grow so lush.

Cai Jiajia walked in and put her hand on the tree trunk.

He closed his eyes tightly, his eyelashes fluttering slightly.

Several minutes passed, when the others began to worry, Cai Jiajia opened her eyes, and the bright eyes were enough to illuminate the surroundings.

"The direction the cult is leaving is this side."

Spiritualization is complete.

On the other side, Nian Chengwei took out a lot of detection crystals, took pictures of the crystals, and recorded the scene.

Seeing that no clues could be found in the orphanage, several people left in the direction of the clues Cai Jiajia communicated from "Spirit of Banyan Tree".

Only one place was left, the members of the Security Bureau lying on their sides.

Some two people hug each other, hug each other, one goes up and the other goes down.

A few minutes later, another team of Security Bureau members who came to change shifts walked into the gate of the orphanage and saw the scene of hugging...



"The world is going down."

"People are not ancient."

"No one has repaired the flowers and plants."

Along the way, Cai Jiajia searched for old trees, grass and flowers, or historical buildings and stones, relying on psychics to determine the direction the cultists were leaving bit by bit.

Cai Jiajia frowned in front of a thick tree that was brutally chopped down, "The cultists have separated here and left in three directions. The expression of "Ling" is not very clear, but in several directions, they were all led away. Walking orphan. "

"Then what?"

"You can only find it slowly in a few directions."

This is a big project. Fortunately, several people have perseverance... To be precise, Cai Jiajia was able to persevere and channeled continuously.

The source power of psychic consumption is not large, but it is time-consuming.

A few of them avoided the night patrols while looking for psychic objects.

Cai Jiajia communicates with "Ling".

Sun Yu and the others let loose.

Nian Chengwei was bored, thinking about the purpose of the cult, and thinking about Ping Liang's response.

For those who have the ability to backtrack, Ping Liang must have tried the method of intercepting and searching.

However, the cult's "anti-ability tracking" method is very superb, and more than a dozen people are divided and combined, which increases the difficulty of backtracking.

"Retrospective" is different from "Psychic", it consumes a lot of energy, and it is impossible to use it continuously... According to Nian Chengwei's estimation, Retracing the cult members who have the ninth-level peak master, each time, at least three points of the ability must be consumed. The second source of power - the intelligence department has retrospective ability, he is very clear about the characteristics and persistence of the ability.

And the cult members do not take the usual path, they may leap from the rooftops, or they may walk through the alleys-the backtracking range is limited, which also increases the difficulty of tracking.

I'm afraid that tracking methods such as smell and breath won't work... "The End of the Cult" is really very professional.

As Nian Chengwei pondered, two or three hours passed.

Cai Jiajia was exhausted, and after channeling again and again, Rao did not consume much in a single session. After hundreds of times, the source force bar has also been empty three times.

Change to the Hiraa Sanctuary, and those who have the ability to "psychic" can only be divided into three times, each time to restore the source power at a few minutes interval, and then slowly track.

However, the investigation and training team has already made plans to use drugs in the past.

Cai Jiajia took out a small bottle of source power recovery potion containing blue liquid, unscrewed the cap, and gulped it down.

The medicinal liquid melted at the entrance, and the strong medicinal power burst out, turning into a rush of Origin Qi, which walked along the body's meridians and converged to the position three inches below the lower abdomen, forming a bulging Origin Qi mass.

The source of energy in the body quickly filled up.

It can be restored to full value in three minutes.

Cai Jiajia became full of energy again, and stretched out her hand, "They pass by this courtyard, go, we continue to chase, even if we chase out of the shelter and chase into the depths of the wilderness, I will not let them go."

She jumped up on her toes and landed on the courtyard wall.

The courtyard was pitch-dark, and it didn't look like it was inhabited. Cai Jiajia didn't care, and was about to step on the eaves on the side of the courtyard and fly to the opposite side - there was a big four-story tree at the back of the courtyard.

She stepped lightly on the rubble on the eaves, her complexion suddenly changed, and she jumped up.

Right at this time,

The old roof burst open with a bang, the roof tiles were scattered, and a bright knife light shot out from it, as if to illuminate the dark night where the fingers could not be seen.

Sun Yu, who was one step behind, jumped from the courtyard wall to the eaves, just in the air, unable to borrow.

Seeing the figures in the room, the blade's edge changed, and the blade's light was drawn towards Sun Yu like a bright horse.

The unstoppable momentum, stabbed people in the face and hurt!

Sun Yu was unavoidable and threw a punch.

In an instant, the fist stretched out from under the cloak became as crystal clear as white jade!

Thanks for the 500-coin reward of "Mao Yuhongdouhongv" and the 100-coin reward of "Pure Man". . .

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