My Doomsday Territory (My Apocalypse Domain)

Chapter 394 Soul Crystal (Big Chapter)

The injured people were placed properly, and some of the more seriously injured were taken out of Crescent Moon Mountain after emergency rescue by those with the ability of the treatment department.

Several shelter leaders were horrified.

"Ending Evil Cult" has opened up one card after another, and its strength has been continuously improved. It is a large and dignified shelter, and it is also a hegemon in the end of the world. From the very beginning, the main force to suppress evil has been reduced to being unable to even play a support position now, at best Just a passerby soldier, watching epic hero battles, and accidentally being affected by the aftermath!


body more tired.

God knows whether there will be anything wrong with the "Ending Cult", so they quickly arranged for the weaker Awakened to retreat.

With a smile on his face, Tang Yu walked past the injured and dying Awakened, nodding from time to time.

The Awakened, who was hanging his last breath, was immediately refreshed, and there was a complete chance that someone else would pour the medicine into his head, continuing a wave for the Awakened who frequently died.

He's acting as a mascot... ugh, spiritual belief.

Everywhere you go, there is an aura of excitement.

Forget the pain, forget the sadness...

After walking around, there were those with healing abilities, and the awakened ones were still alive and stubborn, most of the injured were rescued in the end, and they were being sent to Crescent Moon in batches... Now it should be called Pingtoushanwai.

There are also many left-behind staff outside.

With the area of ​​Pingtou Mountain, it is probably not clear what happened outside. The first batch of injured people will be sent, which may cause the entire Tiannan Province to shake.

The severely injured Awakened, although recovering quickly, is also a kind of overdraft... It takes at least half a month of cultivation before returning to the battlefield.

At this time,

Tang Yu raised his head.

The extraordinaryness of the high-altitude battle, I don't know when, the height has been lowered, and you can see the gorgeous light and shadow of the battle, as well as the sound of bang bang like thunder.

Tang Yu could see clearly.

The two figures are Yan Dingtian and a ghost hand clan extraordinary.

next moment,

With a loud bang, a figure fell heavily.

In the previous extraordinary battlefield... Tang Yu knew that under the condition that the strengths were not much different, it was impossible to kill the enemy, so he let Nancy and the others entangle their enemies and keep them as far away as possible.

However, at this time, Yan Dingtian's figure looked very embarrassed. He was seriously injured, and his breath was obviously weakened. Obviously, he could no longer entangle the opponent.

In contrast, the Ghost Hand Race Extraordinary only consumes a little more, and there are not many injuries.

Continue to fight, the injury will increase, even if the extraordinary falls, it is not impossible.

The transcendent of the first stage is far from being immortal.

Through the "eye of insight", he could see two other extraordinary battlefields above the clouds.

On Nancy's side, they were evenly matched, and Elaine, although she had the upper hand, was only suppressing.

It's not like Yan Dingtian has been beaten out.

"The old saying is really unreliable..."

Tang Yu sighed and stepped forward, but he couldn't watch Lao Yan really get shit.

At this time, the ghost hand clan was extraordinary, and instead of chasing Yan Dingtian, it rushed towards the human army, as if to take the opportunity to deal with this group of human awakeners with threatening potential.

Cooperate with the demonized beast army led by their ghost hand clan.

However, halfway through the flight, the Ghost Hand Race Extraordinary was stunned.

What about our army of 100,000 demonized beasts?

What about the hundreds of elite warriors of our ghost hand tribe?

Shouldn't we have the upper hand!

Did not fly in the wrong direction! It's not the other side of the mountain!

There are also five pseudo-transcendent demonized beasts, where are they? where! I only saw the injured human legion, the huge body of the pseudo-transcendent demonized beast, and didn't even see a shadow.

The Ghost Hand Race is stunned.

Taking advantage of this time, Tang Yu had already rushed forward, surrounded by fifteen hexagonal crystals behind him, and a blue-purple beam of light formed an aperture behind him.

A man with a halo.

Tang Yu stretched out his hand, palm facing forward, and a "Super Magic Cannon that Destroys the Sky and Destroys the Earth" blasted out, and in an instant, the entire sky seemed to be torn apart.

The blue-purple beam of light shot out for countless miles before gradually dissipating.

Looking around, there were huge holes in the clouds at the far end, and the clouds were all dissipated.


Tang Yu looked into the distance, and the ghost hand clan Chaofan was frightened and fled wildly.

It was obviously a sneak attack when the opponent was not alert, but the extraordinary perception of danger was still somewhat unexpected... Before the self-created "Destruction Super Magic Cannon" penetrated, the opponent quickly shifted his body. .

It was only slightly scratched by the beam of light, and the protective force field was immediately broken, and it was not lightly injured.

But still run away quickly.

Tang Yu wanted to catch up, but after taking a few steps, he found that he had been thrown a few streets away, and the distance was getting farther and farther. He could only stay in the air, raised his head, and climbed the height step by step, as if to support others.

Just keep calm.


"Director Tang is mighty!"

"Director Tang is invincible!"

"I defeated the enemy of Consultant Yan, and was forced to retreat by Director Tang with one move, ah no - I want to give Tang Director a long-term monkey!"

The Awakened who witnessed all this, flashed [Favorite +10+10+10...] in the bottom of his eyes. If the Favorability had a rank, it would be enough to reach the [Revered] level at this time.


The white cloud was hazy, Tang Yu looked at a small black spot in the distance, very helpless.

Yan Dingtian had already caught up, but the Ghost Hand Clan was so frightened that they didn't plan to fight again, and kept running away.

This is actually overestimating him.

Accumulating energy in advance, and in the case of a sneak attack, failed to hit the opponent. If this happened earlier, the Ghost Hand Race Extraordinary could easily avoid it.

Tang Yu knew this. He didn't hold out any hope of joining the extraordinary battle, but it was a disaster-level demonized beast. Although it was not much weaker than the extraordinary, its huge size seemed like a fixed target, and it was the most suitable for his type of artillery.

Originally, I planned to raid the cult headquarters, and then look back to find a way to solve the ghost hand clan extraordinary, but now...

The terrified Ghost Hand clan was extraordinary and was running away, and the other two extraordinary ones also had a tendency to retreat.

Not so good.

high in the sky,

The elder of the ghost hand clan struggled to get rid of Nancy, and flew towards the deep pit where the extraordinary fall was at the beginning.

Tang Yu squinted and walked like a leisurely stroll, while in his heart, through the follower contract, he quietly ordered.

The elders of the ghost hand clan rushed back from a distance and shuttled among the clouds.

At this time,


A gust of wind blows.

A floating white cloud suddenly revealed its true colors, a huge 50-meter-long floating airship, revealing a ferocious muzzle.

"Sailboat" has long been hidden here on standby!

While removing the hidden rune formation,

The two main guns, the "Yanlong Roar" on the left and the "Thor's Spear" on the right, gathered energy visible to the naked eye and made a humming sound.

The elder of the ghost hand clan was startled suddenly and turned a few somersaults in the air.

The "Sailboat" approached with full power, and the light intertwined with flames and lightning spewed out.

boom--! !

Gorgeous fireworks burst into the air, and the violent airflow impacted on the shield of the airship, flickering brightly and darkly.

The entire sky was dyed with clouds of red and blue and purple.

Thundercloud made a swooshing sound.

Tang Yu concentrated on his eyes with all his strength, running the "eye of insight", watching intently.

Endless purple-black magic flames blasted out from the cloud and mist, shrouding the airship.

In a turbulent energy flow, the skin of the elders of the ghost hand clan was burnt black and cracked, but the breath did not weaken much.

on the contrary,

Under the shroud of magic flame, the energy of the shield of "Voyage" decreased sharply.

Not a seasoned and extraordinary opponent!

Tang Yu sighed, "It was originally an airship that transported goods, and you can't expect it to be super powerful..."

But after a moment of blocking, Nancy arrived in time, her pretty face became serious and stern... Failing to entangle the elders of the ghost hand clan, Nancy felt very guilty and angry! The power of ghosts and gods wrapped in black became more viscous, and the "Great Sword of Calamity" was swung frequently, suppressing the elders of the ghost hand clan so much that they couldn't lift their heads for a while.

Tang Yu turned his head and looked at the escaped ghost hand clan extraordinary, when the airship approached, he jumped onto the deck.

At this time, except for the bamboo squirrel on the deck, who stared at him with a bulging face as a contactor, everyone else hid in the cabin to prevent them from being affected by the battle.

Tang Yu stretched out his hand to hold Xiao Lizao's green hair and pushed her far away, and at the same time ordered the airship to speed up the pursuit.

At least one more extraordinary remains!

Under the command of Mali Kingdom, the "Sailboat" is extremely fast, and its flexibility may not be comparable to the extraordinary, but its straight-line speed is definitely beyond.

It didn't take long for him to catch up with the injured Chaofan, Yan Dingtian was chasing him desperately, and from time to time he blasted several source missiles.

The two main guns of the airship fired simultaneously.

Yan Dingtian was entangled.

Tang Yu even increased the number of crystals in the Super Magic Prism Tower to twenty - this is already the limit of mental power control.

Twenty, divided into three parts, "six seven seven" connection.

Multiple cooperation, three-pronged approach.

The powerful ghost hand clan was extraordinary, and it only lasted for a few seconds, and finally the broken body was annihilated in the air.

The breath disappeared completely.

"Eye of Insight" also judged that there is no possibility of escaping with suspended animation.

Tang Yu couldn't take a second glance, and immediately turned to look at another place, the battlefield where Elaine was.

"Go there...Wait, extraordinary!"

Looking at it again at this time, even if you have the eye of insight, you can only see that there are a few small dots in the sky that are far away, chasing after me.

But under the circumstance that Chaochao wanted to escape, Elaine and Nancy had absolutely no choice.

After chasing for a while, I can only come back depressed.

"These are extraordinary, they are too chicken thieves..."

As long as the other party hesitates for a few more seconds, although the elders of the ghost hand clan can't stay, but the other extraordinary is absolutely unable to escape.

Thinking of how hard it was to kill two extraordinary, five disaster-level demonized beasts, hundreds of ghost-handed powerhouses, hundreds of thousands of high-level demonized beasts... Tang Yu's heart was bleeding.

Fighting so many monsters, is there any benefit? Have it!

Soul power is useless to him now!

You need experience or no experience, you need loot... The extraordinary corpse has been turned into ashes, what loot can there be——


Tang Yu stared blankly at the place where his extraordinary body had just been annihilated in the distance.

There is a certain tiny particle, flashing light.

Fall slowly to the ground.

Tang Yu jumped out of the airship and flew over by stepping on the air.

When I got closer, I saw that it was about the size of a pebble, white and translucent, and some irregular crystals.

Although it is irregular, it is very magnificent. At first glance, there is a fatal attraction, and I want to take the crystal into my hand and even swallow it.

Tang Yu was shocked and quickly suppressed the thoughts in his heart.

He didn't dare to reach out to touch it immediately, but kept a similar speed and fell together with the translucent crystal.

While opening the "eye of insight", the data stream keeps flashing in the eyes.

【Soul Crystal (Extraordinary) (Magic Flame)】

[Soul crystallization is the essence left by the gathering of the remaining soul power after the death of the strong person. Soul crystallization must appear in the extraordinary fall, and the strong person in the awakening stage may also produce soul crystallization. ]

[Soul crystals contain part of the abilities of the deceased before they were alive. Absorbing the inheritance in the soul crystals, including skills, experience, and the absorption of extraordinary crystals at the awakening stage, can greatly increase the probability of breakthrough...]

Tang Yu couldn't close his mouth when he saw this.

No wonder it is so attractive, it turns out that a kind of self-motivation called transcendence is driving me.

He took two steps closer.

The source force continued to be consumed, and he had to pour another bottle of source force potion. The light blue of the face and cheeks was getting darker and darker, and it was already visible to the naked eye.

More and more data is being analyzed.

[But because it is the condensation of the residual soul power in front of the extraordinary body, after absorbing the soul crystal, it will have side effects, the soul may be contaminated, and produce various symptoms such as schizophrenia, and the serious ones will be 'replaced' by the original extraordinary. ]

Tang Yu's outstretched hand quickly retracted like an electric shock.

Can the information we see be in place at one time?

Tang Yu didn't dare to be in a hurry, and patiently waited for the analysis of "Soul Crystal".

Tang Yu had already figured out a lot about the usage of the "eye of insight", and the information given during the analysis was largely influenced by his will.

It could be conscious or subconscious.

Tang Yu tried his best to strengthen his awareness of wanting to get the "Soul Crystallization" effect, or to avoid side effects.


[1. Through special means, remove the influence of residual soul power and weaken the effect of soul crystals. After absorbing, you can get the special ability "Magic Flame", but you cannot gain experience and increase the probability of extraordinary breakthrough;]

[2. Making pseudo-supernatural, absorbing the extraordinary soul crystal can forcibly bring the thirteen major consummations of awakening to the pseudo-supernatural stage (1 copy of the extraordinary soul crystal can create 2~3 pseudo-supernatural), without soul pollution and schizophrenia, However, the pseudo-supernatural cannot continue to improve, and will be degraded to a certain extent;]

[3. As the core material, it is used for the promotion of puppet guards. The upgraded puppet guards are comparable to the real extraordinary combat power, and have the possibility of promotion without side effects. ]

Option 2 was directly ruled out by him. No matter how many pseudo-transcendents there are, they are still scum, and he can destroy them with his backhand.

"Magic Flame" is similar to the special ability of the ability person, and it may also be a unique talent of the ghost hand family.

Not much to say about the power, it is absolutely superior in ability.

The key is to be handsome and to be high.

Thinking of stepping on flames and growing lotuses every step of the way, Tang Yu couldn't help but be greedy.

If there is no option 3... Even if there is, he still wants to choose 1, but after several evaluations, between handsome or not and strong or not, Tang Yu chose strong.

Anyway, they are so handsome, not bad.


Reaching out his hand to catch the soul crystal, Tang Yu threw it directly into the space ring, blocking the deadly attraction, and flew directly to the deep pit where the supernatural fell at the beginning. After searching for a while, he found it on the broken body. Another soul crystal.

Since the promotion of the fourth-level territory, the core material that has not been understood has finally been found.

The promotion of No. 1 and No. 2 is just around the corner.

(Soul Crystal used to be called Soul Tuberculosis, but it was too ugly, so I changed it, just ignore it...┐(`)┌)

Thanks to "zym35" for the 1,000-coin reward, "gfgbvdf" for the 1,000-coin reward, and "Like God's Favorite Hatsune" for the 500-coin reward. . . . .

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