Hiraang Sanctuary, Mercenary District.

In this area, industries centered on mercenaries are booming.

Most of the survivors who come and go are awakened people wearing strong suits, swords, firearms and weapons. Everyone exudes a fierce atmosphere, and there are also some ordinary people who specialize in providing logistical services, so that mercenaries can go out on missions in the best condition. .

The core of the block is a ten-story building. The words "Mercenary Mission Management Center" hang on the second floor of the building, which are very conspicuous.

Awakeners come and go in an endless stream.

"Have you heard that there is a new "Adventurer's Guild" building a few hundred meters away, similar in nature to the "Mission Center", and it can be opened in the shelter, it's strange. "

"What's this, it is said that behind the "Adventurer's Guild", there are other large shelters, what are they called... Green Shade, yes, Green Shade Shelter, it's quite far from us, but I heard that the strength is stronger than our Pirao. few. "

"Not only that, have you seen the exchange list in the "Adventurer's Guild", mist grass is all rune equipment! What do you want, and they also divide the rune equipment into several grades of EDCB. I don't know what level this dragon sword I exchanged from the "mission center" at a high cost. It should be at least C level, right? "

"I have a friend whose cousin recently went to work in the "Adventurer's Guild". I heard that there are really a lot of rune equipment. There are at least a few hundred pieces of rune equipment that can be seen in the warehouse... So I have already registered with the guild. Adventurer status, no money anyway. "

"However, although the "Adventurer's Guild" exchange list is rich, there are too few tasks, and rune equipment cannot be purchased directly with source crystals. I think it's like a gimmick, in fact..."

The talking mercenary shook his head.

"Adventurer's Guild" has been a hot topic recently. On the "Battle.net" where their mercenaries communicate with each other daily, the word "Adventurer's Guild" has become a hot search. The most discussed are those rune equipment.

It is said that with a piece of C-level equipment, ordinary awakened people can easily kill demonized beasts.

But how is that possible!

Even with the captain's superb combat skills and holding a high-end rune weapon, the Dragon's Blade, he could only fight against demonized beasts at a higher level.

The mercenaries scoffed at the rumors circulating.

It's just an unpopular means of building momentum.

"That's right, no matter how much rune equipment you have, it's fake if you can't get it. Besides, there are not many tasks in the "Adventurer's Guild". information. "

Even a mercenary who has registered as an adventurer will not refute when others say so.

Emerging guilds, no matter how popular they are, are only a matter of discussion, and the "mission center" is where these people belong.

A group of people walked into the mercenary building talking and laughing. Those who were unwilling to work could only maintain their lives by accepting tasks.


Hundreds of meters away, the "Adventurer's Guild" branch building, although not as many floors as the "Mission Center", the newly built building is even more magnificent.

There were two stone lions with extraordinary charm at the door, half-squatting, and the big eyes of copper bells stared at everyone who came in and out.

But embarrassingly, the "Adventurers Guild" was deserted.

One morning, only a few awakened people walked into the hall to take a look. The branch had been established for several days, and only two tasks were accepted, and none of them had completed the handover.


There are not many tasks on the guild list, and most of them are just tasks such as "finding natural minerals" and "finding natural plants" that require a lot of time and may not necessarily be completed.

The adventurers who have taken over are probably also holding the mentality of hitting luck, and they actually hand in the quest items, and I don't know when they will wait.

The young lady who handled the business at the counter window, the handsome guy at the door who was always ready to help and guide adventurers, and even the uncle and aunt in charge of cleaning in the guild were all worried.

Too much leisure is not a good thing!

In the last days, there is no job to support idlers. They worry that the "Adventurers Guild" will not be able to continue, and they themselves will lose this rare job.

Diagonally opposite the Guild Building, there is a tea house.

The two people in the box on the second floor have been sitting here for several hours, drinking a big cup of tea, I don't know how much they drank, and they can't count the number of times they went to the toilet during this period.

"We were asked to stare at this "Adventurer's Guild", but there is really nothing to watch, there are not many people all day long, and I think it will be closed soon. "

The intelligence officers who were inserted into the guild for the reason of work also did not get any valuable information.

He felt that the above was a bit of a fuss. As an outsider, how could the "Adventurer Guild" threaten the "Mission Center" without resources.

The person opposite the table filled a cup of tea and drank it bit by bit, pursing his mouth, "No, it's fine, the tea and water are all reimbursed, I heard that things haven't been very peaceful recently, and the others are very busy. Here, it is rare to relax.”

"Yes, when this task is completed, I still don't know what to do. I heard that because of the remnants of the cult, the minister is so worried that his head is white."

The two still had a bit of professionalism. While drinking tea, they glanced at the door of the "Adventurer's Guild" from the corner of their eyes from time to time. They didn't even dare to go to the toilet, so they had to be left alone to keep watching.

"Go back quickly, don't be like a big one, my bladder is going to explode."

The man nodded, ready to leave.

Suddenly, the two of them were stunned, looked up together, and stared at the sky outside the window. A huge ship suspended in the air was slowly descending.

The two rubbed their eyes in unison.

Looking at it again, the huge ship still existed in their sight, and the survivors on the street also found this behemoth, stopped and looked up, showing a color of surprise.

"Wait, the direction of the landing of the floating ship seems to be in the open space behind the "Adventurer's Guild"? I used to wonder why there was no foundation for that place..."

The expressions of the two Pingliang intelligence officers suddenly became very solemn.

The unexpected situation in the mission finally happened!

"Old Zhang, go and inform the people above, I will go to the "Adventurers Guild" to check the situation. "

"No, let's go together and explore separately... It's impossible for the top to notice such a conspicuous target as a floating ship. Someone must be sent over. We have to come up with the preliminary investigation results before the person above arrives."

The two looked at each other and nodded.

Pushing open the door of the private room, they walked quickly towards the stairs. Suddenly, the two of them paused in tacit understanding, and glanced faintly at the corner marked with the toilet arrow on the other side.

The bladder is getting more and more distended.

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