My Doomsday Territory (My Apocalypse Domain)

Chapter 413 The opening of the mall

A transfer station without a name.

Since Gray Blade bought the construction rights and hired a large number of construction workers, it has become lively here.

Under the construction regardless of cost, this transfer station, which covers an area of ​​more than 100,000 square meters, will be completed soon.

Buildings of four or five storeys stand tall around the most central square, with bars, restaurants, hotels... All kinds of living facilities and entertainment facilities are fully furnished here.

The transit station was not built with a wall. The outermost area was surrounded by a three-meter-high iron fence, and some simple traps were arranged outside, which was enough to deal with the demonized beasts that escaped the sweeping in the defensive circle.

The same is true of other transit stations... In the circle, no one has spent a lot of money to build an impractical city wall.

At most, only a wall was built, and the gray blade directly canceled the wall, and the Awakened people who came and went could see the buildings in the transfer station from a distance.

It has been several days since the transfer station was completed, and passers-by stop here from time to time, but they all leave quickly.

For the abruptly newly built transfer station here, many people are inseparable from gossip.

"I heard that it was built by a group of outsiders. They are very powerful. They built the transfer station quite large."

"The ones who can get the right to build are at least the high-level teams, far from the ordinary mercenary team we're staying with... However, the transfer station is built here, but it's a bit out of my mind."

"How to say?"

The two walked into the transfer station and looked around. There were already many survivors in this newly opened transfer station. Some passed by and stopped here to rest, and some were hawkers from Beiting, shouting and doing some small business.

It was already very lively.

The older Awakened smiled and said, "This transit station is indeed on the main road. There are many Awakened passing by, but... it is too close to Beiting Base City."

"Don't look at the number of people in the transfer station. At most, you can rest here for dozens of minutes, have a meal, and then continue on the road. I am afraid that there are no awakened people who live here. After all, they will go back to the North Court after a long walk.

Not only that, a large part of the income of the transfer station comes from the sale of supplies, but the Awakened people who pass by have either just set off, or are preparing to return to the North Court from outside the circle... Supplies are almost impossible to sell in this place.

If you think about the goods in the transit station plus the transportation cost, the price is definitely more expensive than that in the base city. In the middle section, and even near some transit stations outside the circle, the Awakened people who pass by have to buy it, and it is not as good as spending here. After a long walk back to Beiting, the service level in the base city is definitely much higher than that of the transfer station.

In this place, it is possible to build a transfer station, but the income is definitely not high, and it is very likely that it will lose money. "

After analyzing them one by one, the young awakened nods very usefully.

It's different to have a master lead. If you replace it with yourself, how can you see so many ways at a glance.

"This transfer station is built quite noble, but the location was not chosen, which is a pity."

"Hey, after all, it's an outsider, and I know too little about Beiting. Maybe it's because I was tricked by others, so I chose such a place that looks good, but it's really tasteless."

The two bought the cheapest carbonated drinks at a beverage shop in the transit station, sat for half an hour, and talked in a low voice.

Just as they were about to leave, the young Awakened suddenly raised his head to look behind the older Awakened, and pointed with trembling hands, "Look, there is a flying boat!"

"Come on, Feizhou, I'm still flying pigs!"

The slightly older Awakened put down the drink he had already emptied, glanced back from the corner of his eye, and his expression suddenly froze.

Are there really flying boats? ? !


above the sky,

At first a small dot appeared, and then it got bigger and bigger.

The awakened people in the transfer station thought it was a flying demonic beast attacking, and many people waited attentively... As a result, the little black dot turned into a behemoth in the blink of an eye.

The ship-like body was suspended in the air, and the two wings attached to the main gun were slightly folded down, as if the arms were carrying two muzzles.

This ship flying in the sky is slowly sailing towards the transfer station, and the altitude is getting lower and lower.

"what is this?"

"A flying ship... a spaceship??"

"Hey, you saw those people at the transfer station going out!"

Gray Blade walked out of the transfer station with more than 200 Awakeneds in black battle suits.

Many Awakened people were startled and nervous, holding their weapons tightly, thinking that after the demonized beast, another alien attacked, but these guards at the transfer station did not hesitate to come forward and walk outside the confrontation. The front line of the stars.

Nice guy!


The two Awakened people who ran out of the beverage store looked excited and stepped out. They saw more than 200 black clothes clearing an open space outside the transfer station. Then, the huge floating ship slowly landed on the ground. open space.

Awakened: "(⊙...⊙)?"


The "Sailboat" landed, Tang Yu stood on the bow, and his eyes had penetrated the entire transfer station.

Most of the awakened people were in shock, confused and forced. Most of the people gathered by Grey Blade were both shocked and excited. There were also a few core members who followed Grey Blade from Green Shadow to the North Court. At this time, they all stood up. Proud face.

Tang Yu jumped lightly, fell from the bow, and landed on the ground step by step.

Nancy appeared behind him with a swish, and eight members of the Guard jumped from the bow and stood to the left and right.

The Awakeneds behind him began to carry the goods. All these chores were arranged by others. Under the leadership of Hui Ren, Tang Yu walked around the transfer station, and then came to the secret base that Hui Ren had already prepared.


The underground space of the transfer station.

This space is not as big as the natural karst cave under Luoxia, but it is not small. It was created by a few earth-type capable people under Hui Ren's work day and night.

The top is embedded with a high-power source crystal lamp, which illuminates the dark and confined space brightly.

Tang Yu planned to place the two key buildings in the sub-territorial fortress and the teleportation array in the underground space.

The material ash blade is ready, and a hill is piled up on the open space not far away.

Tang Yu took a few steps closer, his personal field opened, and when he stretched out his hand, countless materials were suspended in the air not far away.

Accompanied by a light sound of "ding" in my mind, the source crystal in the distant green warehouse slammed down, turning into a majestic energy, which appeared in an instant, shrouded in the material suspended in the air.

clap la la,


The excess materials were repelled, the fortress load-bearing column rose from the middle, the outer wall was formed, and the internal structure was continuously subdivided by the naked eye, just like the construction of a building was recorded from beginning to end, and it was 1,000 times 10,000 times. times the speed, play it out, and present it in front of people.

In just a few seconds, the top closed, and the steel fortress took shape in front of her eyes.

"No matter how many times I've seen it, the power of this kind of creation is amazing." Huiren blew a wave first, then turned to look at Tang Yu, "Boss, since I don't have anything to do here, then I... come back first. Take a trip-"

"No, let's wait until this place is on the right track."

Ash Blade: "..."


The transfer station square, the most magnificent shopping mall building facing the north and south, the gate was closed before.

Through the doors and windows, you can see that the interior of the building is exquisitely decorated, but it looks very empty.

On this day, the floating ship landed outside the transfer station, and the gate of the mall opened. Countless awakened people in combat uniforms carried huge boxes as tall as people and sent them into the warehouse behind the mall.

It didn't take long for the Awakeneds who continued to stay because of the airship to find that there were items on the shelves of the mall.

Commodities deliberately transported by floating ships?

Who is the behind-the-scenes boss of the transfer station, who has such a big hand?

Finally, someone couldn't hold back their curiosity and walked into the mall.

From the low-level to the high-level, the equipment level increases in order. The first level is mostly E-level weapons and armors, which are not very eye-catching. However, after the staff's patient introduction and personal attempts, some awakened people soon found out. the value of the equipment.

They don't know what the division of E-class equipment is, but with similar quality, the price of the equipment here is really much cheaper than those sold in other places in Beiting.

The second floor is D-grade equipment, and the third floor is C-grade... The more you read, the more shocked the Awakened.

The equipment test area specially built in the shopping mall was already crowded with people today.

Awakened who did not believe in evil, took their weapons and slashed with the weapons in the test area, and immediately broke into two pieces.

The sharpness is so terrifying!

There are also scrolls that can issue powerful spells, a puppet that can fight for him until dawn with a single command, and can transform into a demon wolf knight... These dazzling array of goods really blinded the eyes of the North Court Awakened.

There is hardly any need for the back-hand of Grey Blade to prepare for publicity. On the same day, news about a certain transfer station selling high-end equipment quickly spread.

In just three days, it spread throughout the Beiting Base City.

Countless awakened people came here especially!

Thank you for the 1,000-coin reward for "Nanfeng Lan", the 1,000-coin reward for "Big and Small Handsome", the 500-coin reward for "No Regret a", and the 100-coin reward for "Jing Shui Disheng". . .

嘤嘤嘤, can't finish the code (ashamed.jpg). . .

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