My Doomsday Territory (My Apocalypse Domain)

Chapter 436: Luck (Big Chapter)

Green shade, still a brightly lit scene.

The figure like a demon and the thunder like the doomsday catastrophe have all disappeared.

Everything seems like a world away.

Only outside the city, as if it was blown by a seventeenth-level typhoon, left in a mess.

The thirty-meter-high city wall became the best barrier, blocking the aftermath of the impact, leaving the buildings in the city intact.

Yan Dingtian stood on the city wall with his head held high, looking at the terrified Awakened below, he waved his hand to indicate that he should do what he should do, and that a mere strong enemy is not worth mentioning.

The Awakened below did not respond.

They had no idea what was going on.

At first, it was a suffocating breath, and later it was a dazzling starlight and a thunder like an immortal crossing a calamity.

However, it was only ten or twenty seconds before and after, and they... really didn't know what happened.

You can't expect a group of awakened people who are on average in the sixth and seventh layers to see the extraordinary movements clearly - those with lower strength will either be frightened or fainted.

More than two minutes later, the airship fleet returned.

The gathering of the seven ships is even more shocking. The awakened ones who were still a little stunned after so long, and the ordinary survivors who walked out of the shelter, saw this fleet, and I don't know who cheered first. Time, the cry resounded above the green shade.

When Tang Yu got off the airship, he was also quite emotional... He waved and nodded, like the survivors.

But suddenly, he saw Lao Yan squatting in the corner of the city wall, his face full of helplessness and grievance.

what's wrong?


"A space stone, supplemented by countless precious materials, is inscribed with three master runes, twenty-seven advanced runes, one hundred and forty-nine intermediate runes, and one thousand four hundred and forty-nine primary runes. The rune array formed...

It is necessary to use a large amount of human blood as a guide, and then through a special method, the space channel can be opened... and this channel has restrictions, whether people or things can pass through, the higher the energy level, the more serious the channel shock, and the forcible pass through There is a danger of collapsing the space channel..."

Tang Yu pondered.

Alien races and demonized beasts are not on the same plane, and the cost of opening the space channel is also much greater.

The abyss cracks are almost everywhere, and the demonized beasts seem to be endless.

And the space channel of the alien race is just a space stone, which is composed of countless cracked crystals.

——In other words, the Cracked Crystal is just a fragment.

Other precious materials, some of which, Tang Yu knew that he was very knowledgeable, but he couldn't recognize it.

"That's fine, the aliens should first send the materials and some weaker clansmen to Earth...or the materials were simply found on Earth. Now they don't have the materials to build the channel, and the clansmen are almost dead. , it should not be able to turn over many waves for a period of time in the future...

It's just that the Earth... Origin Star, there are hundreds of alien races, if one alien race is counted as ten extraordinary, it is a thousand extraordinary, and as time goes by, the barriers of the world are weakened, and the space channel is constantly strengthened, reaching the extraordinary of the earth. There will be more and more, even second-order, third-order. "

Think about it, it's scary.

If the two clans joined forces this time, if he hadn't had the enemy's unknown hole card, he was caught off guard.

"Moreover, according to the information currently understood, these alien races should be under the command of the 'Master', and the 'Master' should be an existence with unimaginable strength, and these alien races may only be regarded as servants?"

Tang Yu could only guess like this, but the more he thought about it, the more powerful he felt.

I didn't know anything before. Tang Yu felt stable in the third-level territory, and the magic tide couldn't attack... Including many large shelters now, there is no sense of crisis. They don't know the alien race. attack.

But the more you understand, the more you discover the terrifying power possessed by alien races.

Human beings have been able to survive to this day, on the one hand, it is related to the barriers of the world and the restrictions of foreign races... But Tang Yu felt that there must be something he didn't understand.

Shake your head and store the space stone and other materials separately.

Tang Yu didn't think about it anymore, he was very tired tonight, his nerves were tense, he didn't need to sleep for a long time, but today, after changing clothes and lying on the bed, he fell into a deep sleep.


On the blue sky, countless picturesque scenery is reflected.

As far as the eye can see, the number is lush, each of which is comparable to a twenty-story high-rise building, incomparably huge, with branches spreading out, with crystal-like leaves growing on it. Room.

In the distance, there is no end to the end, and the lake is as clean as a mirror.

Birds and beasts are flying like a fairy.

The screen zooms out infinitely.

Tang Yu saw the sacred mountain that pierced into the sky, saw the city suspended in the air, and through the reflection of the sky, it seemed that he saw countless worlds.

But at some point, the reflections in the sky were dyed with a dazzling red and disappeared one by one.

The giant tree withered, the sacred mountain collapsed, the floating city fell...

Tang Yu woke up.

Eyelids slowly opened.

The warm sun shines through the floor-to-ceiling windows and falls on the bed tent.

When I woke up, I was refreshed, feeling better than ever.

"Strange... It seems like a dream, it's an extremely magnificent world... I can't remember."

Shaking his head, Tang Yu straightened up, sat cross-legged on the bed, propped up his chin and thought for a while.

I decided to brush my teeth and wash my face first, then eat, and then practice.

We must make up for the lack of practice last night.

Play is so hardworking.


With two bowls of crystal corn in his stomach, Tang Yu pushed open the door of the No. 2 training room.

The Origin Qi like silk and mist permeates the air, and the whole person seems to be soaked in the coolest spring water, which is extremely comfortable.

Cultivation is originally a pleasant thing. The source of energy circulates throughout the body, and every cell is nourished, which has the benefits of relieving fatigue, nourishing the body, relaxing muscles, and so on.

Tang Yu chose the salted fish lying as the training posture - there are no rigid requirements for this thing, as long as it absorbs the source energy from the outside world, controls the source energy in the body, and operates according to the training method, whether it is standing, sitting, lying down, or other ten. Eight postures are not affected.


Origin Qi entered the body and circulated throughout the body, refining it bit by bit.

Tang Yu was startled.

"The refining speed seems to be... much faster?"

He was not sure if it was an illusion, he continued to absorb the refining Origin Qi, and after a while, his eyes opened, "The absorption and refining speed have become faster, and the flow of Origin Energy is smoother than usual... It's as if the aptitude has improved. Now, the magnitude is not small, and my cultivation efficiency has increased by at least 20%."

However this does not wake up!

It is impossible for his aptitude to improve for no reason. Besides, he didn't do anything. He practiced in the early morning yesterday, and it was the same as before.

Although I feel like I woke up this morning in a really good state.


Tang Yu touched his chin, lost in thought.


"After getting the system, my aptitude is linked to the territory level. Under the sixth level territory, it's not bad. It can be regarded as a weak A level."

Tang Yu has also discussed with followers such as Elaine before, and there is a standard for measuring.

The conversion rate of D-level qualifications for source gas (including the absorption of other pharmaceuticals) is often only 20%-30%.

C-level qualifications can be 40%-50%.

Grade B 60%-70%.

A-level 80%-90%.

As for the S-level qualification, it is a completely different level. It has reached the level of "grown up in the sea of ​​​​qi, and learns to cultivate by yourself", crushing all dissatisfaction.

This is just a gap in energy absorption and utilization.

Of course, aptitude doesn't mean everything, it can be improved the day after tomorrow, and krypton crystals can be changed, but I have to say that if the aptitude is strong or weak, the detection is really obvious.

Tang Yu made a rough calculation, "My training efficiency just now is close to Elaine."

This is a considerable improvement.

It means that he can cultivate to the Awakening Stage Dzogchen faster, and even break through the extraordinary more smoothly.

It's just that the speed of cultivation is a bit confusing.

He did not continue to practice and found Elaine and Nancy.

The extraordinary vitality is strong, and the injuries of the two have basically recovered.

In addition to work, Elaine spends the rest of her time cultivating, not to mention Nancy, Qi Hai runs on its own 24 hours a day.

"My training speed has also increased, by about 5.615%..."

Elaine thought for half a second and gave an 'about' answer.

Tang Yu twitched the corners of his mouth and looked at Nancy.

She tilted her head and stretched out one finger, two fingers, three fingers, "It seems like, I can't figure it out!"

Tang Yu covered his face.

After leaving, he asked other people one after another.

But their cultivation speed has not been improved.

"That is to say, only me, Elaine, and Nancy have changed, and the change happened last night. must be related to the alien race!"

Yesterday not only killed more than a dozen extraordinary powerhouses, but also uprooted the two clans.

"If you think about it carefully, it seems that after the "Endless Thunder" killed several Transcendents, there have been some changes. "

Tang Yu wasn't too sure, after all, the battle was tense at the time.

Later, after the two clans were destroyed, the changes seemed to be more obvious.

"Perhaps... it's a reward?"

Because of the rapid growth of the Awakened, it is because after killing the demonized beast, it can absorb and refine the soul power. In the early stage, this is much faster than the improvement speed of cultivation.

But now, Tang Yu has gradually ignored the existence of soul power - after all, it has little effect on him.

Soul power has never been awakened, and the world of Elaine and the others has never been heard of.

In addition to what the aliens said, the Origin Star is rather special... Perhaps, the increase in the speed of cultivation is the reward for killing the two races last night.

I don't know if this improvement is permanent or time-sensitive. Tang Yu could only extend the training time for today, from five hours... to six hours.

Feeling okay, you can still continue to practice if you don't feel "full"... This is also one of the notable characteristics of aptitude improvement.

I practiced for two more hours.

In the quiet room, Tang Yu opened his eyes, and the Nightmare No. 1 puppet he sent had arrived at the Mirage Mountains.

Immediately stopped practicing, turned his attention to the Nightmare Puppet, and entered a state of possession.

The overlapping phantoms of the endless mountains are still reflected in the sky near Jingcheng.

The transit station closest to the entrance to the Mirage Mountains has been turned into a steel fortress. Jingcheng couldn't make a fortress cannon, but set up a lot of large-scale energy cannons on it, which also blocked the alien beasts running out of the Mirage Mountains.

There are very few Loose Awakeners active in this area.

There are countless treasures in the Mirage Mountains, there are awakened fruits, liquefied source spring water, and there are rumors of the existence of ancient ruins. The awakened people who first broke into the Mirage Mountains have also gained a lot, but as the outermost periphery is surrounded by countless people. Awakened care, slightly valuable medicinal herbs were uprooted.

If you want to gain something, you must continue to go deeper, but the inner circle of the Mirage Mountains is full of crises.

The Awakened who broke into the inner circle can be said to be dead and alive. Lianjingcheng officials also gave up their exploration of the Mirage Mountains.

Tang Yu himself too.

At first, he and Nancy went deep into the Mirage Mountains. Nancy is strong and easy to beasts... Those areas that Jingcheng officials regard as Jedi can easily be crossed.

However, Nancy's extraordinary breath, no matter how restrained it is, can easily arouse the vigilance of extraordinary beasts - not to mention that Nancy's control of strength and breath is not strong at all.

It was difficult to explore the Mirage Mountains, and it was difficult to reach the palace group closest to the entrance of the mountain. I thought it was an intact relic, but when I saw it, I found that the palace was in ruins, and I could not find any valuable clues.

Later, when they continued their in-depth exploration, they even encountered an extraordinary second-order beast. After the two escaped in a thrilling manner through the city return scroll, Tang Yu gave up his exploration of the Mirage Mountains after following his inner choice.

"Although the strength of Nightmare is not as good as Nancy, but as a puppet, the breath is not obvious, and it can travel between reality and reality, and its concealment ability has reached MAX. It is suitable to explore the Mirage Mountains. Those palaces should be the first If you can find a good place left by humans before the third century, you should be able to understand the secrets of the origin star."

"Take ten thousand steps back. For example, there is an extraordinary third-order terrifying existence in the Mirage Mountains, and the Nightmare puppet cannot escape. Although the loss is painful, it is still within the acceptable range."

Thinking of this, Tang Yu controlled the Nightmare puppet and entered the shallow illusory space, maintaining a faint phantom, and flew into the mountains.

All the way to maintain a slow pace.

Flying over the black swamp, the gravel forest, the mirror lake, the Elephant Trunk Hill... Soon, the Nightmare Puppet flew to the palace group that had been turned into ruins, and flew straight into the depths of the mountain range.

It is said that it is the inner circumference of the mountain range, but in fact, no one knows how big the Mirage Mountains are.

During this period, the Nightmare also attracted the attention of some extraordinary beasts, but Tang Yu controlled the Nightmare and immediately escaped into the deep space to avoid unnecessary battles.

After flying for several hours, Tang Yu didn't find anything. He was already a little impatient, and he couldn't rest assured to let Nightmare explore on his own.

boom--! ! !

Powerful energy fluctuations came from a distance.

Tang Yu hesitated for a while, then controlled the Nightmare to fly carefully.

Crouching behind a hill, the semi-illusory Nightmare looked into the distance.

Endless energy brilliance overflowed, the earth cracked, trees and mountains petrified into powder, and in the center of the explosion, a patchwork of palaces stood here.

A seemingly thin layer of light film firmly protects the building complex.

It's a perfect relic!

Nightmare's eyes lit up, and then he looked in front of the palace group. A group of humanoid monsters with mouths occupying most of their faces were constantly bombarding the palace's light film.

that breath,

It's an alien!

Thanks to "Book Friend 160511224012325" for the 100-coin reward. . . .

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