It is said to be a summoning volume, but it is actually a signal transmitter.

Nightmare puppets shuttle in deep space, and can travel ten times the distance of normal flight. It is a miracle of rushing. The only pity is that there is nothing in the deep space, and it is difficult for him to know where he has gone.

The "Summon Roll" was specially made by Kevin after researching the Nightmare suit and had matching characteristics.

Tang Yu gave it to Kaihong's first customer.

It is also stated on the "Summoning Scroll" that normally, in order to increase the success rate of the summoning, those who have the summoning scroll should choose to join forces with other customers to gather enough 'currency' to summon the dragon...cough, mysterious businessman.

If the value of the 'currency' is too low, Tang Yu can only apologize, and he can't let the Nightmare go all the way.

"Recently, Oguri seems to be very interested in the Nightmare. Next time someone uses the "Mysterious Merchant" summon scroll, let Xiaoli control the Nightmare, after all, he is not an unfriendly lord. "

"Well, it's better to send another ten and eight."

After leaving, Dire flew straight to the gathering place of Honghe.

The speed is not very fast, while flying, overlooking the devastated land.

In the Great Xia Kingdom, except for some high-risk areas where abyss cracks are spread, it is rare to see such demonized beasts gathering in groups.

"Without the hunted by the Awakened, the density of demonized beasts will continue to increase, and if there are more demonized beasts, the wilder will become more dangerous, and it will be more difficult for the Awakened to survive."

"In a few days, perhaps, most parts of this country will be reduced to a dead zone."

Although Tang Yu didn't want to see this situation, he didn't.

In most areas in Daxia, the survivors are still in the heat of water, how can he manage so much, appear as a mysterious businessman, and sell them to the awakened here, some DC-level equipment, it should be a humanitarian rescue. .

This is what Lord Tang thought. As for the country, he prefers to open chain supermarkets and adventurers' guilds to every large shelter.

Nightmare is extraordinary after all, no matter how slow he flies, it doesn't take long before he arrives at the Honghe gathering place.

Honghe is the largest river in this country and is connected to the sea. There are many aquatic beasts in the river. This gathering place is not built next to the Honghe. There is only a small tributary next to it. It can hunt aquatic beasts as food. And it won't be like Luoxia, who is frequently attacked by sea beasts.

From the location selection, Tang Yu felt that this place was quite good.

In the distance, you can see the Honghe gathering place, the city wall with a height of more than ten meters.

It cannot be compared with the territory, or even with the city walls of any large shelter in Daxia. However, the scale of Honghe is not large. It is said that there are tens of thousands of people. Tang Yu looked down from a high altitude and found that with the scale of the gathering place, at most, It can accommodate ten or twenty thousand people. It is very difficult to build a city wall more than ten meters high with manpower.

The city wall is khaki-yellow and looks very thick. The front of the city wall sags, forming a moat. However, the water level in the river is low. Instead, countless spike traps are arranged with hardwood to resist the magic tide.

"It seems that this city wall is indeed the work of an earth element. Because of its large scale, it even pulled away the earth element on the front surface, causing the ground to sink... It's a little interesting."

Nightmare didn't mean to hide his figure, and flew straight to the center of the gathering place, a beige palace... It was probably also built with soil spells.

Soon, they were discovered by the awakened people in the gathering place. They carried out several old-fashioned anti-aircraft cannons and adjusted the muzzles to gradually aim at the Night Dire.

"It's the ability of the flight department!"

"It's not ours, it seems that the comers are not good, let's fight them first!"

"Save... save some bullets."

The sporadic bullets were shot, and the Nightmare didn't need to make any action at all, and the supernatural force field had already blocked all the bullets that were shot.

So straightforward, Tang Yu didn't want to pretend to be a mysterious businessman anymore.

A famous person once said: Hands-on is the most effective way to solve a problem.

With a single shot of the Nightmare, several anti-aircraft cannons seemed to have been hit hard, and immediately shattered into countless pieces - Tang Yu did not dare to control the Nightmare to blast out a wide-area attack. If he missed and killed the insider, it would be very Awkward.

But in the blink of an eye, the cannon fodder vanished, but the Awakened below was shocked.

"It should be a wind-type ability!"

"It's too strong, go to the warlord for support!"

"Don't let him disturb the king's rest."

Nightmare's spread of mental power immediately caught the words below, his eyes lit up, his Origin Qi was released, and he waved his hand.



There were cracks all over the beige palace, the front of the hall collapsed, and a roar resounded in the hall.

A middle-aged man rushed out of the collapsed palace. He was wearing a brown battle suit made of animal skins. , immediately calm down.

No matter how powerful an enemy is, they are vulnerable in front of their king.

This is the confidence they have brought from witnessing the king's battle countless times!

Hong He raised his hands up, and the rustling earth and stones in the hall that had collapsed layer by layer immediately stopped.

The earth and stones were lifted again, and the cracks were smoothed out. Although the main hall could not be restored to its original appearance, Tang Yu took another look at this move.

It is the purest earth element control.

Among the many soil-based abilities, it is considered to be the top one, and it has wide adaptability. Almost all soil-based techniques are easy to learn and master quickly.

Tang Yu became more and more curious.

King Honghe stabilized the collapsed hall before turning his head to look at the person coming.

He wore a black cloak and held a sickle. Although he didn't have the warhorse with blue flames under his crotch, King Honghe quickly responded, "Mysterious businessman?"

"Since you are here, then my generals...?"

His face gradually darkened.

Nightmare shrugged, the people you sent yourself don't have any points in mind.

The battle began immediately.

King Honghe raised his hand, and an earth dragon rushed out, blasting towards the Nightmare in the sky.

In fact, the wind element has the upper hand in fighting the earth element, but if the earth element is capable of defending, it is difficult for the wind element to cause damage to them.

The King of Honghe, however, is different from ordinary earth-type abilities. Raising his hand is a large-scale damage spell. It seems that there is no time to mobilize the Genesis Qi of heaven and earth.

Tang Yu observed for a while, but couldn't use the "eye of insight", and he couldn't see much doorway.

next moment,

The Nightmare, who was on a par with King Honghe just now, suddenly burst out with a powerful momentum, his figure flashed, and the next moment he appeared beside King Honghe. He didn't need a sickle, he just stretched out his hand, and the majestic spiritual power poured out.


King Honghe's body was shocked, his pupils were scattered, and a terrifying oppressive force acted on him. For a time, except for his head, his limbs were completely imprisoned, and he couldn't even move a finger.

With fear on his face, he quickly said, "Sir, spare your life!"

The King of Honghe, the undefeated record, at this moment, were all forgotten.


"I ask, you answer."

A low voice came from under the hood, making Tang Yu feel that Nightmare was a villain.

Honghe King...the only movable head, nodded again and again like a chicken pecking at rice.



"Did you awaken your abilities by yourself?"

"Yes... No, no." King Honghe's face turned pale, "I said, Sir, can you let me go?"

Nightmare nodded, "Then it depends on your performance. After all, my mysterious businessman is not a devil."

King Honghe recalled for a moment and said slowly:

"A month and a half ago, I was only a sixth-level Awakener. There was no Honghe gathering place at that time, and I was just an Awakened wandering around. Later, when I was chased by demonized beasts and had nowhere to go, He appeared..."


"He is the god of Kong'an Mountain. I signed a contract with him and was endowed with the most top-level earth-type abilities. There is a majestic energy in my body. In just one and a half months, I have been promoted from the sixth level to the present. The tenth level was unimaginable in the past."

Tang Yu asked again from multiple angles.

It can be determined that the "He" in his mouth is not a human being, nor is he a demonized beast or an alien, but King Honghe does not know more about "He".

But as if worried about being snapped off, King Honghe described in detail the appearance of "He", and drew his escape route in Kong'an Mountain at that time, as well as the place where he met the gods.

In the end, he even offered all the source crystals he treasured and the treasures secretly buried under the palace.

It was not until the Nightmare flew away that King Honghe breathed a sigh of relief. When he thought of his countless treasures, he suddenly became saddened. In the end, the mysterious businessman saw that he was doing well, and gave him a staff, a few swords, and a A translucent card.

He picked up the staff and held it in his hand, his face stunned, "Huh? The sense of earth origin qi between heaven and earth seems to be clearer."

Seeing those few war knives again, they were extremely sharp.

"No, a bunch of rubbish copper and rotten iron that is not used, and a few weapons that can greatly increase combat power, no matter how you look at it, it is a profit! That mysterious businessman, maybe like 'He', is an unknown existence. I'm really stupid, if I didn't offend the mysterious businessman, wouldn't I be able to make a lot of money?!"

With this in mind,

Honghe King was heartbroken and regretful, and held the translucent card tightly.

At this time, because the battle subsided, the smoke dissipated, and the voice of his subordinates gradually came from the outside. King Honghe quickly stood up, clapped his hands, and walked out as if nothing had happened.


Kong'an Mountain is located about two or three hundred kilometers northwest of the Honghe gathering place.

Dire flew at full speed and arrived quickly.

This mountain has a large area, with demonized beasts everywhere. In the deep mountains, there are many tyrannical alien beasts. On land, alien beasts are also attack targets of demonized beasts. The alien beasts that can survive are not strong. Poor, escape ability, is first-class.

Therefore, the price of terrestrial animal meat has always been high, and sea animal meat... Although it is cheaper, it is only a special product in a small number of regions.

Nightmare flew into the mountain, and the extraordinary breath was released, but there was no need to do anything, and the alien beasts fled far away. Some sand-sculpted demonized beasts, but lacking in wisdom, flew up directly, and were shaken into flesh by the extraordinary force field.


Coming to the area highlighted by King Honghe, the Nightmare's mental power was released and scanned around, but nothing was found.

Tang Yu was not discouraged, and was ready to visit the entire Kongan Mountain.

But suddenly felt the change of the land ahead.

There seemed to be countless breaths coming together, and gradually, a khaki figure solidified on the ground.

Half illusory, khaki, with a faint outline of a human shape... This is the god of Kongan Mountain described by King Honghe.

"Human powerhouse, hello, I'm the elf "Zhen" of Kong'an Mountain. "


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