My Doomsday Territory (My Apocalypse Domain)

Chapter 442: Once Glory (Big Chapter)

The voice sounded directly in my mind.

It is more convenient than the way he communicates with his mental power into his voice.

Tang Yu secretly pondered this little trick, and at the same time looked at Kong Anshan's elf "Zhen".

Different from any kind of living body I have seen before, the breath of "Shenzhen" is very unique, and it seems to be integrated with the whole mountain.

It is not weak, and it has completely reached an extraordinary level.

Thinking of "Zhen"'s self-introduction just now, Tang Yu had some guesses in his heart, and he didn't intend to beat around the bush and directly ask the questions in his heart.

There are countless bright yellow dots around the body of the Kong Anshan elf, ups and downs.

He floated up for a while, and then half of his body sank into the ground again.

Facing Tang Yu's question, "Zhen"'s blurred face changed into a thoughtful expression, and after a while, he said slowly:

"We elves are born with the heaven and the earth, and are nurtured in the mountains, rivers, and trees. For example, I am an earth spirit born from the Kong'an Mountain... Of course, the Kong'an Mountain is just the name of your fifth era human beings, the fact Up, this mountain has evolved several times, and I am still the spirit of this place."

After several evolutions... Is it?

He paused, as if he knew Tang Yu's doubts, and continued, "Unlike you humans, our elves are integrated with mountains and rivers, so we don't care about our lifespan. Even if we die, after a while, we can revive again."

"Recovery?" Tang Yu pondered, "Isn't it free of cost? If you guys existed before, how could there be no news at all, there should be no elves in the fourth era, so... your recovery should be related to Genesis Qi. ."

He didn't say anything.

An elves have an infinite lifespan... It shouldn't be a lie, but an elves that have existed since ancient times have ordinary extraordinary strength, then... they are too weak!

King Honghe regarded "Zhen" as a god, and more because of his extraordinary strength, in the eyes of the other party, he was like a god.

"Zhen" was slightly surprised:

"You are right, recovery does have a price, and it is possible to lose part of the original memory. Similarly, because we were born with the heaven and the earth, we are also affected by the heaven and the earth. Now, Origin Qi is recovering, and we are following the recovery..."

"But what if the mountains, rivers and trees that nurtured you are destroyed? Can it be revived?"

Tang Yu blurted out.

"Zhen" didn't seem to have expected such a question. After a while, he said dryly, "Of course, as long as this origin star is not destroyed, our elves can recover again."

Chat for a while.

Tang Yu had a more in-depth understanding of the living body of elves.

Mountains breed earth-type elves, rivers and seas breed water-type elves... According to "Zhen", elves can be born anywhere, but in ordinary places, the probability of birth of elves is extremely low, and generally famous mountains and rivers, or some unique Regions are more likely to give birth to elves.

Elves have no gender, but males and females can go up or down... He means that they can both float in the air and burrow into the ground.

The shape is also different, such as "Zhen", the phantom outline resembles a human being, but others may also resemble birds, beasts, insects and fish.

However, Tang Yu had a different view on the fact that elves have an infinite lifespan and are immortal.

"Zhen" knows a lot of things, but it doesn't look like an old monster who has lived for countless years. Instead, he seems very... upright. Tang Yu said many questions casually, but "Zhen" gave answers very seriously.

In his opinion,

The so-called rebirth is more like a new birth, and the memory fragments it carries can be regarded as the inheritance of the elves. In a sense, the idea of ​​immortality and immortality is not false.


The life form of elves really opened his eyes.

But Tang Yu didn't forget his purpose of possessing Nightmare to go out - to understand the past of Origin Star, it just so happens that the "Zhen" in front of him has "survived" from ancient times to the present.

How many times he was slaughtered during this period, Tang Yu is hard to guess.

"...You mean the history of Origin Star? Then you can ask the elves. Not every elves have the profound historical background as mine."

"According to the division of your human beings, the history of the Origin Star ranges from the first era to the fifth era. Now, it is the beginning of the fifth era, and I was born at the end of the first era.

The first era is called the 'era of origin', which is also the origin of the name of the planet. In that era, countless legends were born on this land. The origin star at that time, in your human words, is the fairyland, whether it is the concentration of Origin Qi, or The treasures of heaven and earth are far from being comparable to now, and many elves have also been bred since that era.

The second era is called the 'glorious era', and it is also the era with the longest span. The development of Origin Star has reached its peak. To describe it in one word, it is hanging! Very hang! Very hang! Hang to the explosion!

In that era, above the transcendent... The saints were like clouds, the footprints of the gods and people of the Origin Star were all over the sky and the sea of ​​​​stars, and all races were surrendered... The 'Mirage Mountains' you mentioned earlier is one of the star paths that connect the Origin Star to all worlds. , The 'posts' above are the star gates leading to various worlds. There are many star roads like this on the original origin star! "

Speaking of this, "Zhen" raised his head with pride, but his voice gradually became low:

"But with the continuous expansion, Origin Star finally met a strong enemy, which is another starry sky family, known as..."Devil Clan"! "

"The name "Devil Race" is not named by sages, but comes from many civilizations and races that have been destroyed by "Devil Race". Before meeting each other, "Devil Race" has already ruled a huge star sea territory, and our origin star Different, we are more inclined to govern together, the gods and all races live together... and the "devil race" is to devour! destroy!

They devoured the origin of the planet of life, and every world they passed was turned into a dead zone, the planet died out, and countless races perished.

Our Origin Star is the only civilization that can curb the momentum of the "Devil Race", but in the end, it still failed, the blood of the gods was spilled, and the heavens and the earth wailed - the third era, also known as the "fall of the gods" era.

Later, it should be the strong man who broke his wrist, and the Origin Star was hidden by the sages with great means, but I don't know what happened, which led to the cut off of the inheritance, the decline of Genesis Qi, and became the 'End of Law Era' of the Fourth Epoch. Now, Genesis Qi has recovered, but……"

"Zhen" paused, "But...the Origin Star was also discovered by the "Devil Race", I can feel the breath of the demonized beasts, it is the weapons they made, and those alien races are just the "Devil Race" Minions.

Back then, when the Origin Star was at its peak, saints like clouds were defeated by the "devil race". Now, we have no inheritance, no saints, and even today's human beings are very weak... It's over, it's over, once the barriers of the world are broken , is completely over. "

"Zhen" was in grief and despair.

Rolling his eyes, Bai looked up at the sky like a salted fish.

Full of negative energy.

Tang Yu panicked.

Back then, there were no hundreds of trumpets, and they were all abused. Now there are only a group of trumpets that are less than 10 levels. How to fight?

However, he felt that he could still be rescued. At least for now, the pressure brought by the alien race was still moderate. As for the transcendent... Elaine's inheritance contained knowledge above the transcendent... Tang Yu felt that his "magic sword" There should be some inheritance of "Scholar", but he has not even stepped into the transcendent, so he cannot detect the content of the deep inheritance.

Recently, he has been fiddling with the inheritance crystallization of "Magic Swordsman" from time to time, hoping to knock out a set of inheritance equipment similar to Elaine.

However no result.

"Zhen" is still looking at the sky at a forty-five degree angle.

Tang Yu couldn't help it, "Since the Origin Star has been brilliant, there must be relics left? I heard that there is a kind of 'life stock' that is very good, and a few hundred kilograms will not allow us to break through quickly.

And signing a contract with your elves can also gain your abilities, right? Then give me a top earth affinity. "

"I'm just an elf, it's difficult to even leave Kong An Mountain, how can I know there are no ruins! Sign the contract if you want, but if your soil affinity is too bad, you won't be able to get much improvement... Hey wait, Are you a puppet? An extraordinary puppet, and you are just a distraction attached to the puppet?"

In the hazy light and shadow of "Zhen", the eye part suddenly glowed, "The extraordinary puppet, in that glorious era, can also be regarded as a high-end weapon."

This is even more surprising than an extraordinary human being appearing in front of him.

Could it be from the 'post station', one of the treasures left over from that era?

But then, "Zhen" was discouraged again, "The saints have all fallen, what is the use of extraordinary puppets? Puppets are just dead things, and they will be like this for a lifetime. It is not as extraordinary as a human being, at least human beings can cultivate and improve. Sometimes you humans don't know what despair is without trying hard..."

Tang Yu habitually ignored the second half of "Zhen" and raised his brows, "Are puppets just dead things? Could it be that in the second and third eras, no puppets that can be cultivated by themselves have been developed?"

"Zhen" looked like "You have little knowledge to ask such a stupid question": "Does the puppet have meridians? Does it have a cyclone? The cyclone must be controlled to run, so how can the puppet cultivate on its own!"

Tang Yu wanted to reply, as long as the cyclone can grow up, he can really cultivate on his own.

But after thinking about it, he still decided not to have the general knowledge of "Zhen". After a pause, he took out a dark-type high-purity source crystal from the space necklace and placed it in the palm of his hand.

Nightmare clenched the high-purity source crystal tightly, and controlled the pure source power inside to inhale into the body. The next moment, Nightmare's breath rose a little.

very weak.

But the elf's sensing ability is very strong, "Zhen" keenly noticed the change, "Aura...Isn't you pretending? I know that some puppets imitate their breath and body odor in order to be realistic, but..."

He watched helplessly as the high-purity source crystal was absorbed and transformed.

Tang Yu didn't seem to hear it, and still said to himself, "Not only that, my puppet also has the ability of space... But people can have all kinds of abilities, and it's not unusual for puppets to have them, right?"

"Zhen" most of the body sank to the ground, leaving only the head still floating above.

Seems to be in self-doubt.

"Yes, after all, I'm just an elf in the empty mountains. It's normal that I don't understand the trump card owned by Origin Star... Maybe, maybe it's my part of the memory that is lost, it must be like this..."

"Zhen" murmured softly.

Tang Yu pretended not to hear, and laughed secretly in his heart.

Although "Zhen" knows everything, but the arrogance of the other party as an elf is still inadvertently showing.

——It's not against anyone, but compared with the sages, you are the worst generation in the history of the origin star.

Despite the fact, Tang Yu couldn't bear it.

No. 1 and No. 2, who can practice independently, seem to be beyond the understanding of "Shenzhen".

Instead, Tang Yu breathed a sigh of relief... Almost, he was infected by the negative emotions of "Zhen".

Even so, Tang Yu was still greedy for "Shenzhen".

As the saying goes, if there is an old family, if there is a treasure, although "Zhen" has not recovered for a long time, it is still only a few months old baby, but he has mastered the knowledge and secrets ... many, many.

Tang Yu couldn't finish asking for a while.

It's better to... turn "Zhen" into one's own territory.

It is an extraordinary combat power, and more importantly, "Zhen" can give the awakened a stronger affinity for the earth-type - Tang Yu knows that there must be limitations, but anyway, if one earns one, he will not lose.

"You are an elf, and the origin star is both prosperous and damaged. The survivors of this country have no hope, but in my territory, there is still the brilliance of hope. Instead of staying here and continuing to salt fish, it is better to follow me. Well, save the can do your part too."

"Zhen" sighed, "It's the same wherever you die anyway, well, I promise."

The mouth is decadent and the body is honest.

Tang Yu nodded with satisfaction, an upright elf is easy to abduct.

However, the range of elves' activities is limited. If you want to bring "Zhen" back to the territory, there is one last problem that needs to be solved.

——Choose a mountain with good feng shui around the territory, or some kind of special carrier, and transplant the "Zhen" there.

Before leaving, Tang Yu left a seat mark and made a request to "Zhen" for discussion.

"Shenzhen" agreed.

In terms of aura, "Zhen" and Nightmare are at the same level - the ordinary extraordinary level. However, after the battle, Tang Yu found that things were not so simple.

"Zhen" can teleport anywhere within the range of Kong'an Mountain, and can even mobilize the majestic Earth-type Origin Qi in an instant.

In a head-to-head confrontation, "Zhen" may even be able to withstand the existence of the extraordinary second stage for a period of time, and the value is even higher!

However, there are also drawbacks.

The elves are extremely fierce in their own realm, but once they are far away, they will immediately slump.

within the territory,

Tang Yu immediately ordered the awakened people of the Survey Corps to find a suitable environment around the shelter, and at the same time asked the staff of the logistics department to prepare a large amount of soil-related materials - to turn "Zhen" over, it will also have to pay a price .


To the east of Daxia, there is a turbulent sea.

Since the end of the world, the sea has been a Jedi that humans cannot set foot in. On land, demonized beasts have occupied most of the area, and there are also abyss cracks in the ocean. However, the sea is not the territory of demonized beasts, but sea beasts.

The terrifying sea beast turns the sea into a forbidden zone.

It was like a sanctuary in the sunset, close to the sea, and was attacked by sea beasts every day—and those were only shallow sea beasts that had failed in the competition, and only moved towards the land due to the pressure of survival.

at this time,

On the crisis-ridden sea, several uniquely-shaped ships are sailing fast from the distant island towards the coast of the Great Xia Kingdom.

(Ah~ it’s still a good Calvin, it’s really a chapter that is squeezed out (﹏))

Thanks to "zuomono" for the 500-coin reward, and "Silence Hope" for the 100-coin reward. . .

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