My Doomsday Territory (My Apocalypse Domain)

Chapter 445: Attacking Adventurers (2 in 1)

White Tree Heights.

The wind was cold, and the earth was covered in thick silver clothing.

The white trees twenty or thirty meters high, like huge pillars, stood on the snowy ground.

The advantages of high hardness, strong toughness, light weight, and high source gas conductivity are destined to be an excellent material. This is true for bows, wooden shields, clubs and other weapons, and is more suitable for ships.

White trees are just a general term. In this area, there are silver ancient white trees, star earth white trees, sunny white trees, and so on. There are some differences between each species, and they all came from the end of the world.

Yong'an Sanctuary discovered this treasure long ago. In the era before the first rune equipment came out, it relied on wooden armor and weapons made of white trees to allow the official awakeners of Yong'an Sanctuary to fight against demonized beasts. , can prevail.

To this day, war weapons made of white trees and engraved with runes are still not behind the mainstream.

The Baishu business also allowed Yongan Shelter to replace a lot of rare materials from some large surrounding shelters.

A corner of the White Tree Heights,

It is a logging farm covering an area of ​​more than ten or twenty acres. There are three or four-story buildings. There are also small city walls mixed with white trees and steel. It is more than three meters high. A ten-meter-high sentry tower stands...

A 200-strong Yongan City Defense Force is stationed at the logging farm on weekdays. The team leader has the eighth-level awakening strength and is equipped with a full set of rune equipment. The strength is also ranked first in the shelter, and he has even hired unofficial awakeners in batches. , Patrol the White Tree Heights, even if the frequency of patrolling has dropped a lot recently, there are more than 500 awakened people staying in the White Tree Heights at the same time.

Relying on the logging farm, even the third-level magic tide can be resisted—not to mention that the logging farm has only encountered the second-level magic tide five times since its opening.

Today, however,

Broken limbs, rounded heads, red-stained snow...

The smell of blood in the logging yard is diffused, even in this cold season, it is still pungent and unpleasant, as if the ghosts are lingering in the sky and have not dispersed for a long time.

"The sanctuary of the Great Xia Country is so weak, no one can beat it."

An old man with a thin face and sparse hair, as if only a layer of skin and bones was left, his tone was disdainful.

The surrounding "Tianlang Temple" warriors agreed.

In fact, there are still some masters in Daxia Kingdom. The commander of the garrison who was stationed at the lumbering field before, and the later brigade, some of them are strong, and they are on par with them.

It is a pity that such strength is indeed worthless in front of that adult.

The "Tianlang Temple" samurai looked at the man who was losing his hair with awe.

And behind the man, countless faces were twisted, but slowly stood up... corpse!

——The cadre of the Temple of Heaven, "Shadow of Bones" Makoto Kawada!


There was an accident in the White Tree Heights, and it was posted on the homepage of the "Adventurer's Guild" along with the request, which immediately caused quite a stir.

On the homepage of the entrustment, every task has a very high gold content. Among them, there are many difficult entrustments that have not been completed after hanging in the Luyin headquarters for a month or two.

for example,

[Shadow of Alien Races]: Adventurers who discover or kill alien race elites and above can receive different rewards according to the different grades of killing alien races.

But only by stepping into the Condensation Origin Realm can you be qualified to be called an alien elite... Stronger, more cunning than demonized beasts, it is difficult to find traces, let alone kill them.

It is difficult for adventurers at this stage to do it. The purpose of Tang Yu's commission is to let adventurers know about alien races in advance, and to promote various evil deeds of alien races, so as to achieve the purpose of ideological mobilization - there are lessons from other shelters, although alien races It was impossible to infiltrate the territory, but Tang Yu didn't want the leeks that he worked so hard to cultivate to be humiliated by aliens.

Others, such as [Finding the Elf in the Distance], [Exploring the Shennongjia], etc., are all tasks with high difficulty and long time span.

Although the request for [Exploring the Enemy in the White Tree Heights] was only at the back of the homepage, it also attracted the attention of a large number of adventurers.

"No wonder the reward is so high, it turns out that even the ancestral dragon battle group of 'Yongan' is no match for that mysterious enemy!"

"rbqrbq, I'll still be a cake eater."

"Just to detect the enemy's situation, it is already a five-star task, it is incredible, I am jealous of this merit reward, but the damn star is not enough!"

Suddenly a different voice sounded,

"The six-star Warhammer Adventure Group recruits temporary teammates for the [White Tree Heights] quest. They can join the adventure group to share the quest. The strength is required to be above the seventh level of awakening, and the combat power increase should be at least 5+. The mages and assassins are given priority! The number of places is limited, first come first served. !"

While the others were still talking in a mess, the leader of the Warhammer Adventure Group, a sub-group in Luoxia, took half of the entrusted quota with a hand-speed gun that has been single for 30 years - just to detect the enemy's situation, the task limit is 30 people. , you can also share this reward in excess - Yongan plans to hire some adventurers after the enemy's situation is clear, and cooperate with his own direct line troops to destroy the enemy in one fell swoop.

As soon as the person in charge of Warhammer spoke, the eyes of awakened people in the hall immediately lit up. Some people who believed that they had strength, but suffered from the short registration time and insufficient adventurer stars, immediately squeezed forward and participated in the screening of the Warhammer Adventure Group.

If the mission of [White Tree Heights] is excellent, maybe they can really join the "Warhammer Adventure Group", some people think.

And this is also good for the "Warhammer Adventure Group" itself. Temporary members, the rewards are allocated to everyone according to the agreement, but it can allow the adventure group to accumulate more points to hit the seven-star level.

Warhammer only recruited six temporary teammates, but it attracted at least a dozen Awakeners above the seventh level.

This scene made some new adventurers who came from other places and had just registered their identity puzzled, "What is the increase in combat power? Mage, assassin, what is it?!"

Isn't it good that there are only awakened and capable ones?

I always feel that everyone is not in the same world!

The person in doubt is not alone, the old salted fish adventurer who suffers from nowhere to pretend, with bright eyes, leans over to the previous paragraph and says,

"The "Adventurer's Guild" is not only a place to register as an adventurer, but also a place to participate in professional certification. Now we have a total of six basic professions, warrior, mage, assassin, priesthood, gunner, archer... Like mage, generally it is ability However, the difference is that the ability person can only be certified as a mage if he has mastered enough spells and knowledge.

The same is true for other occupations. Let me take the most common warrior occupation. First, you need to pass the warrior's strength and speed test, as well as the actual combat test, and master two or more warrior professional combat skills in order to bathe in the glory of the warrior.

Don't look at the warhammer's first opening, the mages and assassins have priority. In fact, at this stage, even the easiest warrior profession to be certified is all strong... Combat skills are expensive and difficult to learn. Like us, I'm afraid I'll never be a professional in my life.

However, I heard that in Luyin, there is a complete professional inheritance process. Even if it is just a new awakened person, as long as he accepts the inheritance, he can immediately become a powerful professional who has experienced hundreds of battles and has extraordinary strength. "

The old salted fish adventurer is very envious, but it is impossible to work hard. He can only maintain his current life by pretending to be in front of other cute newcomers.


Soon, the 30 places for the [White Tree Heights] mission were all looted.

Among them, the Warhammer Adventure Group dispatched nine core members, plus six external members. The other 15 people included scattered lone rangers and members of a large-scale adventure group. Except for Warhammer, the "Purple Mountain Mercenary Group" with the largest number of people only had four places. Therefore, this time, Warhammer was the leader of the operation.

The "Warhammer Adventure Group" has a good reputation. Including the Warhammer sub-group, there are three six-star adventurers, and the rest are all five-star adventurers, so no one disagrees.

Thirty people replenished the supplies at the "trading house" next door. After making full preparations, they rushed to the "Yongan Shelter" to the north.

The north wind is blowing.

The head of the "Warhammer Adventure Group" branch, Xiao Qingsheng, and twenty-nine other masters came to the designated meeting point.

Yongan's temporary base in the wild.

Connect with the delegated publisher here.

As soon as he entered the door, the heat wave of the fireplace came, and Xiao Qingsheng saw the client, the second-in-command of the Yongan Mercenary Mission Center, a young man who seemed to be quite good-natured.

In addition, in the small house, there were more than a dozen Awakeneds with aura above the seventh level standing or sitting. When they saw them, they all looked over with scrutiny or indifference.

Xiao Qingsheng knew in his heart that these... I'm afraid they are local mercenaries in Yong'an.

——After all, the distance between Luoxia and Luoxia is not too close, and it is not anyone who has the courage to leave his family and business and seek development in a new place.

"...The White Tree Heights happened two days ago. After the last Ancestral Dragon battle group risked their lives, the mysterious enemy, although they can speak the Daxia language, but more people say it. It is the language of Sakura... We suspect that it is a group of Sakura people who have been stranded in Daxia before the end of the world, a united organization..."

As for the voyage from the Sakura Country to this point, the second-in-command of the mission center...including other senior executives of Yongan, never came up with this idea.

"Those people are very strong. Our Ancestral Dragon Brigade in Yongan was ambushed again and had to retreat, but I need to make one point. Although the Ancestral Dragon Brigade encountered an ambush at the beginning, there were also two masters of the ninth level, as well as several An eight-level expert, but he couldn't support it for long.

That group of people is very powerful. Therefore, this mission is mainly to detect the enemy's situation. Don't be impulsive. We will settle the reward according to the obtained situation. "

The second-in-command didn't hide it, except for the fiasco of the Ancestral Dragon Brigade, which was a little beautified and told, and other information was shared with all the awakened people present.

He also felt the aura of Xiao Qingsheng and other thirty people, nearly half of them had aura above the eighth level, and four of them had reached the ninth level.

Compared with their hometown, the gradually declining mercenary industry, the gap is quite a lot.

But that group of mysterious people is really too strong. The Ancestral Dragon Brigade will be severely damaged in just a few minutes. In the end, only five or six people are left, and the two senior and deputy captains of the Ninth Layer. All died.

It was so tragic that it frightened the director Cui Xinsheng, so he didn't dare to continue the attack, hoping to find out the details of the enemy.

However, the Ancestral Dragon Chapters have all failed miserably, their discipline is sparse, and they are still joint teams, and no one obeys anyone... Can such a team really accomplish the task?

The second-in-command is not optimistic at all.


Snowflakes fall.

Wrapped in silver.

Xiao Qingsheng and other adventurers were well prepared and put on snow-painted combat uniforms. With a touch of white, snow became the best protective color.

The mercenaries from Yong'an, although they couldn't buy standard combat uniforms, also wore white coats-survival, camouflage, etc., there was no lack of skill at the scene.

Gradually approaching the "White Tree Heights", you can see the silver-white snow trees in the distance, as well as the outline of the logging farm on the edge of the woodland.

"What should I do? If you keep approaching, you will inevitably be noticed by the people inside?"

Someone asked.

A Yong'an mercenary said, "What else can we do, each go his own way, use his own means, and secure his destiny!"

He rejected Luoxia's adventurers and didn't want to act together.

Obviously hired them, but also entrusted so many adventurers, Yongan official, made it clear, just think they are not enough to complete the task - even though it is true.

Xiao Qingsheng, the head of the Warhammer Branch, frowned, knowing that the twisted melon was not sweet.

"There are people in our team who are capable of perception. It's better to let her do a general survey first, and then talk about the action plan."

"Perception system? What's the use of that! Those people have masters, and the spiritual power of your exploration will be detected in minutes, just stun the snake!"

Xiao Qingsheng smiled confidently, "We have our own way of not being detected."

After all,

In the team behind, a female Awakened, holding a staff with a crystal inlaid on the top, stuck to the ground, closed her eyes, and muttered in her mouth.

After a moment, her eyes opened, and it seemed that a light flashed away, the staff raised, and the crystal at the top shone slightly.

Spell "Reconnaissance Eagle"!

Some awakened people around could feel that in the moment just now, something seemed to shoot out.

In the sky, an illusory figure in the shape of an eagle's source power integrated body, soaring, looking down at the logging field with sharp eyes.

Perceptual field exploration is easy to be detected by those with strong mental power, but through spells, it is completely different. The "Eagle of Investigation" can see any energy reaction without being enveloped by mental power, so it is difficult to be detected.

The technique lasted for more than a minute, and Yong'an's mercenary, while surprised, also tightly closed his mouth.

When the "Eagle of Investigation" dissipated, the female capable person said, "The energy response of the people inside is very high, but there are not many, only fifty-seven people, and there is no energy response of the awakened person anywhere else in the line of sight. It should be far away..."

Xiao Qingsheng, the head of the branch, immediately reacted, "The "White Tree Heights" is a resource area, and the enemy occupied it, naturally for the sake of the white trees inside. Now that two days have passed, the enemy may be vigilant, but it is impossible for everyone to stay. Sawmill……

Since there are not many enemies now, can we... can we make a strong attack, grab a few prisoners for questioning, and investigate slowly, which is much more efficient. "

Fifty-seven enemies, more than them, and no weak hands.

But the awakened people present, whether they are adventurers or mercenaries, are the best in the industry and have enough confidence in themselves.

As long as it's not three or five times the enemy, it's easy to eat it, how difficult is it!

Next, the female capable person used the "Eagle of Reconnaissance" twice, and determined that except for the logging field, the nearest enemy was three to five kilometers away.

It means that as long as they move little and move fast, it is entirely possible for them to run away in one wave before the enemy reinforcements arrive.

(Two more, eloquent!)

Thanks for the 100 coin reward from "Yanxi Lake Mode". . .

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