My Doomsday Territory (My Apocalypse Domain)

Chapter 481 Ten Great Holy Lands (Big Chapter)

Several Awakeneds stepped onto the high platform one after another, and displayed their special skills or innate abilities.

Bamboo Squirrel corrects the problems in their spellcasting process one by one... There are many flaws that are common to most Awakened people, and students who are not lucky enough to be picked still benefit a lot.

The last person is Zhang Weilong.

Bamboo Squirrel stood on tiptoe and tried to pretend to be serious, but finally gave up with deafness pulling his ears, and said after a while, "Your strength is not bad, your understanding of spells is worse than others, you might as well change your way. Bar……"

She pondered hard, and finally her eyes lit up, "Let's use magic to learn a little bit. Of course, for safety, we will suppress the level of source power at the peak of the fifth level."

As soon as these words came out, the students in the audience were not convinced.

What is "stronger than others?" This is a group ridicule! But the tutor "Tang Xiaoli" was so patient and just a child, of course it wasn't her fault.

So, Qi Shushua looked at Zhang Weilong.

Zhang Weilong frowned slightly, and the next moment, he no longer restrained, and the breath of the thirteenth layer spread.

A large number of students lost their voices.

The bald man was excited, and he raised his voice to introduce his captain's record to others...

It can be summed up in two words,

Very hang!

Zhang Weilong was the first batch of awakened people. After that, he rode Juechen, killed powerful demonized beasts, went deep into the county to grab supplies, entered seven times in the magic tide, passed through dangerous secret realms alone, and killed the Fourth Epoch with magic. strong...

In the area where they were originally active, no one could catch up with Zhang Weilong's strength.

He has surpassed the first-class masters, and has become a leader of his own.

In the novel, this is the protagonist who is alive and well.


The other students closed their mouths.

Instructor Luo, or Goddess Elaine, they also have a lot of legends, but Instructor Oli, let alone record, before today, many people did not know that there was this special instructor.

Hardcore martial arts students, can't help but worry.

Zhang Weilong was hesitating.

In this class, he gained a lot, and the confusion in his heart suddenly became clear. Even if Tang Xiaoli looked young, in her heart, she could also be called a mentor.

On the theory and application of spells, I am not as good as me.

However, the real combat power,

Zhang Weilong is very clear that he is much stronger than Awakeners of the same level - he does not have Awakeners of the same level in the true sense, but compared with some people today, compared with himself in the past, at the same level, he has more source power and talent to display. The ability is more powerful...

Even if he simulates some simpler innate abilities, such as "fireball", "spray flame", etc... He can only simulate 70% to 80%, but when it is displayed, it is more powerful than the original.

Just so unreasonable.

It all comes down to talent.

In the past, even if he went up at will, the demonized beast of the same level would not be able to pick him up.

Suppressing the level of source power at the peak of the fifth layer... For others, it may really be the peak of the fifth layer, but for myself, it is much higher.

It was an unfair discussion.

Zhang Weilong hesitated. He still had a lot of questions to ask, but if he defeated his mentor in the competition, wouldn't it offend people... Thinking in another way, he would definitely blacklist such people.

Countless pairs of eyes staring at the audience, Tang Xiaoli's teacher also opened the distance, his breath was lowered, and he stabilized at the peak level of the fifth layer. can't be dragged on any longer!

Zhang Weilong took a deep breath and walked to the other side of the high platform. The two kept a distance of about 100 meters. His breath was slowly lowered, and he stabilized at the peak of the fifth level.

You can't push it off, but you're done with water.

Zhang Weilong pretended to be solemn, "Come on!"

The only thing to learn from is spells, that is, the two sides use spells to attack each other.

As a student, Zhang Weilong took the lead, and two flaming flames rose from his palms. He folded his palms together, and a fiery snake blasted out.

This is one of his Five Elements talents, and his skill is extremely high. The fire snake does not fly in a straight line, but twists and turns, like a python coming to life.


A heat wave blows through.

Xiaoli stretched out her white and tender claws... small hands, one, two, three... In the blink of an eye, several flamingos the size of sparrows appeared. The flamingos flapped their wings, made chirping sounds, and assumed an attacking stance, circling the fire snake. Circling, sometimes swooping down like a predatory eagle.

A few flamingos move fast and slow, as if they were given life, much more alive than fiery snakes.

The first move is just a test.

Zhang Weilong was not surprised when he saw the firebird pecked the fire snake. The flame condensate was much smarter than him, and it was normal.

He began to be serious, and let the water out, it did not mean that he was going to fail miserably.

Several flamingos came flying.

Zhang Weilong's source power surged, and the surrounding air became humid, and then the mist swirled, forming a light blue water mist vortex. With suction, several firebirds couldn't break free, crashed into the vortex, and disappeared. .

Attribute restraint is also a kind of spell application.

The two changed and dismantled.

Zhang Weilong mastered the five talent spells of gold, wood, water, fire and soil, and he figured out some derived methods of using them, and the spells changed with the wave of his hand.

Bamboo rat chestnut has been systematically learned spells, not only in the green shade, before being summoned, in the bamboo rat clan, Xiao Li has been practicing for more than ten years, for their clan, and a big clan, with a complete inheritance, just It is more prominent in illusion.

Tang Yu once wondered why Xiaoli signed the contract, but in the end it can only be attributed to the intuition of foodies - the food of the earth is indeed not comparable to the food of the bamboo rat family.

Classroom, on the high platform.

The splendid magic brilliance burst out, and then annihilated.

The range is always kept within a small elevated platform.

As the sparring progressed, the speed of the two of them became faster and faster, and the intensity of the spells became higher and higher. They had already exceeded the "fifth-level peak" in the eyes of the students, but the aura of the two of them remained steady.

Zhang Weilong was even more surprised.

He has not kept his hands much, the two people's spells collided with each other and annihilated at the same time, he did not have the upper hand?

Immediately aroused the competitive spirit, the fire in the left hand belongs to the source force, the wood in the right hand belongs to the source force, and the wood creates the fire, and the two are one.

In an instant,


The orange-yellow flames beat violently, the two-meter-long fire snake swelled in an instant, became eight or nine meters long, and gained a lot of weight, and was aggressive. The Awakened people sitting in the front row had an intuitive heat wave, and they were also lucky and concentrated. alert.

——This fire snake, I am afraid that those with seven or eight levels of ability will exert the power with all their strength, but Zhang Weilong only casts it at the peak of the fifth level, which is shocking.

This is also his peak blow.

He pushed the fire snake forward with both hands and flew out, moving forward in a straight line-with the spiritual power of the fifth level, he could no longer accurately control the fire snake!

The entire high platform was illuminated red by the flames, and only the young body of the bamboo rat chestnut was left, standing in front of the fire snake, which seemed to be swallowed up at any time.

Zhang Weilong regretted it.

With a ticklish hand, even the trump card came out.

But now, he can't do it anymore.


A red glow pierced the fire snake, and the snake's tail kept flapping.

The red light trembled.

The power contained in the fire snake is much stronger. However, the next moment, the fire snake seemed to be a deflated balloon, and suddenly it went from a fat snake to a thin snake.

However, the red glow was bright and splendid. With the shaking of Bamboo Squirrel's small hand, it shook the fire snake away, and countless sparks overflowed.

At the same time, the red light turned into a long whip, and with a thunderous momentum, pia~pia~ hit Zhang Weilong.

After blasting him out, Zhang Weilong stood up, all over his body charred black.

Not much hurt.

The strength has completely exploded, and Zhang Weilong is also able to avoid it.

It's just that he was too surprised.

The skills of the two were far apart, but he still lost.

He saw his mentor "Tang Xiaoli" coming.

Pushing on his short legs, he released his mental power to hold up his small body, stretched out his hand, and patted his shoulder:

"Boy Juice, you are very good, but you are still too young, after another ten years of practice, maybe...

I won't be thrown away too much. "

Zhang Weilong: "..."



After discussing the techniques, Bamboo Squirrel called it "unsatisfactory", "unable to show your strength", "boy juice gives you a chance to practice more", "free experience, not to be missed when passing by", etc. By, dragged to the spiritual space.

Battle mode is activated.

Bamboo rat chestnut VS Zhang Weilong.

This time, there are no restrictions, and I will fight with my strongest attitude.

Then Zhang Weilong was blinded.

who I am? where am I? what happened? !

Without even casting a single spell, he was pulled into the illusion space.

Forcibly broken again and again, but fell into another illusion space, as if there is no end.

Until the end, he exhausted his energy, suffered mental damage, was sentenced to defeat, and kicked out of the battle space... Zhang Weilong was still confused, and once thought he was still in an illusion.

In a daze, he agreed to join the Extreme Martial Arts Academy as a guest mentor.

Currently only a second-level tutor, teaching knowledge about spells.

If you think you have improved yourself, you can sign up for the first-level tutor assessment. After passing the test, the authority and benefits will increase sharply. Zhang Weilong is jealous when he sees it.

Thinking about it carefully, the instructor of the martial arts hall is quite free in the rest of the time except for teaching. I had already decided to settle down in the shade of greenery, and there was nothing wrong with it.

The adventure group officially formed by the five-person team has no conflict with the identity of the martial arts instructor.

On the one hand, as an adventure group to earn merits, source power, and exchange for rune equipment and spells, on the other hand, a second-level mentor, and a lot of salaries, which is wonderful.

Within two days, Zhang Weilong was completely captured by Luyin's welfare and knowledge.


With the help of the observation crystal ball in the castle, Tang Yu used the "eye of insight" to secretly observe Zhang Weilong a few times - this is his latest discovery. You can also use the "eye of insight" in the bedroom, with the help of other tools and techniques The law, but it didn't work. He guessed that it was the reason why the observation crystal ball was matched with the territory.

turn out,

Zhang Weilong is indeed extremely talented, he has S-level qualifications!

Unexpected, but also reasonable.

On Earth, Tang Yu has seen two S-rank humans, Zhang Weilong and "Thor" Hansa.

Zhang Weilong is obviously poor in terms of chance. From the secret realm of the Fourth Epoch, he has not been able to find good things. He is in a region that lacks masters. He has always been the first person, which also makes him lack of urgency in improving his strength. sense.

If Zhang Weilong had been in the shade for a month or two, although Xiao Li could still beat him, it would never be so easy.


These days, it's calm.

Tang Yu heard that Meng Jingran and others had returned to Beiting.

But tired enough.

Not physically, but mentally tired.

Flying out of Australia and crossing the Pacific Ocean, with extraordinary recovery ability, the consumption of controlling the force field flight is nothing, and it is not a problem to fly for another ten days and ten nights.

However, the constant flight, constant vigilance, is faced with the same scenery.

Another person, if he has unlimited physical strength, has to run for five days and five nights, his body is not tired, and his heart is also exhausted.

Meng Jingran and the others didn't dare to rest or slow down - there was no extraordinary garrison in the North Court, and the aliens might be in Australia, but they didn't dare to gamble, and they had to rush back to the North Court as quickly as possible.

It is said that after Meng Jingran returned to the North Court, the first thing he did was order someone to purchase a batch of flying puppets from the green shade. The latest type of mounted puppets are not slow in straight flight, and have the advantages of automatic driving, no need to control, etc. Let Meng Jingran, who has experienced it once, and others be extraordinary, heartbroken.

Say nothing and no longer rely on the extraordinary force field to travel long distances.

However, there is also bad news.

The sanctuary, the holy city, these days, Tang Yu and Yilian have entered many times, and they have encountered traces of alien activities.

Once, he met two alien superhumans who were alone, and they secretly went around and killed them, but later, the alien superhumans came together in groups, and he had no choice if he wanted to start.

The only small area left in the holy city was turned upside down.

The Tower of Tongtian was also breached by the alien race, but he saw the alien race shouting and arguing from a distance, and it seemed that the search in the tower had not yielded much.

On the contrary, in the outer space of the Sanctuary, there is no trace of aliens.

Some daring Awakeners use the Sanctuary to exchange information and trade items with people in other regions of the earth.

Some people make a lot of money, and some have bad luck and are discovered by alien extraordinary.

But there is no doubt that the existence of the sanctuary allows people to know that there are many survivors in every corner of the earth, bravely fighting against the tide of magic, so that people have channels to understand all parts of the world... Although the channels are very narrow, only a few words to understand , may not be the truth.

But it's better than nothing.

In the shade of green, there are awakened ones who specialize in this line of work.

There are very few people who are qualified to enter the holy city. As long as they can hold on, control their greed, and don't go too far from the entrance, these smart people can often make a lot of money.

Recently, a loose intelligence covenant has been formed.

Tang Yu also put people in it, but it's not very useful. We are directly py with the top forces such as Beiting and the Guling Royal Family.

this day,

"Besides the nickname, the top ten most powerful holy places on earth have been released. The "Holy City Covenant" and the "Green Shade Daily" are jointly produced. The information is true and reliable, and you will regret it for life if you miss it. "

A group of survivors hurried to the streets with newly printed pamphlets.

The ten holy places, that is, the top ten forces on the earth, are not assessed by the "Holy City Covenant". They do not have this courage, but they are recognized that each holy place has at least a few extraordinary statues.

The awakeners of the "Holy City Covenant" collected general information about the top forces and sorted them out.

People on the street were stunned and bought a copy immediately.

Open the booklet, the first page:

"Holy Land: Daxia Green Shade"


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