My Doomsday Territory (My Apocalypse Domain)

Chapter 486 Can the matter of scholars be called temptation?

The "League of Mages" was the first top force to arrive. There were five extraordinary people. Aldington still remembered the book collection of Green Shade.

They flew down from the air, and suddenly their beards shook and their eyes widened, "Chief, look over there."

Aldington said and pointed to look, and saw in the distance, on the side of the mountain, there was a spacious waterfall, like the Milky Way in nine days.

"Then, isn't it the waterfall in the holy city? No, the water flow is bigger than that in the holy city, and there is an attic above it?!"

He stroked his beard in amazement.

But he quickly forgot about it, "Don't care about it, I'm only interested in Master Tang's collection of books now."

When the Mage Alliance arrived, although Tang Yu didn't come out in person, Luo Zhe, Yilian, and Kevin were also there to greet him.

Aldington and the others didn't care much about etiquette. Under the leadership of Elaine, they came to the newly built library -- after getting the books from the Holy City, the library in the original castle could no longer fit.

Tang Yu also built this library not far from the castle area with custom construction methods - over 200 meters high, the whole body is in the color of wisdom white, and there are circles around the outside of the tower wall. .

Most of the books are now stored in this library, only a small part is still in the castle.

The library also has its official name, "Tower of Knowledge".

Today it has become a green landmark.

However, it has not been fully opened for the time being, and only a small number of people are eligible to enter the tower.

As soon as Aldington and the others came in, they were attracted by the dense collection of books on the bookshelf, and could not move their eyes away.

"Books in the Tower of Knowledge are categorized, and there is a place to find them on each floor."

Elaine walked to a crystal pillar, stretched out her hand and swiped across the crystal surface. Suddenly, a big category of books appeared on this layer, and there were countless small categories when you expanded it. Clicking on a book can directly locate the books and place them. s position.

"The total number of floors in the Tower of Knowledge is 60. High-value collections such as the Book of Runes are stored on the higher floors, but the lord has already explained that several mages can read any books in the Tower of Knowledge, but only the high-level ones. Books cannot be taken away from the tower."


Aldington widened his eyes and got Elaine's affirmative answer.

He went forward to search, because he was granted advanced permissions, and he could see the names of many books and drawings.

So generous!

No matter where you are, books, especially high-end knowledge, are invaluable.


Suddenly he felt ashamed.

The gate of the Babel was demolished, and thinking of the waterfall outside, Aldington had suspected that the Holy City Library was evacuated by the shade.

But what really?

The chance of the holy city is that the capable people know that if they were replaced by themselves, they did not have the ability to completely empty the library of the holy city.

Luyin is also someone who loves and understands books. It can be seen from the book collection arrangement of the Tower of Knowledge, Master Tang's knowledge reserve, and the master named Kevin.

High-end knowledge is placed in the shade and will not be buried.

Now, he is completely open to himself and others.

The last bit of dissatisfaction in my heart disappeared. Instead, they are grateful and guilty. They blamed Master Tang and the others wrongly. If they were replaced by themselves, they might not be able to be so generous.

With this in mind, Aldington felt that he should also contribute some high-end knowledge.


Tang Yu didn't show up. First, he was really busy with the construction of the defensive circle. In order to catch up with the progress, he took a lot of his own shots.

In addition to relying on the system to build, perhaps because of his rich experience, he learned the techniques of the architecture department once he learned it, and then learned it proficiently.

Finally got a first place, Tang Yu has a full sense of achievement.

Another point, the last time I discussed academics with Aldington, I had already emptied his little knowledge that could be bluffing. If we continue to communicate, I am afraid that the stuff will be revealed.

Well, people always need to maintain a little sense of mystery.

"The books in the knowledge tower, I don't know how long it takes for those people in the Mage Alliance to study."

But one thing is certain, in a few days, at most... After reading the catalog.

They can't take high-end knowledge with them. The Book of Runes and some advanced blueprints are not easy to record and copy.

In particular, the blueprints of the floating city and the floating mountain that Aldington dreamed of were many times more complicated than the floating airship.

It is impossible to understand it in a short time, and it is very difficult to understand it.

In addition, there are also many extraordinary weapons and manufacturing drawings of high-end combat weapons.

Tang Yu had studied it, but it was no surprise that he couldn't understand it.

However, that didn't stop him from making it.

The equipment of Nancy and others has been updated. The next step is to combine the existing drawings to create the most suitable equipment for them.

That takes time.

"It's a pity that high-end blueprints such as Floating City can't be created at all. Many materials cannot be found on Earth, and it is difficult to replace them with other materials with similar characteristics."

The drawings produced by the holy city are all genuine, and there is no problem of slight differences in the data of the copied version. If you put them in the workshop, you can directly manufacture them.

However, it is very difficult to find alternative materials, which requires a deep understanding of the drawings... Tang Yu felt that in a few decades, Kevin might be able to do it. Now, it is better to focus on finding materials. .

"If Old Or and others can understand some drawings, that would be great..."

Tang Yu shook his head, he didn't hide much.

But it's hard to say how much Aldington and the others can gain, and they are reluctant to leave after the city building ceremony is over.

If they want to stay alive and dead, then it is none of his business with Tang Dafang Yu.


On the penultimate day of the city-building ceremony, the Mage Alliance arrived on a floating airship.

On the penultimate day, the large-scale motorcade of Beiting came to the green shade from the outer space of the sanctuary. In the team, there are many new chariots made with Yuanjing as the core.

On the last day of the countdown, the remaining seven top forces came one after another.

Warrendo's team, driving several hovering vehicles floating in the air, flew to the green shade.

The Holy See of the Vatican drives a silver chariot, which looks small, but the space formation is inscribed inside, and there is another universe.

The people of the Saier royal family, driving an alternative flying saucer-shaped vehicle, landed on the green-shaded airship parking pad.

Also... um, came here on foot.

But the momentum is compelling.

These top forces are not very high-profile, but their existence itself is doomed and cannot be ignored.

The survivors, as well as the other guests, were shocked.

The editor wrote down the title name, and I have foreseen what will happen when the newspaper is sold to various places tomorrow.

"The world's top forces gathered because of..."


The castle banquet was scheduled for noon, but this morning, tables were set up all over the city, dishes were served, and tables and tables of flowing water banquets were held.

The facility usage fee of the training camp has also been reduced to 10% today, which is almost free.

This makes people tangled, is it better to satisfy the appetite, or take advantage of the price reduction and soak in the training room?

Choosing difficult patients scratches their ears and scratches their cheeks.

Taking advantage of the discounted equipment, the Awakened people who were ready to buy their hands also lined up in front of the official flagship stores.

At nine o'clock in the morning, the Green Shadow Survey Corps, the Flaming Horse Corps, and the Warg Cavalry Corps made their appearances one after another.

Inviting guests from all sides is to show the prestige and influence of Luyin, and holding a military exercise is to take the opportunity to show the strength of Luyin to all parties.

The rock shield formation of the Survey Corps is like a city wall dozens of meters high.

The flaming horse cavalry regiment with a size of 500 people charged together, the qi and blood were connected, and the power burst out, even the extraordinary was secretly shocked.

Not only the high-rise, the backbone of the green shade should not be underestimated.

At the same time,

Lincheng area,

A few dozen kilometers away from the shade.

An extraordinary gathering of aliens, and the arrangement of the bloody clan is coming to an end.

(Merry Christmas, then, there is only one update today emmmmm)

Thanks for the 2,000-coin reward of "Xiao Huhu is here", and the 100-coin reward of "Everything is born". . .

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