Observing that the screen on the crystal ball kept switching, staring at the three alien superhumans who sneaked into the green shade, and the thirty or so supernatural figures waiting outside.

Today, Luyin's extraordinary combat power includes Nancy, Elaine, Yan Dingtian, Kong, Hongyue, Gretel, Luo Zhe, Tyron, Winnie, and Xiao Li, a total of ten extraordinary powers.

There are also No. 1 and No. 2, and three extraordinary puppets.

It counts as 15 extraordinary combat powers, but among them, there are senior extraordinary combat strengths, only Elaine and Nancy, No. 1 and No. 2 have been upgraded, and they also have strengths close to senior extraordinary.

However, compared with the alien race, this power is still not enough to see.

Even adding the nearly ten floating airships currently stationed in the territory.

Tang Yu knew that the Xuekou family had many experienced and extraordinary people, and even escaped from the mouth of a second-order extraordinary unicorn.

More importantly, the territory.

Among the Guards, Survey Corps, and Guard Corps, several elite teams that did not participate in the military exercise took action one after another.


Adventurers Guild.

Elder Yakou disguised as an adventurer and received the task of guarding the ancient tree of souls.

She didn't have too much doubt. This matter was always true and false. Even the team stationed in the mining area on weekdays was indeed transferred away on the grounds of "insufficient defense personnel in the shelter".

The attraction of the ancient soul tree to aliens is deadly enough.

There were also a few adventurers hanging out in the "Adventurer's Guild" who accepted the request together.

There were very few people, which confirmed the concerns of the two girls at the front desk.

Not long after, nearly ten adventurers, led by the staff of the guild, took the road around the mountain and entered the mountain forest.

The branches are densely packed, blocking the sun.

But it was very quiet, there were no demonized beasts, and no birds, beasts and insects chirped.

After walking for about a few kilometers, the roars of demonized beasts one after another came to my ears, and then suddenly the front opened up, and the huge pothole where the source crystal mine was located came into view.

To this day, the existence of the Yuanjing Mine in the back mountain of the green shade is no longer a secret, including the giant tree with white branches and leaves that grows on the crystal mine.

On weekdays, crystal mines are still prohibited areas, but today...


At this time, under the giant tree, there were hundreds of demonized beasts, which seemed to be small in number. The adventurers who had already recited the "Illustrated Book of Demonized Beasts" were stunned to find that these demonized beasts were all six-layered in strength. above.

There is no shortage of super demonized beasts of ten layers.

The Awakened Corps stationed in the mining area is now relying on the arrow towers and fortresses on the edge of the potholes to defend against the attacks of demonized beasts.

Nearly ten adventurers entered the fort immediately and cooperated with the garrison to defend.

Elder Yakou was among them.

Only two or three hundred meters away from the ancient soul tree, she has discovered that her turbid soul is slowly being purified under the brilliance of the ancient tree.

If she can cultivate under the ancient soul tree and break through the second-order transcendence, she can be 20% more confident.

——These races are controlled by the "Devil Race", and there are disadvantages, but in the Origin Star, there is a possibility to solve these disadvantages.

The attraction of ancient trees to demonized beasts is even more deadly. They are only combat weapons, but if the soul can be truly purified, demonized beasts will become real life, and it is not impossible to break through the extraordinary.

Elder Yakou stared at the ancient soul tree, and couldn't help but have regrets - if he knew, he would not invite the ghosts and white eyes!

business matters...

"Green shade is extraordinary and has the ability to quickly set up a terrifying thunder and punishment formation in the wild, which shows that their formation skills are extremely high."

She pondered, "Then in the case of sufficient time and resources on her own site, Green Shade is likely to arrange a large-scale formation covering a radius of several kilometers. Once you step into it, it will lead to more thunder and punishment attacks."

"And this ancient soul tree, rooted in the source crystal mine, is a natural formation core. If it is arranged at the core, it will save at least half of the effort..."

Elder Yakou used the knowledge of rune and formation that he had mastered to analyze, and quickly came to a conclusion:

"The possibility that the core of the big formation is an ancient soul tree is more than 99.99%... Although it is a waste to destroy it, but for the sake of safety..."

She began to gather foreign compatriots ten kilometers away through the unique contact method of the Blood Mouth Clan.


at the same time,

The other two elders of the blood mouth clan came to the vicinity of the castle.

Elder Qikou withdrew his mental power, and a waiter not far away was stunned. He only thought that it might be due to heat stroke and fainted, and then he shook his head and left.

"Confirmed, because of the relationship between Luyin's castle banquet, the extraordinary among the guests, including Luyin itself, is mostly extraordinary. At this time, it is in the restaurant on the west side. As long as we don't attract the extraordinary attention of human beings, the disguise cannot be exposed."

They walked into the shade of the trees, covered their bodies, and quickly completed their disguise, turning into two people dressed as waiters, talking and laughing into the castle.

After passing the castle garden, they walked into the corridor, not daring to spread their spiritual power to explore, but groping and proceeding cautiously.

The castle seems to be very big and empty, and I haven't seen anyone for so long.

"It's not surprising that in the large castle on weekdays, only a few extraordinary people, guards, and waiters live in the green shade. They don't live in the castle, and there are very few people here on weekdays."

"Today's banquet is convenient for us, otherwise it would be easy to be noticed by entering the castle abruptly."

They groped their way for a while.

Gorgeous crystal wall lamps are inlaid on both sides of the corridor, and the floor is covered with a red carpet, which is very clean and spotless.

The rooms on both sides are beautifully furnished and fully furnished, but it can be seen that they are vacant and uninhabited. They looked at the two rooms and came to the conclusion that there was nothing there.

Keep going, keep going.

"Have you noticed that there are too many corridors in this castle? The rooms here also feel very similar."

"The space inside the castle doesn't seem to match the size outside. Could it be the layout of the space?"

They pondered, but the repeated environment made them gradually realize that something was wrong.

was discovered?

Or fall into the magic formation inherent in the castle?

At present, there is no human extraordinary encirclement and suppression, and they speculate that it should be the latter.

"It's an illusion, and the news can't get out."

Another Xuekou clan elder heard the words, but was not depressed, "The magic circle did not cover the entire castle, at least the garden just now, and the restaurant in the west, it is normal, then it means that we are not far from the core of the castle. , as long as this illusion array is broken."


The analysis is very correct, and the brain supplement ability is full.

Tang Yu was very satisfied. It would be difficult to trap the two senior supernatural beings in other places. However, the castle is the absolute core of the territory. After several upgrades, the strength of the defense module has also been greatly improved.

At this time, only one of the modules "Psychedelic Channel" is used.

"If they can't solve it, they will be trapped in the "psychedelic channel" and solve other extraordinary things first. If they get out of trouble, there will be defensive measures such as "guardian stone sculpture" and "different dimension" waiting for them. "

He looked at the map of the territory in his mind.

The extraordinary gathered ten kilometers away, at this moment, a dozen or so statues began to move. They made a big circle, entered from the mountains behind, and slowly approached the mining area.

Back Mountain was the first battlefield that Tang Yu chose.

The main force is not the follower.

"Brother "Zhen", it should be reliable... right? "


At this time, two of them were senior and extraordinary, and five were ordinary and extraordinary. They did not fly, but leaped sensitively in the mountains and forests like ordinary awakened ones.

They are highly stressed.

Getting closer.

five kilometers,

three kilometers,

one kilometer,

"No detection circle?"

"No." An extraordinary person who is good at perception replied affirmatively, "With the formation of green shade, although I can't avoid it, but if I really detect it, I will definitely not be able to avoid my perception... That is to say, we are all in vain. worried."

Fighting wits with the air?

That doesn't count!

If it hadn't been for Elder Yakou to sneak into the green shade himself, how could the ancient soul tree be found... Since the green shade has not deployed a large-scale detection formation, there is only one possibility. It's going to be very scary!

They were heartbroken.

Fortunately, Elder Yakou discovered the core of the great formation!

As expected of a genius of their family!

Elder Yaguchi left behind an illusion avatar, and merged with the transcendent support of the seven gods.

She resisted the pain and said, "Shoot together to destroy the ancient soul tree, pay attention, destroy the root, cut off the connection between the ancient tree and the crystal mine, the core will definitely lose its function, and the remaining branches and trunks are still for us. Lots of effects."

in an instant,

A terrifying aura erupted on the other side of the pothole. The members of the garrison corps, adventurers and others who were resisting the demonized beasts were strangled by their throats, and their faces were pale and breathless. Just when a flying demonized beast swooped down, a faint halo was excited from an obelisk inside the fortress, covering the entire fortress, forming a shield, blocking the attack of the demonized beast.

They looked into the distance with lingering fears, the terrifying energy fluctuations rose, the dazzling brilliance broke through the dense branches and leaves, and the deadly sense of crisis still shrouded everyone's heart.

At this time,


The entire mountain range trembled, as if it had come to life. The khaki-colored streamer gathered from all sides of the mountain range, and a faint human-shaped phantom appeared on a mountain in the distance.

He stretched out his hand and pressed down, like pressing down a huge mountain.

The rising energy fluctuations came to an end in the summer.

The Awakened in the fortress stared blankly at the illusory and huge figure in the distance...

It seems that it is somewhat similar to Tang... City Lord? !

Emmmmmm... It seems like a cough and fever are preventing me from typing...

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