Shady, inner city.

Before the teleportation formation, Tang Yu was ready to go, and the dark silver armor he was wearing had been updated. It was selected from a blueprint obtained from the Holy City, and after optimization, it was already a second-tier magic weapon.

- "Dark Dragon".

There are no other miscellaneous functions, just one word, hard enough, extremely strong defense, and can absorb more than 95% of the impact.

Followers such as Yilian, Nancy, Luo Zhe, Kong, and Huiren stood behind them. Except for Yilian, they also put on higher-grade equipment. Those who are not good at fighting can also fight against five or more extraordinary people by themselves.

In the Australian World War two months ago, with the current lineup of Green Shade, it was enough to eat all of the over 100 alien races.

"In the past half month, there has been no trace of the extraordinary activities of alien races in the holy city, including other places, the alien races on the entire earth have almost disappeared, they hid, but it is more likely that something is brewing, leaving us not much time. "

This time, the followers who stayed behind included Ash Blade, Sora, Gretel, Tyron, the three Carmen brothers, Fanny, Hongyue and others.

Everyone else will follow him, straight into the unknown.

There were not many people who saw him off, except for the followers, only Chen Haiping and a few high-level leaders in the shade, the city lord and the high-level leaders traveled far away, which belonged to the secret among the secrets.

[External transmission: Unnamed World ①, Unnamed World ②, Retrieving... (Investing in source crystals can increase the retrieval speed)]

The sub-items of the teleportation array appeared in front of us.

Tang Yu activated the teleportation formation and ordered Nightmare No. 1 to pass first.

Five seconds, ten seconds have passed, and I can still feel the weak connection between Dire No. 1.

He stepped out and stepped into the teleportation array.

"Sir, let me explore the way first." Luo Zhe stepped forward in heavy armor, "You don't have to take risks."

"The preparations that should be made are enough, and we cannot be hesitant to move forward because of the last remaining risk."

Tang Yu shook his head, the City Return Scroll couldn't be used, and the world over there didn't know what was going on. If he didn't go there in person, how would the people who sent him come back? Not even information can be passed on.

The teleportation array is blooming, and the followers are ready.

Elaine attached ice armor to everyone, Luo Zhe held a huge shield, and Winnie held up a golden light shield...

next moment,

The power of the space shrouded, and everyone disappeared.


The sky was gray, shrouded in a thick fog, and there was no sunlight all year round.

The earth is lonely, and when you look around, there are only black and dead wood branches, and the whole world seems to be only black and gray.

It is even more sparse, less than one-thirtieth of the territory.

Tang Yu stepped on the barren ground, glanced over, and saw Dire No. 1 standing not far away, with several hideous monster corpses under his feet.

A little further away, there are still some broken mechanical parts and corpses that have been rotting for a long time.

"It seems that the teleportation location is fixed."

He observed the rough ground under his feet - they were in a barren mountain, and there was no trace of the teleportation formation.

One-way transmission, which is also what he expected.

After a little perception, the connection with the territory is still there, which is much stronger than the perception of the puppet, and it can even remotely control some simple operations.

Elaine and the others looked over and waited for his arrangement.

There is no danger around for a while, Tang Yu pondered for a while, "I'll try to build a teleportation array first..."

In the previous plan, it was considered that the teleportation array is only one-way, but since the teleportation array in the territory can send them to this unknown world, then a teleportation array is built in this world, and the two-way connection can also be transmitted back to the territory. .

In order to prevent the resources of the territory from being unable to be called remotely, Tang Yu's space ring also reserves millions of units of source crystals, as well as countless wood, stone and other basic materials.

Raising his hand, he was about to open up a sub-territory, but his brow suddenly wrinkled.

A faint sense of discomfort and rejection lingered in my heart.

Tang Yu had a hunch that developing a sub-territory now might bring him trouble.

"Sub-territory must be established in a suitable place. Let's figure out where it is now." He looked at Elaine and Luo Zhe, "Is this the world you were in?"

Another monster approached in the distance, Elaine froze it and nodded, "The breath of these dark creatures is slightly different from the demonized beast, and it is indeed our world."

"It should have appeared 50 or 60 years ago. Legend has it that the evil gods sent the dark creatures to invade the world. Now it seems that the evil gods should be the devil race."

Luo Zhe also nodded slightly, "The breath is indeed similar to the demonized beast, but when I was born, human beings have been divided by the Kuroshio and can only be guarded by one city. I don't know how the dark creatures appeared in the first place, but There seems to be no abyss cracks in this world."

He looked at Zapor.

The followers recruited by this world, Zapor is the oldest. After all, he is extraordinary and must have experienced that era.

At this time, Zapor smelled the familiar atmosphere of this world, and was very excited.

The lord really has the power to travel the world.

In just two months, his strength has increased several times!

Wangdu, I will be back soon!

Zapor suppressed his inner excitement and said slowly, "To be exact, it was fifty-eight years ago... a year in this world is slightly longer than that of Earth, but the difference is so small that it can be ignored.

The sun was still bright at that time, but suddenly one day, the sky completely dimmed, and then a huge space crack appeared that almost ran through the entire sky. Dark creatures emerged from the space crack.

Later, the crack disappeared, but the number of dark creatures increased day by day. According to my speculation, these dark creatures should have the ability to reproduce and evolve independently.

On the day the dark creatures appeared, a war broke out over the capital. It was very terrifying. Unfortunately, I was only at the awakening stage at the time, so I couldn’t participate. , is a long war, human beings are retreating, and they can only rely on the tall city wall to defend. "

Zapor also drew a map of the continent. After the Kuroshio broke out, his range of activities was limited, but before the end of the world, he knew the pattern of the continent.

What needs to be determined now is the location.

Elaine and the others restrained their breath and scattered their exploration.

There is a contract, the connection is very convenient, and it also has a positioning function, so you don't have to worry about getting separated.

Half an hour later, Luo Zhe, who was exploring the southeast, made a discovery.

"I found a city that looked a bit rundown from a distance, but there are still many living people in it. Qi and blood are particularly conspicuous in this lonely world."

The group reunited and hurried to the southeast.

In order to be safe and low-key, Tang Yu did not fly into the sky, nor did he drive a floating chariot, a rhino chariot, or other vehicles. He ran on his legs and maintained the speed of an eight or nine awakened person.

Not long after, the outline of the city wall was seen in the distance.

Elaine, who was running, suddenly covered her mouth, her eyes hard to hide her surprise.

There is one more later. . .

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