My Doomsday Territory (My Apocalypse Domain)

Chapter 501: Establishing a Base (Big Chapter)

In an instant, the entire City Lord's Mansion seemed to come alive.

This feeling is familiar.

Isn't it the power of the realm!

This power is very weak, so weak that he feels that if he opens up his personal realm, he might burst the power of the realm of the City Lord's Mansion.

But no matter how weak it is, it is also a domain, a sign that belongs to the extraordinary third-order, but now it seems to be solidified by some means.


Success piqued his interest.

Hurt had already stood up from the throne, and the guard immediately handed over a knight's spear, and more elite warriors in silver armor and armed with various weapons poured out from all over the hall, firmly surrounding several people.

The Guards are the most elite force directly under the city lord Hutt. There are not many members, only thirty or so people. Everyone has the peak strength of the ninth level, and everyone has a set of rare rune equipment. People, who have already broken through to the Condensation Origin Realm, are the greatest masters in Geer City!

The little nobles were so envious that they panicked. Many of their clan's followers, the strongest, were only at the peak of the ninth level.

At this time,

An invisible force connected with the thirty-odd Guard soldiers and the city lord Hutt, making their aura keep rising.

Tang Yu was surprised again.

"Is this the city of Geer, or the unique heritage of this world? It's getting more and more interesting."

Neither Luo Zhe nor Xie Yi had ever been in contact with such core secrets. Even Zapor, although extraordinary, was not considered a core staff in the vast land of the Royal Capital. He had only heard of it, but Not eligible to contact.

Perhaps this kind of suppressing power and increase is still a little weak in Tang Yu's view. There are also many higher-end legion battle formations in the Holy City's harvest, but these are different aspects of technology.

Different worlds, countless years of development and accumulation, always have their own uniqueness. Since the origin of the star was once folded in the hands of the Devil Race, now it is only the strength of a hundred schools, and there is no way to let go of any way to improve its strength.

Because of the need for observation, Shay cooperated very well without interrupting the promotion of Hurt and others.

More than ten seconds passed, the strongest Hutt City Lord, his breath was infinitely close to the extraordinary, and the other guards almost had the breath of great perfection.

Dozens of surging breaths rose into the sky, and the air was distorted in the entire banquet hall. The little nobles who were weak in practice were already kneeling on the ground, full of shock.

Several top nobles in the banquet hall also almost retreated to the corner, worried about being affected.

"The heritage of the City Lord's Mansion is indeed terrifying."

"After all, the home court was built when he was the city lord, and after two or three hundred years of popularity, it is strange that he is not strong."

"I think it will take at least fifty or sixty years of accumulation this time. If the accumulation is exhausted, this authority will be abolished. Hehehe, the city master will take turns and come to my house next year."

Hurt clenched his fist hard, feeling the almost endless power in his body, and his self-confidence surged out in an instant.

"You can force me to use this state, and you are enough to-"


A solid cannonball hit Hurt's face, the sound of the explosion was deafening, and the huge fireball was like a rising red sun.

The city lord Hutt flew out, knocked down the wall of the banquet hall, and flew hundreds of meters all the way, slamming into the barrier of the city lord's mansion, a wall of light.

The dozens of guards who were connected by breath all shuddered, and their faces flushed red and vomited blood mist.

Shay sighed with a gun that turned into a hand cannon in his right glove, "A missed target."


Hutt, whose cheeks were scorched, let out a roar, almost teleported back to the banquet hall again, and his breath soared again.

The soldiers of the Guards who vomited blood mist around them, blood and energy, flocked to Hutt. Their faces were dry and sore, but the breath of the city lord Hutt became more and more terrifying.

Shay's expression turned serious.

Tang Yu continued to analyze with the "eye of insight", "If it is an ordinary extraordinary person, it is really possible to capsize in this city lord's mansion."

"Unfortunately, no matter how powerful the power is, it is the person who uses the power that decides everything... let alone this power is not strong."

not far away,

The city lord Hutt was like a madman, and he fought Shay inextricably. The projectiles and energy flow had destroyed the entire banquet hall, and in the hall turned into ruins, nobles and followers were killed and injured countless times.

After five or six seconds of fighting, suddenly,

Hurt's violent aura faded like a tide. Shey laughed, put away his guns, and slammed his fists up. A set of combos used Hutt as a sandbag and floated in the air again and again.

His fist hit Hurt's armor, and the broken armor suddenly exploded and shattered.

He grabbed the knight's spear in his palm, and the next moment the whole spear exploded, turning into countless fragments and falling.


Hurt flew high and landed heavily.

Originally middle-aged, his messy hair turned gray and his cheeks were thin. Just like the surrounding guards who did not fall down, his breath was constantly weakening, from extraordinary, half-step extraordinary, thirteenth-level. , tenfold...

Until the end, there were only traces of breath left, like an old man who was dying.

The surrounding nobles shivered like a chinchilla.

Cruel, too brutal.

Where are the adventurers from? Could it be a kingdom from the middle of the continent? Are they not taking care of themselves?

Tang Yu sighed.

Say it, and no one will believe it.

At first, it was obvious that he just wanted to see the customs here, but he really didn't plan to do it. No matter how he disliked the actions of the nobles, he knew that the nobles were indeed the guardian power of this city. Without the nobles, the city would not be able to resist. Live for the next Kuroshio.

We are just passersby.

But why are you so irritable?

But forget it... Since he decided to open a sub-territory here, Tang Yu's mentality has been upgraded from a passerby to a landlord, and then he took a look at the surrounding nobles, all of them are land owners, dividing the small inner city, dividing it up. Gotta be clean.

Thinking about it this way, um, it's better to be dead.

At this time, because of the commotion in the city lord's mansion, the legions in the city gathered one after another. Tang Yu thought that it would take a lot of work, but the nobles who were still alive, the high-level officials of the city lord, immediately surrendered, drove the soldiers away, and piled them up again. Smile forward.

Ha ha.

Keep your dog's head first.


"Several adults, this is the treasure house of the former city lord Hutt, but only Hutt and his two sons know how to open the door of the treasure house."

A high-ranking official in the city led several people to the core of the City Lord's Mansion.

It is said that the treasure house of Geer City has been sealed for hundreds of years.

"What about Hurt's two sons?"

"Uh." The high-ranking official paused before opening his mouth cautiously, "I was in the banquet hall just now, and I accidentally died."

never mind,

Don't worry.

The treasure gate is made of high-hardness metal, and several large runes are arranged.

Generally speaking, it is difficult to dismantle quietly when the teleportation method cannot be used, but the treasure gate was originally guarded against thieves who sneak in. Now even the city owner himself has been hung up. .

Nancy raised her hand with a sword,


The entire gate was split into two by the purple-black energy, and instead of blasting open, a gap more than two meters wide was cut.

Tang Yu stepped into it.

It's not so much a treasure trove, it's not a huge secret room, located deep in the ground of the City Lord's Mansion.

On the walls of the secret room, streamers streak from time to time.

"This secret room seems to be the core of the main field of the City Lord's Mansion."

look around,

The treasure house contains the most stored rune armor and weapons. It can be seen that Hutt attaches great importance to these equipment. A ninth-level peak awakener wearing well-equipped equipment can indeed hang two or three people without equipment.

However, in his eyes, these runes were too low-end.

The knight's gun and armor that Hurt used himself were not high-end goods, otherwise, no matter how strong Shay's "touch-to-explode" talent was, he would not be able to explode at the touch of a button.

There are very few source crystals in reserve, and medicinal materials are also almost invisible.

As expected.

Only some minerals are valuable to him.

Elaine picked up a red mineral that looked like an iron block after being scorched by high temperature. "It's the red flame crystal iron, the main material for making the Destruction Cannon. There are very few of us there."

At her hand, there are at least two large boxes of similar-looking red crystal iron.

Murder is a way to get money quickly... Ah bah, can self-defense be called a scam!

Tang Yu kept walking towards the depths of the secret room.

The constant flow of energy on the ground almost forms substance.

After Hurt died, the faint power of the domain disappeared immediately.

At this time, as he approached the core of the secret room, he noticed the power of the domain again, and this time there was no rejection or suppression.

A stone platform appeared in front of him.

A forearm-length branch was placed on the stone platform.

On the brown branches, the faint domain power spreads out.

From Tang Yu's current perspective, he could see at a glance that some of the main venues of the City Lord's Mansion revolved around this branch.

The branches are the key.

Technology is second.

The "eyes of insight" opened, and countless data streams slipped through the eyes.

[Mysterious branch]: One flower, one world, one leaf, one bodhi. This is a branch that contains the power of a very weak world, and it has infinite wonderful uses.


Only the power that contains the will of the world can be called the power of the world.

It is infinitely more advanced than the power of the domain.

The area of ​​the territory spread out by the green shade can now be called the power of the world, and that's why the "eye of insight" can analyze it.

But I didn't expect to see it on a branch.

"The mysterious tree of the root must be a treasure!"

He broke the barrier, and when his fingers touched this mysterious branch, he suddenly felt a faint invisible force on it.

It should be the 'popularity' that the great nobles call it.

It's just that most of it has been consumed, and the remaining trace is very weak.


Shay the Great Demon did not enter the secret room, but stayed outside on guard.

Patrol around slowly.

Several nobles who have surrendered... or rather survived, still have lingering fears.

"Hurt's treasure trove is cheaper for those outsiders."

"Then what can be done, I just hope they don't search my house."

"We have already surrendered, so it shouldn't be. On the contrary, Hutt is already dead. When the evil stars leave, the whole city of Geer, isn't it... hehehe."

The few remaining nobles smiled at each other.

From this point of view, it seems that it is not bad.

If those outsiders only took Hutt's treasure house, the city, including the property of the dead nobles, would be theirs.


Five minutes later, the evil stars came out of the treasury and came to them.

The 'big devil' Xie said, "We will live here in the future. From now on, the city lord's mansion, including this city, belongs to the lord. Do you have any opinions? You can mention them. After all, our lord is very democratic."



Several nobles held back, only to feel that a sentence of MMP was stuck in their throats and dared not say it.


The demolition project of the City Lord's Mansion started.

Before it was completely demolished, a large open space was first created with the banquet hall, which was already in ruins, as the center point.

Then let the idlers and others all leave.

Tang Yu opened his personal domain, raised his hand, the source crystal in the space necklace was consumed, and soon, a fortress about five stories high appeared in front of several people.

The teleportation array was constructed immediately.

[Optional transmission sites: Green Shade, Luoxia, Beiting, Yangtze River Delta, Alternate Territory]

[Dimensional space teleportation: none, searching...]

[External teleportation: ...]

Sure enough, the transmission of the shade has been lit.

And the connection with the main territory is also clear at once.

Exactly the same as staying on the earth, remote control of the territory, such as arm waving.

This is solid!

He breathed a sigh of relief.


The gravel on the ground trembled slightly.

Dangdang the alarm sounded.

Accompanied by panicked shouts, "The Kuroshio is here!"


Without the city lord, most of the nobles were killed and wounded. The commanders and generals in the city were still waiting near the city lord's mansion.

For a time, the sergeants in the city were in a hurry.

This time, the Kuroshio was extraordinarily terrifying, comparable to the one a few months ago.

Until a few nobles, surrounded by guards, climbed to the top of the city and saw the black tide, their faces turned pale.

Finished, finished.

All power is based on the condition that the city of Geer is intact. The outer city is gone, they don't care, but the inner city is where their family is.

The sergeants defending the city were even more demoralized, mechanically waving their weapons and supporting them numbly.

"Yes, yes, and those Sha... adults!"

Some nobles thought,

As soon as he turned his head, he saw Tang Yu and several others walking up the city wall.

Among them, the girl in a long blue dress suddenly had an ice crystal staff in her hand, and the staff was raised.

The nobleman shuddered.

Snowflakes fell from the sky, and ice ridges formed on the ground.

The picture in front of him suddenly became magnificent, but it contained deadly murderous intent.

Large and small ice cones penetrated the dark creatures, on the ground and in the sky. At this moment, time seemed to freeze.

Only the figure holding the ice crystal staff became the center of the world.


A soft sound.

The countless dark creatures that were penetrated and frozen were turned into pieces in a gust of wind.

The sergeants widened their eyes.

The generals took a deep breath.

Several nobles almost bit their tongues.

This, is this over?

Terrible, terrifying!


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