
In the transfer area filled with gray fog, Barkley reached out and touched his neck, facing the great fear of death, so that he did not come back to his senses.

"The spiritual space is too real, and it is not comparable to the so-called realistic illusion..."

he murmured.

The coldness of the long sword, the suffocating feeling of the throat being cut, the consciousness before death gradually faded away, and the feeling of the whole person being pulled into the abyss is extremely real.

No wonder, the battle in the spiritual space can not only enrich the combat experience, but also help to break through the great terror between life and death.

- It's not terrible to get stuck on a bottleneck, just die once.

Buckley gradually recovered from his wild thoughts and recalled the battle just now.

A pure white battle space unfolded in front of him.

The hard floor reflected shiny weapons, and a figure wearing a battle uniform with a long sword appeared on the opposite side hundreds of meters away from him.

The figure rushed up.

Barkley also met fearlessly with a spear in hand.

Then, the opponent's speed suddenly became faster, twisted in a shape he couldn't understand, and suddenly appeared beside him.

[Barkley: Awakening eleventh, winning rate is 0%. ]

[Record: 0 wins and 1 loss]

[Expand]: Barkley VS Huang Wen (defeat), time: 0.96s.


So I didn't hold it for even a second?

Am I so weak?

Barkley couldn't believe that he had lost so badly... Maybe it was the first time, shocked by the reality of the space, that he was caught off guard, yes, it must be so.

He chose to match again.

[The opponent's match is successful, Zhang Wu, the awakening tenth, the winning rate is 41%. ]

"An opponent one level worse than me..."

Buckley clenched the knight's spear that appeared, and looked at the opponent holding the two knives.

a fight,

Barkley GG, it took more than three seconds.

He doesn't believe in evil and matches again.

[The opponent is successfully matched, Liu Jin, the awakening tenth, the winning rate is 38%. ]


[The opponent is successfully matched, Wang Shuiyi, the awakening tenth, the winning rate is 37%. ]


[The opponent's match is successful, Gu Moumou, awakening to the tenth level, the winning rate is 26%. ]

Still GG!

[The opponent is matching...]

[Ding! ]

A golden exclamation mark appeared in front of his eyes, and Buckley was puzzled. The instructions did not tell this situation.

He clicked.

The golden exclamation mark expands into a font.

[Hint: Given that the user's winning rate is too low, for the sake of your combat experience and mentality, it is recommended to start training combat skills and experience from the 'personal practice (man-machine)' mode. ]


Barkley froze.

Always feel that you are being despised?


The Aino Continent is incomparably vast, with hundreds of kingdoms, large and small, scattered on it.

The kingdom to which Geer City belongs is considered a medium.

It's just that the capital of the kingdom is not as strong as the city of Geer, and it was destroyed more than ten years ago... Some small kingdoms with weaker strength have already been destroyed.

The trio of Protoss Xingyue Oguri, Zapor and Shay moved all the way to the center of the continent, barely seeing the survivors.

The Aino continent has been attacked by the Kuroshio for decades, and the environment is much worse than the earth.

Although the wilderness of the earth is dangerous, experienced survivors can still find wild fruits that can feed their stomachs in the mountains and forests.

Therefore, there are still some Lone Rangers and Awakened teams who have been active in the wilderness for a long time and live like savages.

But at least survive.

On the mainland of Aino, anywhere outside the city is dead silent, plants are extremely rare, wild fruits that can satisfy hunger are hard to find, and exotic beasts are almost extinct in the wild except for those raised by humans.

The Awakening Rank Great Perfection cannot survive for a long time in the wild of the Aino Continent. Only the extraordinary rank that still has the ability to survive in various harsh environments can have the capital to wave in the wild.

On the mainland of Aino, the distribution of kingdoms and cities is sparse, resulting in almost severing the connection between the city and the city.

If it weren't for the fact that the surviving humans were all gathered in the former big city, Zapor provided a map of the Aino continent before the apocalypse, otherwise, Xingling Xingyue and others would hardly be able to find a city with survivors.

After several days of rushing, searching, and analyzing, the location of the second disposal territory was finally settled on a large city, Zhenxi City.

Zhenxicheng, located in the central area of ​​Aino Continent, also belongs to the most powerful Middle Kingdom on Aino Continent - Aino Kingdom.

The name of the kingdom and the name of the continent, which side came first, has long been impossible to verify. However, on the continent, various kingdoms, big and small, have risen and fallen, but the Kingdom of Aino has endured for a long time. According to what Zapor knows, the Kingdom of Aino has tens of thousands of people. Years of history - known as the kingdom on which the sun never sets.

It's a pity that in today's Aino Continent, there is no sunlight, and the kingdom of the sun never sets... there is no sun, and naturally it also declines.

Zapor and Protoss met in the town west.

"I've been to this city before, but that was nearly a hundred years ago." Zapor recalled the past and sighed.

Zhenxicheng is a super city guarding the western border of the kingdom. It has a vast area. Because it is close to the border, it was built with the highest defense specifications before the end of the world. Zapor has come all the way. Compared with the memory of nearly a hundred years ago, the appearance of this city , the difference is not much.

The same iron-blooded breath.

However, Zhenxicheng could not escape the trouble of food, and the commoners as far as the eye could see were either in a hurry, or with yellow faces and thin muscles.

The soldiers defending the city, their armors are covered with blood that has solidified and dried up, and their eyes are full of tiredness.

There are also some traces of repairs on the outer city walls.

"Although Zhenxicheng is strong, it's not easy..."

Zapor sighed.

Xingling said, "The task given to us by the lord is to find a place where we can establish a sub-territory. How can we get such a piece of land in the city?"

She thought for a while, and then said, "Zhenxi City has a large population and a larger area. As long as we operate properly, it should not be difficult to buy a piece of land from the nobles in the city with Yuanjing, and it will not be easy to attract the attention of the city's high-level officials."

Xie Yi pouted, "Just like before, blow up the City Lord's Mansion and it's over."

"No, Zhenxicheng is the main city of the Aino Kingdom guarding the western border. There must be many experts, and the city has a large population. Once tough measures are taken, the follow-up processing will be very troublesome.

There are only tens of thousands of people in Geer City. In order not to cause riots, the lord and the top officials of the Municipal Department spent a few days to basically stabilize the situation in the city. With the scale of Zhenxi City, once a riot occurs, they want to deal with it. , it is very difficult. "

After some thought, Xingling rejected it.

Shay felt bored and lit a cigarette and leaned against the wall.

Xingyue and Bamboo Squirrel are both cute, and they can't make any constructive proposals.

In the end, Zapor thought about it, "The city lord of Zhenxi City is different from ordinary nobles. He used to be called the Jagged Duke, and now the situation in Zhenxi City is not very good. I plan to talk to them. If If we can reach a cooperation intention, we can get more materials, manpower and intelligence support in this world."

After a pause, "I will go alone. Even if I fail, there is no danger if I have the City Return Scroll in my hand. Once my plan doesn't work, I will follow Miss Star Spirit's plan."

There's another one behind

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