"Iron Duke" Mole Garcia was taken.

He thought it was an underground force in the capital that secretly competed with the royal court.

Or some mysterious organization on the continent of Aino.

Or simply a joint force formed by some more powerful kingdoms.

Although they can't be compared with the Royal Court, it is a good thing that the Kuroshio can have more allies at present. At least according to what the extraordinary person in front of them said, they are determined to explore the truth of the Kuroshio, solve the disaster from the root, and be more comfortable than the Royal Court. Those old-fashioned nobles in the current situation are more reliable.

Whether it is this extraordinary person who can fight against several housekeepers with his own strength, or whether they have the ability to reach Zhenxi City, it shows that this mysterious force is indeed not to be underestimated.

For decades after the outbreak of the Kuroshio, Zhenxicheng did not let Chaofan go to the capital to investigate and ask for help. However, several transcendents left with their mission before and after, but in the end they were all silent.

Zhenxicheng and the capital are far apart, and there are many crises along the way, and the Jagged Duke Moore can't tell whether the extraordinary request for help is an irresistible danger on the way, or in the capital...

He thought about it and speculated about all kinds of possibilities, but he didn't think that the so-called mysterious forces actually came from the sky?

God horse stuff?

Are you Teemo kidding me? ?

In the tens of thousands of years of history of the Aino Kingdom, there has never been a legend about the outer world. Even the powerhouses recorded in the history books have never heard of anyone flying out of the Aino Continent... After all, the vast continents, oceans, and countless regions waiting to be explored.

If it weren't for the strength that Zapor showed was really good, and he told a lot of deeds in the royal capital, he would have thought that this was a mental patient who appeared to amuse him.

Even now, it is a look of doubt.

"Look." Zapor raised his hand, and several containers appeared in the open space in the city lord's mansion.

"This is?"

"Food, Yuanjing, represents our sincerity, you may wish to open it and take a look."

The first container was opened, and inside was the source crystal that had accumulated into a mountain. Even though the crystal wall was blocked by energy, a trace of it leaked out, which still made the presence of the extraordinary intoxicated.

All high-end goods, this box contains at least one million units of source crystals!

A few decades ago, it was not difficult for their city lord's mansion to take out this source crystal, but now, they even need to save their daily lighting, and their eyes almost turned red when they saw such a large box of source crystals.


Zapor swept the palm of his hand, and the container was put away again.

Several extraordinary people were stunned for a while, understanding what this meant, and then restrained their eyes and opened the second, third, and fourth containers.

Some contained a box of compressed grain, some contained vegetables and fruits, and some turned out to be a large box of exotic animal meat!

"Are you slaughtering the alien beasts that have been raised for decades?" Henry, the housekeeper of the city lord's mansion, swallowed his saliva.

Living alien beasts are more valuable, maybe they can give birth to cubs!

Now they are in Xicheng, and they only keep a few low-level alien beasts in captivity. Was it ten years ago that they slaughtered an alien beast that was about to die of old age and ate meat since it has been breeding decades ago?

And the exotic animal meat in the huge box in front of him, although it has been divided into various parts, he can still see from his eyes that the ingredients were a powerful alien beast when he was alive, and it is not the kind that is about to die of old age. The difference between the skin texture of the middle-aged alien beast and the aged alien beast can be seen at a glance.

Zapor did not put away these containers. After he nodded in agreement, Steward Henry opened the boxes containing vegetables and fruits.

In terms of value, there are not many containers for food, vegetables, melons and fruits, far from being comparable to exotic animal meat or even a whole container of source crystals.

Butler Henry picked up some vegetables and fruits, looked at them carefully for a while, then turned to look at the Jagged Duke and shook his head, "They're all varieties I've never seen before."

"Maybe it is a special product of which remote area." Another person said.

Although they said that, they already believed that they knew nothing about the mysterious forces, and the other party could completely disguise as a kingdom in Aino mainland, or a certain force, and there was no need for Xuancheng to come from outside the sky.

After a while, "Iron Duke" Moore said, "What do you want?"

"First, resource exchange, we exchange food and source crystals for the knowledge of your town's west city, rune creations, etc.; second, information exchange, we want to know more information about the capital... The same is true before the end of the world, Including what you know about the Kuroshio now; third, we need to have a place of our own in Zhenxicheng."

Butler Henry frowned, "Food and source crystals are indeed what we need, but if we want to exchange the knowledge of our town's west city..."

Cultivation methods, combat skills, techniques, etc. are the core of the family's inheritance. Zapor expected that the City Lord's Mansion would not simply treat knowledge as a trade item... The nobles of Aino Continent are most interested in their own. The inheritance is very tight, even if the Jagged Duke belongs to the more enlightened nobles, it cannot be avoided.

There is ample time.

According to the lord, as long as the price they give is enough, the one who actively asks for an exchange at that time is likely to be Zhenxicheng.

Among the three conditions, the simplest is the resident.

Zhenxicheng covers a vast area, almost equivalent to a provincial city. Even if more than half of the city has become a field for growing food, a land of the size of a university park is still demarcated.

Sincerity is also sufficient.


"This area used to belong to a certain noble in Zhenxi City. Later, that noble family declined and sold the land to our City Lord's Mansion. We originally planned to reclaim some more fields. Now, I will give it to you."

Henry Steward said.

The area given to them is close to the City Lord's Mansion, just to facilitate surveillance. If this mysterious force has any plans that are not conducive to Zhenxi City, it will be easier to suppress if it is close to the City Lord's Mansion.

Trust can't be talked about, it's just that there are many prices for food and source crystal, so they can't refuse.

"Well, some of my companions are here."

Xie Yi, Xingling, Xingyue, and Xiaoli rushed over when they saw Zapor's agreement.

Butler Henry's pupils shrank suddenly.

They are all experienced and extraordinary, and their breath is not weaker than that Zapor!

If they want to do something... in the outer city, they may not be able to stop it.

After a while,

What made the housekeeper Henry's eyes widen even more happened. Zapor took out a strange ball. The next moment, a blue door of light appeared out of thin air. A young man in gorgeous armor came from Walking out of the blue light door, he stretched out his hand and waved, accompanied by a rumbling sound, a tall and magnificent building rose from the ground.


The young man disappeared again, as if he had never appeared before.


Butler Henry looked up at the magnificent building, his mouth opened and closed, and the thousands of words finally turned into a silent sigh.


Tang Yu just showed his face and waved his sleeves without taking away a cloud.

After the sub-territory is completed, even if he is in Geer City, he can control it remotely and accurately.


Zapor and the others hired a lot of local residents, purchased and transported basic wood, stone, etc., and flattened the abandoned aristocratic mansion on the original site of the land, saving a lot of materials.

One after another tall buildings rose from the ground.

In less than three seconds, the empty abandoned area suddenly changed drastically, much to the surprise of Steward Henry and the others who had been observing secretly.

City Lord's Mansion,

"Iron-Blood Duke" Mor Garcia just walked out of the training ground, and his armor condensed with bloody energy slowly turned into mist and dissipated.

"That force called "Green Shade" really only took a few seconds to build a cluster of buildings? "

"That's right." Butler Henry sighed in relief, "And I didn't see those extraordinary hands-on. It's like those materials ran over and assembled themselves into buildings. At best, they just hired some civilians to carry the materials."

"What about the rest? How's the deal going?"

Henry finally showed a happy expression, "The transaction went very smoothly. The source crystals and food provided by those people are far more than we imagined. With this source crystal, the defense formation of our town's west city can finally operate. A batch of food can also increase our inventory a little bit.”

"Especially the meat of foreign animals." He paused, "The other party has provided a very large amount, not only can we provide all of our extraordinary food, I think it can also provide some of our elite soldiers, with the help of foreign meat, the soldiers Their cultivation speed will be even faster.”

"As for what the other party exchanged from us..." Henry looked a little strange, "In order to show your sincerity, you asked me to open the next-level treasure house, which also contains some good cultivation methods, but the other party did not choose to exchange those, Instead, a lot of materials have been exchanged, and many rare materials that have been accumulated for hundreds or even hundreds of years have been exchanged by the other party.

There are also a lot of equipment in the treasury, but those people gave me the feeling that I was disgusted, but there were several sets of formations, which were exchanged by them. "

"Where is the "Green Shade" station? What's going on? "

"Uh, they have opened some buildings, such as "Trading House", "Training Camp", "Starred Restaurant", etc. Among them, all kinds of goods in the "Trading House" are sold, and in the "Starred Restaurant" you can Enjoy the well-known food in the shade, and the "training camp" is a building with various training facilities, some of which... some I find incredible. "

(I can't cough and vomit. There is only one chapter today. I went to the hospital and took the medicine. Why do I feel heavier and heavier? Fuck it!)

Thanks for the 500 coin reward of "Big Tree Runs Fast". . .

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