My Doomsday Territory (My Apocalypse Domain)

Chapter 511 Arrival in the Royal Capital (Big Chapter)

Aino Continent, the royal capital.

Located in the center of the boundless continent, it occupies the most and the best resources in the entire world.

In this world, there are black, lead-gray clouds everywhere, the sun never sees the light of day, the source gas is thin, and resources are scarce.

For example, Zhenxicheng, before the outbreak of the Kuroshio, was also a land rich in resources. After decades of fighting, a large number of ore veins were mined and resources were continuously consumed. Due to the thinness of Origin Qi and some special reasons, the newly born resources became more and more Few, even the original ore veins are "withering" unknowingly.

The Central Capital is different.

Even though it is also trapped in a corner, the resources of the royal capital are still much richer than other places in the world.

If someone stood on the outermost city wall of the Royal Capital, and if they carefully observed it, they would find that even though the sky above the Royal Capital was also shrouded in gray clouds, compared to the outside world, it was… much thinner.

There seems to be a hint of greenery faintly visible?

This is Zapor's original words, and he doesn't know why he has such an illusion.

Standing on the rooftop of the most magnificent building in Zhenxicheng - Greenery Commercial Plaza, Tang Yu looked in the direction of the capital... Of course he couldn't see anything.

He had some information about the capital in his hand, most of which were provided by the City Lord Mansion of Zhenxi City.

The central king is the core of the world. Before the Kuroshio broke out, it was rumored that the king had a population of more than 100 million. The scale of the city was also very large, much larger than the provincial capital city. It was also divided into inner and outer cities.

As the center of the world, Wang is the city with the most nobles. In the inner city, it is said that if a brick is thrown on the street, out of ten people, one noble can be hit, and the remaining nine are the nobles' followers.

Some poor nobles did not even have the qualifications to enter the inner city of the royal capital.

Mole Garcia's family, as the hereditary duke of Aino Kingdom, even if the family's foundation is in Zhenxi City, once in the inner city of the royal capital, it also has a huge property, but, over the past few decades, Zhenxi City has been unable to contact the royal capital. , especially as the war continued, the high-end power fell, and the Jagged Duke's Mansion broke the idea of ​​​​connecting with the royal capital, and could only rely on the large array to stick to Zhenxicheng.

Now with the support of the green shade, they also rekindled the idea of ​​going to the royal capital.

"Two possibilities, one is that the wilderness of the Aino continent is extremely dangerous, especially in the central area of ​​the continent."

Tang Yu thought about it.

On Earth, aside from some special areas, as long as you don't encounter aliens, the outside world is not a big threat to the extraordinary. Ainuo Continent is obviously more dangerous. Zapor and a few people rushed from Geer City to Zhenxi City. During this period, they encountered dozens of dangers, serious damage, and even the possibility of making the extraordinary fall.

The Kuroshio alone is more ferocious than the magic tide on the earth. There are countless dark creatures awakening high-level, and once the extraordinary is surrounded by many, it can also be exhausted and die.

What's more, on the way, he has already encountered dark creatures with extraordinary combat power.

"Unlike the disaster-level demonized beast, it is truly extraordinary, with a force field and a good IQ..."

Tang Yu couldn't tell if it was because of the difference between the Kuroshio and the magic tide.

There are also more Jedi than Earth.

Some dead places, in particular, seem to be cancers rooted on the planet, with a strong aura of decay. Shay once approached deathly. As a result, the vitality quickly passed away. According to Shay's inference, once he fell into "dead silence" The core of the "Land", even if it is a second-order supernatural, it takes only a few seconds to decay and die.

Zhenxicheng is located in the western border of Ainuo Kingdom, closer to the border of the kingdom, and is far from the capital, so there may indeed be countless dangers along the way.

"However, after all, Zapor, Xingling Xingyue and the others have successfully rushed from Geer City to Zhenxi City, and they didn't even use the City Return Scroll... The duke's mansion logically has some trump cards, and it shouldn't even be in the capital. Can't get there."

Tang Yu had to consider the second possibility, after all, the capital was deep in water.

Of course, the conflict between the nobles had nothing to do with him, and he did not come to help Zhenxicheng.

He intends to find out the truth about the outbreak of the Kuroshio because there are too many similarities between the Kuroshio and the magic tide. In addition, after the transaction with the town of Xicheng, the territorial background has become much richer, as long as the knowledge and resources are digested If it drops, the overall combat power can rise to a higher level.

In particular, some blueprints obtained from the Holy City can be produced in the workshop immediately after gathering the materials.

He also cared about the "mysterious branch" from the city lord's mansion in Geer City.

In this regard, the answer of the duke's mansion is that he is concerned about him, but through the dialogue with the powerful and powerful people in Zhenxicheng secretly collected by "spiritual space", Tang Yu learned that not only the duke's mansion has such a trump card, but also several big houses in the inner city. The nobles also possessed, and even some formations were arranged around the city walls.

All kinds of clues point to a treasure in the capital.

Without Mo Er and others not aware of it, or even unwilling to disclose it, Tang Yu had the key information, which is the advantage of having a platform.

It is true that the "spiritual space" is not dangerous, but as long as people from other forces are used to this extremely real space, a lot of news will be invisible.

The newly added "personal space" by the great lord Tang is not just to earn source crystals, is he such a superficial person?


In the personal space, the awakened person can completely relax, rest, and enjoy, invite friends to be guests in their own space, and during the conversation, secrets can be revealed without noticing.

This is his purpose.


The matter in Zhenxicheng has come to an end.

While Tang Yu was thinking, Zapor and the others had already set off for the capital.

The goal of the floating airship is too obvious. Zapor and the others are riding the third-generation floating chariot. The speed is extremely fast, which is comparable to the speed-type senior extraordinary. The most important thing is that it has excellent concealment, and even extraordinary breath can be blocked. Lose.

This kind of vehicle, the people of the Duke's Mansion are very jealous.

So, for the sake of friendship between the two parties, Luyin sold a floating chariot to the town's main mansion at a price equivalent to 200W source crystal.


One of the three floating chariots that went to the royal capital belonged to the town's main mansion, and there were two extraordinary people in it.

The other two vehicles, one carrying Zapor and Ash Blade, the other one is Lorraine, and the wolf girl Fanny... Originally, the bamboo rat chestnut was also among the first batch to go to the capital. After all, the illusion ability It works most of the time, but this bamboo rat doesn't seem to be in a good mood.


A strip of black tentacles tore the ground, like a large net moving under the hood of several floating chariots.

"Switch to manual control mode!"

"Charging the energy cannon!"

"The old driver started racing!"

Each of the black tentacles is very thick, emerging from the ground, and every blow of the rumbling is enough to destroy a mountain.

Even if the third-generation floating chariot is swept by the black tentacles, the defensive formation is likely to be severely damaged.

at this time,

Among the countless black tentacles, three floating chariots shuttled nimbly like swimming fish.

The one belonging to the Duke's Mansion is a little stiff in manipulation and lacks soul, but after all, it is a senior and extraordinary, with a great response ability, forcibly controlling the floating chariot to pass through the gap between the black tentacles.

"What kind of creature is this? It stands to reason that we don't have any breath leaking out?"

Lorraine controlled the steering wheel, and although she asked, her tone was very excited.

After flying in the dark wilderness for more than a day, she was almost exhausted, and she was eager to fight this unknown creature.

"It should be a touch."

Zapor said solemnly, "The ball is a dark creature with a huge size and extraordinary combat power. It is very sensitive to all moving objects around it. We just flew over the ball and made it suddenly hands-on.

The vitality of touching the ball is extremely terrifying. Even if all of us try our best to shoot, we may not be able to kill it... The most urgent task is to leave the hunting range of the ball as soon as possible. "


General Dulu from the Duke's Palace also echoed, "The ball is generally rooted in our own 'territory', and the movement speed is slow. As long as we fly away from this area, it will be safe."

talking room,

More and more black tentacles emerged from the ground.

The earth is cracked, and the earth and rocks are flying.

next moment,


The earth suddenly collapsed for thousands of meters, revealing huge potholes.

It looks like a meat ball, with countless dense tentacles growing on the ball, and each tentacle, a monster hundreds of meters long, emerges from the ground.

At a speed that is not slow at all, the huge body floats forward and chases the fleeing prey.

A large black hand composed of dozens of fleshy touches stepped forward and grabbed one of the floating chariots.

"How is that possible! Aren't all touches generally rooted in the ground and rarely active! And where does the touch come from with such speed?!"

General Dulu turned pale in shock, and controlled the floating chariot to fly to avoid, and there were faint beads of sweat on his forehead.

If it weren't for this divine soldier-level vehicle, I'd probably be colder if I replaced it with myself.


He caught a glimpse of the huge meat ball flying very fast, and the new attack method was extremely flexible. Once it made a mistake...


The dazzling light beam burst out from one side and shot through the big black hand composed of dozens of fleshy touches.

Before General Dulu could react, he saw a floating chariot going up the opposite direction, the brilliance of the main guns condensed, and circles of rune arrays appeared on the body of the chariot.

His eyes widened, and he almost got hit by a tentacle in a moment of loss.

This daring, General Dulu considers himself inferior.

Lorraine doesn't have any courage, her life creed is very simple.

Back then, she was forced to live in a foreign country because she owed a huge amount of debt and was just no match for those creditors.

The huge touch ball, in her eyes, belongs to the kind of Nenggang.

Anyway, with the City Return Scroll in hand, you can get away at any time with a sticky face, and you can easily save the two inside, expand your network, and when you need to borrow money in the future, you won't be able to find anyone.

"Death to the old lady!"

Lorraine showed off her driving skills and shuttled quickly.

In the back seat, Fanny's two pointed ears twitched, her eyes were fixed, and she was controlling many attacking weapons.

On the other floating chariot, Zapor held an intermediate detection crystal in his hand, and his face was solemn.

About touch, he knows about the same as General Duro.

However, the news detected by the crystal at this moment, the touch of the ball, is undoubtedly... evolved.

Humans become stronger through cultivation, but dark creatures do not seem to need cultivation.

Only by one evolution.

How it evolved and what the conditions were, Zapor did not know.

He just felt heavier.

After a few minutes,

The three floating chariots shook off their fleshy touches, repositioned the navigation system, and set off towards the capital.

After flying for more than two days and encountering numerous dangers along the way, they finally approached the capital of the Kingdom of Aino.

Approaching the royal capital, the desolate scene on the ground improved slightly.

Some trees with sparse branches and leaves can be seen, weeds are pulling deafly, and a small river is flowing by.

There are also some abandoned houses everywhere. After decades, it is impossible to see what they used to be.

"These are all the villages around the capital. The area around the capital was relatively safe before the Kuroshio broke out. There were few thieves or alien beasts ravaging them, but now..."

Zapor shook his head.

Although there is a little greenery on the ground, there are more dark creatures with hideous appearances and wandering around.

The roar continued.

General Dulu was surprised, and the voice came from the communication device of the floating chariot, "How can dark creatures be so dense in the surrounding area of ​​the royal capital? It is too easy to trigger the Kuroshio!"

Although Zhenxicheng didn't explore much about the outside world, every once in a while, they still organized legions out of the city to clear up dark creatures, not to mention that some mining areas were located outside the city.

Some freelance mercenaries also rely on the source crystals obtained by hunting dark creatures to make a living.

There must be traces of human activities around the city.

The Royal Capital area doesn't seem to have it.

This does not wake up!

Zapor sighed lightly:

"Because of the existence of the "Wall of Eternity", the capital does not care about the impact of the Kuroshio at all. At most, after the impact of the Kuroshio, the soldiers defending the city will briefly walk out of the city wall and collect materials for dark creatures. "

"Some free mercenaries may have plans to leave the city, but whether the gates of the "Wall of Eternity" are opened or not is in the hands of the city defenders, and they have no plans to allow the mercenaries to enter and exit freely. "

"This "Wall of Eternity"...? ' General Durrow became more and more puzzled.

Zapor said slowly, "The former royal capital had two city walls: the inner city and the outer wall. The inner city wall was 60 meters high and the outer city wall was 100 meters high. The "Eternal Wall" was built on the outermost periphery of the capital. The city wall is 135 meters high.

It seems that the size of the "Wall of Eternity" does not exceed too much, but in fact, its defensive capabilities far exceed the outer city walls of the capital.

There has been an experiment, the full-strength strike of the extraordinary level cannot leave traces on the "Wall of Eternity", and the surrounding space is forbidden, and it has the ability to reverse concealment, anti-penetration and so on.

The most important thing is the scope of the "Wall of Eternity", which is very vast. It has expanded the original capital by dozens of times. It is like a small world inside. . "

Zapor didn't really figure it out.

When the Black Tide broke out, the situation in the capital was not very good.

As far as he knows, in the past ten years, many big figures have disappeared, and he guessed that they fell.

However, in the twenty-eighth year of the Kuroshio outbreak, this "Wall of Eternity" was built abruptly, and the capital has turned its corner since then.

The royal family also began to give up endless battles and began to manage the vast area of ​​the Royal Capital Circle.

thinking room,

The towering wall of eternity appeared in the eyes of several people.

The floating chariot has turned to moving on land, hiding among the trees, not approaching.

Thank you for the 500-coin reward from "Silence Hope", and the 100-coin reward for "Book Friend 20181124003827347". . .

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