My Doomsday Territory (My Apocalypse Domain)

Chapter 519 I'm sorry (big chapter)

Shade Entertainment City.



Mosan leaped forward a few steps, the long sword slashed, and wanted to cut off the special rope that bound Becky...


Sparks fly.

Special rope, intact.

Mosan: "..."

He injected his energy into the long sword, and a faint brilliance emerged from the blade.


The silver sword light fell.

Mosan's mouth was numb.

Look again,


It worked, and a white mark was left on the special rope.

Clearly visible... a ghost!

The dozen or so Awakened who followed, some lowered their heads and counted the cracks in the ground, and some looked up at the s...

Mo Sang felt that his face was a bit unbearable.

The aura of the Awakening Twelfth Layer exploded completely, the source power revolved, and a "Crescent Slash" fell from top to bottom.


Becky, who was tied into a ball, rolled out a few times.

licked to the face.

The specially made rope has been cut out with a hole about... one centimeter thick.


Mo Sang took a breath, he hadn't done it himself for many years.

Take another look at the dumplings... Oh no, it's Becky, he ordered two of his subordinates, and pretended to say nothing, "You protect the head of Becky, everyone else, come with me."

The rest of the duke mansion guards who were tied up, Mo San couldn't care about it.

With limited manpower, he did not intend to make up for those who were locked and oppressed by the breath, and who were almost powerless to move.

Business matters.

Things must be done before the patrolling of the Legion arrives.

at this time,

Mark and others are still fighting against the extraordinary terrifying pressure.

The breath of substance is like a mountain, pressing down on everyone.

In particular, Mark, the strongest, was under the greatest pressure.

It is almost equivalent to confronting the extraordinary far away.

On the contrary, other people who are only affected by extraordinary pressure are less affected, and most of the people with strength above the sixth level can stand stably.

Many people mourned for the entertainment city.

The most prosperous place in this outer city will soon disappear after being provoked by the extraordinary.

Mosan strode forward and walked past Mark's side.



It seemed that there was an inexplicable change, Mo Sang didn't know.

However, he found that the other Awakeneds who were surrounded by extraordinary pressure, their faces were pale, and their backs were difficult to straighten, at this moment, it was as if a fish jumped out of the water, and the cold and stern eyes converged on the dozens of Mosang people.

The faces of Mark and the others, who had been stunned and had difficulty even moving, had returned to their rosy complexion. Hundreds of people spread out in an instant, surrounding a dozen Mosang people.


The cold sweat brushed and slipped off!


What should I do if I was sold by my teammates and surrounded by enemies?

Online waiting, super urgent!


high altitude,

Chao Chao from the Duke of Morton's mansion was panicked.


If it weren't for being idle and bored, or if Becky was a junior he was very optimistic about, he didn't plan to follow.

Just a new entertainment venue.

In the capital, there are not one thousand, but eight hundred.

It's not a secret place, how could it be possible to send elites to guard it.

Even in the Scarlet Colosseum, the permanent resident is only a hundred-person team ranging from six to ten.

Only the warehouses for storing food and equipment, or important places such as the work and experiments of the masters, are heavily guarded.

In the face of a mere entertainment city, hundreds of elites drawn from the guards of the Duke's Mansion are enough to look up to them.

But still planted.

Even Becky, who was very optimistic about him and possessed extraordinary possibilities of achievement, was defeated on the spot.

The person who defeated Becky and broke through the extraordinary possibility is not small.

for a moment,

This extraordinary man from the Duke's Mansion has a killing intent.

Now that we have taken action to suppress it, we will do it more thoroughly. Other ants are extraordinary and don't care, they may break through and become Mark who exists at the same level as himself, and cannot stay.

He was about to make a secret shot.

It's a thrill!

There is a strong enemy, peeping in the dark.

The Duke's Mansion Chaofan was ready to meet the enemy, and his perception spread, but he could not find the figure of the enemy peeping in secret.

And the shadow of death shrouded in his body is getting stronger and stronger.

Except when the Kuroshio broke out, when he was fighting with a terrifying dark creature, he had never felt so flustered.


Becky was tied up, and Mosan walked out from behind the scenes with the rest of his hands.

He is the backing of Mosan and others.

"I am a noble noble, and I cannot escape!"

"Don't hide, come out for me!"

"I-I'm not afraid of you!"


The extraordinary spirit of the sky has been stretched to the limit, and the murderous intentions coming from all directions made his brain almost crash.

In the face of danger, how to choose?

Instinct made the choice for him.

In the next instant, he turned into a streamer and fled far away.


at this time,

Inside the Dark Tavern.

Soft and soothing music echoed.

Most of the customers in the tavern have turned into onlookers, and the once lively night tavern has suddenly become deserted.


The bartender was not Lorraine, but several apprentices she brought out.

As a full-time bartender, part-time sniper, bartender... Of course, you can do it when you want to do it, and when you don't want to do it, just touch the fish.

Otherwise, what's the use of having an apprentice?

Anyway, as the proprietress, she invested in technology, and the dividends did not run away.

Lorraine, who was studying gambling in the room, naturally noticed the movement outside.

But anyway,

Not a big problem.

She was too lazy to do it, otherwise, wouldn't the hard training of Zapor's men be in vain?

This is for their sake.

So Lorraine rolled over lazily, flipping the playing cards in her hand.

Until that extraordinary breath covers.

Lorraine glanced up, her eyes seemed to pass through the ceiling and saw the man standing in the air.

"Dare to make trouble in my mother's territory?"

Her space ring flashed.

A silver-colored firearm was held in her hand.

The body of the gun was like water, and countless intricate notches disappeared in a flash.

Lorraine held up her magic-level sniper rifle, with the muzzle pointing upwards at a 75-degree angle.

"Ignore Space"

"Absolute Hit"

"Power Shot"

The transcendence in the sky has been locked away.

With the passage of time, the power of this gun will become more and more powerful, even if the vitality is extraordinary, even if the body is stacked with layers of defense...

Under this absolutely hit shot, he will surely fall.

This is Lorraine's inheritance profession, and when Voldemort makes a move, there must be blood splashing.

In the end, she didn't make a move, and was still escaped by the extraordinary figure.

After all, slaughtering Chaozhuan can't change money... If she plans to make a move, she can completely restrain her killing intent and secretly accumulate gas. Only when the bullet is fired can she be detected.


Entertainment City, Plaza.

Mo Sang and more than a dozen people did not resist, and were consciously tied into zongzi.

Since you are surrounded, you should just surrender.


Becky's people, not only were beaten until their skin was blue and swollen, but they also fainted. In contrast, they still retained a little noble dignity...

Don't be afraid of being miserable, just be afraid that no one is worse than you.

For a moment, Mo Sang felt a sense of relief.

Mark divided dozens of people to guard the prisoners, and the rest were scattered to maintain order.

Perhaps this group of troublemakers did not dare to attack the nobles, except for a few who were too weak and were stunned by extraordinary coercion, most of them did not panic, and actively cooperated with Mark and others to maintain order.

This drama is very exciting.

It makes all the nobles who seem to be in pain, extremely satisfied.

The other free people and mercenaries, facing the green and shaded entertainment city with an obvious background, no one dared to touch the brows of the entertainment city at this time.

Unless it is intended to be company with those lying on the ground.

The losses were quickly counted.

Most of those who were beaten were shops near the entrance. The shop owners saw that the situation was not good, and most of them fled immediately, and not many were injured.

On the contrary, several hired mercenary groups stood on the front line, and there were many Awakeneds who were seriously injured, dying, or even killed.

Mark poured the diluted recovery medicine into the wounded's mouth one by one.

——It will not be too powerful to attract attention, but it can also hang the lives of these wounded mercenaries and help them recover slowly.

In a dying state, the few mercenaries whose breath was as weak as a candle in the wind immediately stabilized their wounds, and they were quickly bandaged with "hemostatic bandages" produced by Luyin.

Even if it is diluted, the effect of the medicine is still good, and some mercenaries who were seriously injured can already stand up.

It's just those mercenaries who died and their breath completely disappeared, but they couldn't be saved.

With guilt, Mark said to the heads of several mercenary regiments.

Several regiments had sorrow in their eyes, but they did not complain at all.

They have long been accustomed to plotting against each other between nobles, and this is the meaning of their free mercenary existence.

As early as the moment they became mercenaries, they were ready to die.

The mercenaries seem to be beautiful, and they don't have much respect for the nobles in their words, but they are also sad. Once caught by the guards of the nobles, it is not easy to die easily.

It is their duty to be hired by Luyin and stationed in the entertainment city.

"...It's just that we are not good at learning skills. Sir, you still took out so many precious medicines. We don't know how to thank you anymore."

The leader who spoke was very excited.

Without the medicine, many brothers who were dying and seriously injured would have difficulty surviving.

For their mercenaries, even a bottle of primary medicine that can only treat trauma is difficult to obtain... Only nobles have the financial resources to train pharmacists, and the knowledge of pharmacists is firmly in the hands of nobles , and most of the medicines were only circulated among the nobles.

They knew how precious the potion that even the dying could salvage back.

After selling them, they can't even buy one or two.

Now it is used a lot on them.

A seriously injured mercenary, seeing the green eyes of the noble staring at the potion not far away, was so frightened that Gollum hurriedly swallowed the potion.

On the one hand is very grateful.

On the one hand there is some guilt.

These mercenary groups with good reputation are indeed different from most free mercenaries. Even in the face of strong enemies, they fought to the end, and only a few people escaped.

Good quality.

Mark thought for a while, "Are you planning to join Luyin Entertainment City and become part of the guards here, instead of being hired as mercenaries?"


Time passes by every minute,

Holding the time, a standard hourglass will finish in about half an hour.

The patrolling corps, the patrolling team in this area, began to move in the direction of Green Shade Entertainment City.

"There's nothing going on right now. It seems that Lord Mosang and the others have already done the work."

"Next, it's time for our inspection legion to appear."

The captain was in high spirits.

He could imagine that the Green Shade Entertainment City at this time was probably in ruins.

These people, while maintaining order, can also take advantage of the fire to rob.

after all,

At this time, there are no guards in the entertainment city. Most of the customers have fled, and a few are still in the entertainment city. They can also drive those people away in the name of maintaining order and investigating the scene.

It's only an hourglass, and it's impossible for Mr. Mosang and the others to pack and take away all the things in the entertainment city, there must be residues.

For example, Yuanjing, such as some valuable things in shops, are their goals.

Several hundred teams of patrolling regiments in the vicinity converged.

The commander who possesses the strength of the Awakening Stage Dzogchen waved his hand, "Encircle the entire entertainment city, and anyone who dares to resist will beat me to the death..."

Leading a few steps, came to the front of the entertainment city.

glanced over,

Suddenly stunned.

On the left and right sides, many shops were smashed, and even the whole small building collapsed into ruins.

It was as he expected.


What's going on ahead?

The buildings of the entertainment city are still standing, and the source lamps of various colors are shining.

People come and go, bustling.

There are nobles in gorgeous silk and satin, mercenaries in leather armor, and freemen in burlap shirts... and entertainment city guards in black combat uniforms with a strong breath.


There was still some blood and debris on the ground.

How come the guy who was dragged away like a dead dog over there looks familiar?

The leader's brain is a little bit hard to turn around.

With the arrival of the patrolling corps, and the loud shout.

on the square,

Countless eyes swept over.

It fell on the face of the commander of the inspection regiment.

He froze instantly.

In the embarrassing atmosphere of confusion, the commander bowed his head:

"Hit, disturb."


royal capital,

Another calm.

The Duke of Morton's Mansion, which had suffered from a dull loss, didn't do anything more.

Everyone is guessing, who is the person standing behind Luyin Entertainment City.

"You are sure that there are extraordinary guards in the entertainment city."

"Yes, yes, that person is extremely strong. I fought against him in the air, but was completely suppressed. I had no choice but to retreat."

The extraordinary who appeared that day lowered his head, paused and said, "I... I think that person must be a senior extraordinary."

Archduke Morton's eyes flickered.

In the capital, there are not many senior and extraordinary forces.

Which of them is capable of making fantasy games like raising kun?




The one on the throne nodded slightly after listening to the report.

"A little fantasy game, don't care."

"It's... it's better."

"Are you ready for the sacrificial ceremony in half a month?"

He played with a green bud in his hand.

Suddenly stood up, breath like abyss.

Like a real gaze, it seems to pierce through layers of space.

Landed on a devastated ruin.

In the middle of the ruins, there is a dead tree.

Thanks to "qwerazcc" for the reward of 500 coins. . . . .

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