My Doomsday Territory (My Apocalypse Domain)

Chapter 529: Infiltrating the Marquis Mansion

According to the meaning of the great sages, those ancient nobles who have inherited countless years have many branches of the world in their hands.

Some are completely idle in the treasure trove.

If they can come up with high-value bait and have the strength as a guarantee, they will have the opportunity to exchange with these ancient nobles and obtain the branches of the World Tree.

The great sage believed that Tang Yu, who met countless opportunities and established the Green Shadow Entertainment City, must have some good things on hand.

Although he has no possessions, the knowledge in his mind is still of high value and can be used to trade with ancient nobles.

As for the precepts of the royal family and the great sage, some core knowledge must not be passed on to outsiders, and the great sage cannot care about it.

The world is about to be destroyed, even if the ancestors have spirits, they should not blame him.


Tang Yu decisively rejected the Great Sage's proposal.

not digging,

With the virtues of those nobles, even if the proposal of the great sage is feasible, how many branches of the World Tree can be obtained just by trading?

How much time will it take?

This thing, not online shopping, a little bit is ok.

At least the two sides have to test each other, constantly wrangling with items of considerable value, and it is not possible to rule out the possibility of black and black - for the great nobles, the rule that no king can use force is the same as nothing.

Let Tang Yu describe it, that is two words, trouble.

"It's over when it's time to go and make a complicated plan for Mao ┓(`)┏."


Reckless is reckless, but Tang Yu will not underestimate those ancient nobles.

The formation with the branches of the World Tree as the core can greatly improve his strength, and he has seen it in Geer City.

Yugel City has only collected two or three hundred years of 'popularity'.

The ancient aristocrats of the royal capital have more extensive territories, and their heritage has been accumulated for hundreds and thousands of years. The formations are also more high-end. In addition to blessing the 'popular' formations, he believes that there are various other ways to do it. The large formation that restricts the enemy—on the mainland of Aino, the technology tree is almost all on the formation.

To be on the safe side, he went to the Frost White Earl's Mansion again, and asked the earl to try to activate the formation to give the senior extraordinary boost compared to the 'popularity'.

Gradually, there is a bottom line in my heart.

"There are still some things to prepare."

He guessed,

Unless it can be directly crushed, the fluctuations in the battle between the extraordinary are easy to detect.

The secrets of the royal family have been known, but at this stage, the vigilance of the mastermind behind the scenes should still be avoided, which is why the great sage proposed to start from the side.

Tang Yu did not unconditionally trust the Great Sage, the old man who didn't seem to be threatening.

After finding an excuse, let the great sage go to the Green Shadow Entertainment City for a walk.

With the help of the ability to identify the enemy and the enemy, he soon saw that the green light on the head of the great sage was particularly dazzling... He was relieved.


After two days,

On the surface, the capital was calm, but in the dark, there were some undercurrents surging.

In less than ten days, it will be the sacrificial ceremony, and the people in the inner city and the outer city are all busy.

"Thank you for the generosity of the noble lord."

"The sacrificial ceremony, just come a few more times."

"Yeah, as long as you participate in the sacrifice, everyone can get a lot of food, and this day will be much easier."

On the streets, civilians are in a hurry.

Even the free mercenaries in leather and chain armor are busy for the ceremony - the mercenary union has corresponding tasks, and the rewards are all provided by the wealthy royal family.

Tang Yu, wearing a black cloak, was walking down the street.

The personal realm is open, and the eyes are slightly squinted, faintly, as if to see, the civilians walking through the street, an invisible air emerges from their bodies, and slowly floats to the sky.

This is not a real power, but it can be used as nutrients for the World Tree.

Today, the sacrificial ceremony led by the royal family, instead of collecting money from the commoners, distributes food, so that many people living in poverty are grateful.

The soil that was originally nourishing the World Tree, in turn, can also be used to devour the World Tree.

After a few glances, Tang Yu took a step forward and continued to move forward.

This is the inner city. After turning a few streets, from a distance, you can see the building complex in front of you, the tall courtyard walls, and the grand gate of the mansion.

This is a marquis mansion.

Covers an area of ​​at least 10,000 square meters.

At a glance, there is no end in sight.

"Marquis of Bolton's Mansion, the strength is among the marquis of the capital, but it is lower than average."

Tang Yu took the information of the Marquis Mansion, and swept his eyes line by line, "There are five famous extraordinary people in the Marquis Palace, among them, Marquis Bolton, who has entered the senior extraordinary life soon, his strength is similar to that of Earl Frostbai, but it is said that there is another one who survived for seven or eight years. The century-old senior is extraordinary, and the strength is not bad.

The five extraordinary people spend most of their time in retreat and practice in the mansion. That is to say, once you disturb the people in the marquis mansion, you will probably face these five extraordinary people with buffs. "

Looking to the side, two figures also wearing black cloaks.

One's face was wearing a skull mask, the other was wearing wide sunglasses, and a cigarette was still in his mouth, swallowing clouds of mist.

The two are Gray Blade and Shay.

As a lord, Tang Yu had no intention of doing it himself. It was only his first robbery, and he was not very skilled. To be cautious, he came to the vicinity of the Marquis' Mansion to make a sound.

After the confession, Hui Ren and Xie Yi pulled their hoods up, and they disappeared without a trace in a flash.


Inside the Marquis of Bolton.

There are many guards, wearing fine rune armor, long knives and small round shields, patrolling back and forth in the mansion.

A squad of five, a squadron of fifty.

Squadrons are often responsible for patrolling a certain area, and among them, the squadron leader also has the ability to awaken the advanced level.

This is the background of the great aristocracy.

There are free mercenaries sneaking in from time to time in the mansion of the minor nobles, but the large nobles like Marquis Bolton, the mere free mercenaries, have no ability to sneak in at all. Being killed directly is all light.

Today, however,

The two figures swaggered around, and a group of guards passed by not far from the two, but they didn't notice it at all.

"Your "Shadow Sneak" is not bad, you can create your own Shadow Sneak under the sun. "

Xie Yi thanked him and looked down. At this time, there was a black shadow under the feet of the two of them. Not only did they completely suppress their figures and breaths, but even their voices would not be transmitted.

Sure enough, it is a stealth skill.

Shay has nothing to envy, he only admires the art of explosions.

"There should be Marquis Bolton's treasure house in front. I don't know if there are any branches of the World Tree in it."

"Go in and have a look and you'll know." Hui Ren said lightly.

As it approached the treasure house, there were more guards patrolling, almost three steps, one post, five steps and one post. Unlike the guards who were chatting and laughing outside, the guards around the treasure house had a solemn expression, and the lowest level had the breath of the ninth-level peak.

But to no avail.

Even the Awakening Rank Dzogchen can't detect the gray blade Shay who walked by.

The two walked to the treasure house.

A door made of extraordinary metal on one side closed tightly.

A faint stream of runes flickered.

Gray Blade raised his head, "It's a little troublesome. Although I have some wall-piercing skills, I can't penetrate this gate, and the surrounding walls are the same, with runes of high level engraved on them."

"Then..." Xie Yi thought for half a second, "Forcibly break it, anyway, it's okay to be exposed, you don't want to complete the task directly by sneaking in, right?"

Gray Blade nodded slightly, and directly lifted the shadow sneak shrouded in the two of them.

feel the breath of the living,

The guard who was close, turned his head sharply, his mouth opened, and he was about to shout.


The shadow behind the guard, however, seemed to come alive, suddenly elongated, like a black snake wrapping around the guard's neck and twisting.



Whether near or far, the more than 200 elite Awakeners stationed in the treasury all stopped and fell to the ground with the same movement the next moment.

Gray Blade shrugged, "Whoever said infiltrated, can't be forcibly demolished."

He directly picked up a set of anti-alarm devices developed by Green Shade and attached them to the four corners of the metal gate of the treasure house. The anti-alarm devices started to operate, and a faint light shot out, forming a rectangular frame. Within the frame, even if the gate was damaged, The internal alarm device will not be triggered.


Ash Blade pulled out the dagger, the faint source halo dissipated, and he stretched out his hand and waved.

The silent, alloy gate made of high-grade metal cracked a huge gap, enough for two people to enter.

ten minutes later,

The treasury was emptied, and those that could not fit in the space ring were sent back to the secret base in the suburbs of the capital by Huiren and Shay directly with the City Return Scroll.

"Unfortunately, there are no branches of the World Tree, let's go, hurry to the next treasure house."

The Marquis Mansion is huge, and the treasures accumulated over countless years are even more difficult to count.

The treasure house in the mansion is far more than one place.

The two of them learned the location of some treasure houses through the information they had investigated in advance and the news of infiltrating the mansion to find out.

Second place,

Third place,

Although the branches of the World Tree have not yet been found, they have still harvested a lot. Even if the equipment is not included, the value of various precious minerals and medicinal materials alone exceeds 10 million source crystals. There are many things that are not found on earth!

Surprised, Tang Yu didn't stay outside the Marquis' Mansion any more, and went straight back to the base to count the harvest.

And at this moment,

Gray Blade and Shay also came to the fourth treasure house of the Marquis' Mansion.

This treasure house is located deep underground and is more heavily guarded.

The two gradually approached the treasury, and suddenly all around the passage, one by one, the runes lit up, and the gray blade was forced out before the "Shadow Sneak" was released.

There was also a noise outside.

The body of the guard who had been infiltrated by Wushuang Wushuang before was finally discovered, which alarmed the entire Marquis Mansion.

The siren blared.

In the distance, one, two, three... The extraordinary breath rose and approached rapidly.

The two have been completely exposed.

Ash Blade, who has always advocated sneaking in, touched his nose and looked at Shay, "You won, it seems that it can only be solved by violent means."

Shay ignored the guards guarding the underground treasure house, and didn't bother to do anything to these people. The gun turned into a hand cannon and blasted a big hole directly.

The two rose into the air.

Several extraordinary people flew from a distance, and Qi Ji locked them.

Shay took a breath. "It's good to be like this in the morning, just to try out the explosive art I recently created with these people."

Two more failures, I am guilty o(╥﹏╥)o. . .

Thank you for the 2,000-coin reward of "I Remember Mo Xin'an", and the 100-coin reward of "Thief Shengde" and "Book Friends 20190202151949539". . .

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