My Doomsday Territory (My Apocalypse Domain)

Chapter 532 Black Robe Organization

The person who presided over the party was Marquis Henry, a veteran and extraordinary.

At extraordinary gatherings, sometimes a few words can decide a major event, but more often, it is some worthless chat, and between extraordinary people, not every family has a harmonious relationship.

"Your granddaughter has also reached the age to talk about marriage, how about it, do you want to consider my second son, he has the strength of the awakening stage Dzogchen."

"Fuck you, your second son is almost 100 years old, can you be a little overwhelmed in your heart!"

"My son came to visit two days ago, but he was closed. Why, you have closed the door recently? Marquis Turner too."

"More than that, Marquis Bolton's Mansion, Marquis Bell's Mansion, and Marquis Shelley's Mansion have all closed their doors recently. I thought you wouldn't receive an invitation letter for this party. Is there any secret?"

"Is the Marquis Shelley well recently? Wasn't he the most active at such gatherings in the past?"

The ordinary extraordinary who was questioned was a little hesitant.

Originally, his status in the mansion was not high, but now most of the people around him are senior and extraordinary, and the inadvertent wisps of aura made the extraordinary man of Shelley's mansion kick in his heart, like an ordinary person in a wolf. Same as in the group.

"Lord Marquis, Marquis is in retreat recently."

"No, he even invited me to drink a few days ago, but I didn't go. Besides, it's important to have a party in retreat?"

"In... Lord Marquis, his retreat this time is more important, no, it's not easy to disturb."

Transcendent conversations in twos and threes,

At this time, Marquis Henry, who was in the first seat, suddenly said, "Marquis Shelley, probably can't come."

"You, what did you say?" The ordinary extraordinary heart jumped.

"Marquis Bell, Marquis Qi Qi, it should be the same."

After he glanced over, he said in a deep voice, "I think it's better to be open and honest. I believe it's not an individual who has suffered like that."

The voice fell,

Some people are expressionless, some complexion changes slightly, some look left and right...

As a noble, the most important thing is the history and honor of the family.

When an unknown enemy broke into the mansion, it was like being in a no-man's land. No one wanted to say this.

In addition to his face, he is more worried about being seen by others and seeing the weakness of his family.

All secretly watching others.

After a pause, Marquis Henry spoke again, "There are not many people invited to this party, since you don't want to disclose it, let me speak first.

That's right, just yesterday, two people broke into my mansion. They were dressed in black robes, and their strength was particularly terrifying. Moreover, they did not match any of the known transcendents in the capital at present!

I will stop here. If you are willing to be open and honest, you can continue to talk. If you are not willing, you can leave. However, I have invited a few of you here. In some respects, I am quite sure. "

Several extraordinary people looked at each other.

After a short period of observation, many people became more and more certain.

Perhaps, his own experience is not the only one, and the others present are likely to be brothers in distress.

To say that I don't hate the mysterious man who emptied his treasure house would be a joke.

Silence for a few minutes,

It was Marquis Bolton who spoke first, "Yes, five days ago, I also encountered the same situation, although we fought with those two mysterious people for a long time, but in the end, we were no match for them and were taken away. Lots of things."

As soon as the voice fell, the other extraordinary finally loosened the strings in their hearts and spoke one after another.

"So did we. We were attacked by a mysterious person just the day before yesterday. Those two are really strong. Although we have a lot of people, in the end, we lost a lot of money because of the difference in chess."

"Hey, we have a large array to guard, but unfortunately the two of them are too slippery. They just don't fight us head-on, looting a treasure house of us, and then escape..."

"We also ran into the mysterious man, and we did our best to finally hurt one of them. Unfortunately, they sneaked into the mansion before, stole some treasures, and couldn't keep them..."


"Eh? Are you that strong?"

There are honest people who are extraordinary and staring at the people around them.

Aren't we all about the same strength? Their patriarch was dealt with by the Heipaoren with three moves. How, how could other clans fight evenly with the Heipaoren, and even wounded such a powerful enemy?

Have you been at home for too long and become weaker?

Marquis Bolton was expressionless and sneered inwardly.

Ha ha,

One by one blows to the sky!

Why don't you say that you will repel the man in black robe!

Also hurt the black-robed man? He looked at the ordinary extraordinary who spoke, and their family was probably killed if not the patriarch.

"Cough cough!"

Marquis Henry interrupted the others, "The purpose of convening everyone this time is to find out the strength of the mysterious man so that we can take appropriate measures, so I hope that you can share the information truthfully, but anyone who exaggerates..."

His eyes showed cold light, and a tyrannical aura radiated out.

The three ordinary extraordinary shrank their necks, and the other extraordinary extraordinary also closed their mouths.

Offending Marquis Henry is not very good, especially when the power of the family is damaged.

It's okay to tell the truth, anyway, it's not just him who is embarrassed.

"The two men in black robes we met, one tall and the other short, was the only one who shot at that time. He was good at kendo, and his sword qi was extremely fierce. In normal battles, I'm afraid I won't be able to survive three moves."

A senior transcendental Daoist, he was actually hit hard with one move, but even if he told the truth, he had to beautify it a little. He was afraid that others would hear something strange, so he continued without pausing, "Later, we started a big formation, which is very powerful. Up, and with the help of the field power of the Great Array, he suppressed the opponent, but guess what?"

"The black-robed man holding two swords has also expanded his realm, right?" Another senior transcendental said, "It is clear that our momentum after soaring is stronger than that of the mysterious man, but we are still directly crushed by the opponent's sword field. already."

Three of the ten people met with Sora and Oguri.

The shots are basically empty, in order to sharpen their own swordsmanship.

However, several other extraordinary people were a little puzzled when they heard it.

"Wait, aren't the two men in black robes about the same height, short, fat and thin? Didn't they use firearms?"

"That's not right, those two men in black robes are obviously women, so you can't even tell the difference between men and women?"

"In terms of breath, the man in black robe is obviously a senior and extraordinary, right? Why is he so much stronger than us? Don't you wake up?!"

"Not only are they powerful, but they are all supernatural soldiers! Combat uniforms, weapons, black robes, I suspect even the sunglasses and masks are magical soldiers. Anyway, no matter how intense the battle, the mask was never destroyed."

After sharing the information, even the organizer of the party, Marquis Henry, who thought he had the most information, was extremely surprised.

The mysterious powerhouse who suddenly appeared, thought that two would be enough.

It turned out to be six!

There are two of them who have never made a move!


There are more people in black robes, but they just didn't let them meet!

"Where did it come from, and what is their purpose!"

"I have to figure out the identity of the mysterious person, I don't want to worry any more!"

"I guess they, I'm afraid they are not from the capital, so they suddenly appeared!"

"Impossible, I'm afraid there are only those monsters left in the outside world. What's more, other than our capital, where else can such masters be born?!"

"I once heard about a scandal about the royal family. It seems that some members of the royal family split up and left the capital... You can't talk nonsense about this."

"Anyway, we have to find a way to deal with these mysterious people, and we can't let them break into our mansion at will!"

In the heated discussion, some feasible methods have also been drawn.

Marquis Henry proposed, "I think each mysterious person should be given a code name so that we can analyze and study this mysterious organization. It is impossible for everyone to be called a mysterious person."

at last,

Shay, who often appeared on the stage with a cigarette in his mouth, was replaced by the "smoker".

Sora, who owns the domain of the sword, was replaced by the name "Swordsman".

Fanny, who wore a wolf mask, was replaced by the "Wolf Girl".

Lorraine's codename, "Gunman".

The code name of the gray blade, "Shadow".

The bamboo rat chestnut, who didn't take much shots, was replaced by the "dwarf" because of his short stature.

And because the mysterious people all appeared in black robes, after a unanimous vote, Marquis Henry named this group of mysterious people...

"Black Robe Organization"!

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