My Doomsday Territory (My Apocalypse Domain)

Chapter 56 I'm Just a Soldier

Outside the wilderness, somewhere.

Several Awakeneds moved forward cautiously.

"Brother Tao, there is no danger, the demonized beast in front has left." An awakened person with a telescope observed for a while and quickly determined.

Several other people smiled, "This trip is really good, it's not far from our shade shelter."

"Yeah, in the past few times, which time did not spend a lot of time dodging demonized beasts, and sometimes fought with demonized beasts, bad luck was injured, and it also affected the speed of the road, this trip is good luck, cost There is a lot less time, maybe we can exchange the supplies and go back today instead of waiting until tomorrow.”

Captain Li Tao also showed a relaxed expression when he heard the words.

They are the Awakened Squad from another small shelter, Creekwood Shelter.

The Ximu Shelter and the Green Shelter, the two shelters are not far apart, and they communicate with each other.

On this trip, they brought some "specialties" of the Ximu Shelter, as well as some surplus materials, and wanted to exchange with the Green Shelter, and at the same time exchange some information.

Li Tao has the strength in the late stage of awakening, and is the top three masters in Ximu Shelter. In order to ensure the smooth exchange of operations, he leads the team every time, and he also wants to hurry up and go back.

after all,

Every minute in the wild is dangerous.

"Okay, don't ink, let's go quickly, we can rest for a while when we get to the shade shelter."

Even if they were vigilant at all times, the speed of several people was not slow, and it didn't take long for them to reach the periphery of the shade shelter.

However, Li Tao was a little confused at this time.

He has been to the shade shelter, but is there something wrong with the shade shelter in front of him?

As far as the eye can see, there are ruins everywhere.

Li Tao looked at the broken fence and the faintly visible footprints of demonized beasts, and suddenly his face changed, "Be careful! There may be a change in the shade shelter!"



The other people were not slow to respond, and quickly ducked to hide.

They hid behind a broken wall, cautiously vigilant around, but one minute passed, two minutes passed, ten minutes passed...

"Brother Tao, the situation doesn't seem to be right." A team member whispered, "If something really happened to the Green Shelter, it shouldn't be so quiet, or is it something that has passed?"

There was a little hesitation on Li Tao's face, and he pondered for a while, "Let's go, let's be careful, go in and have a look."

The environment inside the Green Shade Resort was no different from what they saw from the outside. Li Tao could even call out the original name of a dilapidated building. There was no doubt that the Green Shelter had suffered a disaster. According to various circumstances, it is very likely that it has encountered a magic tide.

Li Tao's expression changed.

The magic tide has always been synonymous with terror. If the Shade Sanctuary is destroyed by the magic tide, what about their shelter?

"It's just, why is it so quiet here, wait..." Li Tao frowned, "There are no corpses of demonized beasts and humans here!"

If the demonic tide destroys the shelter, even if the demonized beast leaves afterwards, there must be a corpse left, whether it is a human or a demonized beast. It was only at this time that he remembered that from the outside, the entire defense line of the sanctuary was in tatters, as if it had been trampled by a demonic tide, and he also saw some traces of dried blood. However, there was no human corpse.

This is very unscientific!

It's not too apocalyptic!

"Brother Tao, look over there, what is that?"

In the distance, an unknown creature with a round torso and thick and powerful arms was walking back and forth.

"Is it a demonized beast? It doesn't feel right." Li Tao swallowed and found that the chubby guy was looking at them, and immediately became alert.

He didn't sense any aura from Yuan Gun Gun's body, obviously it shouldn't be a demonized beast, but the situation was so strange that Li Tao didn't dare to take it lightly.

"Brother Tao, you said, could that be the legendary mechanic beast, puppet or something."

Some team members said so, and Li Tao felt the same.

Thinking of this, he also discovered some issues that had just been ignored, "The Green Shade Shelter should have survived from the magic tide, but the current situation shows that the Green Shade Shelter has suffered heavy losses from the magical tide, I am afraid it is Not many survivors survived."

"Yeah." Some of the team members felt it, which inevitably made them feel sad, "There are two or three thousand people in the shade shelter, but now, we have not seen a single figure along the way, I am afraid there are not many left. There are survivors, Brother Tao, can we still get in?"

They came here to exchange supplies with the Green Shade Shelter. Since the Green Shade Shelter is already cold, I am afraid that there is nothing to exchange.

"Go, why not go, at least we can find out what happened from the survivors who survived! Not to mention..."

Li Tao pointed to the chubby puppet in the distance, "There should be some masters alive in the shade shelter. Since this place is no longer safe, we can recruit the awakened people here to our shelter."


"As expected of Brother Tao."

"This is a win-win situation. Those awakened people must also want to change to a safe place, and our Ximu Shelter has more awakened people, and the living environment can be safer."

A figure in the distance approached quickly, and Li Tao smiled, "It seems that we guessed right, and the people in the shade have also discovered us."

After all, they were outsiders, they didn't move, they just stood there and waited, and at the same time, they kept their due vigilance - if the survivors met in the wild, they all had to worry about black and black.

Although Ximu and Luyin have always communicated, there is no guarantee that they will be safe. Of course, Li Tao does not think that the heavy loss of Luyin Shelter can pose many threats.

"We are from Ximu Sanctuary and want to make friends with you..."

Li Tao said, suddenly some stuck.

He felt something was wrong.

In the imagination, the few survivors of the Shady Shelter managed to survive the tide of magic. At this time, they should be wearing tattered clothes, and maybe they still have injuries on their bodies.

But the person who came was wearing a black combat uniform, carrying a long sword on his back, and a pistol hanging from his waist.

Wearing such a set of equipment on the body, at a glance, it gives people an elite and powerful feeling.

Look at themselves again, wearing ordinary clothes, because they have traveled through the 20 kilometers of wilderness, and they are in the dust. Compared with the two, it seems that they are the ones who struggled after the sanctuary was destroyed.

It shouldn't be like this!

How did the people of the Green Shelter suddenly become so well equipped?

In other words, this person is the current ruler of Sanctuary, so he is wearing the best equipment.

The person on the other side looked puzzled, "Ximu Shelter? I haven't heard of it. Forget it, I'll take you to see the person in charge. I'm just a soldier, don't care."

Li Tao: "??!"

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