My Doomsday Territory (My Apocalypse Domain)

Chapter 552 World Fruit on the World Tree


It has been nearly a year since the end of the world broke out, and both the awakened and the ordinary people have already adapted to today's life.

Viewed from the air, the Green City is not much different from a modern city except for the two inner and outer city walls.

There are many high-rise buildings, and the former resort area is a green-shaded commercial area. Many magnificent office buildings have been built. Many chambers of commerce, companies, and even adventure groups established after the end of the world have rented office buildings. room as its own office area.

——A slightly larger adventure group also has its own clerical and logistics workers. Whether it is handling commissions, receiving foreign guests, or collecting data about the personnel of the adventure group, etc., there is always an office location.

Well-known adventure groups with high-grade green shade, even outside the city, leased a large area to build their own station.

Outside the area of ​​the original resort villa, residential communities have been built.

Because the floating island is very safe, a large number of construction sites have been set aside outside the city, with a wide area and sufficient space, making the high-end residential quarters of high specifications.

There are small bridges, flowing water, strange rocks, and lush greenery. There are a few top-level residential quarters dedicated to high-end awakened people. There is also a gathering source array under the ground, making the whole community like a fairyland.

In contrast, for other large-scale shelters, the buildings can only be built within the city walls, and the land area is limited. Even a high-rise residential community cannot build a vast artificial lake - how can it be possible to waste a large area of ​​land just for appreciation. landscape?

only shade,

Because of this, some wealthy people who don't look forward to strength, for a better living environment, also moved from other shelters to the green shade, causing many high-level shelters to curse, but there is nothing they can do, it is impossible to provoke them. Affordable, I also hope that Luyin will reveal a little more strategic weapons in his hands!

A large influx of survivors into the green shade has contributed to the rapid development of the real estate industry.

Tang Yu originally planned to take all the real estate industry in his hands and slap a wave of wool, but as a result... the speed of construction of residential quarters is far less than the influx of survivors.

Often a new development community is looted as soon as it is released for pre-sale. People waiting in line at the sales office line up from the lobby to the door. It only eases in the afternoon, but in the evening, a large number of Awakened people return from hunting, and let it go. The line is long.

Unlike real estate companies before the end of the world who hired people to line up, today, there is not a little bit of moisture, and most people don’t ink. After seeing what feels right, they sign a lease or purchase contract.

As a result, for some time, the municipal department received a report from the residents that eight out of ten people complained that they could not buy a house.

After Tang Yu summoned Elaine and Chen Haiping to discuss, he decided to release the construction rights of some commercial houses.

The profits of ordinary residential areas are not as large as those of high-end residential areas. The construction rights are delegated and only high tax rates are charged. Profits have dropped a little, but they have become much easier, and it has further revitalized the green economy.

After that period, real estate companies, and various other companies, sprung up like mushrooms after the rain.

After thinking about it, high-end technology is in his hands, and the source crystal only flows in from the outside world, and there is no reason for it to flow out of the green shade, so he doesn't care.

Earning Yuanjing's big and small company boss, no need to spend? Don't need to continue to develop? The money will still be spent in Shady City.

The sales office of a top-level residential community is officially selling houses today, and people come to buy houses one after another. The number of people may not be comparable to that of the sales offices of ordinary residential communities. If you have the financial resources to buy a house here, every One can be said to be a boss.

There are Awakened people passing by, seeing the huge aura gathering here, and hurriedly walking past with frightened faces, even the staff in the sales office, many of them are also Awakened people, although the level is not high. That's it.

"Look, sir, this villa is not only surrounded by mountains and rivers, but more importantly, there is a three-level small gathering source array buried under it. The villa is also equipped with a medicine garden. The medicine garden has fertile soil and various elements. Grade soil, buying such a villa may require a lot of source crystals, but it is definitely worth the money.

Moreover, there are only ten villas of this level in the community..."

Opposite the salesperson is a bald man.

The man is the head of a large-scale adventure group. The strength of the adventure group is not up to the first line, but the scale is not small. In the high-level awakening, it is not as good as the shade of the dog, and it is considered a high-level person.

The bald man who has mastered at least one third of the property in the adventure group is also a kryptonite tycoon. He does not hesitate to go shopping for equipment on weekdays, but looking at the price of the villa, the corners of his mouth twitch faintly.

Top villas, no rental available, only full purchase.

Buy it, I feel like my pocket is empty.

Don't buy it, and I'm reluctant to give up the third-level Juyuan magic circle and the second-level medicine garden. If you miss it, wait for the next time. God knows how long it will take?

If the source crystal is not exchanged for strength, what is the use?

The bald man was very tangled, and the salesperson next to him did not urge him. Through the transparent floor-to-ceiling windows of the sales hall, he could see the picturesque scenery in the distance.


The bald man raised his head and looked into the distance.

In the center of Shady City, on the mountainside, he seemed to see a phantom shadow of a giant tree that penetrated the sky.

Blinking his eyes, he turned to look again, but only the blue sky and white clouds remained.

The bald man once suspected that he was hallucinating.

Is it because you have to empty your wallet and let your spirit become haggard?


The phantom of the giant tree appeared only for a moment.

Ordinary people, even if they just look at the center of the city, can't see the phantom of this giant tree. Only the awakened people with super perception can detect it.

It was fleeting, and most of them didn't take it to heart.

Only the extraordinary can clearly perceive that fleeting majestic power.

Luo Zhe, who was instructing training in the barracks, raised his head and smiled.

Yan Dingtian, who was promoted to a super tutor and was starting a class to earn extra money, suddenly got stuck while talking, his mouth slightly open.

Inside the "Tower of Knowledge", Aldington, who came to the green shade from time to time for academic exchanges, suddenly looked out the window, so frightened that his beard almost flew.

at the same time,

back mountain,


One after another brilliance fell, and the figures of Tang Yu and others appeared one after another.

[Ding! The migration of the World Tree is successful, and the lord can check the status of the World Tree by himself in the special panel. ]

He looked up.

The roots of the World Tree have been plunged into the mountain behind the castle.

The World Tree at this time, through the power of migration, has lost those infected parts, and is no longer half black and half green.

The whole world tree is lush and lush, with branches towering through the sky.

Completely reborn.

But because of this, the World Tree has lost a lot of power. Its height is only a few hundred meters, and its size is about one-tenth of the old capital.

Equivalent to a reduced version.

Tang Yu didn't care.

He has the confidence to grow the world tree fat...cough, tall and big, making it a real world tree.


Glancing over, he saw a different place on the World Tree.

How many branches have mellow fruits grown?

Can the world tree still bear fruit?


Can it make people soar in the daytime?

Tang Yu couldn't help but come up with thoughts one after another.

After a second perception, I found that those fruits contained heavy world power, as well as rules, which seemed to be... a small world of its own.

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