"Quick, quick!"

"The arrangement must be completed within three minutes!"

Teams of members of the garrison wearing standard combat uniforms, World Tree badges on their chests, and uniform intermediate space backpacks jumped out of several suspended personnel carriers and quickly traveled through the wilderness.

The rough ground, dense bushes and flourishing woods did not cause any obstacles to them, just like an ape, they leaped between the tree trunks and quickly reached their destination.

Under the command of each squad leader, the awakened guards of the garrison corps opened their space backpacks and took out all kinds of items for setting up defense facilities.

not far away,

More than a dozen awakened high-level earth-type abilities joined hands, raised the staff high, and the khaki light bloomed from the top of the staff. In an instant, the ground was buzzing violently, and within a few hundred meters in front of them, two trees and two trees appeared. The thirty-meter-high tree fell, and the earth seemed to turn into quicksand at this moment, swallowing everything.

Earth-based advanced spell "Quicksand Region"!

This time it is cast, but it is not to kill the enemy.

The quicksand lasted for more than ten seconds, and gradually expanded. Within a thousand meters, the trees were emptied, and visible to the naked eye, the ground in the central part sank, and the periphery gradually rose.

After counting the interest,

The quicksand has solidified into hard soil and stone, and in front of you is a small basin with hard and smooth stone walls around the basin.

"Quicksand Area" is a large-scale killing and trapping spell, derived from the Holy City. After the transformation, the garrison prefers to use it in changing the terrain, especially when setting up defense lines.

In a sense, it can also be divided into construction spells.

After the topography of the basin was formed, the members of the garrison corps quickly stepped forward and inserted pillars into the soil and stones in a semicircular shape to wrap the basin.

The column made a sizzling sound, and soon, the blue-purple Thunder Shield spread out along the column, connecting into one piece. Only on the opposite side of the basin, towards the floating city, was there a gap.

At the back are the temporarily constructed city walls, portable weapons of war, etc., in the hands of the members of the garrison, they dexterously change their forms and quickly arrange them on the defense line.

Source crystal guns, rune guns and other weapons, the black hole's shooting port points to the center of the basin.

From the moment they received the task, took the suspended personnel carrier, and laid out the defense line... The process was carried out quickly and in an orderly manner. It only took two and a half minutes to complete the layout of a defense line.

The commander smiled and poured his mental energy into the communication crystal ball to report the situation.

Hundreds of meters away from the defense line is a two-way four-lane road. After the green-shaded defense circle was built, most of the roads were repaired and reopened, and there were many Awakeneds and caravans coming and going every day.

On the side of the road, there happened to be a transfer station.

At this time, it was close to noon, and there were not many people coming and going, but there were still many survivors in the transfer station.

The transit station in the hinterland has not built a city wall. Many sharp-eyed survivors exclaimed when they found the defense line that was quickly set up in the distance.

There are also members of the garrison corps in the transfer station, but they are only second-line. They have not yet received the summons, and they are also confused. They just follow the corps manual, the emergency handling method, hurriedly maintain order, and organize the survivors to evacuate in the opposite direction—— After all, this transit station is not a fortress.

one second,

five seconds,

Ten seconds passed,

There was no movement in the distance, and we could only vaguely see the figures of the Awakened Corps standing tall and straight.


"Look in the sky, there is red fog!"

An Awakened exclaimed.

Red fog, they are too familiar! Everyone is familiar with it!

"Isn't the red fog appearing near the abyss crack? Wait..."

"Could it be that our Shady City predicted the appearance of the abyss crack? But I've never heard of one that could be predicted in advance..."

The voice did not fall,

The red fog floating in the sky suddenly thickened a lot, as if it was about to congeal into blood droplets.


The earth cracked open, and dark red lines spread.


One after another demonized beast rushed out of the crack, and as soon as it emerged, it was smashed by rune bullets.

The members of the garrison are excited!

The city lord really predicted the abyss crack, and even the range was extremely accurate.

Taking advantage of the geographical advantage and the defensive line, hundreds of awakened guards stably blocked the offensive of the demonized beasts.

At this time,

A huge pseudo-transcendent demonized beast with wings on its back flew out flapping its wings.

Its scarlet pupils stared at the defense line below, spitting black flames, and the outermost Thunder Shield made a sizzling sound under the impact of the black flames.

The commander's expression didn't change, he just said lightly, "Start the seduction plan."

the other side,

Approaching the floating island.

Several honeycomb-shaped rune implements flew into the sky, and the invisible waves spread far and wide.

This is a special "wave" that imitates the high-purity human breath and has a fatal attraction to demonized beasts.

A few months ago, not long after the apocalypse broke out, Dr. Zheng developed an item that could lure demonized beasts. With Luyin's scientific research capabilities, it is very simple to create similar items, and the effect is even more effective.

The invisible waves were transmitted very quickly. The pseudo-transcendent demonized beast with wings on its back just used the members of the garrison corps on the ground as food. The next moment, it seemed to smell the most delicious food, and turned around and flew into the distance.

At the same time, there were many demonized beasts emerging from the cracks in the abyss.

Some were sniped by the awakened ones on the rear defense line to prevent the demonized beasts from spreading, and some flying demonized beasts were deliberately let go and flew toward the floating island.


floating island,

Tang Yu closed his eyes, but in reality, he was in full control from the perspective of God.

The abyss crack that appeared was of high level, with a length of nearly 400 meters. In just a few minutes, five disaster-level demonized beasts had emerged.

This is a good thing. The stronger and more demonized beasts are, the more they can test whether there are loopholes in the "space belt".

For several kilometers near the abyss crack, martial law has been imposed.

In addition to a group of 500 people stationed near the abyss crack, there are also many members of the garrison, scattered everywhere, to clean up the spread of demonized beasts.

He constantly observes the map of the territory, and also prevents the spread of demonized beasts - but he can't ruin the safest reputation of the green shade defense circle for one experiment.

One after another flying demonized beasts approached the floating island, which will no longer need to be attracted by props. In the green city, two or three million resident population gathered together, the smell of human beings is soaring, and the demonized beasts are red-eyed.

Looking out into the sky.

He suppressed the thought of letting the defensive buildings open fire and let the flying demonized beasts approach. Soon, he saw that those demonized beasts seemed to be in a quagmire. Although they were dissatisfied, it seemed that no matter how much they flapped their wings, they could not get close to the island.

This scene also attracted many survivors to watch.

Being on the safest floating island, even if it was a scene like a natural disaster, no one was worried, but some vendors pulled carts to the edge of the island to sell melon seed drinks.

The cracks in the abyss are still pouring out demonized beasts.


The red mist in the sky shrank for a while, and the large amount of magic tide was interrupted. After a few seconds, as the red mist spewed out again, several ugly and strange figures appeared above the crack.

No wings, standing quietly in the air.

The extraordinary breath is on display.

The strange figure headed by, with contemptuous eyes, swept the garrison corps not far away, and then turned to look into the distance.

The direction of the floating island.

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